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Christmas truce of December 1914

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The economy is doing excellent thanks to Bidenomics. He inherited a failing economy with a negative gdp and record unemployment and record numbers of businesses failing thanks to Trumpenomics. Even inflation is the best in the free world and has been for a long time, and it was your one bad metric to pint to….now you’ve got nothing. 😂

The economy reportedly added 12000 jobs in Oct, a disappointment but hardly the loss you claim….liar. It is the worst month under Biden so far, but heaven compared to the Trump negative numbers.

Some other unknown metric is also now temporarily the lowest it’s been since Trump….HAHAHAHA! You are so incredibly stupid. I bet you don’t know how you ended up eating shit there.

These other numbers are just as fantastical and fantasy.

The economy has added over 16.5 million jobs under Biden, more than every single Republican administration combined even if you remove Trumps disastrous record of LOSING 3 million jobs over his administrations tenure. Such a drop in jobs has never been seen outside of war time.

Who lied to you and told you he lost private sector jobs? Why are you so gullible and incapable of typing into google to see if Pravda is telling the truth (as if you need to)?
Trump lost private sector jobs, 3 million of them. Biden added 16.5 million of them…so because you can’t accept he succeeded you pretend they are all crap jobs with zero evidence and only Russian propaganda to regurgitate. 😂

Enjoy Vlad. Daddy Trump isn’t coming to save mother Russia, Momala Kamala is coming to spank you hard and long then give your toys to Ukraine.

bobknight33 said:

The next POTUS will be hit hard with failing economy, thanks to Bidinomics.

The US economy lost -28,000 private jobs in October, the first net loss since December 2020.

The 3-month moving average has declined to 67,000, the lowest since the 2020 pandemic.

This is well below the average of 150,000 monthly private payroll additions seen in 2018-2019, prior to the pandemic.

The worst part?

Full-time private sector jobs have dropped by a whopping 1.5 MILLION year-over-year.

Such a drop in full-time private jobs has never been seen outside of recessions.

A Place For Trump

newtboy says...

Nice (shocking really) that you have finally accepted your boy will lose this election, but it’s incredibly delusional to believe he will live 8 more years or be capable of standing or speaking in 4…I don’t think he’ll be alive next election, 4 years of prison will be 3.95 years longer than he can take, and he’s facing decades.

Biden/Harris have done infinitely better on the economy…no negative gdp, no double digit unemployment, new businesses outpacing failing business handily, ports open, trade wars ended, roads and bridges and internet and infrastructure invested in heavily which is excellent for the economy short and long term, wages up, inflation down, there’s not a single metric where your sickly fat boy even comes close to a tie, much less comes out ahead…not even if you forget 2020.

You have clearly completely forgotten how certain you were in 2020 that a Biden administration would mean guaranteed depression in 21, then 22, then 23…this year you finally gave up on that fantasy but moved the goal post to 25, and you think anybody’s listening? 😂 Silly silly little boy, people stopped listening to your cries of “WOLF” years ago, only your fellow cultists hear you.

100% of domestic terrorism in the last decade was committed by maggots, some as false flags trying to blame Dems but not most….most were direct attacks against America. There have been dozens if not hundreds since the golden escalator ride.

It’s impossible for something to “start back up” if it never existed, just as it would be impossible for it to “start back up” from maga since the violence has never ended from your criminal terrorist party, neither has the cheating.

Trump will what? End elections? Declare victory despite losing by over 20 points? Go full Nazi? Make homosexuality a death sentence? Hand Alaska to Putin? Direct the army to round up political rivals for extermination? WHAT? 😂
Trump will lose, then go to prison and die there.

Such a delusional little man you are, never coming close to reality or a complete thought, only cut and pasting the Russian produced propaganda prepared for you.

bobknight33 said:

When the economy crashes under the next POTUS, Trump will be a better leader to get America out of the Biden / Harris inflation mess.

Trump will and the Violence from the left will start back up.

Charlie Kirk Struggles To Define A “Man”

newtboy says...

Closer to 2% are intersex, so over 160 million people, over 6 million Americans…and they have rights. You would deny their existence and rights and dehumanize them because they aren’t “the norm” (“they aren’t like me, so they’re scary and wrong!”) and it’s too difficult for you to comprehend that there might be more than a binary system, even as you admit it, and clearly you believe anyone not “the norm” doesn’t matter, shouldn’t have rights, and doesn’t actually exist.
Around 5% (under 30) are transgender or non-binary, that’s up to 400 million people, up to 15 million Americans. You would deny their existence and rights to dehumanize them too in your ignorant intolerance.

Only 1% are in the top 1% platinum spoon trust fund babies like the felon…so if the exceptions to the norm don’t matter or exist, why care about him at all?

