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Doodle Music, Vi Hart Style

'Aerodynamic' (Daft Punk) on Google Moog Doodle

spoco2 says...

>> ^Auger8:

Awesomesauce! Daft Punk is such an under appreciated band IMO.

Geeze, how appreciated should they be? They've been nominated for 8 Grammys, won 2 of them. They've appeared in movies, tv shows, adverts. They composed the soundtrack for one of the most awesome movies ever, Tron Legacy, their albums have gone platinum and gold around the world... what more do you want?

Moog Chief Engineer talks about Googles Goog-Mini-Moog

lurgee (Member Profile)

Moog Chief Engineer talks about Googles Goog-Mini-Moog

Moog Chief Engineer talks about Googles Goog-Mini-Moog

Seattle Hipster Racism Meets Cool Cop

xxovercastxx says...


One of the things that I dislike the most about the Sift are the numerous times that words and intentions are put into my mouth that are utterly absent in what I actually say.
I have repeatedly said "unconscious" sexism. And I have applied that phrase to both men and women.
But suddenly I am being painted as some hysteric who is lashing out at the big bad men who have hurt me so bad by their big bad sexism.
Because you have a history of doing just that. I can think of at least 2 other times when I've seen you, and called you out for, attacking other people and then trying to play the victim. I don't need to wait for the end of the song to say, "That's Yankee-Doodle Dandy"; I can name that tune in 7 notes.

This entire culture is sexist. Anyone who has spent more than five minutes looking around them will agree with that statement. [...] Spend one day -- one day -- listening to how often women are called girls. Substitute the word "woman" if she is more than 18 years old, and see how that shifts your internal landscape. Spend one day -- one day -- substituting the word "boy" every time you hear the word "man" and see if it doesn't squeege you out.
I agree that sexism permeates not only our culture, but probably human nature. It's the sort of thing that we all need to constantly work on, but probably not something that will ever completely go away.

I became aware of the belittling use of "girl" about 20 years ago as a teenage comic book geek. If you go back to the golden and silver age, you see it a lot, but it's present more recently too: Superman and Supergirl, Batman and Batgirl, Invisible Girl, Marvel Girl. A lot of them who are still published have been renamed (Invisible Girl is now Invisible Woman and Marvel Girl goes by her "real" name, Jean Grey).

But that doesn't mean "girl" is always belittling. Neither is "boy". Often, it's just casual. If I go hiking with my friend and his wife says, "Where are you boys headed today?", nobody cares. It's casual conversation with familiar people. If someone calls me a boy the first time we meet, I might find them a little arrogant or obnoxious.

You can call this trolling if you want to. I call it my little attempt at education.
If that's your goal then I might suggest you rethink your approach. You are putting people off with your approach. Unfortunately, you've got a reputation to overcome as well, so you will have to be extra careful with your words around here if you want to get them heard.

In the case of this video, I don't think it particularly matters if "girls" was used in a belittling manner by the speakers (consciously or subconsciously) because the subjects of the story deserve to be belittled for how they behaved. I don't care if they want to call them "dumb bitches", something I normally find very distasteful, because they earned that shit.

Find me a case of someone calling a respectable, responsible, mature woman a girl or a bitch and I've got your back.

Vihart - Angle-a-trons

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant pt 3

messenger (Member Profile)

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant pt 3

Life of Flowers (Жизнь цветов)

hpqp (Member Profile)

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'vihart, math, doodle, spiral, fibonacci, plants, flowers' to 'vihart, math, doodle, spiral, fibonacci, plants, flowers, Doodling in Math' - edited by Grimm

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

ant says...

>> ^shagen454:

Not attracted to her at all and I am a sucker for tall, skinny, pasty, artsy, intelligent, brunettes with dark brown eyes.
It is ok though. It wouldn't work out, even if I were attracted to her. She hates me and I know it, already.
Incredibly, well done, simple and thought-provoking video though.
>> ^ant:
>> ^Zifnab:
Watch this if you want to see what she looks like:>> ^ant:
>> ^Jinx:
I love this girl.

But is she cute/hot? What does she look like?

Not bad.

They all hate me.

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