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Jawdropping Beatboxing/VoiceLooping performance

eric3579 says...

t's possible to love someone
And not treat them in the way that you want
It's possible to see your eyes
Be the devil in disguise with another front
And, it's possible to change this world
Revolutionise the boys and girls
It's possible to educate
The next generation that will rule the world someday

The changing times of the 21st century
Means nothing to me cos I would rather be
At the beginning of time, earth would be mine
Living in luxury
Discovering a world out there
Believing in the sun earth water and air
Take me there so I could see the world bloom
Standing on a sea cliff howling at the moon
Creating a world for the open minded
A unique perception of truth inside it
I know we could find it
It's just a matter of where and when we collectively decide it
The world is not a vicious place
It's just the way we've been raised
Discovering time and space
I know that we could make a change
Rearrange the way that we appreciate the world today

It's possible to love someone..

Now as i start to put my mind into words
I stall I fall I'm loosing it all, my inhibitions
The thought of wasting a way
The fact that the music's at a place not far away
Yet I stray and stick to my world
In love with my life my beliefs and a girl
Is it luck that I love this crazy place, the human race?
Don't get me wrong I still think we could change
But this life and the fact that time exists
And were here and we don't come equipped with it all
Half the fun is learning and I'm having a ball
While the world keeps turning my role is small
But I'll make a change
I hope you're feeling the same way
I hope you're seeing what I say

It's possible to love someone..

In this concrete jungle we live
Our survival is love that we give
Now my instinct is guiding my way
It's true what they say
The world is your chance to create

rbar (Member Profile)

Permeable Concrete? It's like magic!

rbar says...

This type of concrete (or something very similar) has been in use since 1973 in the Netherlands. Currently about 90% of the Dutch highways use this. Its big advantages are less noise, less aqua planning and more visibility due to less water from tires. Its disadvantages are somewhat less grip, more wear and issues with freezing. The freezing doesnt necessarily break the concrete but any salts used to de-ice the road will also be washed away meaning that the top layer of the road will often be very slippery. In the Netherlands, with between 23 and 46 days with temperatures below zero on average, the amount of trouble that causes is acceptable compared to the advantages.

How to avoid a roadside drug bust

MilkmanDan says...

Not that I think shooting into the air for minor reasons is a *good* idea, but the chances of it being dangerous to the point of killing (or even injuring) someone are really really low. See for example:

First of all, even in a densely populated city, the ratio of square meters of human-occupied space to unoccupied space is really low. So, you gotta be quite unlucky to have a bullet fired up land on a human instead of house / dirt / concrete / whatever.

Second, when the bullet comes down it won't be traveling at its muzzle velocity, but at its terminal falling velocity. Mythbusters did a test on that, as have various other sources, and most find that a bullet falling at terminal velocity isn't fast enough to kill unless you're outstandingly unlucky. Deaths have been recorded, but at a lower rate than, say, Hippos, pulling a Carradine, or having an icicle fall on your head.

I guess it is sorta like hailstones, which could potentially have relatively comparable mass, aerodynamic properties, and terminal velocities as bullets in some cases. I've been caught in a hailstorm before, and while it was enough to sting and be rather painful, it wasn't near strong enough to break the skin.

So, given all of that, IF it came down to a situation where a policeman has to show a dangerous assailant that they mean business and are willing to fire their weapon to resolve it, firing straight up into the air might potentially be a good way to accomplish that without immediately shooting to kill / injure the assailant. In some scenarios, possibly. NOT that a stopped car trying to dump drugs (via balloon or whatever else) is an example of such a scenario.

Januari said:

Yeah it would have to be i hope... those bullets have to come down somewhere. Whats sad is it wouldn't be THAT hard to imagine an officer somewhere doing that for a minor drug offense.

Hero Defends a Defenseless Blind Kid

SDGundamX says...

Cool story, bro.

Except that in this video the only person in clear and immediate danger of dying is the guy who got sucker punched and took a header into the concrete. Blind guy, meanwhile, barely got rocked by the first punch and is in no immediate danger of dying. The facts, therefore, kind of negate your whole argument while strengthening mine.

