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VoodooV (Member Profile)

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

kronosposeidon says...

Exactly. Deepak's argument is nothing more than a sound bite based on a flimsy premise. I think this guy exposed exactly how flimsy Chopra's premise is. Deepak should have worded his argument more carefully. It may not be as catchy and compact as his original argument, but hey, neither are life's complexities. Let him defend himself; don't do the job for him.

Why does anyone here want to give this 'new age' spirituality and alternative medicine pusher the benefit of the doubt anyway? Screw him. >> ^bcglorf:

The sad part is that the guy probably thinks he totally demolished his entire argument when he really just got a nice play on words in.
Deepak's argument was "all belief is a cover up for insecurity". If he doesn't really mean ALL belief, his argument is really just a nice play on words. So, I would say the speaker really did demolish the entire argument, since the entire argument was nothing more than a play on words itself.

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

rebuilder says...

>> ^garmachi:

I actually don't think the audience member was trying to prove or disprove anything, I think he was trying to be silly. This is like asking if God could create a rock so heavy that even he couldn't lift it. A meaningless silly question formed only to spark debate, as is presupposes the existence of a god at all.

Actually I think that's a very valid question as it illustrates that belief in an omnipotent being results in logical contradictions, or at the very least that such belief is not something it makes much sense to try to rationally discuss.

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

ponceleon says...

>> ^VoodooV:

Just another case of the "gotcha journalism" at work here. Why won't they just leave Deepak alone!
I'll give the guy credit, that was an awesome zinger, but that's all it was, a zinger. Deepak obviously could have phrased his statement better because I'm assuming he meant belief in terms of dogmatic religion.
The sad part is that the guy probably thinks he totally demolished his entire argument when he really just got a nice play on words in.

Exactly, this has the intellectual weight of a "douchebagsayswhat" joke.

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

Drachen_Jager (Member Profile)

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

ghark says...

>> ^VoodooV:

Just another case of the "gotcha journalism" at work here. Why won't they just leave Deepak alone!
I'll give the guy credit, that was an awesome zinger, but that's all it was, a zinger. Deepak obviously could have phrased his statement better because I'm assuming he meant belief in terms of dogmatic religion.
The sad part is that the guy probably thinks he totally demolished his entire argument when he really just got a nice play on words in.

Yea agreed, it didn't really undercut anything other than the wording.

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

Audience Member Nails Deepak Chopra

everything is energy-reality is the illusion

enoch says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Okay. I know last year I took you for more a religiously indoctrinated theist.
Tho since you posted this I think I have you pegged more as one of my 311 lovin', new age spiritualist, hippie peers.
I know you guys all really want consciousness to be a fundamental unit of time and space..
..but it's not. There's no need.
Consciousness is simply the result of the electrical impulses that shoot from one cell to another.
No matter, no cells, no consciousness.
I think you guys just reeeeally want to think that your existence is more meaningful.
And that's alright but it's a waste of time & brain power.
You'll never know one way or the other.. so why waste so much thought on the assumption?

so because i posted a deepak chopra video it MUST mean this is my philosophy?
i posted a video about conjuring annubus..does that mean i practice solomonic magik also?
your logic is flawed genji.
i do not have to agree with deepak chopra to find his conflations interesting or see poetry in a persons desire to understand things that may be out of their reach.
the answers may change over time but i will always find the question FAR more appears by your comment that we should not even ask the question,though you do not judge this either good nor bad...just futile..because we cannot know.
i disagree violently with that train of thought because if we dont ASK the question,the process to reaching an answer never starts and we risk stagnation.
we need to ask the questions...any question... and strive to answer that question.

what IS consciousness?
you say "Consciousness is simply the result of the electrical impulses that shoot from one cell to another."
now i disagree with that statement simply for its incompleteness but allow me to point out that your quote is not an answer but rather a statement pertaining to bio-mechanics but does not answer the question of consciousness.

as for me being a religiously indoctrinated theist...
i am vehemently anti-religion and while i have many reasons for this one of my main problems with organized religion is the stagnation of humanity,mentally as well as spiritually.
religion limits.
it confines and constrains the human spirit to a tiny ball of doctrine.
while religion does give some people a sense of peace and comfort,it is not the religious people that i am speaking of but rather the hiearchal doctrine makers of the church elite who perpetuate doctrine to keep people fearful and submissive in order to keep themselves relevant.
i teach cultural religious history NOT to perpetuate this system but rather to give a broader context using historical text that chips away at the doctrine put forth by the church as the UN-erring word of god.
i challenge the fundamentalist mentality that traps the imagination and stagnates the mind.
i seek to free my fellow man from the confines of religion.

i am a man of faith yet i am part of a community which is mostly atheist.
ever wonder why?
i dont preach..
i never attempt to convert..well..anyone.
you will never see me chastise a person for lacking faith or having faith in something i disagree with.
so why would i frequent a site populated by atheists?
statistics have shown that people tend to congregate with like-minded what the fuck am i doing here?

one last thing before i go and this becomes a blog and no longer a comment.
a piece of advice in your future evaluation of people.
your first impression of me was that of me being a religious person and then it changed to me being a hippie new-ager,both were wrong.
the reason is presuming the intentions based solely (and simply) on a persons posts and random comments.
this is very....human,,but it also conflates perfectly to our discussion:consciousness.
now how could you possibly have a picture of me based on such little information?
quite based your deduction on your own prejudices and biases.
how did you get these biases? living,experiencing and learning.
but those biases had little..or do with me.
so while presumption and assumption are integrally human and something we do naturally,it behooves us to refrain from following the first base impression and instead delve WILL be surprised at what people will reveal to you (not always but often enough).

i hope this comment is received with the respect that was intended.
always a pleasure genji.
and thanks for the vote even though you disagreed with the content..very cool of you my friend.

