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Ron Paul "No One Has A Right To Medical Care"

spoco2 says...

Ahh, Ron Paul, so many people think you're some kind of god... and yet you spew forth shit like this.

* This bizarre notion that people who get health care are somehow depriving others of property or wealth is such a weird concept. This thing of 'What I make I own, f*ck off everyone else' is SUCH a selfish enclosed view of the world popularized by those who have already made it, or those that are still under the dissolution that they can become rich if they just 'work hard enough'

* To try to equate : Government that provides basic 'rights' like health care, education, basic essentials with an 'authoritarian unconcerned about the rights of the individual'. WHAT? What utter bullshit. Really... You're saying it's someone's RIGHT to die because they can't afford to buy healthcare as compared to being able to live. I would say it's a government that CARES about the individual's rights to provide these basic services.

* Public provided healthcare FUCKING WORKS you dipshit. There are PLENTY of countries (mine included) that show this. PLENTY. How the F*CK do people like Ron here just put on blinkers? How do they NOT SEE that it's a GOOD THING to not have to worry about cost if you or a loved one has to have life saving care? Why should it be even on the agenda for a necessary procedure? Elective... sure, pay through the bum... if you want a pair of big tits, go right ahead and pay that out of your own pocket. But to have heart surgery to prevent you from dying, you shouldn't only be able to get that if you, or your family have amassed enough wealth to cover the expense.

* Government should get out of the way? Oh Fucking please... yeah, because private industry does the best job at providing healthcare. What a steaming load of shit. Healthcare should be about making sick people better and keeping healthy people healthy, it SHOULD NOT be about making profit. And that's what the private industry does. Somehow giving private industry FREE REIGN on healthcare is going to suddenly make it all cheap and quality? Buuuuuulllll shiiiit.

* Bureaucrats shouldn't be allowed to get between doctor/patient relationship... um, what about the current private healthcare system you have at the moment which makes the provider STOP before providing care to QUESTION the bureaucrats at the insurance company as to whether you're covered for a given procedure... THAT is insane. Here I walk into the hospital, get the care for me or my child, and walk out. No one asks if I can afford it, no one charges me anything, I just get the care, and I go home...

* WHAT? Is he seriously suggesting that LICENSING of medical practitioners be abolished? And is he actually trying to say that homeopathy be treated like real medicine? FUCK me he is more of a fucking tool than I ever thought. He has no idea what he is talking about. To say that there is room for other treatments other than just purely medicinal is ok, but you can't just let everything in. You can say that someone swaying a stone over your stomach to cure your ills should be covered, because there is nothing to ever say that it works... kinda like homeopathy.

I love seeing stuff like this, this is a 5 minute segment that I can always point to when anyone tries to say that Ron Paul is some soothsayer. I can point at this and say, "Nope, he doesn't know what he's talking about, he is a right wing, me me mine type of personality who believes EVERYTHING is solved through competition somehow". "Oh, and he thinks that homeopathy is real medicine... how cute"

I upvote, because I want more people to find out what a fool he really is and to stop treating him like some kind of capitalistic messiah

Would you be in favor of an Expanded Sift?* (User Poll by dag)

Fox News Calls Amsterdam a "Cesspool" - Amsterdam responds

calvados says...

I gotta say that I found Amsterdam sketchy and uninviting when I first got there (edit: based on an admittedly small sample of the city). I was staying in the Centrum district, near the train station, at the legendary Flying Pig hostel. Dudes trying to sell me drugs kept following me like tenacious mosquitoes and at night in the middle distance I heard women's screams which were not of the happy variety. (I was also reminded that two friends of mine had been attacked right outside my hostel.) It was by far the place in Europe that I most felt I needed to watch my back -- about the only place I felt that, actually. The marks of the sex and drug trade were seamy and dissolute without being hot or exciting (perhaps I would've seen that differently if I'd been there to indulge in either one, or both, but I wasn't). The sex museum was lame. I have to castigate the Flying Pig Downtown hostel too; its reputation was supposed to be tremendous -- "best place I've ever stayed" and so on -- but it was the worst; even with two weeks' advance booking I was in a moldy, windowless basement dorm; the place was not remotely clean and the showers backed up immediately. It bears mentioning too that this was the only time I've met hostel-goers who were uniformly furtive and unfriendly rather than social and outgoing (or at least making an effort at same) which has been my experience at virtually all other hostels before and since. A great many of them must have been stoned to the gills, and maybe that accounts for the weirdy unfriendliness -- I don't know.

