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How to Buy a New Car Without Getting Screwed

dalumberjack says...

Only other bit of advice is never talk to the sales person on the floor. Bypass them and talk to the internet sales manager. You can usually start a dialogue with them by requesting a quote online as he is the only one that does online sales (no sales people in general). I just bought a car this way and when I went in to do the talking he showed me the books and what they are allowed to pricing wise etc... So it was cut and dry, no negotiations. He doesn't have to ask "his manager" about pricing since he is one. Made my experience great and got a damn good deal.

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

enoch says...

fair enough my man.
seems i misinterpreted your comment in regards to people who have a certain belief system.
and i am totally with ya on thoreau,the man was brilliant.

but why didnt you straight up say that to him?
it would explain the tone of your comments and may have led to a much richer and fuller dialogue with blankie concerning his views on libertarianism.

my problems with libertarianism are two-fold:
1.@RFlagg already addressed
2.the term libertarian here in america is a bastardized version from the to even BEGIN to have a decent conversation on the matter is already twisted from the get-go.

i consider myself a libertarian-socialist with anarchist leanings,but try to talk to a corpoare-media-fed american about that and they spend the entire time trying to stop their head from exploding.
because it is the MEANINGS of the words they do not understand and what they have been told are propagandized versions.

how can we ever expect to talk about these vital issues if the very meanings of the words have been twisted and contorted?

in my opinion THIS is the real problem.

Zero Punctuation: The Last of Us

EvilDeathBee says...

Loved the experience (story, characters, dialogue, world, atmosphere, etc), but the gameplay was terrible. The design of the game mechanics was fine (the crafting system was nicely done), but the mechanics were very poorly put together leaving it feeling clunky and becoming so damn infuriating. Not as infuriating as appalling mess that was Uncharted 3, but not of the quality of other games.
If the other aspects of the game weren't so damned good, I'd have returned it well before finishing it.

Irish Politician Calls Obama "War Criminal" & "Hypocrite"

chingalera says...

The "silent" war has been a huge success already-

Distracting and dumbing-down an entire nation while toxifying them with food, advertising, punditry, sports diversion, terrorist paranoia, mindless, vapid dialogue of current events designed to disrupt critical thinking and instill a systemic helplessness to recoil or rebel....It's going to take meta-programming on a global scale to correct this fuck-up, or perhaps simply worldwide natural catastrophe or alien invasion. We could start by executing politicians on national television, that'd be the fastest quick-fix...after a speedy series of mock trials of course-

SevenFingers said:

SO I'm assuming (this is one big ASS. mind you) that if Snowden get's droned to death, and it is confirmed an american military drone killed him, that war will break out inside the USA within 20 years.

Or maybe USA will fill so full of shit it eventually has diarrhea all over the rest of the planet and everyone will be covered.

Wreck It Ralph - I'm Bad, And That's Good

artician says...

As someone who grew up with games, to the point that the medium has become the driving force for my life and career, I was turned off by the previews of the film. I can't describe why. I definitely felt... like Pixar had no "right" to touch on the medium. Like they wouldn't get it. Like it was pandering to fans of the, as I like to call it jokingly, "superior medium", simply because we've had a solid 40+ years of gaming culture, and a solid 10-15 years of it in the mainstream.
I watched the film for the first time today, and I fucking loved it. It was classic Pixar storytelling, with just the right nods to the subtleties and eccentricities of video games to be really endearing, while avoiding pandering to the audience.
Given the sheer variety of worlds that video games have to offer, I was a little disappointed (on the nit-picky scale) that they didn't explore more settings, but other than that, it's definitely in my book for being on par with all other Pixar films.
If it failed for any identifiable reason, I'd guess that either A) the film-going public is still not in touch with the medium, B) film-going public are turned off by the medium, or C), there were still a few too many gaming in-jokes for the general populace to enjoy (of which there were quite a few, at least in the first half).

Either way, this post got me to finally watch the film.

Also: did the post change? I could swear it had different dialogue when I watched it earlier...

What Kind Of Asian Are You?

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

shinyblurry says...

Here is a Christian website where you can talk about whatever you want:

There are some sections of the forum which are Christian only, but most are not. If the rule of the website was secular only, then I wouldn't post anything there. If it is anything goes, like the sift is, then I can talk about whatever I want to within reason.

You're also acting like no one brings up religion here. Go to the religion channel and you'll find hundreds of videos about it, most of them portraying it in a negative light. If the members of the sift are free to post videos and make comments against God and Christianity, then why aren't I, who am also a member, free to post videos and make comments supporting Christianity?

I grew up in a secular home without any religion. I wasn't persecuted by one Christian in my entire life. I realize some people grow up in religious homes and when they become atheists they get persecuted, but I just want to note that this isn't what Jesus taught them to do. I will join anyone in condemning that behavior. However, American culture is overwhelmingly secular. Our entertainment is secular, as well as our education system. I grew up without much of any exposure to Christianity, and I lived all over the country. So I think you are overrstating things, especially in America. You may say the same for me, but it's absolutely true that religious freedoms in America have been curtailed and dialogue about God has shunned from the national conversation. It's not as bad here as it is in other places but it could get that way pretty quickly.

