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choggie (Member Profile)

KnivesOut says...

You talk like you're on the outside looking in, but whether you like it or not, you're plugged into the matrix too.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
I'm the first to admit that at times after re-reading some of my rants comes the feint odour of feminine products. I don't always speak in 3rd mate-I do tend to, on a thread that's another thematic circle-jerk like the last, and they usually involve pollitics.
Y'see, it is my unbiased observation that what most people think they know regarding how the socio-political minkfuck we have to suffer as cattle, is twisted train metal. People who are convinced they have a clue, given limited, false, or useless information bother me the most. Mind you, that's MOST people. There is no efficient way to determine the veracity of sources, content. NO WAY in the current paradigm. When something can be verified and is determined to be true, once the information has been confirmed and digested by the average joe, joe then realizes(or should realize) that the only power he has with which to respond is non-existent or ineffectual.

The talking heads are forced by their masters to perform a task; disseminating information that has been tampered with-edited to deliver a way of thinking-designed to keep the thoughtful watchers in a state of delusion and fear-structured not to deliver information profitable, wholesome, valuable or hopeful, but to keep the monkeys thinking they have a clue, and working hard at their jobbies so the machine keeps running perfectly for those who have created the nightmare we know, as modern society.

The machine is broken for all but those who run the show. You buy a new washing machine if the one you own fails to get stains off yer clothes.....don't editorialize, reminisce, or fantasize about the perfect world of working washing machines-Do this and continue to stink and look like shit when you leave the house.

I envision a world where in a brilliant flash of clear light, the entire planet's population creates an enormous "POP!".....the sound of everyone pulling their head out of each others' asses in a single moment.

In reply to this comment by KnivesOut:
Also, in regards to referring to yourself in the third person (I put some more thought into this on the way to work):

If you're talking about your VS avatar (choggie) as though he's a separate entity, then I can understand it. You're letting on that your online self is different from your IRL self, and everyone who uses forums/boards/sites/MMO games can understand the distinction between their "characters" and themselves. It's a nod to the fabrication that we all allow to exist. "This is me, but it isn't. <wink wink>"

If you're talking about you, yourself in the third person, then it just comes off as douchery. It's like you're putting your personality on a pedestal, and then asking, as a writer of a story might ask, what would this character do? "Well, choggie just doesn't do <blank>." It puts off the appearance of a calculation of message for maximum impact. You're going to say what you think choggie would say.

And in the end, isn't that just what you're accusing the talking heads of doing?

In reply to this comment by choggie:
I am not sure? What else is there to say about a choice to use or to not use a literary device when one feels so inclined? I offer a rebuttal to the pitchfork and torch crowd back on that lame news post (#9824735) which ,trumpeting the obvious and restating it ad-infinitum for what reasons beyond tree-pissing and clique-stroking, I would like to be able to stomach.

The enemy is not a dissenting observation or opinion. The enemy is anyone who offers such fare as something that is effectual, enlightening, or that nourishes the soul.
News. The pathetic drug of affordable convenience and control.

In reply to this comment by KnivesOut:
Speaking of yourself in the third person... what else is there to say?

Rachel Maddow Show 10/16/09 - More AFP

Rachel Maddow Show 10/16/09 - More AFP

Rachel Maddow Show 10/16/09 - More AFP

Zach Galifianakis - "The Gay Snake"

EndAll says...

>> ^foad:
^ hey, super, and would you say that the reason you were expecting that is because you suffer from profound deafness, or because you're just clueless in general? I have to say, due to your apparent ability to watch youtube clips, I am disinclined to suspect that it is the former. GAY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE LISPS. I'm so tired of explaining this to you slackjawed yokels. THITH ITH A LITHP, PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THITH ARE THUFFERING FROM A THPEACTH IMPEDIEMENT. Gay people don't talk like this because they don't have lisps!!! In fact, most gay people don't have any noticeable speech idiosyncrasies at all, but the ones who do, DON'T replace their s's with th's! They merely emphasize their S sounds in a feminine manner, like thissssss. Get a clue.

