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Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

newtboy says...

Cadet Loanspurs seriously calls them suckers, losers, and idiots behind their backs for serving their country because "what's in it for them?" to the horror of those who heard him on multiple occasions.
Biden jokes WITH servicemen and women, and they laughed and cheered along with him.


OAN, lying again, pretending a friendly joke with military is worse than real disrespectful disdain for them, and you just lap up that turd like ice cream...slurp slurp slurping it up.
So desperate, Bobski. Your b.s. is just sad and desperate.

Side note, aren't you curious why Trump isn't taking Hydroxychloroquine?

bobknight33 said:

And Biden did call troops bastards.

Remembering Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

newtboy says...

You do know you have zero credibility, right?
If you claim she said or did these things, that's enough evidence for most people that she didn't.
Oh...surprise surprise surprise, 1 minute to find it's definitely utter bullshit. That was not in the 1977 report. Fuck you you liar.

Also, you're a real piece of shit making up lies and talking ill of the dead before they're in the ground, one worthless human being in every way. Please tell your family to notify us when you die so we can spend a few days talking shit about you, telling everyone who will listen you sucked off 11 year old boys regularly, turnabout is fair play. Now kindly choke on a bag of baby dicks and die, liar.

bobknight33 said:

230-page book called Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, published in 1977 by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

If the remarks being contradicted are not only smug they're also ridiculous, devoid of fact, racist, and or dangerously stupid (like insisting in May that Coronavirus is a hoax that's not dangerous and is a "nothing burger", and everyone should be back at work), and contradicting them with facts and references and +- 1/4 the disrespect the original remarks contained makes people vote for Trump, that does indicate they were already trumpsters imo.

Edit: It's like Democrats have a high bar to clear, but Republicans have no depth too deep to stoop to.

Trump changes Bob's beliefs daily, every time he changes a position Bob changes his belief to make the new position seem reasonable to him. He is not consistent. No other opinion matters to him.

I don't hold beliefs, I have theories. It's easy to change your theory when given new information, I do all the time. Beliefs don't work that way, so I avoid them as much as possible.

Yes, and I eat animals because they're delicious. I would eat people if they were raised and fed better, but we are polluted beyond recovery imo.

You may be correct, but eating meat is hardly the worst thing humans are up to. Killing for sport seems worse, so do kill "shelters", puppy mills, habitat destruction, ocean acidification, etc....I could go on for pages with that list. I try to eat free range locally farmed on family farms meat, not factory farm meat. I know the difference in quality.

I gladly discuss vegetarianism with honest people, but I'm prepared when they start spouting bullshit like " eating any red meat is more harmful than smoking two packs a day of filterless cigarettes" (yes, someone insisted that was true because they didn't care it wasn't, it helped scare people, I contradicted him every time he lied.) The difference is, I could agree with some of their points that weren't gross exaggeration, I agreed that excessive meat eating is horrible for people, I agree that most meat is produced under horrific conditions, I would not agree that ALL meat is unhealthy in any amount and ALL meat is tortured it's entire lifetime because I know from personal experience that's just not true. We raised cattle, free range cattle, in the 70's. They were happy cows that had an enjoyable life roaming our ranch until the day they went to market, a life they wouldn't have if people didn't eat meat.

I've never met a vegan that wasn't a bold faced liar in support of veganism, so I'm less likely to give them a full chance at convincing me. The fact checking part of my brain goes on high alert when talking with them about health or other issues involved in meat production, with excellent reason.

Again, that would be long held theories in my case, and it's not hard to change them. Mad cow disease got me to change until I was certain it wasn't in America. No, I'm not recoiling. I'll listen to anyone who's respectful and honest.

Here's the thing, Bob consistently trolls in a condescending, self congratulatory, and bat shit crazy way. Turnabout is fair play.
As the only person willing to reply to him for long stretches, I know him. I've had many private conversations with him where he's far more reasonable, honest, willing to admit mistakes, etc. (Something I gave up when he applauded Trump lying under oath because "only a dummy tells the truth under oath if the truth might harm them, Trump winning!") When someone is so anti truth and snide, they deserve some snidely delivered truth in return. Bob has proven he's undeserving of the civility you want him to receive, it's never returned.

