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spawnflagger says...

watched it a few times - my opinion the car was at fault- turned too soon.
There was open road in front of the car that turned, he should have seen the motorcycle - it was relatively flat straight road, no hills or curves.

While most "crotch rocket" drivers I've seen do speed way too much, in this particular video, the bike wasn't going *that* fast.

"Americans Don't Know History", Then Gets History Wrong

chingalera says...

Learn? Yeah, we did..Learned a bit more....How about we simply begin a public dialog calling each other names like, 'dickhead'? Ya want to..You first?? What exactly is it that you think you, 'see'? Please, use "I" again and bring a few corroborators to support this premise lodged in your mind-Call my comments shitting with something other than an ego to lead with and perhaps a dialog may ensue.

Picking a fight with no one-Shitting nowhere. Learn? Please, teach us all. Me in particular, I'm low on the curve. Nothing "NICE" about anything you have had to say to me so far. Try again??

VoodooV said:

still shitting on threads and picking fights I see. Nice to know you didn't learn a damned thing from the last sift you hijacked

Bill Maher interviews Glenn Greenwald

artician says...

I'm relieved Greenwald shared my opinion of Snowden's "they basically have freedom of access over your entire life" (paraphrasing) comment, because Mahar's labeling of that perspective as crazy was really unexpected. I don't see how you can't see that as the present and definite-future on our current path, when you look at the history of humans and power. You have to have a lot of (misplaced) trust to think any of the people in charge running that show are capable of showing restraint.
We need to understand that we're pretty far behind the curve for making a change to this. It doesn't matter what "laws" get passed or (false) changes are made to their system. Individuals are basically fucked for privacy from here on out, end of story. It's going to take a war to stop it at this point. I am so glad I don't have children.

Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

chingalera says...

Ok firstly for ChaosEngine, your paraphrased quote of statements which voiced a sentiment I have had since engaging in conversation with seekers about the existence of 'God or no God': The same mechanism of filtering the words you read through your own belief system is a time-honored technique of the most fundamentalist of back-assward Christians and theologians who read the words of the Bible and fit them conveniently into their limited world view filtered through a similar limited and linear, perception of existence.

(*edit-I now realize that you did not in fact, paraphrase my statement rather, bcglorf's , but the sentiment remains true)

My statement was (and yes Dannym3142, that was NOT supposed to be a question mark, edited with the appropriate period): "I have a legitimate beef with rabid supporters of any particular ideology or philosophy when the shit becomes tiresome and repetitious when tinctured with rage and anger and intolerance."

Your paraphrase of sentiment ChaosEngine, "evangelical atheists are as bad as fundamentalists," then followed by "bollocks" (bullshit), is indicative to me of the rage and anger I attributed to the average atheist's consternation with these 'stupid', 'backwards', 'hillbillies' etc.,(who are too dumb or dense to wrap their heads around the very idea that an omnipresent uni-being does not exist, yadda yadda yadda.) Further, the example used 'When was the last time atheists shot a young girl for wanting to go to school?' to justify your position is reminiscent of any Southern Baptist preacher using similar extreme examples of the human condition to support their own arguments for the infallibility of their 'god'. The words used connote a similar intolerance and ignorance of that which is wholly metagnostic or, 'the unknowable' and I regard the mechanism as the selfsame dynamic.

"So, sorry if I'm not going to sit down and STFU about it." Good. It means you are on the path to enlightenment and intend to continue to seek truths which satisfy the gnawing curiosity that ALL humans are frought with in our tenure here on Earth. Keep at it.

dannym3142: (sorry for the question mark, it confused me as well when reading it again) I used Crowley and Planck's observations as an exercise in tossing a non-linear curve-ball into the circle-jerk of those whose search for absolute truth and the nature of the universe, of matter/non-matter, seemingly ended when they decided that it's a no-brainer as to whether or not faith has a place in the argument for or against the existence of a supreme being. Faith can't be argued either, we all need it to perform the simplest of our daily monkey-tasks.

Yes-I was chastising VooDooV for the blanket of down-votes to my comments because I sense his rage and anger at my input on threads similar, and recognize in atheists the same robotic mechanism they accuse Christians of which litter blog after blog when God is mentioned, by the ever-incrasing rabid anti-god fan-boys who attack with guns blazing at the very mention of that which is unable to be understood when approaching it from linear patterns of thought. That, and I refuse ever-again be ganged-up on on this site by a few well-be-nots who have it out for me because they can't understand what the fuck I am trying to communicate. I let my guard down in the past and it cost me over a year in SIFTJAIL (to all you fucking wannabe cops here present and future, suck my balls!)

Your fight is not with God but with the exponentially-increasing non-linearity of the world we inhabit, and the chaotic desire to process the information coming into the grid with time-honored methods of argument. IMLTHO this doesn't work.

All the seemingly trollish statements I make on similar threads are made with a view to wrenching another way of thinking out of the stubborn adherents to any one pattern or direction of mental process.

It can't be argued that a realm of universes exist outside of our own limited perceptive apparatus and all argument ends there for myself for the sake of my own insanity.