Pretty sure the village idiot is the one who made at least 4 grammatical errors in just two simple phrases, not the one who excelled in college level chemistry and English classes in middle school and advanced placement calculus in high school…the same idiot who would deny rights to hundreds of millions because they don’t fit your simplistic thought process. 😂

bobknight33 said:

99% Born with a stick or slit.

The other 1 % are exceptions not the norm.

Keep being the TOOL for the Foolish - You're doing a great job being the village idiot.

Hobby Horsing Isn't Real - Ozzy Man Quickies

“Sofaking” JD Vance - I F#@ked A Couch

newtboy says...

Excellent! I missed “show”.

Edit: Agreed, not for every comment, but this one was short and so chocked full I thought it might be fun.
My mother was one of the top editors in the country, so grammar Nazi-ing is in my DNA.

noims said:

I've got 7 if you include not capitalising the N in Newt and the tautology/redundancy/repetition in 'pro Harris supporter'. (In short, they're: N, yo, realizing, his, show, your, pro)

I'm ignoring the slightly infantile usages of of 'can never' and 'also', and the commonly-acceptable capitalisation of TOOL. I'm also assuming 'your' was supposed to be 'you' and not 'you're'.

This is a fun game, but not one I'd want to play with all of Bob's comments. Your time's better spent 'obliterating his arguments' rather than his use of language.

Democrats gave us slavery, Republicans gave us freedom.

bobknight33 says...

@newtboy Why do to continue to be a Democrat TOOL?

Democrats use Blacks just for their votes.

If Democrats gave a shit about Blacks, why haven't they improved their cites is such a way as to bring in jobs for inner city communities.

Why are inner city schools shitty compared to others. City planners can spend $ and make them excellent. But they don't care about blacks, just their vote.

Democrats get 85% just because they don't want to loose the barely tolerable government cheese. Better to have something than nothing.

And that is economic slavery.

Newt by being blinded to this reality this also makes you part of the problem. A slave holder.

newtboy said:

THIS ENTIRE STUPID PLOY IS PREDICATED ON THE RACIST IDEA THAT MINORITIES ARE TOO DUMB AND GULIBLE TO SEE WHO WORKS FOR THEIR INTERESTS AND WHO CONSISTENTLY WORKS AGAINST THEM. There’s a reason Democrats get in the high 85%+ and Republicans get around 10%+- of the black vote, and it is not idiotic confusion (well, the Republican votes might be).

The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1792. It became the most popular political party until the 1820s. In the 1824 United States presidential election it split into several factions, one of which became the modern-day Democratic Party.

The new Democrats who continued supported slavery for almost 35 years were right wing CONFEDERATE democrats, the Republican who ended slavery was a left wing Federal government supporting anti-confederacy Republican.

Democrats gave you civil rights, confederate flag waiving Republicans are trying to take them away.
Notice, all of MLKs descendants are Democrats, and it’s not because they’re racists or white supremacists.

Bob wishes everyone was ignorant and dishonest like him and would simply deny the Southern Strategy of the late 60s happened, when the Republican Party went hard racist and hard right courting southern racists to save itself from massive losses in the South, and Democrats went hard left and inclusive supporting the civil rights movement to gain minority votes. Bob denies these inconvenient facts because he doesn’t like being told he’s in the racist fascist party…but there’s absolutely zero doubt about it, facts don’t change because idiots and liars deny them.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You keep claiming you are doing excellent, have become rich raking in all that Tesla cash and DJT earnings…and the skyrocketing value of your Convicted Felon Trump NFTs and golden sneakers. I guess that was all bullshit? 😂

Many are broke because they did work for convicted felon DJT and he stiffed them on the bill, putting them out of business. Some are broke because they gave everything to convicted felon, rapist, and business fraud disgraced convict Trump or invested in him and he gives nothing back EVER. Some are because the 2020-21 Trump recession hurt them badly and they haven’t recovered fully yet. Some because they divested in anything “woke” before realizing they now own nothing but worthless anti woke stocks, some because they went “all in” on Tesla as you suggested right before it crashed and burned, some because they attacked the federal government and their defense is expensive. Companies continuing to reap record profits doesn’t help. Derp.

Most Americans are doing quite well, I am, WAY better than during the Trump slump when my investments made under 5% per year, this year I’m already over 10% growth in under 6 months…sadly some only watch propaganda outlets that hammer in daily that they aren’t doing well, don’t trust economic numbers, your paycheck, jobs numbers, your bank account, the gdp, or your recent purchase history, or $3 gas, just trust them you are poor. Sadly they also don’t grasp that they were infinitely worse off in 2020, your memories were wiped front to back, full wipe, to forget the entire last year of the last administration, forget the negative gdp, the millions of lost jobs, the hundreds of thousands of closing businesses, the empty shelves, the fear mongering, the race riots, the million + deaths, the skyrocketing inflation from outrageous and useless spending sprees (like the PPP free money handout program) ballooning the debt, and have been told to not believe the amazing gdp, 13+ million jobs created, hundreds of thousands of new businesses, plunging inflation, record market numbers, etc.


