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Xe tải Dongfeng 5 chân, xe tải dongfeng 22t 5 chân

eric3579 says...

google translate says

5-foot truck dongfeng | 5 foot semi truck dongfeng 22t | dongfeng truck prices 5 tripod 340hp | Truck Dealers dongfeng central Vietnam 5 feet | Order truck dongfeng 5 foot right foot 340hp truck dongfeng 5

lolz said:

What the hell does "Xe tải dongfeng 5 chân | bán xe tải dongfeng 5 chân 22t | giá xe tải dongfeng 5 chân máy 340hp | đại lý xe tải dongfeng việt trung 5 chân | Đặt hàng xe tải 5 chân dongfeng ngay" mean??!

If Car Commercials Were Honest - Honest Ads

Two identical cards show up in high stakes poker game

AeroMechanical says...

This is obviously pansy high roller poker. As soon as the hand was revealed, chains and knives and pistols should have been produced by all the players. At the very least, the dealer should have a sawed off shotgun duct taped under the table.

Nobody knows how to make good TV anymore.

Two identical cards show up in high stakes poker game

Chairman_woo says...

Ok, yes you are totally right there.

I believe 11-12 players is generally considered the maximum for any given table, which leaves approx 50% of the cards in the deck for the dealer in any given hand.

Multiple decks in play would completely screw the probabilities and I too have pretty much never heard of it being done.

I assumed Trancecoach was referring to what I mentioned before, but reading it back you may be right.


ChaosEngine said:

Yeah, I know that, but trance was suggesting you can have multiple decks in a hand (like in blackjack), which is pretty much unheard of in most poker games.

'GRRL Scouts' Taking Names And Kicking Ass

artician says...

I had an adventurous single life when I was younger, and briefly dated a drug-dealer for a while. (She sold weed; just 'edgy' enough to be fun, and not threatening enough to fear a prison sentence or death).

Anyway, she was hardcore. I didn't realize how much until I asked her (what at the time I thought was) a generally innocent question about her 'work'. Her exact words were "I move over 500 lbs of weed a day".

She said this without really moving the rest of her body, and while looking straight ahead with something exactly like a thousand-yard-stare. She was exactly the kind of person the DEA has been kicking down doors to get to for decades. Otherwise she was a really cool girl!

Santa Ana Cops Behaving Badly

bobknight33 says...

being an un permitted pot shop they are no better than the local drug dealer. Get a permit.

Being said the officers should have been more professional.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

GenjiKilpatrick says...

The problem with white culture is.. @lantern53, @newtboy & @AllWhitePeople

White Privilege insulated you from the reality of your advantages and the true suffering of others who aren't white

Hell, white people include if poor uneducated.

(I asked a white friend.
He said that white people just see other white people as strangers.
Makes sense now I guess)

You live in this White Privilege Bubble where "everyone's equal cause this is AMERICA!"

Everyone in your bubble has bootstraps. A safety net.
Reliable job opportunites and call-backs.
No fear of being harassed and/or murdered by police.
The general unconditional trust of society

In the bubble of impoverished black culture, however.. having a chance at leaving that poverty is a pipe-dream.

I know, because I live in Atlanta.
A place notorious for lots of poor black communities.

My girlfriend was born and raised in it.

Her parents were addicted to crack.
(Funny how crack possession carries a harsher sentence than cocaine possession, considering their the exact same drug.)

She saw a dead body in the street when she was 6.
(Gang violence is present when decent jobs and summer camps aren't)

She had Police SWAT invade her home & hold a gun to her head around the same age.
(Because busting potential drug dealers is more important that entering the correct house.)

Her cousin, who was probably a prostitute since 12 or 13, is currently very happy that her new "boyfriend" doesn't beat her.
(She feels like that's a win. Hell, my girlfriend was herself convinced that she'd "grow up to be a prostitute."
You know, the norm.)

For the last 5 months, my girlfriend has lived with a 21 year old prostitute (started at 14 when homeless) and her much older "boyfriend"/pimp because that was the only "affordable" housing near her work.

(She mentioned that earlier this month, there was a new girl there some mornings who was definitely probably 13 or 14.
She literally just moved out today and happened to spot her ex-roommate working her corner near West End Mall. )

So yeah, white people assume - No, righteously assert - all black people are just a equal as white people.

Because you all think:

"I've got bootstraps & dignity & great opportunites & everlasting hope.
Stop whining and take personal responsibility."

The reality is starkly different.

Black people are reminded of that difference LITERALLY EVERYDAY.

We're remind everytime an unarmed black youth is murder, just for "looking threatening".