Also, I provided ample links to show the relevant laws which come into play here and would force most DAs into prosecuting. Here's another one: take a look at California Penal Code 192(b). It doesn't matter that the kid was engaged in a lawful act (defending someone else). Someone was unlawfully killed and it's the DA's job to do something about it. Your counter-argument was essentially: "Nuh-uh, cuz I say so."


I've argued with you about stuff before and you've always been good at using evidence-based reasoning to support your position. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were having an off-day with that reply (pressed for time in responding perhaps).

BTW, I think the fact that we disagree on this is yet another reason why a competent DA would let a jury decide rather than make the call him/herself. Their job is to determine whether there is enough evidence available that someone has broken the law to prosecute them. In this case we would have the video and multiple eye-witnesses showing a killing punch being thrown. Again, I don't see how any decent DA can NOT prosecute at that point. Their job is to represent the state and prosecute those who break the state's laws. It's the defense attorney's job to counter that the law was broken for good reason (self-defense), not the DA's job. It's the jury's job to determine if a killing in self-defense is reasonable under the circumstances, again not the DA's.

DA's do sometimes decide not to prosecute when there is overwhelming evidence that the killing was justified and a trial would be a waste of time and money, but this isn't one of those cases. For example, if the video showed the bully attacking the blind kid with a knife and then getting killed by a sucker punch from someone trying to stop him, it's unlikely any DA would take action.

At the end of the day, while I think if the kid had killed the bully he would have been charged with manslaughter, I also think it would be unlikely to actually go to trial. Especially if the kid throwing the killing punch is a first-time offender, the DA would likely offer a plea deal for a lesser charge.

Anyways, can we at least agree that it is great that no one was seriously injured in this incident?

lucky760 said:

That's where we disagree and where any DA worth his/her salt in the U.S. will agree with me.

Striking someone in an attempt to stop him from potentially killing someone else is not an unlawful act.

Hero Defends a Defenseless Blind Kid

Gilsun says...

Anyone else slightly concerned that the "bully" seems to sustain a decent head injury? Not because of the blood, but look at how he moves his hands after he hits the concrete. That to me looks like a brain trying to sort itself out. I 100% support the "hero" stepping in, but meeting violence with violence like this only puts more people at risk. Hitting your head on concrete can easily be fatal.. imagine if he died... Hero wouldnt be so cool then hey.

East Texas Cozy Coupe drifting

Esoog says...

Looks fun, but that's a head injury waiting to happen. I just picture something catching a wheel, and that little head slamming into the concrete.

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

newtboy says...

Anyone who's read my comments knows I'm not a big fan of the police these days, but they were totally in the right here, and the description is absolutely ridiculous BS IMO.
People who try to make a police misconduct case out of this should think first and realize that offering this as evidence of police misconduct/abuse minimizes ACTUAL misconduct/abuse. There was NO "brutal beating", no choking seen, no stomping, no 'swarming by 9 officers', no 'slamming to the concrete', no 'arrested for jaywalking', just a teenager acting a fool and ignoring commands, pushing and kicking officers, and grabbing their weapons, all of which didn't end well for him when he's arrested for resisting arrest and refusing to comply with a direct lawful order from a peace officer...he'll be incredibly lucky if another charge for assault on a police officer isn't coming.
I wonder, what alternative actions do those complaining about this think the police SHOULD have taken? Just let him walk away indignantly? The law simply doesn't work that way.

