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Trudeau says Canadians are angry

newtboy says...

Canada and Mexico should not pause their tariffs, and should add 100% export taxes to Canadian energy (so America pays and Canada keeps the money). America cannot keep the lights on without it, we will pay anything to keep it coming, and the Canadians know it, just like Mexico knows we can’t keep food on the shelves without Mexican produce (soon exclusively since American farms can’t find workers to be able to produce produce).

The stupidest trade war in history is an apt name for this fiasco. Every penny doge could ever save has been squandered already with the losses this intentional commercial uncertainty has caused, and the negative effects are just beginning.

Who left they son at the store?

newtboy says...

When he was 10+- my brother wandered off at the mall. Dad said if he did it again he was going to live there….he did it again, and we left him there.
My grandmother had to go pick him up….she was ever so pissed!


BSR (Member Profile)

Deep Sea Anglerfish Filmed In Shallow Water Off Spain

Deep Sea Anglerfish Filmed In Shallow Water Off Spain

Trump Closes the border.

newtboy says...

Inflation already exploding maybe double digits already. Suddenly maga says “inflation is patriotic”

Gas prices are spiking. Grocery prices spiking double digits, eggs $12! Stock market crashing. China’s international trade pact has gained a dozen (40) nations with all central and South America in talks while they consider trade war with America while switching from using the dollar to using the yuan.

Unemployment exploding unbelievably. Crops rotting in fields because there’s no one to harvest them. Hiring frozen.

Ukraine war still in full effect, with 6 more on the horizon thanks to threats.

We quit the WHO and closed our pandemic response team (again) and forced all public health agencies to stop communicating with the public right as bird flu is emerging as a pandemic.

Child pornographers, the biggest/most prolific drug dealer ever in America who assassinated his rivals, and over 1500 more violent cop killing thugs released from prison to reek havoc across America, many already rearrested for violent armed crimes, one got in a shootout with police and died.

Just 8 days in, and the nation is completely crumbling, the rule of law gone, the economy in freefall, a pandemic starting. The president is on vacation.

If you voted for this and you love America, you should eat your gun.

Trump Closes the border.

newtboy says...

By decree, he has also claimed to have ended FEMA, saying states should take care of themselves, not each other. The south is doomed….California will just withhold federal taxes and pay for itself, and save tens of billions of dollars per year that way, Louisiana alone will be $10 billion per year in the hole or more. All southern states are “takers” from the fed… Enjoy.

Eggs are $9 already and skyrocketing and he completely abandoned the promise to lower grocery prices, now says it’s impossible.

When told his policies are already crashing the economy on live TV by Hannity he answered “I don’t care”.

We will be in a depression this summer, and a real military invasion by Xmas (unless he hands Alaska to Russia and Hawaii to China).

His first plan to stop the Ukraine war….tell Putin he is planning tariffs and sanctions on anything Russia sells the U.S. (clearly not knowing they’ve been in effect for years already, and that Russia hasn’t sold anything to the US in years).

Pardoned more terrorists including those who pleaded guilty to treason/sedition and violence against police.
Some were re-arrested for more violent felonies they committed under a day after release. He invited these convicted anti American criminal thugs to the Whitehouse.
This is exactly what he did in 2020 in Afghanistan before handing the country to the criminal terrorist Taliban (yes, he even invited Taliban leaders to Camp David and the Whitehouse)…a group he seems to look up to. Thank goodness some judges refuse to dismiss with prejudice so they can be retried if law and order ever return to America….unlikely.

Once again, he already dismantled our pandemic response team right as bird flu is emerging in America, and decreed our health agencies cannot make any statements or recommendations but must keep silent and useless. Buy PPE!

His plans to deport every undocumented alien are estimated to cost multiple trillions per year directly just to try and cost the economy up to another $10 trillion per year in lost production…absolutely devastating and turning us into a third world nation overnight.

Is there peace in Ukraine yet? His new stated plan is to ask President Xi of China who is supplying Russia with military equipment and ammo to solve it for him. Russia is publicly mocking him and Smelania (by broadcasting her soft core porn constantly), laughing at his “threats” and giddy at their luck that Biden is gone and their cucked boy is back.

Shocker, these decrees are all directly from project 2025, written by the project 2025 committees, and many Trump doesn’t know what he’s signing since he wasn’t involved in drafting the orders….exactly as we knew would happen.

UPDATE: Decree #1, ending birthright citizenship, shut down by a Republican judge with a hilarious rebuke.

Also fun, 75% of farm workers didn’t show up to work this week. Harvests are essentially cancelled. Prepare for double digit inflation at the grocery store in short order. $9 eggs is just a start.

MSNBC: Trump Inaguration Speech "Sounded Like Hitler"

newtboy says...

It is deliciously hilarious that crowd size is ultimately important to the felon but he has ensured his crowd will be the smallest inaugural crowd ever by moving the inauguration inside open only to those who have given at least $1 million or more to him. His real crowd will be in the hundreds at most, the biggest room holds 140 max, the White House can’t fit more inside.

That wasn’t very nice

newtboy says...

My dad liked to play “kill the kid” where if he caught me walking in the road he would drive at me at 15-20mph, I would jump on the hood, he would hit the breaks so I rolled off, then he would drive off. He said it was to see what the neighbors would do, but he did it at our ranch with no neighbors to see more than once, so…..
Call it a prank, inappropriate joking, fun between a dad and his weird kid, or serious child abuse, it sure beat how my brother treated me…but yes, it left multiple scars I can still see 45 years later…they’re not the only ones. Growing up in Texas in the 70s was dangerous.
Nobody ever said anything. I know some of the neighbors and my mother saw him do it. That’s way scarier and more scaring than the car coming at me.
(Side note- Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to get me!)

cloudballoon said:

Carrying a bit of cynicism is a good thing in general, as long as it doesn't fall into paranoia. I'm all for siblings & peers pranking each other, but coming from parents... that's a bit much. It leaves scars.