Even with civil rights laws, even with a brown president.

You'll never know what it's truly like to be non-white..

Because White Privilege prevents you from even having to acknowledge these issue.

Just call it all even and blame the rest on personal responsibility.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Lmao. Do you live in Egypt, Lantern? Because clearly you're in.. Denial!

Who exactly are those assholes "protecting"? The elevator?

How do you know those kids are criminals?
What crime did they commit while waiting for the elevator?

And why the hell would the city settle a lawsuit for $50,000 if Jaleel Fields, the young man arrested, was some known dangerous thug/drug dealer those officers were "checking up on"?

Did you even read the article Radx post? You know, for like.. facts and context surrounding the video?

No? cause:

In the lawsuit, Fields accused the city and the two officers of violating his civil rights by falsely arresting and maliciously prosecuting him and using excessive force.

..after the video was shown to the DA, all Jaleel's charges were dismissed.

First: disorderly conduct. Police claimed he obstructed "pedestrian traffic" by blocking the elevator doors, which is interesting because the only thing this audio-free New York City Housing Authority video shows absolutely for sure is that Jaleel Fields went out of his way to let people off the elevator.

The second offense? According to Grieco, the police cited Jaleel for telling one of his friends that he didn't have to talk to the police. They called this "obstructing governmental administration."

So "OGA" here presumably would be 5'7", 130-pound Jaleel Fields intimidating the two brawny officers out of performing the "official function" of messing with two other kids in the elevator of their own building.

A spokesman for the New York City Law Department.. declined to comment on the specifics of the case, saying only..

"After reviewing all the evidence, we determined that a settlement was in the best interest of the city."

Read more:

Hah! So right, tell me again about how you're somehow totally-not-a-racist..

Even tho every assumption you just made here was based on stereotypes, prejudice, and your bias toward fellow boys in blue.

Did I mention that the city dismissed all charges and settled a lawsuit for $50,000 after seeing video evidence that literally everything those two officers said was a lie?

But incidence like this aren't worth talking about or being upset about because..
black people kill black people and Barack Obama is president, right?

lol, you asshat.

lantern53 said:

also, these cops are there to protect people from these cowards, so I think they deserve everyone's respect and support.

But if you support the criminal element, go ahead and try and brand cops as racist, bullies, liars, etc. It's good that people know where you stand.

Starting A Diesel Engine For The First Time In 30 Years.....

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

How indeed.

Draghi's ECB has just made a move and I don't understand why. Come Feb 11th, they will no longer accept Greek bonds as collateral, effectively cutting off one of Greece's last two sources of credit. What remains is the Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) provided to the Greek Central Bank, through which the entire banking system must now get most of its credit.

Why did they do it? Why now? I don't think it has something to do with the Advocate Generals opinion piece the other day, declaring the ECB's membership in the troika to be a conflict of interest and that fiscal policy is not to be used as a tool to influence poltical decision-making.

Could it be pure idiocy like the time they pulled to plug on Cyprus only to backpeddle shortly after? Or might they be trying to force a move on part of Germany and Greece? "Stop messing around and get your ducks in a row NOW." -- that sorta thing? Is it mere posturing of sorts, a shot across the bow of Greece?

Edit #1

I really don't like this. It looks like disaster, smells like disaster and tastes like disaster. And it's entirely too close for comfort. Are they truly going to turn Greece into a failed-state over principle? The way they casually discuss the lives of nearly 11 million people, and the future of the European Union as well, is bone-chilling.

In the meantime, Schäuble's meeting with Varoufakis went just as expected, reports indicate. Schäuble won't budge a bit. Negotiations with the troika are mandatory, and fiscal waterboarding must be resumed at once. There will be no compromise, not with him in charge. He'll push Greece off the cliff without blinking even once. Convictions worthy of a Templar, that one. Worth remembering that he admitted taking 100k in bribes from an arms dealer in '94 and still managed to become Minister of Finance. A living legend, just not the kind I'd prefer.

With regards to hyperinflation, most folks over here seem to have forgotten, or maybe they never learned, that Chancellor Brüning's austerity regime led to deflation in 1930-32, pushing unemployment to 23%. What followed was a massive influx in membership and infuence for parties at both ends of the political spectrum, similar to Greece. Except in our case, it wasn't the left (KPD) who won the elections in '32...

oritteropo said:

I went against your advice and had a look at a DW article on the subject, and I see what you mean, there is quite a big disparity between the accepted position in the article and anything else I've read from outside Germany. I am now also left wondering how on earth any compromise could be made acceptable to German politicians, and then sold to the public. Since Ireland and Portugal are starting to recover despite The Austerity, it's entirely possible that the usual suspects will say "Look! It works!". They do have much more debt now though...

