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Sega CD Suckage: Night Trap

Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations

yaroslavvb says...

Stealing from a corporation is not stealing from a faceless entity, it's stealing from a group of people. For a public corporation, you'd be stealing from the share-holders. Sure, it may not seem as bad to steal 1 penny from 1 million people as it is to steal $10k from 1 person, but imagine what would happen if everybody started doing it. We are better off keeping such people behind bars

Maher on HPV vaccine idiocy

Goofball_Jones says...

Yes, let's not have mandatory vaccines like choggie suggests. It's all just a conspiracy! Like those evil Polio vaccines we were forced to take when we were younger. Seen anyone with polio lately around the US lately? Of course polio, no need for the vaccine! Just follow the money, who's profiting from this un-needed polio vaccine? Also look at smallpox, no smallpox anywhere either. Just these massive faceless corporations looking to make billions of dollars!

Don't trust any science or vaccines or any doctor. If the good lord didn't want you catch any of these diseases...he wouldn't have made them in the first place!

/heavy heavy HEAVY sarcasm off

For those that don't want to vaccinate yourself against diseases because you think it's some conspiracy, then don't. We need the space on the planet and these diseases help weed out the ignorant and pig-headed people from the crowd.

Justice, Denny Crane Style:

Krupo says...

OMFG - I think I'm going to have to go out and buy the DVDs because of this clip.

You hear that, faceless TV network, don't pull the clips off YouTube because they work as your BEST advertising EVER!

Loose Change

Krupo says...

> Krupo, the fact that you assume a large proportion of people responding to a poll can't think to
> read the question they're answering says more about your attitude to people than the people
> themselves.

Thank you.

(He didn't mean that as a compliment)

I know.
Thing is, on a pessimistic day I could even grant the shadowy forces behind the US Government the lack or morals to pull off such an attack - a cursory review of 20th century history will give you more than enough justification - but to actually plan and coordinate it all? That would require a level of leadership and inspiration I find lacking in the US. You've got Coke Junky McCrackhead in office and a faceless army of technocrats in the bureacracy. I was reading about Section 31 and all that fun Star Trek stuff from DS9 - now *there's* some 'inspired conscious-deprived leadership' that you can rely on.

I know the Bush Administration lied its way into justifying its invasion of Iraq - whether they did the LIHOP/MIHOP thing is a moot point if no one is going to face justice in this world (face it, if they're as effective at covering this up as you think they are, nothing short of a magic truth serum will bring it out of them): at least it's possible to take comfort that there's a nice miserable spot in hell waiting for them if they did do it. Justice may be long in coming by our timescale, but the punishment will be eternal.

Now if I was an American citizen I'd be out in the streets organizing riots and uprisings to overthrow the government back when the Supreme Court awarded the election to Dubya - but interfering in foreign countries' affairs really isn't my prerogative, as much as I wish I had the resources to make it so.

As you can plainly see, this is less a 9/11 thing than a 1. sad judgement/opinion on people, and 2. same thing, the powers that be.

Who Left This Hole in the Ground, Mr. President? (8:45)

Farhad2000 says...

"What's really sad is that archliberals like Olbermann, by default, HAVE to want us to lose in Iraq. After all, if Iraq makes it as a free nation, that means WAR WORKS."

There is no way I would ever put the words 'war' and 'works' together.

But honestly everything the guy says is and has been around for the last 2 years, he's probably the first one in the journalistic community to come out and say on air hoping to attain Edward R. Murrow status. He's already preaching mostly to the converted.

The fourth estate in the USA is crippled beyond repair now I believe, for democracy to exist there needs to be a biased free fourth estate. But even so, looking at 9/11, at all the freedoms of information provided in the USA, a country can still be convinced to go to war fairly easily through fear and a few Powerpoint presentations.

First it's Afghanistan which was fair game, then Iraq which was fear tactics and "don't let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud", now it's stuck in a war it can't really leave without losing face. Isolationism at it's finest. All the meanwhile the enemy, Osama Bin Laden is nowhere to be seen, the faceless enemy George Orwell warned us of in 1984. This is all an example of the perpetual war

And don't bring Israel into this. That's beyond the realm of understanding, as there are no innocent parties there anymore, for every atrocity Hamas and Hezbollah commited the IDF has commited in kind.

Memories - Magnetic Rose - Phantom of the Opera

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