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The very definition of "Evolution in Action" (20 seconds)

gwiz665 says...

Aw man, this makes me cringe. It's one thing to get your leg smashed, but face+escalator is just not a good combination.

That being said, this is just incredibly stupid and he has no one but himself to blame when he'll be called a faceless freak.

"There is no longer any doubt..."

Pprt says...

Is it just me or do people not realize that America is at war?

I'm not talking about Iraqi occupation, I'm talking about an unnamed, faceless enemy. An enemy welcomed in their country with open arms, an enemy they give checks to if they lose their jobs, an enemy their doctors will treat if ill, an enemy that enjoys full rights under the law, an enemy that benefits from protection against discrimination.

An enemy that has total freedom of movement, boundless resources and does not march in phalanx.

Yes, the United States is perpetually at war. As such, martial measures are sometimes required.

I'm asking anyone who questions the USA's action: do you think your armed forces exist to harm you... or to protect you?

Why every gal should buy their boyfriend Wii Fit

dgandhi says...

>> ^HadouKen24:
Eh... I wouldn't use the word "misogyny." It was quite sexist, indeed, but didn't really indicate the hatred or contempt of women.

Misogyny does no usually involve death squads or lynchings, it involves objectifying. I think it's a fitting description for an apparently surreptitious video of a faceless skinny white woman twirling her hips.

I have no issue with the original itself, I am assuming that she consented to have it published, and I think it's pretty benign. I am more interested in the response to the video, and our willingness as a culture to objectify the woman in it. The parody made me acutely aware that we do not, and may not be willing to, do the same to men.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

LittleRed says...

Or maybe November time. You can have your veterans' coffee on Veterans' Day. Your three-day weekend options are Labor Day, Veteran's Day, or Thanksgiving.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:

I'd like a siftup, anyway. I'm moving to Arizona anyway, and I had planned on making the trip to CA sometime thereafter... maybe October time. My girl was going to visit her grandparents and we were gonna have lunch or dinner with Lucky. It would be sweet if you joined us!

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Dinner and drinks on Issy and me if you ever come to Los Angeles. Thanks, MG.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Where's my free coffee damnit?

Oh, wait, they only give a shit about veterans when there's a chance to look like something other than a faceless corporation that is almost single-handedly responsible for the obesity of America the world.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

We'd love to.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:

I'd like a siftup, anyway. I'm moving to Arizona anyway, and I had planned on making the trip to CA sometime thereafter... maybe October time. My girl was going to visit her grandparents and we were gonna have lunch or dinner with Lucky. It would be sweet if you joined us!

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Dinner and drinks on Issy and me if you ever come to Los Angeles. Thanks, MG.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Where's my free coffee damnit?

Oh, wait, they only give a shit about veterans when there's a chance to look like something other than a faceless corporation that is almost single-handedly responsible for the obesity of America the world.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

I'd like a siftup, anyway. I'm moving to Arizona anyway, and I had planned on making the trip to CA sometime thereafter... maybe October time. My girl was going to visit her grandparents and we were gonna have lunch or dinner with Lucky. It would be sweet if you joined us!

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Dinner and drinks on Issy and me if you ever come to Los Angeles. Thanks, MG.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Where's my free coffee damnit?

Oh, wait, they only give a shit about veterans when there's a chance to look like something other than a faceless corporation that is almost single-handedly responsible for the obesity of America the world.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

McDonalds: giving lonely veterans free coffee refills

MarineGunrock says...

Where's my free coffee damnit?

Oh, wait, they only give a shit about veterans when there's a chance to look like something other than a faceless corporation that is almost single-handedly responsible for the obesity of America the world.

World Destruction - Johnny Lydon and Afrika Bambaataa (PIL)

Grimm says...

Speak about destruction (x3)

This is a world destruction, your life ain't nothing
The human race is becoming a disgrace
Countries are fighting with chemical warfare
Not giving a damn about the people who live

Nostradamus predicts the coming of the Antichrist
Hey, look out, the third world nations are on the rise
The Democratic-Communist Relationship,
won't stand in the way of the Islamic force

The CIA is looking for other detectives
The KGB is smarter than you think
Brainwash mentalities to control the system
Using TV and movies - religions of course

Yes, the world is headed for destruction
Is it a nuclear war?
What are you asking for?

This is a world destruction
Your life ain't nothing
The human race is becoming a disgrace
The rich get richer
The poor are getting poorer
Fascist, chauvinistic government fools

People, Moslems, Christians and Hindus
Are in a time zone just searching for the truth
Who are you to think you're a superior race?
Facing forth your everlasting doom

We are Time Zone
We've come to drop a bomb on you

World destruction, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom!

This is the world destruction, your life ain't nothing
The human race is becoming a disgrace
Nationalities are fighting with each other
Why is this?
Because the system tells you
Putting people in faceless categories
Knowledge isn't what it used to be
Military tactics to control a nation
Who wants to be a president or king?
Mother Nature is gonna work against you
Nothing in your power that you can do

Yes, the world is headed for destruction
You and I know it, cause the Bible tells you
If we don't start to look for a better life,
the world will be destroyed in a time zone!

