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Guy Swims Across Rapids to Save Raccoon

Harrison Ford is The Ocean

MilkmanDan says...

"I covered this entire planet once."

I didn't know that and doubted it, so I googled. Link says that before around 1 billion years ago, water (ocean) covered 95% of the surface of the earth, and then continents erupted relatively quickly, geologically speaking.

However, I think that 95% coverage figure (and possibly more earlier on?) would mostly be owed to the crust and mantle being relatively flat and smooth after cooling down from being a largely molten ball very early on. Now that the earth has cooled enough to allow plate tectonics to push stuff around and create subduction zones and mountain ranges, there are too many high-elevation points (and low elevation chasms for the ocean to fill in) for the ocean to ever cover the entire earth again. Even if all of the ice on the earth melted, apparently sea level would only rise by about 70 meters / 230 feet.

So the "and I can always cover it again" bit at the end is a bit overstated. We'd almost certainly be dead as a species if conditions were extreme enough to melt all of the ice around the world, but not because of being drowned off of dry land to live on.


bmacs27 says...

I'm sorry, that must be a miscommunication. It isn't that they are "forced" to stay on the island necessarily. It's that they lack the means to leave. That is, chopping down a tree to build a boat would be stealing, and they can't swim the distance necessary to get to any other dry land.

blankfist said:

@bmacs27, first, that's a very specific scenario, and I think we can safely assume most, if not all, people wouldn't find themselves in this situation. Second, the island you describe doesn't sound like it fits any of the non-aggression principle's criteria, namely because it doesn't sound like people are allowed to leave. Therefore they're being coerced to stay, I assume. So, that sounds more like a governed society than a free one.

Glenn Greenwald - Why do they hate us?

Fletch says...

Reminds me of yet another ironic result of our "war against terror"... the gross ignorance, arrogance, blinders-on patriotism, and raging authoritarianist bend of a new species of rightie nutter that has slithered onto dry land since 9/11.

lantern53 said:

Why does Glenn Greenwald hate America?

Chasing Ice - Largest Calving Event Ever Caught On Film

Amazing Video of Stingray Giving Birth

moodonia says...

Does camera guy think fish normally crawl onto dry land and swear off oxygen for 6 minutes while giving birth?

As a liveleak commenter said "the videographer is an idiot, you do realize these creatures breath water not air you dumbfuck. "

Scuba Diving in Flooded Meadow - Breathtaking Scenery

nancyth says...

Now this is amazingly beautiful. The music fits it perfectly. Its almost like one of those things that you see and its see i don’t know so simple and different that it just makes you stop and think. It’s so strange yet just simply tranquil and serene. Sharm El Sheikh Sightseeing *sigh* I love it probably could say it is one of my all time favorite videos if not my favorite. Its as if for a time you get to fly over what would normally be dry land.

Boat Docking Fail

Mens 4x100 Relay - Olympic Swimming

spoco2 says...

>> ^lucky760:
No worries mate. I didn't know you were an Aussie. That's neat that they speak so much about Phelps there; I was also surprised about the lengthy discussion by the Brits in this clip. I guess he must be something special to have qualified for the Olympics at age 15. Maybe he has gills behind his ears and knows how to find dry land.

I don't think it's so much about his age, but moreso he's about to become the single largest gold medal winner in the history of the Olympics, no mean feat by any stretch.

Mens 4x100 Relay - Olympic Swimming

lucky760 says...

No worries mate. I didn't know you were an Aussie. That's neat that they speak so much about Phelps there; I was also surprised about the lengthy discussion by the Brits in this clip. I guess he must be something special to have qualified for the Olympics at age 15. Maybe he has gills behind his ears and knows how to find dry land.

Sloths can swim?!

9058 says...

No sloths do swim on rare occasions during rainy seasons to switch to a new tree and they move even slower on dry land. Its dangerous for them but they have to do it. These people assumed any tree would do and that he needed their help. For all we know they put him on the tree he was trying to abandon

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Mating leopard slugs

choggie says...


tags alone

......."on dry land, that couldn't happen, even for the most, moisture loving of creatures.... an individual slug, carries both male and female organs, but even then, that was of no help......each had to both give, and receive......

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