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Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death by Hanging

joedirt says...

"the lesser of two evils" argument kind of failed.. and most Repubs now realize they voted for the most evil of evils. Whatever your hypothetical worst case scenario.. America could never be worse off than what Bush has done. The economy. Your security (ask people from NOLA). Your liberty and freedoms (Patriot Act, Torture Bill, Habeaus Corpus, Posse Commitatus, the Marshall Law executive order). Foreign diplomacy. The state of the US military (taking prisoners, lowest admission standards, enlistment age up to 42 yrs now). Corporate welfare & cronyism (Energy policy, Enron, Oil company profits, Big Pharma, bankruptcy laws, NAFTA / CAFTA / WTO / outsourcing AND getting a write off for sending jobs overseas).

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