Hey Earthlings....Open Yer Noggins (Blog Entry by choggie)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Good reading Enoch - I may not agree with a good portion of what you are writing about- but I think I can see where you're coming from.

I do believe that all life is connected in that we share a common experience of being alive. Beyond that I'm less than certain. I have qualms about the notion of a "spirit". It's a nebulous concept that leads to terms like "energy transfer", "harmonics" and just about anything else found in a Deepak Chopra book.

Being alive is enough for me - I don't feel the need for divinity in my life- and I hope someday the rest of the human race feels the same. >> ^enoch:

i'll chime in.
this is usually a discussion i save for something more..i dont the same room type of deal.
and try to avoid internet discussions (context gets lost and the discussion design..a polemic frame to it).
as some of you know i am a minister yet a can assume (with mild amusement i must add) that my comments and some of my posts may have you wondering..minister of what exactly?
well..dont get yer panties in a bunch,i am not going to do any preaching here.
all i am going to do is point out something that i find most atheists struggle with.
spirit,divinity,soul,chai,doktow,connection to the godhead..
whatever you wish to use as an adjective to define your own divinity.
what has EVERY religion,all 4500 on the planet,have in common?
that we have a soul,a spirit,a direct link to the cosmic consciousness.
argue all day on doctrine and dogma,translation but that remains the constant.
atheists do not believe in the spirit.that is their choice and they may change their mind or they may never change it.
if one is an atheist they rely on science and not religious doctrine to make choices,decisions and judgements.
not a bad way to be,science has given us much.
but dag pointed out the fundamental breakdown between an atheist and someone who is aware of their true self..or spirit if you like.
he does not understand how such advanced civilizations would even bother with a race so obviously low on the civilization scale.
to study us..sure..but WHY else?
and there my friends is the disconnect.
the WHY.
the his own belief system is literally pure i do not mean that in a derogatory way,just pointing out a fact.the ego is mind..a creation of not who we actually ARE but who we THINK we are.
so you can still be a kick ass person and still be pure ego.takes discipline though and an agile mind but it has and can be done.
the person who has become aware of their true selves ignores the ego and listens to their true self.
i am not saying one is greater or better than the other just pointing out the differences and their basic mechanics.
so..establishing the inherent differences let me explain my point.
dag does not understand because to him..we would be only a mild curiosity,but to the spiritually aware person we realize that all life is connected..especially sentient life and we are sentient but not all of us are awake.
it is this connection that all life recognizes on one level or another...even atheists.
i am no greater nor more important than a blade of you this may seem silly and even dimwitted but i assure you it is not that way and it is the more freeing than you can imagine.
no shame nor guilt.
how is that possible?
because i am aware of who i truly am and who you are and i make my choices accordingly.
so if we look at these "aliens" as not simply studying as us ants but rather as seeing us as little brothers and sisters struggling to take our first steps.then maybe we can take it a step further and look into the construct of time...lay it out like a canvas and ask..why the fuck are we even here?
are we ants to be studied?a populace to be controlled so we can buy more useless crap? on a never -ending treadmill of debt,fear and uncertainty?
or maybe the universe is far more wonderous and un-imaginable than we can even attempt to comprehend today?
maybe the universe is not so big after all?we just dont know it yet...but we will.
and im betting science will tell us how it works too!
now i dont know if aliens are here to help us walk.i dont know if they have been studying us for future food harvesting.i dont even know if they exist.
but there is a lot of information...and more and more people coming forward to tell their stories.
so a sit and watch with fascination and wonder and what they are saying true?
i dont know.i have not seen an alien nor have i been abducted but i HAVE seen some of the most extrordinary events that defy all description and laws of nature.
so just because i have not seen nor touched it i cant rule out somebody elses experience and so i sit,like dag and others,skeptical.
but i also wont rule anything out because "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."WS
but if you add the spirit element and that we are all connected.
each and every lifeform in the universe is connected.
aliens coming to help us in our next stage of evolution may not make more sense but it sure does feel/seem/sound better.
reality is the illusion gentlemen.
it is thought and consciousness that is real.

TED talk: James Randi's fiery takedown of psychic fraud

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^ponceleon:
James Randi says in the speech that no one has ever taken them up and that isn't exactly accurate, they have a section of their site where they have all the applications from people who have tried.

He doesn't say that NOONE has tried, he clearly says that many people have tried, but he says none of the big ones, the ones making lots of money on fraud, like Sylvia Browne, Deepak Chopra etc have not come forward to claim their Million Dollar Prize, despite their obvious fondness of money. The people who do try are people who genuinely thinks that they do have supernatural abilities, but I guess if they do think so, they most likely will never become wealthy scrounging off of the suckers and instead end up as suckers themselves.

Physicist Leonard Mlodinow vs. Deepak Chopra

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