I can understand a certain aversion to excessive inflation, after the chaos caused by hyperinflation in 1923, but you'd think that if they remember that then they'd also remember where that led (and particularly with the rise of Golden Dawn).


poolcleaner says...

As long as I can be the driver. I'm like a really good driver. I can weave and dodge anything. Peds, cops, crack dealers trying to gank us. Let's do it -- and kill hookers!

ant said:

How about we rob a big bank together?

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

enoch says...


thanks guys!
thats exactly what i was looking for.
though i have to admit a particular curiosity in regards to what a "decent" or "living" wage would amount to,which is too specific for most people to actually state.

the reason i am so curious is because since 1978 i have been in the business in one capacity or another.i have been a captain at a few 5 star places.ran two 4 star ballrooms and have bartended at some of the most amazing clubs.

i worked very hard to learn the techniques and particulars of my trade.i learned from the best so i could be the best.started from the bottom,listened intently and learned the trade from some of the most talented people i had ever met.

so what am i worth? what would be considered a "living" wage?
the reason i say this,tongue firmly planted in cheek,is because when people find out how much i made they..and i am not exagerating here..literally lose their mind.

i did very well,but i worked my ass off to get it.
and i was worth every penny.
but i didnt just do it for the money...thats just...soulless and void of any meaning.i did it for the challenge.i did it for pride and knowing that the majority of people out there could not do what i do.
and i happen to enjoy meeting people:bonus!
love what you do and the money follows.

or did.

i recently left the business out of disgust.
maybe i am just getting too old and cranky but corporate eateries have douched the profession i adored for decades.

a corporate trained waiter/waitress is just one notch above useless.
i know i know..thats my experience and does not reflect on ALL servers but fuck that,i am old and i am free to bitch about the younger generation.

no pride.
no discipline.
just whining crying and more whining.
and god forbid you offer advice to these know-it-all wankers...
"well,when i was at olive garden"..oh fuck me....
only been in the biz for 30 plus years..yeah..what would i know..
just let grandpa hump the ten tops because you got double sat and are now in the "weeds".
fucking pussies...

gah..sorry for the ranting,but watching my profession go down the shitter is upsetting.

tipping is not mandatory in the states.
though if you are experiencing the "new wave" of servers,who i have seen openly give stink eye to customers,i can see why you may think otherwise.

i always looked at my profession as a sub-contractor.
my relationship is with my customer.THEY are my business and i treat them should not do this job strictly for the money.might as well go sell your soul and become a crack dealer...same difference. i am just rambling.
suffice to say:
tipping is not mandatory.
new generation of servers are a gaggle of whiny non-conrtibuting pussies who think they know everything because they worked day shift at olive garden for a year.

and if ever offered minimum wage to do what i did,i would stab the person in the eye socket with a dirty ball point pen.

/end rant

folks i will be here every tuesday! dont forget to tip your bartenders and wai...oh....nevermind.

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

Asmo says...

I think the public thing is just resignation. While traveling on the rail link from San Fran to LA (I'm from Aus), I watched what I presumed to be a crack deal go down right outside the train on a relatively clean looking platform, 2 black guys. They just don't care if they get busted or whatever because at the end of the day, it means very little to them. Nothing to lose, so why care?

Whites, on average, have a lot more to lose, so they work harder to keep their activities hidden. Doesn't hurt that you are less likely to get stopped and searched as a white drug dealer than you are as a black law abiding citizen.

; )

As an aside, look up Dr. Carl Hart's TED talk on drugs being a socio-economic problem and punishment meted out for crack (the drug of choice for poor communities) being orders of magnitude higher than the punishment for selling/buying/possession of powder cocaine (used by predominately white people...). Despite addictiveness and effect being close to equal when ingested in the same method.

Lawdeedaw said:

Unfortunately drugs are prolific in public by blacks. What this means is that blacks are more likely to sell their wares at parks and such, in broad daylight. Cops arrest. Whereas whites keep that shit on the down low. That does not explain ALL THE DISPARITY, but it is significant. Other than that, yeah, we are racist. It is bullshit. (Now let's see if people complain about my comment...come on race baiters...papa needs an argument!)

Texas Cop Beats And Tasers 77 Year Old Man

eric3579 says...

Also he should have never been pulled over as he has dealer plates and is exempt from inspection sticker thing.

Took him to the hospital and after was released from custody with no charges.

Drone Captures Rare & Unusual Event in the Ocean

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