Jaywalking may not be an arrest-able offence, but refusing/ignoring an officer's lawful command to stop certainly is, so is resisting when the cop tries to control/arrest you (like pulling the cop's hand off your arm, pushing the cop, or grabbing the baton that has yet to hit you).
The kid only gets hit with the baton (in the video) when he grabs it with both hands and tries to wrestle it away from the cop, as the cop wrestles for control of the weapon, the kid gets grazed in the face. When the other 4 (not 9) officers take control, he continues to fight with them and is taken to the ground.
As to his being a kid, he certainly thought he was adult enough to ignore/fight with the police. As far as I could tell, they all used restraint (compared to the normal dog pile and face kicks we've seen in the past in this kind of situation). I really don't think this video is going to help that 'kid' in court.
I'm somewhat surprised they didn't go after the woman screaming for interfering with a police action, or at least command her to move away. Telling the kid to stay seated (and ignore the command to get on the ground) sure seems to meet the criteria in my eyes.

Building under construction suddenly collapses

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

A bit of a drought in the (south-)eastern part of the country, they say. A city in Bavaria reached a temperature of 40.3°C on Friday, the highest recorded temperature in Germany since 1881. Temperatures within the confines of our concrete jungles (aka cities) have been somewhat unpleasant.

Up north, it's been... dry. And warm. Did I mention dry?

Nothing to bitch about though, everything's still in the green. With some spots of brown sprinkled throughout, wherever the vegetation was scorched...

eric3579 said:

Do you guys have water issues? Drought

Don't Stay In School

MilkmanDan says...

I thought the video made a good point, but rather different from the one I assumed it was going for before watching.

As I was finishing up my senior year of High School after 4 years of taking crap for being a nerd etc., a friend/acquaintance of mine was starting her freshman year. She got picked on also, probably worse than I had had it. She made it through 1 semester before dropping out. Then she got a part time job for a half-year, took night classes at the local community college, and got her GED.

At the time, I thought she was making a terrible decision by not sticking it out and trying to get through High School the usual way -- 4 years of hell. But then, the next year she ended up at the same University where I was, both as Uni-freshmen, and she handled the much more mature University environment just fine.

It ended up completely turning the tables for me, to the point that I thought that her path of dropping out -> GED -> Uni was actually objectively superior to my suffering through the more traditional path.

So, that's what I thought "don't stay in school" was going to refer to.

But the actual message is good as well. The best classes that I had in Middle and High School were more practical things. But oddly enough, the best examples of that for me were my math classes. I had the same teacher for Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calc, and Calculus (AP, so equivalent to Calc 1 at a University). He stressed the real-life applications of advanced mathematics by doing lots of word problems, and only teaching topics that he could point to concrete, real-world applications for. And by letting us use calculators for everything as long as we could explain WHY specific operations were needed to answer the questions.

...So, long-winded response boiled down:
I like the message. More practical stuff in school is better. And feel free to drop out -- especially if doing so is just a shortcut to further education at a University, Vo-Tech, or whatever.

A perfect backflop

Payback says...

I took judo for like, 2 hours, so I'm like an expert on cushioning falls, but I've done this landing -from about that high- both forwards and backwards and it's 20x less painful on your back.

You have to be going quite a bit faster than a 12-14 ft drop before the "like hitting concrete" effect starts to factor in. The horizontal speed she has helps too. The force isn't straight down but on an angle.

I will agree she probably had the breath knocked out of her.

Asmo said:

It's not only the sting of the slap, it's the raw concussive force of a large surface area (ie. nape to ass) meeting strong surface tension. The best way to land is to break the surface tension with the smallest area possible (ie. fingertips, toes etc) allowing the body to slide in to the water.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

2pm, 41°C (106°F) in the shade. It's close to 48°C (118°F) in the urban concrete jungle.

LEXUS Creates a Hoverboard

newtboy says...

There was absolutely nothing more on that site. No info, no more video, no pictures, nothing new. I'm still waiting to see it ridden over normal concrete (without embedded copper plates/magnets). I think that's what we're all waiting for in a hover board.

shagen454 said:

Official site:

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

lucky760 says...

Motherfucker. Corrupt with authority.

His rule of law is: keep running your mouth and see what happens.

He doesn't like that they're speaking and he's also ordering them by royal decree to vacate the area. Being disobedient deserves you getting your head slammed to the concrete.

He cannot work in this line of work ever again. Those kids are lucky the other officers were there or that fucker may have shot them for no fucking reason.

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