I cut short my stay and was about to head back out into the warm welcome of the smaller cities and towns, but before I did I ended up spending a couple days 4 km away at the Flying Pig Uptown, which was clean, bright, filled with friendly people and right near the Leidseplein, a beautiful public square filled with shade trees and ringed with bars and bistros (it was near the Heineken Brewery too). Purely by chance I ran into an Aussie buddy that I had met in Arnhem earlier in the week, too. So that was good. YMMV.

Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

Krupo says...

King County? The same place where they beat the hell out of a defenseless girl?

Yeah, under the 3 strikes and you're out law in California, aren't they facing complete dissolution and replacement by a COMPETENT law enforcement team?


ergenberger (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Really well said. Truly insightful.

In reply to this comment by ergenberger:
Assholes' one of the many hats any human should become comfortable wearing in this life filled with a variety of chapeau, each suited for whatever occaisio is necessary- If one travels tunnels they may burn out, fade away, or remain blind in their dissolution, desolation, and desperation-

Perhaps "working well with others" should be qualified: Others who are able to hang with the big dogs without whimpering or crying foul, when their defective comfort zones are breached by having their minds chalenged-

action/reaction, is for knuckle-draggers-
Action/response, and that proper response according to right livelihood and a solid moral compass, well....that's rare in the land of programmed monkeys.

I'm an asshole... (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

ergenberger says...

Assholes' one of the many hats any human should become comfortable wearing in this life filled with a variety of chapeau, each suited for whatever occaisio is necessary- If one travels tunnels they may burn out, fade away, or remain blind in their dissolution, desolation, and desperation-

Perhaps "working well with others" should be qualified: Others who are able to hang with the big dogs without whimpering or crying foul, when their defective comfort zones are breached by having their minds chalenged-

action/reaction, is for knuckle-draggers-
Action/response, and that proper response according to right livelihood and a solid moral compass, well....that's rare in the land of programmed monkeys.

They See Money

cdominus says...

>> ^NetRunner:
^ The kind of thing that will bring about the dissolution of the right to own property.
rubs hands together evilly
Yes, once we make a society that values people over profit, it's just a hop skip and a jump to having Obama President-for-Life, controlling every aspect of the economy from the White House.
Viva la Revolución!


They See Money

NetRunner says...

^ The kind of thing that will bring about the dissolution of the right to own property.

*rubs hands together evilly*

Yes, once we make a society that values people over profit, it's just a hop skip and a jump to having Obama President-for-Life, controlling every aspect of the economy from the White House.

Viva la Revolución!

Pakistan on the brink - Clip

biminim says...

Another consequence of Bush's ineptitude. We blaze into Afghanistan, drive the Taliban into the mountains, let them escape into Pakistan, install a corrupt government, then divert resources to Iraq, ensuring that both Afghanistan AND Pakistan are now threatened with dissolution. Nice! And it only cost a trillion dollars.

Fucking Bigfoot on Mars

O'Reilly - How To Attack Obama

Farhad2000 says...

Unlike Bush and Cheney who introduced the dissolution of Heabus Corpus, Military Tribunals, Guantanamo, Wired tapping, Patriot Act, FISA overhaul and many other programs.

Those were real Republican patriots who cared for the freedoms of the American people.

Ron Paul on the Dollar: Given 1 Minute to speak: Bailout USD

chilaxe says...

>> ^imstellar28:
>> ^chilaxe
Once a company has a monopoly, the rational action would always be to create additional barriers to entry for other companies, and then cut costs and product/service quality, and raise prices.
That's what monopolies have done historically; why would they behave differently in a purely laissez-faire market?

This is another common complaint of the free market system. Unfortunately for monopolies, history has shown that no company has ever actually succeeded in pulling it off. There is actually a really humorous example of a group of German chemical companies which tried to do this to Dow (know his name?) Obviously it didn't work as Dow Chemicals is one of the most successful chemical makers in the world. I actually posted a video response to this as well:
Fast-forward to 24:00, the story is about 4 minutes, and its actually quite hilarious how Dow defeated the German monopoly.