Also “We are here in Sunset Park to worship the greatest president in U.S. history.” Convicted felon Trump’s introduction at his cult meeting….i mean political rally.

bobknight33 said:

If The economic numbers are all amazing, then why are so many Americans BROKE?

Girl rages over ice cream prices

Reefie says...

Hah fair point!

I still think the video is an excellent demonstration of the attitude divide between those who grow up on council estates and don't make any effort to become better versions of themselves, compared to those who come from the same background and strive to overcome life's hurdles

ant said:

More like the world and life.


Fallout - Official Trailer

moonsammy says...

It was, in fact, quite excellent. Not only that, but the show and game series are canon to each other, unlike most adaptations. The show expands the lore, and answers some big questions that have been around since the games started. TONS of easter eggs for fans, but even those unfamiliar will enjoy the show.

newtboy said:

Just finished season one. Worth watching IMO.
Teased season two at the end, so maybe we’ll get one. Awesome!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump is apparently begging to be put in jail.
A reporter actually watched him in the courtroom going over the talking points his maga friends planned to give outside the courtroom and editing them, then handing them back to his supporters who went outside and read them to the press. The quotes he edited that they repeated to the press were often violations of the gag order…that’s not what he edited out. Somehow he thinks this isn’t directing others to make statements in violation of the gag order…or he understands it’s a major direct violation and is begging for jail. His lawyers are not stopping this, they know for certain it’s a violation that will get their client another contempt charge. What are they doing? Playing to lose?

Still waiting.

PS- Trump has screwed himself by agreeing to Biden’s debate rules. 1 on June 27 hosted by CNN, one in September hosted by ABC…both in studio with no crowds to disrupt and interrupt, both with microphones that are muted when the candidate’s time is up. It’s going to be so incredibly disastrous for Diaper Don. He’s already trying to back out by tweeting that he agreed to a debate on Fox…
Biden didn’t , and that’s not the debate Trump agreed to either.

S&P and Nasdaq are at record highs, DOW hit 40000!!! (remember how you and Trump swore the markets would crash if Biden was elected?) , inflation is still falling (in stark contrast to the high inflation created by Trump money printing policies), food and other prices are now flat or FALLING (in stark contrast to the high inflation and empty shelves Trump delivered), there’s a massive “startup” boom of new companies (in stark contrast to the massive business slump with hundreds of thousands of businesses closing that Trump delivered), unemployment is still at record lows for a record time frame (in stark contrast to the record high unemployment Trump delivered), wages are still outpacing inflation significantly (in stark contrast to the wage slump Trump delivered), gdp is still climbing (in stark contrast to the NEGATIVE GDP Trump delivered), the Biden economic boom is booming harder with every report, and your fake news outlets are having a harder and harder time pretending all the excellent economic news is bad and things are just about to fall apart. 😂 Of course, you still believe them, but very few are as deeply embedded in their own colon as yourself and even maga is realizing they’re being lied to constantly and grifted off.

Side note- in the last 15 years, Trump has paid more for sex than he did in taxes to America. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s see the unedited version first.

Hilarious how you dismiss all polls except those you think support you. This poll, if legitimate which is unlikely, is an outlier and likely worded poorly to get those results. There’s absolutely a reason you only have an 8 second clip cutting out any word that contradicts you, it’s because a 15 second clip would explain the poor polling. Was this a poll of Republicans? Texans? Alabama? Likely. Try a source that doesn’t edit down to nothing to tell you what you want to hear.
I guess since you agree with polls now, you agree with all the polls that ranked Trump as worst president ever, right?

Aaaaahhhh…I see. It’s a poorly done poll (as I said, an outlier among others at the time) from January. JANUARY BOB. We’ve had 4 months of excellent economic news since then. Try an April poll where the rolls are reversed and Biden is beating tiny hands Donny on most fronts.

Americans are lied to by people like you, and many don’t know how to understand statistics. MAGA is 100% in that camp, and has forgotten 2020. America hasn’t forgotten. Trump is losing in polls and hasn’t even started his first criminal campaign fraud to hide hush money to multiple women he slept with while married trial, which will be weeks of new disgustingly dishonorable and disloyal acts by Trump aired publicly and a number of serious felonies he admits he committed he will be convicted of. That won’t help him in the election, only MAGA thinks it’s acceptable, all those independents don’t, and you need them ALL.

bobknight33 said:

Americans disagree with your assessment.

Democrat’s Tricks On Adult Site Result in SHOCKING Loss

United State of Pop 2023 (Cut The Flowers)

How many emotions can you fit into four seconds

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