Bob does not take anything in from any source not pre approved by Trump. I've tried for a decade, and now know he only comes here to troll the libtards. It doesn't matter if you show him video proof and expert opinions, he'll ignore them and regurgitate more nonsense claiming the opposite of reality. He's not trying to change minds, in case you're confused. He's hoping to trick people who for whatever reason refuse to investigate his factless hyper biased claims and amplify the madness. That he comes here to do that, a site he regularly calls a pure liberal site (it's not) is proof enough to convict him of just trolling.

Trolls deserve derision.

I spent years ignoring his little jabs, insults, derisions, and whinging and trying hard to dispassionately contradict his false claims with pure facts and references, it was no different then.
While privately he would admit he's wrong, he would then publicly repeat the claims he had just admitted were bullshit. When he started supporting perjury from the highest position on earth down as long as they're Republican but still calls for life in prison for democrats that he thinks lied even not under oath, he lost any right to civil replies imo. He bought it when Republican representatives said publicly in interviews that they have no obligation to be truthful with the American people, and he applauds it and repeats their lies with glee.

Edit: in general I agree that dispassionate fact based replies with references are better at convincing people than derision, there are exceptions, and there are those who are unconvinceable and disinterested in facts that don't support their lies. How long are you capable of rebutting them with just fact and references when they are smug, snide, insulting, dangerous, and seriously delusional if not just purely dishonest?


eoe said:

Fair enough.



Khufu says...

I remember when politicians were famous for talking in circles around issues and never directly addressing anything. This was for the sole purpose of avoiding the need to outright lie. Since Trump, the game has really changed. He doesn't care about the truth, he simply says what he WANTS people to believe. And there is no repercussions. Yet, anyway. Fact checking doesn't even matter because most of his base don't care about that and don't watch news that fact checks.

luxintenebris said:

the present president has, as of April 14 '20, said over 18,000 lies or 15/day. every day. and only those said in public, journaled by the press, and fact-checked for veracity.

@ that rate, he would have told ~22,000 for 4 full years.

of course, the rate will soar even higher as the next election nears. he's sorta the santa of insincerity. delivering nothing to the stockings but a false promise. to believe in either takes a great deal of naivety.


luxintenebris says...

the present president has, as of April 14 '20, said over 18,000 lies or 15/day. every day. and only those said in public, journaled by the press, and fact-checked for veracity.

@ that rate, he would have told ~22,000 for 4 full years.

of course, the rate will soar even higher as the next election nears. he's sorta the santa of insincerity. delivering nothing to the stockings but a false promise. to believe in either takes a great deal of naivety.

Do You Regret All Your Lying?

Orange County is the Florida of California

lucky760 says...

This is disturbing and sickening.

I live in Orange County, and my wife and I discuss every single day the madness of all the masses of insane people like those in this video.

These fucking idiots disgust me. There needs to be a lot more coverage of stories like that of Richard Rose, who just like morons in this video scoffed at it because he thought it was a hoax... then he got COVID-19 and died.

The Orange County Board of Education (OCBOE) is even pushing for all schools to return to full in-class sessions for all kids and with no masks. Since our governor has mandated virtual-only classes for counties that are out of control, the OCBOE has decided to sue the state. I can't begin to wrap my head around that kind of rationale (or lack thereof).

(Fortunately, each city is not obliged to do what the OCBOE recommends, and our city will have virtual-only classes available for the entire school year.)

COVID Cancel Culture

Fake News Works

newtboy says...

Let's fact check, he says....
Bloomberg made a temperature claim, so let's look at the population records.
He made claims about Pheonix temperatures, so let's look at Buckeye, as if Phoenix temperature records don't exist.

So sad this drivel convinces gullible and ignorant science deniers.

“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.” Thomas Paine

Lol...Goya. nuff said.

Did You Ever Imagine The President Could Act Like This?

newtboy says...

"Like that"? Explain....if you can. You mean fact checking? How dare they?!

