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The Day Liberty Died

bcglorf says...

I don't trust your video, not even a little bit.

I know you just dismissed opposing evidence earlier up thread, but here's a link to audio recordings and english transcripts the NSA captured and posted from Israeli helicopters in the area at the time. Again, I know you dismiss it, but they certainly were uncertain of what had just been hit/attacked.

Friendly fire is a fact of war, Canadians on a training mission in Afghanistan where killed by USAF runs despite their training operation and location being registered with the airforce. Fatal screw ups happen in war so it seems much less of a stretch to call this an accident than a deliberate scheme against an ally.

You go ahead and believe some video referring to the 'mockingbird media' and using literally 4-5 words of audio and leaving out all other communications though, I'm sure they left it out for brevity and not because it contradicts their narrative. That's something only the mockingbird media would do...

Or perhaps more briefly, provide a little better evidence before acting like this is as clear cut as our knowledge that the earth is round...

newtboy said:

So you didn't watch the video, where they included audio of them identifying the ship prior to attacking and again afterwards.

I guess you didn't read any comments either, because a few reasons why they would do this have been given.

If unmarked ships/planes were targets, they might have attacked themselves as the attacking planes were also unmarked.

They knew the American ship was there, we told them beforehand. As mentioned in the video, they had to know which frequencies to jam, and they jammed American frequencies, not Egyptian. Again, watch the video, they identified it as American before sinking it.

Alita: Battle Angel - Official Trailer

00Scud00 says...

I'm not sure about the movie, but in the manga the world of Alita is full of cyborgs in just about any size and shape you can imagine. Sometimes it's probably a matter of fashion or identity, and sometimes it's about what you can afford. I doubt they'll do it, but I think it would be better if you saw some other cyborgs with eyes like hers, making it more like just another body or face type, and maybe it would look less weird if you saw a few others with those features.

entr0py said:

It raises the question of why go to the trouble of creating a killer android who looks like a short girl when she also doesn't look like a human. It's not much a disguise.

Alita: Battle Angel - Official Trailer

Groundhog Day For A Black Man

Sagemind says...


Do you only post racial videos which features injustice?
Because if you spend your life looking for something, that's all you'll ever see.

You need to broaden your prospects. I understand there are racial bias and prejudice people out there but you seem to hyper-focus on it. You invite your life to be surrounded by these bad energies.

I'd love to see you more positive. I don't know what wrongs this world has served you personally, or if you just surround yourself in these issues, but sometimes, the best way to free yourself from these issues is to not see them in everything you see and do.

Made in China

TRRazor says...

This is such a great feature.
Seeing him being confronted with the harsh reality, essentially breaking his heart, is quite a lot to bear.

I guess you could call this a lesson about globalism...

Hawaii volcano: Mount Kilauea volcano erupts - BBC News

StukaFox says...

I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned in all the volcano coverage, but the area where the earthquakes are happening coincides with a geographic feature called "The Great Crack".

God help us if that part of the island is about to drop off into the ocean. The results would not be pretty, especially if the magma chamber were exposed to freezing cold, high pressure sea water.

Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench ft. Kiss Guy (Yayo Sanchez)

NVIDIA Research - AI Reconstructs Photos

bremnet says...

As hamsteralliance says, ContentAware uses proximity matching and relative area matching. If you tried to fill in the white space with ContentAware, it'd be full of everything except eyes. They nVidia folks used thousands of images to train the neural net (ie generate the model using training data) which has more discrete sequential or spatial relationships between features (ie. eyes go to either side of the nose, below the eyebrows, level, interpupilary distance etc etc). The neural approach ALWAYS needs training data sets - it doesn't appear to (from reading the paper) any adaptive or learning algorithm outside of the neural framework (so, it's not AI in the sense that it learns from any environmental stimulus and alters its response... that I can see anyway. The paper doesn't get into the minutiae). But I'd still date her, if only she'd have me.

hamsteralliance said:

I think one of the key things is that it was filling in the eyes with eyes. It was using completely different color eyes even and it knew where they needed to go. Content Aware only uses what's in the image, so it would just fill in that area with flesh and random bits of hair and mouth. This seems to pull from a neural network database thingymajigger.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Interestingly, the DNA research site gedmatch, a site where people publicly post genealogy and DNA data, was just used to identify the golden state killer.
One would think that if all DNA data was already in the hands of law enforcement, they wouldn't have taken so long to identify him.

That said, it's naive to believe your data is safe in anyone else's hands. The reason chip cards aren't protecting us is every company keeps your data in their not so secure databases, negating all the new security features newer credit cards have.

bobknight33 said:

CIA is in control. They fund Google, FB and many others. Collecting your data. Do you thing 23andme doesn't funnel back to CIA? What about Apple finger recognition or now face recognition?