Speak about destruction (x3)

Enemy is a powerful word; a word used too often (Blog Entry by curiousity)

Farhad2000 says...

I agree that dehumanization is also a psychological defense, by dehumanizing you eliminate the enemy as being inherently human, its easier to kill then because you aren't killing human beings. Its a form of cognitive dissonance, that can be backed up by any number of reasons.

This can be seen in paintings, consider the Shootings of May 3rd by Goya, the killers have their backs to us, they are alien while those being shot at closer to us. We emphasize with those about to get killed through the emotions that play over each one. In other mediums like cinema we see it when an army is being assailed by a faceless nameless enemy, we are drawn to those whose plight we see, their attackers are distant, inhumane, this is done in alot of action films and especially in World War 2 movies. Our responses are being shaped in subtle ways.

Other forms of psychological lockdown also exist for example in Guantanamo Bay, troops there were trained to greet and acknowledge each other by the saying "Honor bound to defend freedom" . This is a psychological device to remind the troops of their mission and why there are there, its coercive because it eliminates internal criticism, the same could be seen in the armed forces post 9/11 where those events created the necessary ethical argument to committing evil acts in themselves. To against that flow was hard. Criticism was seen as lacking patriotism or worse aiding the enemy.

My statement that we must commit great evil to end evil is simply a realistic observation of man's involvement in war. Its the rationale that we create, this was the rational used in the Vietnam war, Gulf war, Serbia and other conflict. As if one nations atrocities are somehow better then anthers, but this is the view that most Americans are programmed to have. That Americans do no evil, that somehow their involvement is clean, just and required for the "survival of civilization as we know it against fundamentalist Islamic terrorism". Pretty words to simply justify a never ending war.

For me the issue is presented simply by the following quote - "Robert McNamara: I think the human race needs to think about killing. How much evil must we do in order to do good."

There is a speech by Chris Hedges talking about War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning -

I recommend reading Chris Hedges - "War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning" and "Dispatches" by Micheal Herr.

Inside Coca-Cola's Happiness Factory - Documentary

The family jewels are growing: Sometimes goes Diamond! (Sift Talk Post)

sl666 (Member Profile)

rembar says...

Wow. Where to begin?

Your comparison to a policeman shooting an unarmed suspect is flawed, because cocaine and other illegal narcotics happen to kill an enormous amount of people, directly and indirectly. More so, in fact, than armed fleeing criminals, by a significant factor.

This leads into your argument about shooting down a defenseless plane. No, they could NOT have followed them until it landed. By the time it landed, it would have been outside of their jurisdiction, meaning the criminals on the plane would have gotten away scot free. But hey, how could you know, you're just tossing out comments on the interbutts, nobody's actually going to call you on your incorrect assumptions of international interdiction procedures, right?

And as for "absolutely no threat"....see:
US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Office of Applied Studies. Results from the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: national findings. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; 2006.

Over 15,000 people will die this year in the United States alone from narcotics overdoses. Just because those people on the plane weren't putting a gun to Americans' heads and pulling the trigger doesn't mean they weren't contributing in a very real way to the deaths of thousands.

And don't tell me what I assume about people on that plane. Those people on the plane were very likely middle-level runners, with slightly-above average income for their country because, as you suggested, it was the best job they could get. That does not, however, mean that they could not have gotten other, lower-paying-but-non-criminal jobs, especially the pilot. That also does not mean that they did not have a very good idea of the effects their successful run would have on other faceless people. That also does not mean they did not have fair warning, or have full knowledge of the possible retribution for their actions. The terms of engagement have been well-declared, documented, and acknowledged for a long time. They knew what they were getting into when they agreed to run drugs for a cartel. Hell, they were warned repeatedly by the military jets, yet they chose to ignore those warnings and continue anyway. Or did you miss that?

As for your bit about Bush, way to make a baseless accusation - I guess anybody who disagrees with you has to be evil incarnate, just like Dubya? I was for Gore the first time around, and campaigned for Dean and later Kerry during the 2004s. So the hell with your throwaway lines, if you're so quick to judge that I'm the kind of person who votes for Bush, you're the kind of divisive, whiny airhead that lost us the elections.

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In reply to your comment:
Sl666's comment was just pure idiocy, and I'm not in the habit of suffering idiots.

Thing is rembar, i think you are the idiot - sorry for the delayed reply,

I would prefer none of them had to die, but i cannot sanction actions to shoot down a defenceless plane.. they could have just followed it until it landed and arrested them? they were absoloutely no threat.

Would you say the same if a policeman shot someone who was running away from them? no weapon?

You assume that everyone on that plane was some evil Columbian drug lord, that probably isn't the case, it was probably flown and crewed by people that work for a drug lord because it was the best job they could get.

Defend my country, no worries, defend my family, no worries, shoot down a civilian plane? f**k no, thats an act of terrorism.

Its people like you that voted for bush.

CNN anchor refuses to read LINDSAY LOHAN story!

Kurtz007 says...

Faceless corporate hacks seem to control what is deemed to be "news". It's not just MSNBC or CNN, it is all of the mass media outlets. Maybe if more reporters refuse to run crap there would be a renaissance in journalism.

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