Lol, holy sheeeit.
I was just expecting it because he's a comedian and they're known to exploit stereotypes to get some laughs.

Zach Galifianakis - "The Gay Snake"

thinker247 says...

Sand is so difficult to remove from a vagina, but I'm sure your will is strong.

>> ^foad:
^ hey, super, and would you say that the reason you were expecting that is because you suffer from profound deafness, or because you're just clueless in general? I have to say, due to your apparent ability to watch youtube clips, I am disinclined to suspect that it is the former. GAY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE LISPS. I'm so tired of explaining this to you slackjawed yokels. THITH ITH A LITHP, PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THITH ARE THUFFERING FROM A THPEACTH IMPEDIEMENT. Gay people don't talk like this because they don't have lisps!!! In fact, most gay people don't have any noticeable speech idiosyncrasies at all, but the ones who do, DON'T replace their s's with th's! They merely emphasize their S sounds in a feminine manner, like thissssss. Get a clue.

Zach Galifianakis - "The Gay Snake"

foad says...

^ hey, super, and would you say that the reason you were expecting that is because you suffer from profound deafness, or because you're just clueless in general? I have to say, due to your apparent ability to watch youtube clips, I am disinclined to suspect that it is the former. GAY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE LISPS. I'm so tired of explaining this to you slackjawed yokels. THITH ITH A LITHP, PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THITH ARE THUFFERING FROM A THPEACTH IMPEDIEMENT. Gay people don't talk like this because they don't have lisps!!! In fact, most gay people don't have any noticeable speech idiosyncrasies at all, but the ones who do, DON'T replace their s's with th's! They merely emphasize their S sounds in a feminine manner, like thissssss. Get a clue.

To Live In The 1920's

Phonecium says...

Aww shucks! Was going to post this. By the way on of the songs in this montage is called, "Masculine Women and Feminine Men"
(E. Leslie - J.V Monaco)

Masculine women, feminine men,
Which is the rooster, which is the hen?
It's hard to tell 'em apart today! And, say!

Sister is busy learning to shave,
Brother just got a permanent wave,
It's hard to tell 'em apart today! Hey, hey!

Girls were girls and boys were boys when I was a tot,
Now we don't know who's who, even what's what!

Knickers and trousers, baggy and wide,
Nobody knows who's walking inside,
Those masculine women and feminine men!

Unattended Home Birth - The Final Glorious Moments

fjules says...

>> ^longde:
I think most women see child birth as a culmination of sorts, rather than a ruination.
Yeah, I think when you get older, you'll see things differently. Probably when you were younger, you thought kissing and sex were gross and disgusting, as well.

You feel good when kissing and sexing. You don't feel good when giving birth. It's painful as hell and women really get their health fucked up while bearing the child.

"I'm not with ya on that one. Women look gorgeous pregnant. Maybe its ingrained evolutionary results speaking from my reptilian brain. What could be more feminine than a big pregnant belly."
They do not look sexy at all. If women would look gorgeous while pregnant you would see pregnant women in the magazines and movies all the time. Apparently they are not that gorgeous after all. What's even worse is that their navel pushes out and looks uber gross.

"Please, lie down on the couch. Now then, tell me about your mother..."
What this has to do with mother?

Unattended Home Birth - The Final Glorious Moments

deathcow says...

> Pregnant women are gross

I'm not with ya on that one. Women look gorgeous pregnant. Maybe its ingrained evolutionary results speaking from my reptilian brain. What could be more feminine than a big pregnant belly.

Fat Guy in a little suit - dancing

arghness says...

Towards the end he actually had some reasonable moves going on, although obviously a bit feminine for a guy to be doing.

But *shiver* that outfit.

This Place Has Been Amazing, But It's Time To Leave :) (History Talk Post)

arvana says...