We are just slaves to their system and you feed it only to be used against you later if needed.

2 Convicted of rape. One gets 6 months the other 15 years

Mordhaus says...

I don't think any prosecutor wants to be the first one to put a person of non-Caucasian ethnicity on the stand for a hate crime, even when it clearly should have been counted as one.

That said, Turner was most likely under-sentenced. Not 'just' because he was white, but because he was from a rich family. In addition, he was lucky because, at the time, California law did not consider digital penetration rape. If you did not penetrate the woman's body with your penis, the most they could charge you with was assault with the intent. They also managed to tack on sexual penetration by a 'foreign' object.

On the other hand, you have a gang rape that there was photo and video evidence of. Evidence that showed that the defendant mentioned in the video not only participated in the rape, but urinated on the victim and told her "That was for 400 years of slavery, you bitch."

Finally, this is a hot issue. There will always be disagreements. @C-note linked a high rated video featuring someone we would 'expect' to be racist, due to stereotyping, confirming that racism still does exist and that racial privilege does as well. I agree that there are still racist issues in our society, although I personally feel we are moving more towards privilege based on monetary worth than racial worth. However, the simple fact of the matter is, this video is playing hard AND loose with the facts to skew the opinion of the viewer. A lot of videos do that. One of the good things about the sift is they WILL call people out on it, usually gently at first but with more force if it is repeated.

newtboy said:

Batey, aggravated rape and other (unlisted) charges...I think not hate crimes because....well, no reason, this was a clear hate crime, but he wasn't charged as such or sentenced for the other convictions..... Black privilege?
Tennessee-Class A Felony - 15-60 years in prison and a fine not more than $50,000 (aggravated rape, rape of a child)
"There were five acts of sexual assault and rape committed by [Batey] and him alone, and there were seven acts of violence he was found guilty of committing against me.
But sexual assault was not where the attack ended."
They also kidnapped her to take her unconscious body to the raping place.

Turner, 3 cases of felony sex assault for one act. It seems the prosecutor was asking for 1/2 the max of 12 years.
Felony Sexual Battery: This has a range of punishments. The defendant could receive a term of imprisonment in county jail for up to 1 year and a fine of up to $2,000. However, California state laws also allows for imprisonment for 2, 3, or 4 years as well as a fine of up to $10,000.

Keep in mind, different states have different laws and sentences.

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

Twins aren't genetically identical, even at birth. They begin separating from each other genetically when the zygote splits. Environmental factors determine how genes are expressed, and those factors are not identical. That makes twin studies a piss poor method of gene study. All it can tell you is how much the environment might effect their expression over time, and they aren't very good at even that.

Now that genetic testing is cheap, we're finding out most identical twins aren't identical at all. Proper gene testing doesn't assume twins are identical clones for life, it actually disproved that hypothesis. The space study with twins showed that in under a year their genes permanently diverged a full 7% (with a larger temporary change initially that lowered as they returned to similar environments).

I feel that people often misuse mistaken assumptions to validate their prejudices. If the science isn't clear and validated, using it against others is improper in the extreme.

Discriminating against people for their legal, culturally accepted, natural behavior makes the person doing the discriminating an asshole. Homosexuality is quite present in nature, is now culturally accepted in western cultures, and is legal. Tolerance is a learned behavior I wish was taught better, especially by churches.

bcglorf said:

"A twin study of self-reported psychopathic personality traits"

Perhaps the above is more to the point. Similar twin study showing identical twins having similarly significant genetic component to psychopathy as the prior studies show for sexual orientation.

Should we be similarly upset at people assigning morality to psychopathic behaviours?

"Genetic and Environmental Influences on Religious Interests, Attitudes, and Values: A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Together"

Religiosity shows the same thing, strong correlations for identical twins, raised apart from one another, and much weaker correlations for non-identical twins also raised apart.

If Tom Cruise claims his belief in Scientology is a birth right and how dare we judge him, is he really backed by the science?

Where I am coming from, is insisting that for all the factors involved in human decision and behaviours, I still want to conduct ourselves as though free will exists.

More importantly, the freedom to discriminate against people based upon their behaviours must be defended as strongly as the right to discriminate based upon purely in born, unchangeable attributes like race, gender and ethnicity must be opposed.

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

Uber Air-Closer Than You Think

Response to Trump's Video Game Montage - #GameOn

moonsammy says...

As far as the inclusion of violent games go, I didn't see any here where the object is to kill other humans. There were some where you fight monsters, or corrupted humans (The Last of Us), but I didn't spot any that actually feature / primarily focus on people killing other people. I'll admit to not being familiar with every game featured however.

Canada Taking it's money Seriously

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