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AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

newtboy says...

No sir.
He is saying Trump is cleaning up Washington, removing corruption.
I'm saying he's more corrupt than any other politician ever and has made things exponentially worse.

All I see we agree on is that there is corruption in congress, but even then we don't agree on what level of corruption or by who.

We absolutely don't agree on Trump's corruption (or lack thereof).

scheherazade said:

You are both saying the same thing.

The only difference is that the cynicism isn't consistently applied to everyone who warrants it.

(I heavily suspect that when the money doesn't add up - someone is making money on the side. And it just so happens that they are in the position to sell regulatory capture, so it is the most likely candidate.)

The guilt so far is the sort of guilt everyone has. Not saying everything is kosher - just saying that everyone is guilty, malfeasance or not.

There is a saying, show me the man, I'll show you the crime.

I'm sure that the FBI can look closely enough to everyone related to trump and find something to convict everyone of. It may not be foreign influence related, but it will be something. They can even drag things out until the prez is out of office before going after the juicy targets.



newtboy says...

It's not time you lack, I got an A in statistics which I took after advanced placement B/C calculus, thank you.
Please stop hyper exaggerating the danger of all animal products and the benefits of veganism.

No, we're acting like +1% lifetime risk of one type of cancer, from 5%-6%, is a totally acceptable level of risk to trade for a lifetime of pleasure when taken knowingly, and is a far cry from +18% every time you eat bacon. It's probably far less than the additional risk of drinking municipal water, or breathing anywhere East of the West coast, certainly exponentially less than breathing air in any major metropolitan area, or living within 25 miles of a military base or airport.

I'm also acting like people who lie about or misrepresent the stats only prove their position is untenable and that they're untrustworthy. If 1% total increased lifetime risk is enough to make your point, why erroneously claim +18% per serving? It makes it so easy to dismiss and overlook any real point you might have had.

Nothing is unanimous, and that goes double for nutritional advice. Somewhere there's a doctor that insists you can't possibly get enough nitrates, most would say if you're healthy go ahead and have some moderation. My doctor and numerous documentaries say the stress of worrying incessantly about every little risk factor is a much bigger risk factor than almost any other for innumerable disorders and diseases. I'll take his advice, thanks.

transmorpher said:

I don't have time to teach you statistics. Stop trying to downplay the danger.

And for the third time, even if it is 1%, that's still millions of people suffering from colon cancer in the USA alone, but y'all are pretending like 1% is 0%.

Regardless of the numbers THE RECOMMENDATION IS UNANIMOUSLY DO NOT EAT. Very clear language that leaves no room for dispute.

Prosecutors Say Donald Trump Committed a Crime

newtboy says...

I must agree.
Trump's low IQ, when you consider his personality, is a positive.
It hinders him from being successful at many of his disastrous plans. If he was intelligent enough to successfully enact his ideas, we would be in an exponentially worse position with little chance of removing him.

Fortunately, he's just Donald Trump, people call him Donald Trump.

MilkmanDan said:

I realize (assume?) you're being largely facetious, but the biggest problems with Trump don't stem from a lack of IQ.

Think about it like this: if Forrest Gump was a real person, he'd make an infinitely superior president than Trump. I'd argue that is also true for the vast majority of real Americans that have an IQ in the range of the fictional Gump.

Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

newtboy says...

The fact that the current state of the technology is not public knowledge, and the fact that it's development is a secret military program, likely without a publicly available budget in all 3 countries, makes me think it's secret. Just tests on models require a supersonic or hypersonic wind don't pick those up at home depot.
Nobody has seen one fly, so if it was even in the early testing phase, no one noticed. Since we're watching, I'm dubious it's past models and simulations anywhere.
I don't doubt they, like us, are working on it. I have doubts any nation has made exponentially more progress than we have, and I wouldn't trust China or Russia if they claimed to have them without seeing them demonstrated successfully, just as they shouldn't trust us if we make more unsubstantiated claims, we're proven liars.

scheherazade said:

Why do you think it was secret?
Why do you think nobody noticed?
Do you think they just began on it since sanctions?

Every major power has had back-burner development of this stuff since the cold war.
The only "secret" was how much progress they made. That it existed, you can freely take for granted.