There have been a few times when I've backed away from active involvement in the Sift, because the general tone of comments didn't much appeal to me.  But it's ever-shifting and evolving, and never stays bad for long, so I hope your departure is only temporary, AC.  We need your feminine energies to balance out the site!

blankfist (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I apologize if you think I'm being insensitive. It's certainly not my intention. I thought maybe a quick "suck it up" could act as a verbal jolt to help you out a bit. You're obviously feeling aggrieved here. A couple of points I'd like to communicate:

1. If you're going to have a sensitivity dysfunction- "over sensitive" is preferable to "under".
2. Comparing BT to a lactating woman, and other female oriented slurs is kind of mysoginistic- it makes female traits into something unfavorable. It's disappointing to read this from you.
3. I appreciate your contributions to the community, but it's also disappointing to read you bring money into your arguments- as if I would let that be a factor in trying to make fair admin decisions for the community.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
So, I'm hobbled for baiting BT? Wow. I guess that feminine lady-man needs a papa to take up for him. Oh shit, was that also considered "baiting"? FUCK! I really suck at your rules!

Quit trying to turn yourself into a martyr, suck it up and take a deep breath.

No offense, Dag, but you ain't exactly the sweetest most understanding "ruler". You were a dick during your "Siftler" days, and the fact that you ask me to "suck it up" is appalling. I wish I could PM to say this, but I cannot during my hobble, so I have to air all my grievances in the open... I've donated a lot of money to this site and I've been a steady charter (purposely updated recently so I can pay the full amount instead of the BS 10 dollars a year or whatever the fuck it used to be).

Sorry if you think I'm playing the martyr, but I think you're a bit insensitive and unreasonable. And BT is a cry baby.

In reply to this comment by dag:
I thought I made this clear. I'm not hobbling you for being a racist. I don't think you are a racist. I'm hobbling you for repeatedly baiting a fellow Sifter- being grossly insensitve to another human being.

You can point out all the bad words on the Sift that you want. It's not about that- it's about being a jerk to another human being. Quit trying to turn yourself into a martyr, suck it up and take a deep breath.

dag (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

So, I'm hobbled for baiting BT? Wow. I guess that feminine lady-man needs a papa to take up for him. Oh shit, was that also considered "baiting"? FUCK! I really suck at your rules!

Quit trying to turn yourself into a martyr, suck it up and take a deep breath.

No offense, Dag, but you ain't exactly the sweetest most understanding "ruler". You were a dick during your "Siftler" days, and the fact that you ask me to "suck it up" is appalling. I wish I could PM to say this, but I cannot during my hobble, so I have to air all my grievances in the open... I've donated a lot of money to this site and I've been a steady charter (purposely updated recently so I can pay the full amount instead of the BS 10 dollars a year or whatever the fuck it used to be).

Sorry if you think I'm playing the martyr, but I think you're a bit insensitive and unreasonable. And BT is a cry baby.

In reply to this comment by dag:
I thought I made this clear. I'm not hobbling you for being a racist. I don't think you are a racist. I'm hobbling you for repeatedly baiting a fellow Sifter- being grossly insensitve to another human being.

You can point out all the bad words on the Sift that you want. It's not about that- it's about being a jerk to another human being. Quit trying to turn yourself into a martyr, suck it up and take a deep breath.

fucking asshat presents Feminism 101

peggedbea says...

pprt - so in other words you have zero evidence to support your claims. other than the notion of strong intelligent women pursuing careers outside the home offends and threatens your dinosaur mind.

hows this for you, ancient hunter/gatherer cultures were structured in an egalitarian fashion. women and men while serving different roles were seen as equally important and shared more or less equal amounts of power. they worshipped both male and female dieties. it wasnt until the evolution into agrarian societies with womens role being focused more on the home and domestic duities and less on food cultivation that the power structure shifted, as well as shift to worshipping mostly male dieties. and this of course eventually evolved into modern monotheistic relgions and the notion of original sin and an obsession with feminine submissiveness and sexual chastity, bondage.

what is this idea that none of the women with iqs over 100 are feminists?
total fucking bullshit.

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