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Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

aaronfr says...

This man has been here before. I don't think i can declare related, but I'll opt for humiliation then someone else can do it for real:

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

dag says...

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From what I've read, Detroit really is a dying city - even though they've made a big effort to attract high-tech businesses to the down town. What happens when a city like that basically disappears? Time to bring in Robocop.

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

spawnflagger says...

Upvote for detectives dusting for prints and finding Charlie LeDuff's prints ALL OVER her place. "Ma'am, we have a suspect."

Detroit should setup a police academy where trainees from all over the country would go to get on-the-job training to fight real crime. Kinda like hospitals have unpaid internships.

Or Hollywood could just buy Detroit, and film all zombie/apocalypse/zombie-apocalypse movies there.

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

braindonut says...

I was just out in Detroit a few weeks ago.

It was very sad.

Bright side: had a friend who moved there. They were able to get a home that was ridiculously huge and amazing, for very, very cheap. Now they just need to hire some guards.

Whatever this field reporter is being paid, it isn't enough

"Just cause you're a chickens@!t motherf*%ker!"

arekin says...

This war on Cops is not going to end well. If people continue to harass cops someone is going to get shot. You take a person in a high stress job where every traffic stop has the potential to end your life (especially in cities like Detroit) and then you get assholes who want to follow you around waiting for you to have to arrest someone so that they declare you being excessive. The kid got exactly what he wanted, he made a cop angry so that he could film some police "aggression", all while staying just enough on the right side of the law that the cop was helpless to do anything.

"Just cause you're a chickens@!t motherf*%ker!"

chingalera says...

Cop-baitings' been a sport in Oakland, Detroit, etc. since douche grew legs-These folks in the car should know better than to poke feral rednecks with badges in "what the fuck are we gonna do we're so bored and ineffectual" Nebraska (is that you Mr. Fisk?).

All I see are four, stupid people. That stay-puft marshmallow douche should get his clesterol checked n'maybe take a few anger management blows to the skull.

Nice apartments for cheap...what's the catch?

Shepppard says...

Honestly, That'd be a selling point for me. I live by an airport right now, and we get a few planes in daily (nothing major) but I LOVE them.

Every year we go down to Detroit for the Thunder over Michigan airshow and we stay in a hotel by the Detroit Airport, and one of my favourite things to do is sit by the pool and watch the planes go overhead.

Best News Bloopers - May 2013

Boondoggle in the Motor City: Detroit's Train to Nowhere

dag says...

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Great post. On the one hand I commend them for trying something big - on the other hand, Detroit seems like a city on the ropes.

It's kind of like giving a man who's dying of hunger a nice warm coat.

Whack! Get out! Rasheed ejected by Ron Garretson.

Fairbs says...

I live in Portland and had to watch that babies antics. Then he was traded to Detroit where I used to live and he slowly cancerized that Team. Took them over the top for a championship, but then it was downhill from there.

Crazy Rodent Running In Circles - (.........wait for it)

Russia 'struggles' against illegal parking (volume warning)

Attempts to pull over a cop

TheSofaKing says...

Not sure about Detroit, but pretty universally the police are exempt from traffic laws while in the execution of their duties. People can argue what constitutes "execution of duties" if they want, but police are required at a moments notice, to have to exit their vehicle quickly and deal with dangerous situations... Nuts like this think they don't wear them because they are somehow flaunting their extreme authority... as if a cop is driving around around thinking "look at me and all my badass power,,,seatbelt dangling to the side... a symbol of how superior I am to the writhing, whining masses who must wear them". Hope this idiot enjoys his jail time.

Can Texas Secede from the Union?

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