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It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane!

ant (Member Profile)

400ft Tall Halloween Light and Drone Show

moonsammy says...

There are some absolute legends in my old neighborhood. They'd have an array of full-size bars and other A-tier goodies (like giant pixy stix) and you'd get to pick any two. Adults each got a famous local candy bar, which I totally appreciated while walking my kids around.

bobknight33 said:

Who ever did this can hand out quality candy on Halloween.

No miniatures .. Full size candy bars baby

CNN Confronts Biden Advisor on Ukraine

luxintenebris says...

thought it was gauche to self-promote videos. let alone posting a ménage à trois (or 3 f'n'ing ) videos as 'support'.

give it up comrade.

biden gots US infrastructure; hair hitler rewarded the rich w/tax cuts. if that's a joke, i don't get it.

just some other thoughts while here...

what if the 't' social site ̶r̶o̶l̶l̶ stumble out was dolt 45's doing? having all the red hats make it look like a real going - but they ended up crashing the servers themselves?

also s.o.p. regarding the logo. likely don jr. (or ilk) scrolled for 't' logos and ended up w/an active company's logo. someone gets paid to bilk the organization.*

'hit me w/a feather' forecast: the site goes down and money goes missing. wonder what vegas odds are on this?

just the idea that a notorious liar throws up a site labeled 'truth' makes one think of this famous phrase...

[roy cohen, fiction, and fear. history rhytms.]

*is the 'period' by the 't' suppose to throw us off?

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

bcglorf says...


thanks for clarification.

So in your view, do you see the left objecting to any of the following things that kinda speak to Maher's point, and I think fits to the point of the 'left' being upset with him,

-Defending Chapelle which left would decry invoking their definition of dog whistle, transphobia...
-Pointing out a correlation between violence and Islamic extremism which left would decry as islamophobia
-Believing sports/olympics should divide competitors based on biological sex rather than gender identity == Transphobia
-(Big any famous celebrity accused of sex crimes) and suggesting they deserve a fair trial == failure to believe victims/survivors

Those are all things that have been pretty commonly defended by large groups of the left from what I've been seeing. Am I wrong?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh -roe!

Trump’s all encompassing NDAs are invalid. As usual, he overreached, tried to control everything his subordinates said forever. It forced them to, using the judges words, “never say anything negative about Trump, his family, his businesses, or his administration for life”. The judge called it unenforceable, and since he made them all sign the same NDA, they’re all void. He can still sue any who talk, assuming he can find a lawyer dumb enough to work for him, but he’ll lose.

Expect tons of new revelations about how he operates, none good. Of course, he’ll attack any who does as a piece of shit, just like over half of his “best people” he had working for him….running the government while he watched tv. Crazy how many of them he now says are horrible, inept, self centered, disloyal morons who couldn’t do their jobs….almost like he’s projecting his estimation of himself on any ex employee.

Wasn’t his claim to fame that he hires only the best people? Doesn’t that make him an abject failure at the one thing he seemed to do well…hiring competent people to run his affairs?

Expect another round of massive lawsuits to come shortly, lawsuits he can’t defend against because no lawyer will go near him, they like to be paid for their work and Trump is famous for stiffing everyone but especially lawyers.

Edit: Also, he’s off the Forbes 400….not that he ever belonged there. They originally took his worthless word for how much he was worth….a number exponentially larger than the one he gave the IRS, btw. Now even he can’t lie enough to appear to be in the richest 400 people in America. Better, if he had divested from his properties instead of using his office to illicitly steer business to them (business that stopped after Jan 20 when there was no longer a reason for foreign powers to bribe him by, say, renting out floors in Trump tower that went unused for 4 years, or villas at his golf clubs)….if he had taken his money and invested in S&P 500 he would have made billions instead of losing billions. He’s a horrific businessman.

You don't need visual effects if you have steel balls.

noims says...

Actually some of those shots did use visual effects. Specifically, they were run backwards. The first clip is a famous example of it - they didn't time the drive forward to just get ahead of the train, they timed the drive backwards to cross the tracks just after the train had passed. No real danger involved.

I can't speak for all the clips, but you can see a fair few of them were done backwards or significantly sped up.

Still, a nice compilation, and I sure as hell wouldn't be doing most of those.

Your Grandma Shouldn't Be Attractive. Cam Bertrand

BSR says...