Student - D'Souza to convince him life starts at conception

newtboy says...

Shocker…D’Souza has admitted the entire basis for his fake propaganda movie, 2000 mules, was a total fabrication and was based on falsely fabricated geo location data and video correlations that were also 100% fabricated, and he apologized to at least one individual directly targeted by the movie and the idiots (like bob) who believe this kind of lie without ever thinking about verification (but deny any verified claims about their violent and sexually deviant party members) and threatened him and his family with injury, rape, and murder.

Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Documentary

spawnflagger says...

This makes me want to go back and play HL2 Episodes 1 & 2. I know I bought them, but don't remember ever finishing them. HL2 was so technically impressive. Portal 2 was also great, especially the co-op multiplayer. Alyx is a good VR title- it's close to a "killer app" for VR, but not quite there. 1 of the few VR titles compelling enough to keep headset on for more than 1 hour.

Not half-life related, but "old but cool" PC tech from that era: I had a DVD/MPEG2 decoder card that did VGA passthrough, and would replace black pixels with the movie content - so I could watch the Matrix in the background of playing Quake or other FPS (this was a dual PIII-450Mhz). I later installed an ATSC tuner card - one of the first channels that broadcast in HD was Fox, and one of my favorite shows, 24, started to broadcast in HD - and the early days all the makeup artists took advantage of low-res, so as soon as the show went to HD, you could see how fake all the blood, makeup, and other effects were. Hollywood ramped up quickly once the first HDTVs started shipping.
That computer also ran BeOS quite well.

Formula Offroad Iceland Top 10 Best In Show Runs

newtboy says...

I have a good story for that comment.
My wife and I went to Iceland (I went to a formula offroad event while there!) a while back, and one B&B host told us that for years they sent videos of Formula Offroad to SkyTV (the European version of ESPN) with no response. Eventually they got through to someone to ask why, and were told “SkyTV doesn’t broadcast remote control cars”….yes, for over a decade they assumed no human would drive like that and it must be RC cars! When they proved it was real full size cars with real live drivers, it was immediately put on air and has been popular ever since.
Good stuff.

Side note…these events are one main way Iceland funds most of its rescue teams that save stupid tourists that go off trail and get lost.

BSR said:


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your evidence?
Russian bloggers on twitter?
Beyoncé, Lizzo, Megan, Eminem, the Harris campaign and official campaign financial records all say it’s 100% bullshit spread from Twitter accounts.
You bought and repeated another stupid lie without checking it out, because you don’t care if it’s true you just love to talk shit like a spoiled little girl.

The Harris campaign, as of Oct. 17, lists only one endorsement-related expenditure — for $75 — in its Federal Election Commission financial reports. It was made to the League of Conservation Voters, a pro-environment nonprofit, in June, when President Joe Biden was still running for reelection.
Sorry, not sorry, liar, another stupid lie debunked as soon as you spout it.

Why is it that you continue to buy every stupid lie you’re sold and never are embarrassed or apologetic when your stupid insulting lies are proven to be lies? Must be because you have no morals or ethics left, and we’re never smart.

By comparison….
The felon’s campaign finance records showed he had to pay actors to pretend to be auto workers, union workers, blacks for Trump, etc…paid people to show up at his rallies and post a picture to prove it, etc…Elon had to pay millions for votes (and is being accused of hacking the election using Starlink to edit the data it transmitted, then crashing the satellite to erase the evidence…14 million missing votes, recounts started!)…every single relationship he’s ever had including familial has been transactional.
If you actually had a problem with that, you wouldn’t support the felon who only has paid spokespeople who make millions themselves…parking lot attorney Alina Habba?!? How many millions did she get paid?
Even Melania had to get paid $250000 to stoop to speaking for 15 minutes to support her husband.

THAT is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!

You also have conceded that you expect every metric of the economy to be worse under Trump than it has been under Biden, you can’t come up with a single measure you expect to improve in the next 4 years…and have telegraphed your nonsensical intent to blame Biden for Trump’s economy and accept no blame despite holding full control of all 3 branches of government. If only your people had been honest about that before the election things would be different.

bobknight33 said:

Kamala paid Beyoncé $10 MILLION to publicly support her!!!

$5 MILLION for Megan Thee Stallion
$3 MILLION for Lizzo
$1.8 MILLION for Eminem

These fake relationships is what you guys wanted in the government? People paying people to act like they like each other.

A Billion $ campaign and she still LOST.

That is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Let me tell you all about him,

this maggot intruder and Q fan is on video breaking in and attacking Pelosi, admitted doing it, admitted he intended to kidnap, assault, and likely murder Nancy Pelosi based on misinformation he got from the felon about her, has been convicted on every charge, and just got life in prison on top of his earlier sentences.

Once again, every word you have ever said about this assasination attempt has been false, dismissive, insulting, and shows clearly you wish he succeeded in his murder plans…and then you probably go ape shit at the suggestion that your boy led both attackers, drove both his attackers to it, faked his injury (he absolutely did, or he hurt himself, he was not hit) and deserved the attempts (no politician besides his German hero ever did deserve assassination more than he does, and that guy’s own generals tried 3 times).

I hope you’re at least brushing your teeth after eating all that shit, Mr MEGA.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

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