When people say "monopoly," they're not referring only to 100% pure monopolies. Wiki:

[The government stated:]

"The evidence is, in fact, absolutely conclusive that the Standard Oil Company charges altogether excessive prices where it meets no competition, and particularly where there is little likelihood of competitors entering the field, and that, on the other hand, where competition is active, it frequently cuts prices to a point which leaves even the Standard little or no profit, and which more often leaves no profit to the competitor, whose costs are ordinarily somewhat higher."
Standard's president, John Rockefeller, had long since retired from any management role. But, as he owned a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, and those share values mostly doubled, he emerged from the dissolution as the richest man in the world.[15]

That last sentence is the kind of information that would help convince people of your case, but the assumption is that the payoff for society of having a free market without the Standard Oil monopoly would be worth it nonetheless in the long run.

A plea for amnesty (Humanitarian Talk Post)

choggie says...

[I never understood why or how a troll wields so much power and fame within this community, he maybe an internet artist and an icon to some of you, but he's driven many away from the sift (myself included) with his two faced comments (loves you one minute, insults you the next) he is likely responsible for more people leaving the sift then staying. But I'm just another random user, I could be wrong.]

I am happy to hear that a heartier soul and spirit than my own*cough was driven to such a state through my stalwart efforts...Confrontations' a bitch to most folks who lack critical thinking skills-Hardly a random user fedro, you have helped shape this place-and a fucking troll???....Lives under a bridge and exacts tolls from unsuspecting passers by for no reason other than their own nastiness......Fuck your internet terminologies created to compartmentalize "types" of users. Choggie does not fit conveniently into limiting or defective categories created by folks with ass-flatening, adjustable chair-warming skills-

Once again, you are wrong, like others here, comfortable to wallow in similar illusory whims of lazy minds and perception-bound processeeees...Head-in-ass disease is something one must work years to cultivate-Passive-Aggression walks hand in hand with this sick bitch as well-All about the evolution of the site, and the dissolution, of deleterious aspects of this community, when a pattern begins to emerge......

Clever motherfuckers have clever going for them,(how's that working for ya??) but it takes more than smug and snappy and a trivial pursuit knowledge of the world witha thousand dollar vocabulary to make a lasting impression, and communicate or transmit knowledge.....

I am so glad to be back!! thank all of you who made my vacation possible, who supported me while dealing with assholes, idgits, and imbeciles from the bottom of a clouded ocean-I have learned a valuable lesson.....Perhaps next time I break the rules, they won't be written ones, and the next time I step on some fat fuck's toes, I'll make sure I do it heal-first with a stamping and twisting motion, with full weight and force directed at point of contact....

That's what a crazy person would do, innit?? A meeeean person??? A Haaaateful person???
Fuck yer labels people, fuck your symbol-addiction, and fuck marching lockstep to some idyllic, "nice" to everyone pipe-dream of a future based on worn-out, defective, and limiting models.....yer all meatbots to me!!!

bcglorf (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

Hamas is not a splinter group, it has a political mandate and the people put Hamas in power. It is more than an analogy I use, there are Palestinian flags flying in the streets of Belfast right now. The Irish republican parties do not recognise Northern Ireland as being British, that is a political position with democratic support.

Whether or not you agree with Hamas' political mandate this is the Palestinian people's democratic right, and they elected Hamas to power based on that mandate. Oppressed nations always vote in the hard liners, this is how it has always been, this is why Northern Ireland now has the two extremist political parties sharing power.

It is not the moderates who have to be negotiated with, no political struggle has ever been resolved by moderates, it is the extremists who need to negotiate.

There will never be peace with borders and checkpoints, boundary dissolution *is* the route to peace.

Hamas recognising Isreal's right to exist would loose the support of the people who put them in power and is political suicide, no government of Palestine, not Hamas nor anyone else put there by those people can ever do that. If it were not for Hamas Palestine would have been wiped off the map, Isreali troops have been beaten back time and time again by Palestinian forces.