Neil Armstrong's Last Words On The Moon-

When Apollo Mission Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous “One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind” statement, but followed it by several remarks, including the usual COM traffic between him, the other astronauts, and Mission Control. Before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.”Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, [they found] there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs.

Over the years, many people have questioned him as to what the “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky” statement meant. On July 5, in Tampa Bay, FL, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26- year-old question to Armstrong. He finally responded. It seems that Mr. Gorsky had died and so Armstrong felt he could answer the question. When he was a kid, Neil was playing baseball with his brother in the backyard. His brother hit a fly ball which landed in front of his neighbors’ bedroom window. The neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, he heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky, “Oral sex? Oral sex you want? You’ll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!”

David Lynch is annoyed by your question

StukaFox says...

Does someone have a link to the famous drunken rant Orson Wells went off on about frozen peas? It's the one Pinky and the Brain make fun of.

Also, Casey Kasem's rant about the dead dog, which almost got Negativeland sued off the planet, is golden, too.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Nice non sequitor, but you've got your racist trope was never 99%. Liar.

In 2012 it was reportedly 91% black on black murders and dropping, and at the same time > 85% of whites murdered were killed by whites. The minor difference is easily explained by red lining, the real estate trick famously used by Trump of denying rental or home sales to black people, forcing black people to only live in certain "black" areas while whites may mix with any cultures they wish and live where they choose. You're just making up racist statistics to excuse your racist positions....again.

Edit: add the same amount to white on white crime that you dishonestly added to black on black crime and whites are the problem, far more likely to kill another white than a black man is to kill another black man. Turnabout is fair play...nothing is more dangerous to the white than Republican government policies and moronic and dishonest white liars like yourself. Fix the big issue of dishonest racist assholes and the Republican party will fade away.

Police killed many without shooting them, see George Floyd, so those are badly misleading statistics....and they still show a police murder rate of blacks at >1/2 that of whites even though there are 5 times more whites, because police are racist and shoot black people with far less provocation daily.....assume the unknowns are black, they shoot and murder more blacks at >5 times the per capita rate of whites. What was your point again?

And keep in mind, these are the statistics reported by police, and most don't report them. There is no national database of police shootings by design, the police don't want one and fought against every attempt to create one because they know how bad it would look, and they are on an honor system of 100% voluntary reporting by the same departments that cause them, departments with a huge incentive to lie and hide the truth, and a professional culture of lying to get what they want.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing more dangerous to the black than Democratic government policies and "enlightened" white Liberals.
99% black on Black murders 1% cop on black murders. Fix the big issue and the 1% will fade away

2018 breakdown of the 995 people shot and killed by the police.

403 were white,
210 were black,
148 were Hispanic, 3
8 were classified as other, and
199 were classified as unknown.

Out of that 995, 47 were unarmed — 23 were white, 17 were black, 5 were Hispanic, and 2 were unknown.
948 victims were armed

Wendy Carlos demonstrates her Moog Synthesizer in 1970

KrazyKat42 says...

Wendy was Walter back then. My college roommate had some early albums and hoped the she got really famous in hopes of selling them for big bucks.

And he loved Moogs.

BSR (Member Profile)

House Votes to Remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committees

StukaFox says...

In 1968, Buckley debated Gore Vidal. Here's the most famous part of that debate:

BUCKLEY: No, I won’t. Some people were pro-Nazi and, and the answer is they were well treated by people who ostracized them. And I’m for ostracizing people who egg on other people to shoot American Marines and American soldiers. I know you don’t care—

VIDAL (loftily): As far as I’m concerned, the only pro- or crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself. Failing that—

SMITH: Let’s, let’s not call names—

VIDAL: Failing that, I can only say that—

BUCKLEY (snarling, teeth bared): Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I’ll sock you in your goddam face, and you’ll stay plastered—

Vidal was right about the Right, only he was about 50 years ahead of his time.

Russian helicopter accidentally fires on reporters

StukaFox says...

There's a famous poem about an incident that happened in Britain during WW2 in which an exhibition of Spitfire gunfire accuracy ended rather badly when the pilot mistook that viewing stand as the target and raked spectators and high-ranking military observers alike.

A lot of people died.


I can't find a link to the damned poem; it's named "Incident, Second World War" by Gavin Ewart.

Game Theory's UNCENSORED Interview With Dr. Fauci ...

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