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<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

gwiz665 says...

This is why chivalry is dead. When it becomes expected, it's no longer chivalry, it's a chore. It's the same way the other way, though. (What do you call that? Femmalry). It's fundamentally distorting what you're like to get laid, and I don't like that. Better to present yourself the way you are, in my book anyway.

>> ^peggedbea:if we're on our first date and you make no attempt to open doors for me or pick up the check or have good manners, that's our last date. i'm not sure why that's how it is. i am perfectly capable of doing those things for myself, but courting rituals are important and that's part of it. on the same coin, i'm expected to reciprocate by pretending you're fascinating and funny, not being opinionated, smiling politely, wearing make up, smelling nice, looking presentable, making polite conversation and being more conventionally feminine than i normally am. it's just part of the deal. i also used to feel bad having someone else pay for my shit, but apparently if i try to pay for my own stuff on a first date that's a signal that i just want to be "friends". these are cultural rules and they exist and most people abide by them. it's cool. .

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

you don't deserve to make more money than me for the same job and the same quality of work just because you have a penis. i can do more with my life than pop out babies and clean up your shit. my thoughts, ideas, opinions, feelings are just as valid as yours, as yours are as valid as mine. and blah blah blah blah you know all that

what remains of it, for the most part, is part of the courting ritual. if we're on our first date and you make no attempt to open doors for me or pick up the check or have good manners, that's our last date. i'm not sure why that's how it is. i am perfectly capable of doing those things for myself, but courting rituals are important and that's part of it. on the same coin, i'm expected to reciprocate by pretending you're fascinating and funny, not being opinionated, smiling politely, wearing make up, smelling nice, looking presentable, making polite conversation and being more conventionally feminine than i normally am. it's just part of the deal. i also used to feel bad having someone else pay for my shit, but apparently if i try to pay for my own stuff on a first date that's a signal that i just want to be "friends". these are cultural rules and they exist and most people abide by them. it's cool.
after a relationship is established the rules get more lax, i can pick up checks, i can open some of the doors, i can get more opinionated, you can act like more of a pig. as far as household chores go, if both people work to pay the bills then the chores should be split and how a couple chooses to split them is up to that couple. but i'd guess you're better at moving heavy objects and opening jars than i am. and i'm probably happier to scrub the toilet and fold the laundry. and you're still responsible to make each other feel special sometimes, and sometimes that means the traditional gender role courting game comes back into play.

common decency:
everyone should make way for everyone else and hold doors open if you get there first. regardless of gender. it's just being decent. it's like saying "i acknowledge your existence and i respect you", anything less is sheer rudeness. if i make it to the door first, i open the door. if an elderly person is slowly edging ahead of me to the door, i pick up my step and open it. if anyone is carrying something heavy or cumbersome to the door ahead of me, i step up and get the door. it doesn't matter what their gender is. out in public men do end up going out of their way more often to open doors for me, it's not necessary, but i do smile and say thanks and acknowledge it. and i do think it's polite. but i certainly don't just stand there and wait for some strange man to move his ass and get out of my way or open this silly door. i'm teaching both of my kids to open doors for other people and help other people with things in public, but i do emphasize "opening doors for ladies" more with my son. because gentlemen are appreciated (or should be). but my daughter is getting heavily schooled in respect and courtesy as well.

i'm sorry you have bitchy, attractive, spoiled neighbors. but chivalry and feminism aren't the issue.

choggie (Member Profile)

Botswana Music Guitar - Ronnie "Happy New Year Luie"


peggedbea says...

nah no way, let me clarify that
i see this video as parody, and i dont like it either, i downvoted it.
the original video (the one the video is parodying) was about feminine empowerment, and im cool with that, though embracing it means something completely different in my generation.

my point was that because i see sex differently, i dont really see the line between videos whos only redeeming quality was their ability to be sexualized (mostly in the minds of straight men, and not that thats bad or wrong or anything, its just what happens) and this. i know its graphic and stupid. but the line being drawn is kind of vague from that perspective, and i also feel much more strongly about that point as it relates to the eroticise video. but 2 threads is too much to keep track of.
does that make more sense?

TDS A few gay men and women

highdileeho says...

I don't understand what the republicans are so afraid of. Gays and lesbians are in the military. Nothing will change if this bill is passed, other than a change in civil liberties. Gays in the military will not become open in the military on any noticeable scale. Hell, it's not o.k for a soldier who has been in COMBAT to say that his experiences troubled him for fear that it would make him appear weak. When someone does admit combat stress he would be ostracized and cast out as being a fag; That is, when I served. If a homosexual admitted to being such, he/she would be verbally berated by peers and leaders, downgraded in their duties and their lives would be a living hell. Any gay or lesbian thinking about signing up should ask their recruter how they should handle it. They would tell them to never mention it again or risk total alienation. Bottom line, nothing will really change. I do agree with the bill. I think that it sets a precedent that they are equal and should not be descriminated against, especially since being gay or lesbian will not effect their performance despite common stereotypes. I have never seen a feminine male or female in the service. It takes a certain attitude to be willing to do what they do. Wow, that was the first almost positive thing Iv'e said on this site in a while. fells kind of good not to hate everything.


dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I feel you're making this into an issue of feminine empowerment- and I think that is over reach. We don't allow graphic sexual content on the Sift- that's all. If this was a bunch of guys sitting around stroking it - my response would be the same.

>> ^peggedbea:
i never said this wasn't the most graphic display,it most likely is, just that this video is meant as parody, not as porn, also i fail to see where the great leap is between this and the dozens of videos that get sifted only because the content was sexualized and so we should let the voting mechanism determine what should be here.
i think the problem we are having relating to each other on this issue is that as girl, i do not regularly sexualize the female body. and i'm making the reasonable assumption that you are a straight male, and the assumption that as a straight male you do regularly sexualize the female body. we most likely view all content sexual in nature very differently. old ladies masturbating together as some hippie ritual, shedding the bondage of their repressive upbringing doesn't set my porn flag flying, it sets my feminist flag flying, so my perspective is totally different.
DISCLAIMER: in absolutely no way am i saying that i think you only sexualize females, i do not think that is true at all. but it is inherent with straight male brain to think about females and sex in combination, and probably fairly regularly.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Bedazzled her Vagina

rosekat says...

>> ^Truckchase:
hoo haa will do nicely. "Va jay jay" is really horrid. Then again, maybe it's a feminine thing. I don't understand wanting to call your underwear "panties" either....

Really? 'Panties' is one of my favourite words. Men generally wear boxers/briefs, women generally wear panties. Also 'va jay jay' is a pretty fun term to use, why not??

Jennifer Love Hewitt Bedazzled her Vagina

Jennifer Love Hewitt Bedazzled her Vagina

The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

I want to roast neuralnoise so so bad...but, god I just can't bring myself to do it. First I thought, hey, siftbot has more character, than this no-name nobody. After reading his roast prep, though I realized I was wrong. He comes off as one of those men of latin descent that are both very passionate, but also in touch with their feminine side. Enough so, that he can cry openly. Maybe like a character from "Y Tu Mama Tambien." I think roasting him would bring him to cry and cry. And then to relieve his anguish, he'll play some Flamenco on the guitar or maybe sip on some sangria in the courtyard of his Spanish style villa. Maybe he'll even do a couple lines of cocaine he picked up at the local farmer's market.

Fact of the matter is, his life is probably 20 times better than any of you jizz-tarts...

XTC - Generals and Majors

O'Reilly / Beck: Bold & Fresh Tour 2010

O'Reilly / Beck: Bold & Fresh Tour 2010

Orchid Opens up for Camera

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