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Charlie Chaplin Google Doodle

Lettin'r Loose

variteks (Member Profile)

What Happens When 500 People Trace the Same Line?

FlowersInHisHair (Member Profile)

Trombone boobies

bamdrew says...

I'm sure I didn't have to spell this out, but the lack of a sidewalk contrasting with the sports car (a 'Diablo') is clearly a comment on nihilism and religiosity, while the breasts and surgical glove (in yellow, commonly used by nurses) should be interpreted as references to birth, motherhood, and of course the life-giving sun.

'Yankee Doodle' is just a red herring. A delightful red herring.

Amazing Table Drumming and Finger Tapping

Congresswoman Shot In The Head Point Blank 6 Others Killed

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I'm not so sure it's equal, but assigning blame isn't the most productive outcome here. Hopefully this event will moderate the rhetoric on all sides going forward.

I've seen both sides, and yes it is equal. There is a ton of left-wing hate speech that is never focused on by the media. The media CHOOSES not to focus on it, but it is still there - consistent and constant. Media tends to ignore sleaze which they are ideologically sympathetic towards, but they're hypersensitive to sleaze they oppose. The media decided that "right wing hate" was to blame before the smoke even cleared and so that's how they're going to discuss the story despite the evidence piling up that the lunatic was a neolib nut.

I do not believe this event will moderate jack-diddly-squat-doodle in terms of political rhetoric because the blame game being played is not taking place with a neutral "let's all step back" attitude. The blame game is ideologically motivated, biased, slanted, one-sided, and taking place 100% from the perspective of "left is fine; right is evil..."

That sort of biased slant is not going to calm people down. It is make people who are conservative even more upset. Bill Clinton pulled the same stunt in 1995. The right mostly ignored it. But they piled on, and conservatives became associated with compounds and crazies as a media default. The right learned a lesson that they can't just ignore it when the political left in concert with a left-biased media manufactures a lie.

So when overnight there are literally dozens of hit peices blaming this tragedy on Palin, the Tea Party, and conservative talk radio? Well, naturally the right is going to respond. I very much doubt the two-way "yes you did - no we didn't" discourse is going to soften the rhetoric.

What WOULD calm people down is if the media and politicians stopped trying to cast this story in such a way as to blame only their opponents. I put the odds of that happening at just about 0%. The political world is addicted to slash and burn hostility, and the media can't stop itself from slanting the news to save its own life because that's just what they've done for decades and they don't even know how to just report without editorializing anymore.

Hive13 (Member Profile)

Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs

Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs

spaceman says...

Only one down vote? I was in a bad mood looking for trouble. I'm Disappointed in you guys...

>> ^spaceman:

Wow. As a nerd who is currently studying math in College I do NOT see the appeal in this video. Why do you guys upvote...just because a girl is narrating. I am disappointed in the sifters today, this video sucks.

Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs

Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs

spoco2 says...

>> ^spaceman:

Wow. As a nerd who is currently studying math in College I do NOT see the appeal in this video. Why do you guys upvote...just because a girl is narrating. I am disappointed in the sifters today, this video sucks.

Or, in other words:

I like to show how superior I am by poo pooing anything that's about maths (which I'm super good at dontcha know, because I study it and all), and it not up to the highly specific standards I have set as being necessary for a maths based video.

Bloody hell, it's a video of a girl/woman talking about maths and drawing quite nicely. She is showing a level of interest in maths that it sadly lacking in the VAST majority of females (and a lot of males for that matter). If she can show how just doodling can be exploring maths then this is GOOD.

So we upvote because we appreciate this level of enthusiasm for something important like maths and art, rather than discussing whether you're on team Edward or team Jacob.

Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs

direpickle says...

>> ^spaceman:

Wow. As a nerd who is currently studying math in College I do NOT see the appeal in this video. Why do you guys upvote...just because a girl is narrating. I am disappointed in the sifters today, this video sucks.


gwiz665 (Member Profile)

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