Just how you can take for granted that everyone is working on genetic weapons, everyone is working on directed energy weapons, everyone is working on infrastructure hacking weapons, everyone is working on automated robotic weapons, etc.

Do you think there is a better / more-cost-efficient place for Russia to spend defense dollars, than on a system which can trade the price of a missile for the price of an aircraft carrier?
I would be more surprised if they hadn't put their money into a program such as this.

Look at what progress China has made :
Which country is fielding a rail gun today? China.
Which country is fielding a man portable laser rifle? China
Which country has demonstrated quantum entanglement encrypted communication? China.

The world is moving on, while we stand around confidently patting ourselves on the back.


Robot drywall installer

ChaosEngine says...

Fair points, but this is obviously a prototype.

Ultimately, the price of these will come down and even if you need to swap out the batteries, there's no reason that can't be automated too. Hell, a roomba basically does that now. The point is it doesn't need sleep or meal breaks and it doesn't care about working hours. Or you just leave it connected to a permanent power source (if you can teach it to drywall, you can teach it to avoid the cable).

And yeah, my numbers are obviously estimates, since this isn't commercially available yet, and you'd need to factor in capital investment, maintenance, etc. But you don't have to pay it a salary, it doesn't need medical and it doesn't have to comply with health and safety regs (at least, not for the robots H&S).

I find it difficult to believe that something like this could ever be less cost-effective than a human.

Of course, that's assuming a steady rate of improvement. Bipedal robots (like self-driving cars) have been "90% there" for many years now. It might be that the last 10% is REALLY, REALLY difficult.

My gut feeling is that we will see a tipping point. There will be some really challenging engineering/programming obstacle that stops these going mainstream, but eventually, someone will solve it and then the rate of progress will be exponential.

But you're right in that, that's certainly a few years away yet. I'm fascinated as to how we as a society/civilisation deal with mass automation.

Drachen_Jager said:

But it's not going to be 1% of the cost for a very, very long time. It probably takes a team of technicians to keep it going right now. 5-10 years from now you can probably get one of those for a hundred grand or so, but maintenance would run you around the same as a full-time drywaller. You're throwing a lot of numbers out there as if they mean something, but they don't. Also, the thing needs downtime to recharge, even once the technology becomes practical and affordable, so 24/7 is not an option. Either you need a worker to replace batteries every few hours, or it needs to plug in to a base station and go offline for significant periods.

Liberal Democrat wants To have Confirmation Brett Kavanaugh

newtboy says...

This is why I cannot understand most "conservatives" wanting to ban abortion, or at least wanting to make it a state by state right, eradicating it outright or regulating it to death in most red states.

As a group, they complain that minority populations are growing much faster than white populations (making whites a minority), but then create policies that can only exacerbate that disparity (because as you hinted, white girls are more likely to be able to afford to travel out of state to get an abortion). They complain about a prevalence of single parent households, and create policies that can only create exponentially more. They complain about uneducated baby factories living off the state but want many pregnant teens to have no choice but to leave school and become an uneducated baby factory living off the state.
WTF people?

Mordhaus said:

I'm a rare conservative leaning person who would prefer a slightly more middle ground nominee, simply because I am almost certain that Kavanaugh will tilt the court enough that it does away with roe v wade. I support abortion. Making it illegal throughout half of the nation simply is going to fuck over poor people. People with money will fly out to a state that supports it.

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

Try reading again. You have it totally backwards.

When was I insulting or dismissive? Because it was unforseen that educated people would elect a bombastic insulting sexist popularist con man who was obviously lying to them simply because he wore a red hat and tie? Those are facts, not opinion. Many of them are saying how much they regret it now.

I offered solutions you appeared to agree with, like funding lower education so everyone has a decent, if not equal, opportunity to get an education.
Using race as ONE criteria amongst many for admission is not ideal, as I said, but until a better system for identifying and addressing financial and societal issues that stymie opportunities for people often based on their pigmentation is created, it's the best we've got.

What we don't have is what you imply is the white men with 1570 SAT scores (old school SAT, I don't know how it's scored now) and 3.9 gpas are not being turned away from Yale to make room for indigent African American women with 990 SATs and 2.7 gpas...but the Latina woman with 1550 and 3.6 gpa earned while raising 2 siblings and holding a full time job, yeah, she gets the slot, and that's proper. One skewed test that benefits one privileged group is hardly a decent measure of their work ethic or intelligence....often it's only an indication they hired the right student to take the SAT for them. There were at least 3 hired test takers out of 30 students taking the PSAT when I took it, we talked afterwards.

