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Doodling in Math Class: Squiggle Inception

Doodling in Math Class: Squiggle Inception

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Doodling in Math Class: Squiggle Inception

Feminism Fail: It's Only Sexist When Men Do It

Grow your own Mandala

Administrator Quotes GodFather in request for information

spoco2 (Member Profile)

NicoleBee says...

My pleasure hon! I'm always so embarassed I didnt do a better job when I see a few of you still keeping around my doodle avatars. I will have to redo them all better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Hey NicoleBee, just wanted to give another thankyou waaaaay down the track for my avatar

I still think I've very lucky to have such an awesome harmonica playing dog for my presence here

5 year old threatens to Cunt Punch shitty teenager. (Kids Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

my kids know their anatomy. probably because my careers have been all about the anatomy. and i'm all about anatomy. i like that they know their anatomy. right now my son is all about saying "butt" everything. we went camping a few weeks ago and he shared a tent with his friend and they were up saying the word "buttcrack" ALL NIGHT. i think it's probably the dirtiest word they know. it's getting pretty annoying though. i've started just ignoring it and hope he grows out of it soon. probably not though. inflatablevagina and i still giggle about buttholes every time we get together. at least we've grown out of picking each others noses. >> ^spoco2:

That's a pretty standard 5 year old thing to say I reckon...
'butthole' is something a lot of them find funny, along with bumhole, bumface, poo breath and the like.
'punch you in your vagina' is pretty much the same as 'hit you in the penis', which I know my kids find funny... although they currently find the word 'doodle' more amusing than penis. Sure we scorn them if they say that to anyone, even in jest, because of just, the whole violence thing as a whole, but it is fairly standard fare.
My kids certainly know it's called a penis and that their sister doesn't have one, but has a vagina. I can't stand kids being taught 'fanny' or 'hoo hoo' or any one of the many ridiculous fill-ins for penis and vagina. That's what they are, it's not rood.
So, yeah, not great that you have such a dick neighbour and that your kid felt angered at him like that, but it's pretty innocuous language really, certainly much more 5 year old than "Shutup asshole before I hit you in your cunt".
I would imagine that the word 'vagina' stopped the other kid in his tracks because his parents think that's a terrible, rude word, rather than just the name of a piece of anatomy.

5 year old threatens to Cunt Punch shitty teenager. (Kids Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

That's a pretty standard 5 year old thing to say I reckon...
'butthole' is something a lot of them find funny, along with bumhole, bumface, poo breath and the like.
'punch you in your vagina' is pretty much the same as 'hit you in the penis', which I know my kids find funny... although they currently find the word 'doodle' more amusing than penis. Sure we scorn them if they say that to anyone, even in jest, because of just, the whole violence thing as a whole, but it is fairly standard fare.

My kids certainly know it's called a penis and that their sister doesn't have one, but has a vagina. I can't stand kids being taught 'fanny' or 'hoo hoo' or any one of the many ridiculous fill-ins for penis and vagina. That's what they are, it's not rood.

So, yeah, not great that you have such a dick neighbour and that your kid felt angered at him like that, but it's pretty innocuous language really, certainly much more 5 year old than "Shutup asshole before I hit you in your cunt".

I would imagine that the word 'vagina' stopped the other kid in his tracks because his parents think that's a terrible, rude word, rather than just the name of a piece of anatomy.

Charlie Chaplin Google Doodle (15 april 2011)

Charlie Chaplin Google Doodle (15 april 2011)

Charlie Chaplin Google Doodle

Charlie Chaplin Google Doodle

Charlie Chaplin Google Doodle

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