Fmr MI5 Analyst: Wars on Terror/Drugs just Means to an End

radx says...

I have experienced enormous difficulties trying to keep people engaged.

It was particularly obvious to me when I returned from the 30C3 and talked to my friends about the most important shit I learned over the weekend. They are techies, the lot of 'em, and everyone is keenly aware of the Snowden revelations and their implications.

Yet after 6 months of this, the only ones still paying attention for more than 2 minutes at a time are the folks who don't blank out when I mention ephemeral elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman, aka wierd people.

In order to keep all my non-wierd friends, colleagues and acquaintances engaged, I started to discard any non-encrypted email sent to my private address as well as any calls to my cell without RedPhone after three months of warnings. People can still leave a message on my landline if they can't get their shit together.

But the point is: if even my friends (nearly all in IT) have a hard time dealing with the ongoing and ever more depressing revelations, how can I blame the family down the street for not being indignant about it...

ghark said:

Just because many people don't care doesn't mean that they can't, however. I know I never used to care, it takes time to learn what's going on and what the real issues are.

TDS: Minimum wage hike and the Pope denouncing Trickle Down

xxovercastxx says...

This is where my thoughts immediately went -- maybe $15/hr sounds so high because we're so far behind the inflation curve -- but I wasn't sure, so I pulled up this list of historic minimum wages and this inflation calculator and started doing some conversions.

1950: $0.75 = $7.30 today
1960: $1.00 = $7.81 today
1970: $1.60 = $9.74 today
> 1978: $2.65 = $9.80 today -- @enoch: How are you getting $22?
1980: $3.10 = $9.28 today
1990: $3.80 = $6.92 today
2000: $5.15 = $7.03 today
2010: $7.25 - $7.71 today

@Yogi is probably right; These people are probably asking for $15 and hoping for $10 (and $10 seems reasonable based on historic rates above).

Cranking up minimum wage much higher than that might be treating the symptoms rather than the sickness. Entry level jobs not paying enough is not the root cause; the root cause is that people are trapped in entry level careers. By all means, bump minimum wage up to $10, maybe $12 an hour, but then start taking action so that, when inflation catches up to those rates, there's more job mobility.

VoodooV said:

This is what happens when employers refuse to raise wages to match inflation.

Miley Cyrus "Wrecking Ball" PitchShifted into Ball of Terror

Nobody is getting into these shorts

A tank shell with your name on it

sixshot says...

totally cool how that shell traveled from the tank to its target. A couple of things I'd like to ask...

are those fins on the shell or is that just some effect due to the speed of which it travels?

And is it me or did the shell curved just a tad bit to the right? I was wondering if that was an actual effect of some phenomenon whose name really escapes me right now. (Something to do with compensating for long distance bullet travel and earth's rotation.)

The Best DJ in the World...wait for it

FlowersInHisHair says...

Yep, there's clearly a plugged-in device/mixer in front of him (i.e. between him and the unplugged silver-coloured mixer). You can see the wires, and the curved side of it just next to the laptop-like device. So, no fail here.

Tim Minchin - White Wine in the Sun (2012)

lullaby_lune says...

A couple of years ago, I spent a while obsessively looking up every Tim Minchin song I could find and pretty much loved them all. My husband and I sing to each other that, "I think you're special, but you fall within a bell curve."

Somehow, this is the first time I've heard this one. It made me tear up a little.

Proof that Bunnies can Fly

X Rebirth Official Trailer

Chairman_woo says...

I really hope they've made it a little more user friendly this time. I adore x3 and 4 but playing them feels disturbingly like having a job, everything is always 2 or 3 menu's/clicks further away than it could be and the technicalities of trading, expansion etc. are really hard to penetrate.

Don't get me wrong I do like my games to make me work for a living and have a healthy learning curve but X I always found frequently strayed slightly to the wrong side of the fun/work line.

Russell Brand: Corrupt bankers need to go down!

cosmovitelli says...

Inheritance is exponential - if you're born with a million dollars it's a lot easier to make a million dollars than if you're born with nothing. So the families that obsess about gold, rent seek and hoard wealth selfishly rule by default after a few generations, and the ones that share wealth with the disadvantaged and think about other things (arts, science, philosophy, engineering, humanitarian action or just a fair days work for a fair days pay) are left increasingly poor.

Charitable giving as a proportion of income is an INVERSE CURVE- the more you have the less you give.

Every 3 or 4 hundred years the shit hits the fan and the system is reset through widespread bloodletting. This has been true for ALL OF RECORDED HISTORY. Why would would this time be different?

Trancecoach said:

Someone who.. ..was well-positioned to gain as a result of it isn't necessary guilty

Speed Kills Your Pocketbook

LiquidDrift says...

Here in Oregon they have photo radar trucks that drive around, park on the side of the road and photo and ticket you if you go 9-10 miles over the limit. It's outrageous and you can't challenge the ticket either as the tech is considered foolproof. They park the things on safe roads where I've not seen accidents and in sneaky places like at the bottom of a hill after a slight curve in the road. It's totally about the money and the insurance companies are in on it. In some places, they actually pay for the radar/laser equipment.

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