It is the right (and people making the arguments you are) who are far more insulting and dismissive of non white people's frustrations at being racially discriminated a level and consistency exponentially higher than the trifling discriminations whites suffer. That doesn't mean some whites don't suffer some deleterious effects, it means they come out way ahead in the discrimination game.

You wish to ignore all racial discrimination and racial obstacles except that single instance you can point to where it doesn't come out in your favor, then suddenly racism IS a problem that needs eradicating....but only the kind that harms white guys, forget the myriad of insurmountable racist mountains non whites climb daily, both institutional and societal, this speed bump for whites is unconscionable and must be removed immediately!

Come back and whine about institutional anti white bias when anti white racism permeates every facet of your life but not when your race doesn't give you a free leg up that one time. Maybe talk to your right wing friends about why funding education for others is good for you as step one towards eliminating programs like this that address inequities in opportunities, and giving the less fortunate extra opportunity to overcome their situation is good for all. After reasonable basic educational opportunities are available for all, schools will still take the student's home life, finances, and extra curricular activities into account....with luck that will be on an individual basis eventually, but that's not likely until education reforms occur that give everyone an opportunity to display their skills on a more level field..

bcglorf said:

Being insulting and dismissive of people's frustrations at being racially discriminated against as your post appears to do just makes for more division still.

Haitian Prime Minister resigns amid fuel price protests

ChaosEngine says...

I'd love to be wrong.

But even with less demand for gas and diesel for ground transport, we'll still need petrochemicals for air transport and plastic production (neither of which are going away any time soon).
Ultimately, they are a finite resource and even ignoring the effects of climate change we are going to run out eventually (especially if there's continued exponential growth).

The only good news is that IF we can produce enough EVs and enough renewable electricity to run them, that cost won't hurt most people (at least not in transport terms).

But even then, it will (optimistically) be a decade or two before EVs outnumber ICEs.

So yeah, IMO, fuel is going to go up.

C-note said:

I hope you are wrong. A few countries have announce goals for increasing the percentage of electric cars on their roads. The reduction in sales for gas and diesel cars should lead to less demand... maybe...

New Rule: The Good Sex Economy

newtboy says...

Yep, a comedian on a comedy tour taking a joke picture pretending to assault a sleeping woman who then quit of his own accord is exactly the same as a long term pedophile who enjoys his parties full support and never backs down or apologizes even after losing, or a philanderer who blackmail his mistress by taking naked pictures of her tied up and threatening to make them public then fights removal.

There is no equivalency. There's not a monopoly on one side, no, but there's absolutely not "every bit as much corruption and dishonesty on the Democrat side of politics as there is on the Republican". Republican dishonesty is about selling the country to Russia and raiding the treasury, and hiding or excusing inexcusable behavior and permeates everything they say. Democratic dishonesty is about which email account an email came from and pretending the leadership has no bias, and bowing to hyper sensitivity and disingenuous faux outrage.

For example...
Asked how his tax plan benefits the rich, he replied....
Trump: "No, I don't benefit. I don't benefit. In fact, very very strongly, as you see, I think there's very little benefit for people of wealth."

When asked about his rich friends....
"They can call me all they want; not going to help," he said Sept. 27, 2017. "I'm doing the right thing and it's not good for me, believe me."

When asked about the Trump zero tolerance plan to tear families apart as a political ploy, Trump claimed the Democrats did it and only they can reverse it, then he reversed his plan himself proving both family destroying lies to be lies.

The consistency, levels, and importance of the dishonesty from Republicans is exponentially greater than that from Democrats, who are far from perfect themselves.

Edit: Btw, Mahr has addressed the issue of him running for office repeatedly, he's capable and intelligent enough to be honest and say he's a horrible politician and would probably never run, and he knows he's far more influential exactly where he is than he might be as a freshman representative.....and he's smart enough to see that a candidate that gets out the vote for the opposition (like Clinton) is a horrendously stupid idea.
And Franken worked out great until he caved to false outrage and quit while pedophiles and abusive philanderers were welcomed into the opposing party feigning the outrage over a funny (but disrespectful) picture.

drradon said:

I don't understand why a-holes like this get so much credence and attention on this site as well as others. If Mahr and his very well heeled cronies are so capable and intelligent, let them run for office like the other comedian - Franken did ... and how did that work out????

