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Sinead O’Connor's Open Letter to Miley Cyrus (Sexuality Talk Post)

The Sci-Fi Epic That 1979 Could Not Handle - The Visitor

Meet the woman behind the voice of Siri.

"I Quit!" Lady Dances Around the Office at 4AM

ChaosEngine says...

I missed the bit in the cartoon where he danced around the office.

'cos it seems like in the 10th panel he just hands in his resignation like a professional.

If you're not doing what you want to, then definitely quit. More power to you.

This is not that. This is someone looking for their 15 mins of viral fame.

rebuilder said:

Wow, a lot of vitriol directed at someone deciding to stop doing what they no longer want to do!

I'll just leave this here:

Die Antwoord - Rich Bitch

chingalera says...

This is their escape-from-the-ghetto anthem man, no worries. What would really scare you is the neighborhood they grew up in and their colorful friends in Cape Town...Come fame, and the kids are legit and 'child-approved!'

shatterdrose said:

They worry me.

Smart cat teaches baby how to walk

chingalera says...

This user *ban is number 1000 for user chicchorea-chicchorea is now inducted into the *ban police hall of fame.
chicchorea is the first user to be so honored. All hail, chicchorea.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

Grimm says...

You're argument seems to be if it's legal then there is little incentive to do it illegally. But just think of your example...The Bunny Ranch. I'd bet there is far more illegal prostitution going on in Nevada then legal prostitution.

"AMSTERDAM — This city's famed red-light district looks much as it has for years, with bikini-clad women behind plate-glass windows fluffing their hair or beckoning to passersby, colorful beds visible in the background as an unspoken invitation.

But things could soon change for the sex-for-hire industry following a recognition in the freewheeling Netherlands that its decision in 2000 to legalize brothels has failed to stem human trafficking."

newtboy said:

It seems to me that that's how it works in countries where prostitution is illegal. In countries where the brothels are legal and regulated it's nearly impossible to force sex slavery, at least in a legal brothel like this one. The customers are not criminal, and most would not stand idly by and watch slavery occur in their country, and would likely report it if it seemed their prostitute was being forced. They are also inspected. In countries where it's illegal and immoral, far fewer are willing to admit to using the services in the first place, and so won't ever report the other crimes they see.
You might note that there are certainly not any sex slaves at the bunny ranch, they seem to have a waiting list of prostitutes waiting for the chance to work there.
That is not meant to indicate it can't and doesn't happen at all, just that in this kind of country it should not be the same issue as in countries that make sex a black market, and that fact is diametrically opposed to the message they are sending.

Police Protecting and Serving the Shit Out of Skater!

ChaosEngine says...

What the cop did was absolutely wrong. It's possible that he didn't actually mean to run the kid over, but you can't tell given the crappy editing. Either way, he doesn't seem to apologise or take responsibilty.

That said, there's no context, no information and the guy filming sounds like a douche.
Instead of providing any useful information like location, cop name, etc, he's just acting like an idiot.

"Yay, police brutality... here comes my 15 mins of youtube fame".

5 ways to know you are watching a Spielberg Movie

chingalera says...

Modern Era being say, last thirty-forty years but not the last fifty to seventy though. He's as fantastic a composer for the formulaic music he creates-I agree he ranks among the greats of cinematic composition but his claim to fame being so ingrained in pop culture with Star Wars for me means he kinna squeaked-into the realm of 20th century American composers like Copeland. Bernstein, or Gershwin. I dunno, he's more like a Howard Shore or Hans Zimmer for me, not quite reaching the all-star team of 20th century long-haired first-stringers.

Maybe I'm simply prejudiced against the all-consuming cheese-fog of Star Wars, Lost Ark, Jurassic Park, etc. Maybe I'll try the experiment of listening to one of his compositions without the backdrop of a film. No wait, see I did that-In 77' I bought the double LP of the Star Wars soundtrack (yahhh, I was frikkin' 12) and got bored with it-Never get bored listening to Grofé's Grand Canyon Suite or Ravel's Bolero, though!