Fox has acted hyper partisan, divisive, and vitriolic for decades. Where have you been? I guess you've forgotten Trump's fake news birther movement.
Trump has tried multiple times on the record to have various agencies and even other countries spy on Biden, just like he invited Russia to spy on Clinton. Obama had nothing to do with Carter Page being caught acting as an undeclared foreign agent or lying about his Russian contacts....nothing....proven repeatedly. Derp.
What?! I guess you don't recall the 90's at all. It's all the Republicans did for 8 years....and again with Obama for 8 years.

Fight back? By shitting on the constitution and flushing? Jebus, you are so unAmerican and delusional it's astonishing. He wants to fight perceived censorship (fact checking isn't even related to censorship btw) by private companies on their private platforms by using the government to censor them.


bobknight33 said:

I never thought the media would act like that.
I never thought a sitting president would spy on a candidate.
I never thought out Government would try to de rail and remove our POTUS.

Thank GOD we have a POTUS that actually fight back.

Did You Ever Imagine The President Could Act Like This?

newtboy says...

Let's not forget his executive order due this morning, drafts of which now released show him contradicting the first amendment to the constitution and directing the FBI, FTC, FCC, and DOJ to harass, punish, fine, and censor private businesses if they fact check HIS lies on their private platforms in any way....or apparently if the Whitehouse makes any complaints about them...and directed all federal agencies to not advertise on any platform the Whitehouse deems "unfair" (so soon the government will only advertise on OAN).

Where are the right wing 2a nutjobs now? They often claim the 2a exists to protect the other amendments...get to it people. If you don't go armed to the Whitehouse to protest this direct violation and decimation of the constitution, you are admitting that argument is bullshit and so is the 2a. You people went armed to state government buildings to forcefully protest public health orders because you were told they might violate your rights somehow. This time there's no "might" about it, Trump declared an executive order that is a direct, blatant, undeniable violation and attack on the constitution so clear even you can see it without Glen Beck telling you it is one.

Molecular Biologist ➜ Dr. Judy Mikovits

newtboy says...

"Scientists" who falsify data or skew experiments to get their preconceived results should be ignored and silenced....those who steal from the company they were just fired from deserve jail.

Just read her wiki page...only bat shit crazy conspiracy nuts believe the government and scientific community as a whole conspired to ruin her because she told the truth....She's disgraced because she made repeatedly proven false anti vaccine claims they want ignored, but antivax conspiracy nuts love her. Reality is she's an anti vaxer whose experiments proved to be faked and whose theories are just insane.

Judy Anne Mikovits (c. 1958) is an American anti-vaccination activist, conspiracy theorist and discredited ex-medical researcher. She has made discredited claims about vaccines, coronavirus, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As research director of CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006 to 2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role. However, the research came under fire, leading to an eventual retraction on December 22, 2011, by the journal Science.

In 2020, Mikovits drew attention online for promoting conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic, via the conspiracist YouTube video Plandemic[6] that were fact-checked and found to be either false or not based on scientific evidence.

Mikovits began to look for XMRV in her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome samples. In late 2008, a graduate student, who subsequently was hired as her technician, obtained two positive results from a group of twenty samples. He and Mikovits successively altered the experimental conditions until all samples gave a positive signal.

In 2009, Mikovits and co-workers reported in the journal Science that they had detected XMRV DNA in CFS patients and control subjects. Negative results were published soon after, disputing Mikovits's findings.

She's a fraud. Why else would Bobby love her so much?

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

ForgedReality says...

I love how Trumpists like Lil Bobby here think Trump gives a rat's ass about them. Literally, they are sealing their own fate by supporting these lying, sycophantic self-promoters. All Trump is doing is enriching himself and his billionaire cronies. He's cutting your retirement, destroying your planet, and forcing you to work harder to get what you should already have. It's disgusting. I wish they would wake up and stop being sheep. Stop watching legacy news and actually try fact checking any single thing on which Trump or his buddies make claims. This is truly the most devastating time in modern history. In every metric.

MAGA Challenge

Why were there missing rungs on the Lunar Lander’s Ladder?

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