And don't take this as support for the Trump Chumps - there is every bit as much corruption and dishonesty on the Democrat side of politics as there is on the Republican - the Democrats just sugarcoat it, and the media drools all over themselves supporting it...

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

newtboy says...

To be fair, Sanders and his supporters were accused of some horrible stuff both sides. Not child sex slavery and multiple murders, but still slanderous mud slinging.
Also to be fair, a large enough portion of the left turned on her in April/May when the DNC actions came to light and she didn't honorably walk away from a tainted candidacy, and instead hired the people who had clearly broken the rules in her favor....not just after the election.

That said, she has every right to be bitter, and she would have been exponentially better than Trump....Sanders could have been at least one order of magnitude better than that given the chance, imo, and he didn't come with an ingrained, well structured, long practiced, and exceptionally well funded opposition in place.

ChaosEngine said:

I’m not really sure that’s fair. Hillary went through a pretty bruising campaign where she was accused of everything from conspiring to kill American diplomats to running a child porn ring.

After all that, she got more votes than dickbag and STILL lost.

At which point the right (including some of the poorest people who are suffering worst under cheeto-face) laughed in her face, and the left turned on her.

Quite frankly, if I was Hillary, I’ve have told the whole of America to get fucked.

That’s not to say she didn’t have her faults, but she was an order of magnitude better than Trump.

Stop telling Blacks (and Kanye West) that they can't be cons

newtboy says...

So much dumb.

45% identify as conservative, but only around 10% identify republicans as conservative. Is that difficult to grasp?

Kanye is a "race traitor" because of his 'slavery is a choice' position. Supporting Trump just makes him look a little crazier and drug addled.
Also he did this at the same time....

No one said he can't be a Trump republican, they've just said they won't support that.
Shunning people for their political views is a republican mainstay, exponentially more so under Trump...they're really going to complain? Sad.

Michelle Wolf at 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner

newtboy says...

I saw a good juxtaposition video of her toothless jokes about Conway and Huckabee-Sanders at what's usually a roast of the current administration followed by Trump talking about Rosie O'Donnell and others on the campaign trail and later.
Funny how exponentially more personal and nasty remarks about a private citizen being disgusting, fat, and ugly inside and out are funny to them, but a joke about the Whitehouse spokesperson using burnt facts as makeup are just uncalled for and totally out of line.

entr0py said:

Yeah, it turns out the administration is full of humorless thin-skinned assholes. That's the subtle context that tends to go unreported.

Why expensive watches are so expensive

ChaosEngine says...

The thing that gets me is that the mechanisms are beautiful... but most of the time you don't get to see it.

Ultimately, I fail to believe that a handmade watch is so much better than a machine made watch. 20 years ago, maybe, but we live in an age of 3d printing and CNC machines that can produce exponentially more accurate results than a human ever could.

Don't get me wrong, there's incredible talent and skill gone into making this, but the "handmade" thing is just an excuse to charge more.

Why Do Doctors Have Men Turn Their Heads and Cough?

newtboy says...

Really, you people just let near strangers fondle your balls without questioning why?!?

I sure wish my Dr had told me to wait and see instead of scheduling surgery for the next morning, my surgery made things exponentially worse and now 5+ years later, I still have constant severe groin pain where before I just had a weird feeling when I coughed.

A Brilliant Analysis of Solar Energy into the Future

newtboy says...

Not if done right.
There are ways to do it without excessive waste, safely with zero possibility of meltdown or radioactive release, but getting new processes approved beyond experimental plants is nearly impossible.

Also, ironically, it's anti nuclear activists that got America to store rather than re-refine our waste, which adds exponentially to the costs and dangers. Reenrichment on site removes all the dangers of transportation and storage of waste, and means up to 90% less mining for the same amount of fuel....but we don't.

Don't get me wrong....I'm far more in favor of solar, wind, wave, and tidal generation, but I think nuclear power has it's place, and already exists. I just think it's dumb to be doing it as wastefully and dangerously as possible.

geo321 said:

glorified steam machine that creates radioactive waste

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