As far as intolerance goes, I don't have a problem with you or anyone here. My most ardent critics are the ones usually on my heart the most often. I care about you guys and I hope the best for you. God bless.

newtboy said:

I would posit this question: Can one post on religious websites freely without issue if you don't talk about (or believe in) Jebus?
Answer: No, one will be lambasted and inundated with outrage for suggesting another point of view where it's not wanted. (it makes little difference which religion we're talking about).
Neither act is right, I just wish to point out that the intolerance is almost always coming FROM the religious side, not towards it. The religious are just hyper sensitive, never having had to defend their position before (because they effectively silenced all dissenting opinion(s)). The non-religious are hardened by centuries of oppression from the religious, so we don't complain about it as much, we expect it from a certain percentage and try to ignore them.
I feel you can post on secular websites freely without issue if you don't talk ONLY about Jebus.

Europa Report TRAILER (2013)

9547bis says...

"Looks like a great SF movie that focuses more on the science than the special effects. This is the one I'm waiting for."

With Copley, Wu, and Cordero on board, I hope you're right, because that trailer is pretty terrible. Ugly DV image, awful dialogue, there's not much to be worked up about.

randeepsamra (Member Profile)

Harrison Ford Won't Answer Star Wars Questions

VoodooV says...

am I the only one just not excited at all about the new movies? I just feel certain that they'll fuck it up, or even if it's good, the feel of it will just be so foreign that it won't be Star Wars.

For all of George Lucas' faults, it still just won't be star wars without some hamfisted, bad dialogue.

Zero Punctuation: BioShock: Infinite

Deano says...

The infinite subReddit is interesting in discussing these matters. I do think it's a bit more complex than suggesting cause and effect don't matter. They do in the way the ending is rendered.
Beyond that it's up to the gamer to determine how strong this framework is - but I personally bought and understood (I think!) the ending.

The only danger here is if the writers felt they were doing a Lost on us and encouraging people to riff on the original material into areas that were never really fleshed out.

I'm playing again and having a whale of a time with the combat. I made a mistake of just upgrading my health the first time around. Now I'm evenly levelling health, shield and salts and trying my best to find every infusion.

The criticisms I would make are around using the X button (on the 360) to hang a lot of actions on. In the middle of combat this is annoying and it's not the only game to abuse the X button.

The writing and dialogue actions are sometimes awkward. In one scene Booker is being blunt with Elizabeth and she doesn't react. Which was odd. Then they have the same scene again and now she's upset.

Or she's in the middle of talking and you can make her interrupt herself to pick a lock. Here the characters should take precedence over the gameplay because it breaks the spell of this otherwise beautifully crafted world.

Jinx said:

I loved this game. I played it all in one night because I couldn't tear myself away from it. Its been a long time since a single player game did this for me.

Still, the ending did bother me slighty. From some reviewer,
"...these third act disclosures don’t render Infinite incoherent, they do take the story to a place where notions of coherency and consequence no longer seem to matter, before backtracking and then attempting to offer a finality that doesn’t make sense within the universe the game has created."
Pretty much exactly how I felt at the end. I enjoyed it, but I don't think it really made much sense.

I'm playing it through again on the 1999 mode and it impressive how much detail and foreshadowing there is. For example, the key you get at the start. Booker spins it so the that the bird on one side and the cage on the other sort of merge together as if they are in superposition. I may have not noticed the significance but I still think these little hints do sort of bury into your subconcious and generally improve your experience on the first playthrough.

All Six Star Wars Movies

Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing: Official Trailer

Bizarre Dennis Rodman Interview About North Korea

shagen454 says...

I think I see a marketing ploy going on here. Rodman is just not all there, it is funny that Shane right away says he was not there with Rodman, and that dialogue is good. Considering if anyone got any sort of info out of Rodmans interview, ya best check your tourettes meds.

Ultimately, it wreaks of Vice Magazine and VBS TV. I am sure it will be well worth it when their segment on Rodman and Vice meet North Korea is released. But, for now it is difficult having my head warped by this strange logic.

Darkhand said:

esTBH I kind of sympathize with Dennis Rodman. Look he's not a diplomat he was sent over there to open up the door. Dennis isn't going to be politically correct and he's not the most intelligent person in the world don't ask him to articulate everything he is saying.

George "So you agree with how he puts 200,000 people in prison labor camps?"
Dennis "Well it's amazing how we do the same thing here in the US"

Now most of the super liberal people on this site I imagine would agree with Dennis there. Locking up the poor, black people, unfair trials, the patriot act, etc. But everyone is looking past that because he is saying he love Kim Jong Un?

Dennis Rodman knows he's right he just has a hard time saying it.

If he came back to America and was like "that kids a punk bitch and I told him to stop xyz" we would be right back to square one.

Whoever sent Dennis there knows what he is doing.

Awkward Lightsaber Battle

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