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Is it a Tent or a Hammock? It's both.

CelebrateApathy says...

Yes, at 19 lbs, this is somewhat untenable for backpacking, even if splitting the weight between multiple packs. For destination/car camping though, this is a great idea. Like you said though, you need to be sure there are plenty of trees the right distance apart.

The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger on this is because there is no vestibule for my dog to sleep in. I don't think he'd like being on the ground all by himself while his humans luxuriate up in the trees.

spawnflagger said:

I haven't seen one of these in person, but my guess:
1) The ground is hard, the floor of this tent is soft like a hammock, so you wouldn't need to have an air mattress if you care about comfortable sleep while camping. Sometimes the ground is sharp - sticks, rocks, etc - you wouldn't have to clear an area below this tent.
2) regular tents really suck on wet ground if it's been raining hard- even if they are "waterproof"
3) animals - if you hang it high enough and use a rope ladder that you pull up, it's not likely that any animals will get in your tent because of food odor. (not saying it's bear-proof)

1) you need to have 3 strong trees to strap it to
2) it's probably heavier to carry while hiking than a regular 3-person tent, since nylon seatbelt-like straps are pretty dense.
3) if something goes wrong, it's gonna hurt when you hit the ground.
4) depending on weather, might be a lot colder than a ground tent.

They do say you can use it on the ground, so I guess really only #2 applies, depending on the situation.

Unsold Automobile Storage Facilities ~ Worldwide Snapshots

spawnflagger says...

what ever happened to supply and demand?
If there is such an overstock and low demand, shouldn't car prices be lower?

Also, I've seen similar pictures in port cities (L.A. for example) where they have to store cars that come off the boats before they ship them to their land-locked destinations.

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

chingalera says...

SO who thinks this circle-jerk should survive to finally be published if but for the banter??

See, this is why voting for "content" is limited in this 'democratic' arena-This dialogue is destined for oblivion because of some panty-knots and opinions about what peeps THINK they know.

I enjoy the twirl, like any decent troll and perhaps now everyone can see the pile of shit that all this meaningless discourse is worth?
(it's my job peeps, to keep this absurd bullshit in-check, and more thanna half pint of ego)

Elevator breaks 22 eggs.

TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

silvercord says...

In the interest of full disclosure is this observation from the Washington Times. Notice the quote from one of the Park Rangers.

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.
“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Yep. Kinder and gentler.

What we've learned in 100 Episodes - Smarter Every Day 100

Going to the Doctor in America

Sniper007 says...

So... Can we divine from that tidbit of information that maybe it's not a good idea to tell someone they're destined to die?


braschlosan said:

Having spent a lot of time in and around hospitals because of cancer that kept coming back I have a strong belief in the ANTI-Placebo effect with lots of second hand experiences (stories from health care professionals to back it up).

What I mean by anti-placebo effect is when someone thought they would get worse/die and had no hope it very often came true even when the diagnosis wasn't that bad.

Doctor Who and the Beatles

That's How You Report the News in Detroit!

artician says...

Do not confuse this local station with their better-known national opinion-brothel. This guy is legit.

As a disclaimer: I care nothing about Detroit, I avoid buying American cars, I never watch Fox news (or any TV at all, really), and I have an ingrained hate for most journalists, but I do care about people.

This reporter is a Detroit native, and after leaving for several years (education, career, etc) came back to find a city steeped in shit. There are several clips of his reporting online, and every one is something that should be celebrated as a victory by the common man over a system that cares nothing about him (links below).
He can be a bit contrived and over-dramatic at times, but I would say he excels at walking the line between what's viewable on television, and the rage that anyone who is actually paying attention to what's happening around us would feel. He is amazingly tempered in his demeanor, and I can only assume he has to do more than one take in order to not show his anger.

Regardless, I read a lot. I hardly ever read non-fiction. His other reports were so genuine and passionate that, just last week, I checked out the book he authored titled "Detroit". I've yet to have time to open a page, but his work and what he is doing makes me eager to read it. The news clips of his that I have seen made me consider the guy as the pinnacle of journalistic reporting in the US.


The guys appearance might make him look like a douche, but I really feel like this is the modern day hero that we write comics about. Nothing will save the city of Detroit outside of Robocop, and I think it's destined to be abandoned and forgotten, but we should all support people who's actions are obviously in favor of those who need our help most. Even if they're on a Fox channel.

shang said:

lulz fox news...

they paid for all that to get ratings

Tits, Knickers and Angels in the Snow

ant (Member Profile)

Small passenger plane makes an emergency landing - no gear

Home Made Russian Mini-Helicopter

Glass Exploding at 130,000 fps (aka Prince Rupert's Drop)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'smarter every day, destin, destinews, polarity, mechanical failure front' to 'smarter every day, polarity, mechanical failure front, glass, prince ruperts drop' - edited by xxovercastxx

Why Celebrity Apprentice Sucks Away Your Willpower

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