ChaosEngine said:

John Williams is a fantastic composer.

Some people might call this heresy, but personally I think he should be ranked up there with Beethoven and Tchaikovsky for grandiose orchestral music.

He's certainly the greatest composer of the modern era.

Star Wars Medley - Lindsey Stirling & Peter Hollens

How would you be different if you were born a woman?

Trancecoach says...

From a feminist friend of a friend:

“This is nice and it’s cool for a straight guy to talk about having a new perspective on the male gaze, good for him. but the fact that it’s gone so viral is a little upsetting to me. do we really expect so little of men that Dustin Hoffman recognizing that, you know, beauty doesn’t necessarily accompany substance (and vice versa) is inspirational?”

So, what's his big revelation here? That unattractive women are interesting, too? Really? Not impressed.

He admits to working his fame on attractive women and then felt guilty for it, and made Tootsie to make up for his guilt (and cashed in, in the process). I don't hold it against him for having a "come to Jesus" moment, by dressing up in drag. I don't even care that he got emotional when he shared it with the American Film Institute, as some sort of cultural revelation.

What bothers me is that we live in a culture that feeds off these momentary glimpses of heart, when we all know that there is really so much more. And that this admiration for such a minor insight really sets the standard far too low.

Let's not mistake a sincere moment with actual, you know, integrity.
Sure, it's a sweet video and a sweet message (maybe a bit saccharine for my tastes). And Tootsie is, for sure, a great flick! But, crying on camera is not the limit-case for what constitutes a touching and meaningful moment, particularly one like this, devoid of any real context and depth. It's emptiness masquerading as meaning.


A10anis said:

There you go again; "Look at his reaction. He wouldn't have gotten so emotional if he felt free to change." Another gross, stupid, assumption.

And I do know the difference between an Assumption - which you made about Hoffman - and a generalization - which you made about woman.
I made clear that i have no prejudices. You ignored what I said to try and justify your ill-informed statements. Listen my friend, typing words with the help of spell check does not mean you have a valid opinion. Quit whilst you are behind, your silly comments are only digging yourself a deeper hole. I'm done.

The Great Gatsby - Without VFX

I Am Bradley Manning

Yogi says...

I just can't stand hearing it so I'll tell them to shut the fuck up. You of course make an obvious point, that the more people that talk about this or even use their fame to bring attention to it is a good thing.

I just don't like these fucking morons doing it.

ChaosEngine said:

Role model status is irrelevant here. They are using their fame to spread a message. If it gets a few celebrity watching idiots to sit up and think about this issue (even if it's for the wrong reasons, "ooh such and such told me to care about this"), that's still a positive outcome.

As much as the cult of the vapid celebrity offends me, I don't have a problem with this. At least most of the people I recognise in this video have actually done things (Stone, Morello, etc)

I Am Bradley Manning

ChaosEngine says...

Role model status is irrelevant here. They are using their fame to spread a message. If it gets a few celebrity watching idiots to sit up and think about this issue (even if it's for the wrong reasons, "ooh such and such told me to care about this"), that's still a positive outcome.

As much as the cult of the vapid celebrity offends me, I don't have a problem with this. At least most of the people I recognise in this video have actually done things (Stone, Morello, etc)

Yogi said:

I think it's pathetic that they have a role model status for anyone. I didn't say that the government and media should be able to do what they want, why the fuck would you think if the celebrities don't stand up to them we're doomed?

The people should and are standing up to them and their bullshit, celebrities we don't need them and their distractions.

How to uninstall McAfee Antivirus

Velocity5 says...

Really... he paid, what, $50,000 to make a viral video promoting... his own fame?

He just got lucky in business back when the internet was first starting, and now instead of building new things that make the world better, he's flushing his lucky money down the toilet on prostitutes and vanity videos.

A fat cat who wastes money on infantile hedonism is the worst type of fat cat.

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