There is peace in Northern Ireland even though one of the sharing parties refuses to recognise the North of Ireland as British. This is a stable, tenable, peaceful political position with democratic support. Just as the British forces pulled out of the North of Ireland when this was achieved, so should Isreal have pulled out of Palestine when Hamas was elected- but they did not, and they continue to invade that country.

Many political charters around the world use strong extremist language, this is the way of the world, this is how democracy works, this is what political stability is all about.

Whatever the historical context, it is the will of the people today that is paramount, this is the very essence of democracy and it is the only way all of these conflict historically have been resolved. The Isreali and Palestinian people are sick of the bloodshed, but only the Palestinians have taken the political steps. This is exactly how it happened in Ireland.

In reply to this comment by bcglorf:
The problem with your analogy is that Hamas IS the rogue splinter group. Here are some quotes from it's own founding charter:
"Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors."
"Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims."
"Leaving the circle of conflict with Israel is a major act of treason and it will bring curse on its perpetrators."

Once again, if you want to go back to Israel's declaration of independence I don't think it's needed to go find any quotes from Arab nations about wiping anyone off the map. The formerly Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Jordan and Exgypt sent nazi trained armies against Israel to destroy it, urging the Palestinian people to flee and return a few days later after the presumed victory. When Israel managed to win, the mess we see today began in full. The Arab nations failed to provide for the Palestinian people they'd encouraged to flee, and Israel was stuck with serious security problems with letting everyone simply return. The constant run of wars since has shown those security concerns to be undeniably valid.

A political solution would be great, and your right in spirit about negotiating with moderates to remove borders. The 2 problems are that Hamas is not the moderate group to negotiate with until it recognizes Israel's right to exist, and that surrounding Arab nations like Iran and Syria keep encouraging the rogue extremists with funding, training and weapons.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
The attacks are in response to Isreali oppression just as Irish Republican attacks in the 70s were in response to British oppression.

The longer the oppression exists, the less grip Hamas will have over splinter groups just as the political wing of the Irish Republican Army has no control over rogue elements and splinter groups.

Arab nations did not say they wanted to wipe Isreal off the map, they refused to recognise its sovereignty and there are political and historical reasons for this. This is a quote also attributed to Ahmadinejad as well, it is incorrect and is bandied around in American media all the time. Neither Iran nor any Arab nation has claimed to want to attack Isreal or wipe it off the map.

Removing borders will not stop splinter groups attacking Isreal, but doing it in conjunction with a political process with Hamas WILL, just as it has in Ireland.

In reply to this comment by bcglorf:
If you want to go back to 1948 then you need to blame the Arab nations for abandoning the Palestinian people when they bid to wipe Israel out upon declaring it's independence.

The settlement policy of territory outside the '68 borders is criminal. But so are Syrian and Iranian rockets being launched by Hamas against Isreali civilians. Comparing atrocities though doesn't fix anything.

Despite knowing that removing the borders and checkpoints would create much good will, Israel can't ignore that Hamas agents would also take advantage of that to launch rockets into Jerusalem. When an Israeli checkpoint keeps a suicide bomber out, and saves a 14 year-old life, it is doing something good.

The Daily Show: Marines in Berkeley

NetRunner says...

I want to chime in on the "worst Democratic president ever" question, I say it's a toss up between James Buchanan or Andrew Johnson. Buchanan because he got to oversee the dissolution of the Union and the beginning of secession, Johnson because he botched the post-war period and left things such that we'd end up having Jim Crow...and in my mind, many of the social issues of the 21st century America has its roots in the civil war, and the reconstruction period that followed.

In the 20th century, all the Democrats who actually became president were better than all the scores of Republicans. I might give Eisenhower the nod over Woodrow Wilson, but that's iffy.

Anyone calling FDR the worst Democrat needs their head examined. Anyone disagreeing about Bush ranking anywhere other than just a tick better than Buchanan and Johnson as worst president of ANY party, also needs their head examined (or has some extra dirt on Harding that I hadn't heard yet).

If we end up descending into civil war in the next decade or two, Bush will have earned that bottom slot fair and square, though.

BTW, this was a pretty funny clip, wtf is up with the serious commentary? =)

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