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Revoke BP's Corporate Charter

volumptuous says...


Yeah, I'll just do that. Because you know, I don't need things like Adobe CS4/5, Logic Audio, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Max/MSP, Final Cut, Color, Motion, Lightroom and basically every other piece of software I use for my professional and fun purposes.

After scanning around some Ubuntu forums and finding out just what a nightmare it is to run any of my required software, I called a friend @ JPL, and one at Oracle to ask if my summation was correct, and they said "for what you need, Ubuntu makes zero sense". Yep, there you go campion.

Why are we talking about Ubuntu? Oh right, to show that we don't need sweatshops to live our wetern lifestyles. Which for me, (aside from about 1/2 the tech I own) is absolutely true.

I work from home, my GF takes mass transit. We have a massive garden where we get most of our food from. We buy all other food from locally grown, sustainable sources (mostly south central farmers market). We make all of our own cleaning agents, use soap nuts for washing clothes, recycle all water, harvest rainwater, solar dry food, hardly ever use a heater, have no A/C or central air. We use canvas bags to shop with, compost 100% of all food waste, recycle or reuse all plastic/paper/glass etc. Our combined trash for a full month is 1/2 of a normal small plastic bag.

I DO NOT buy Nike products, have never bought anything from WalMart, don't buy fastfood (aside from the ocassional In-n-Out) and we both study the source where all of our merch is made. In this ugly web of global corporate confusion, it's not always easy to find out where every piece of every camera or MIDI controller or PS3 you buy comes from.

It is very easy to "vote with my wallet" although I am not so naive to think it makes a dent on the big picture. But a lot of people would rather just scream "just buy Ubuntu and the world is saved" that's a load of bullshit.

RDF TV - Ants that farm, compost and weed - Richard Dawkins

ant says...

>> ^rottenseed:

get to work @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);">ant

Make me!

Holy Grail of Energy?

Heartspark says...

They said it cost "$3000 per person" for the consumer one. That is still more expensive than what i pay a year for electric.

Nevermind the fact that they are so vague in the press release. No hard numbers or anything. For all we know it could consume more gas than what current ones do, you could still be paying out the nose for electricity. If you can power if on a compost pile then lets get excited.

I do feel some awesome tech is coming out eventually that will change how we get power, its just right now everyone is trying for something, with each one have a major downside. Its just we have not seen this ones yet.

This is the gateway into random dog poisoning.....

Razor says...

>> ^KnivesOut:
On-topic: I let my dog shit wherever she wants, and I don't clean it up. Yes, I'm an anarchist!
But seriously, what's better for the environment, my dog's little turds going into the ground, or a plastic bag full of turds going into a land-fill, to -never- decompose.

Depends where you live.

"Through recycling and composting, Edmonton is diverting 60% of residential waste from landfill."

My city has been doing this for many years. We can't compost all trash sent to the landfill, but we do compost the majority of it.

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

spoco2 says...

They're running on some very simplistic logic.

They have the maths as to how they can claim that everyone can fit into a landmass the size of texas, and it holds out if every single house was butt up against each other and there were no roads, parks, transport etc.

So... yeah, you could fit everyone into a space that big.

BUT, the threat of overpopulation is NOT the issue of there being enough space for houses, it's the amount of waste, polution and resources that number of people use.

Pushing out trite figures like being able to fit into Texas will WORK... people will go 'Gee, look at all the rest of the world that's vacant, what are we worried about... COOOONSSSUUUUUME!' It's completely ignoring the real problem with having that many people... it's not about places to Live, it's about keeping that many people alive.

So, let's see who is behind this shite.

The website is

Which is put out by the 'Population Research Institute' Which... on going there has this as a news point "Obama Bill Bad: Health-care bill very, very bad for pro-lifers"

Ooooh, we're talking a bunch of anti abortionists here... Basically they're all against abortion and population control and all for popping out babies all over the place. They're trying to suggest that the belief in overpopulation is causing mass, brutal and forceful removal of human rights... blah blah blah.

They have a serious chip on their shoulder about abortion, and that's where all of this stems from. Their thinking is that if people don't believe there's any issue with the population of the world, then somehow that'll mean that everyone will say that abortions should be gotten rid of too.

Bah and friggen humbug.



I can hardly talk on the population control front. I just had my fourth and last child (snipped now), so myself and my wife have doubled our footprint. Which is kinda, well... wrong I guess. Although I can justify it somewhat saying that we're raising them in a very eco conscious way. And hopefully that by having them and others like them be more proactive on the front of installing solar power on every home possible, reusing water, having raintanks, having a compost, not being wasteful etc. etc. Well, maybe that'll make more of a positive impact... but really I'm clutching at straws.

RDF TV - Ants that farm, compost and weed - Richard Dawkins

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:
And do we really need more superhighways? Where are you pro-green anti-global warming rabble rousers?!

Calling for your house to be knocked down and turned into a solar power plant, wind power farm, high-speed rail stop, or perhaps just a big public compost heap, with A$$ GR@V33!

Important Wisdom Everyone Must Ponder

raverman says...

ummm seriously... i could also say:

We all eat plants so we all share the same compost.

We are all part of the same fertilizer residues.

We shared steak from the same cow....we are all part of that mystical cow.

Our solar system all comes from the same dust.
We are all part of the asteroids around Uranus.

I think it's more interesting to point out our body is made of millions and millions of cells, bacteria and other symbiotic organisms that grow and function together. We are not one creature....but a host of millions of creatures with a single consiousness.

Or if you prefer - we are all wet blobs of cosmic crap.

The Flame Sift-Warriors Project (Parody Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

MycroftHolmz is a part time pinko, I think.

Netrunner is part time Ideologue, part time pinko.

Westy is Patois.

We got a bunch of ferrus cranii too. QM, Billo, and captainplanet is probably the trinamic trio.

Every P that's been banned is a Compost.

alien_concept can join me in the part time perv section.

This bear walks into a Subway store..

10419 says...

unfortunately, when a bear becomes somewhat accustomed to humans, it then becomes dangerous as it has lost its fear of humans. that is when the bear either needs to be relocated or destroyed.

a few years back, a large black bear started roaming around my neighborhood. it started off harmlessly climbing trees and running away when people stepped out side of their houses. then it started eating out of compost and garbage cans; associating humans with food rather than with natural trepidation. it was relocated 20 km away, but a week later it was back and it started trying to get into houses and even killed a dog. it was destroyed.

its not bull shit when they are destroyed, its just the way it is some times.

Harrison Ford: Lost There, Felt Here, carbon emission

choggie says...

Here's the choggie PSA
send donations to his paypall account, and help us stop the madness....
(*cue grave-sounding muzak)
"Every minute, of everyday....for hundreds of thousands of years, the planet has made it clear; humans are part of the solution to a critical problem: Organic Compost. In unquenchable furnaces like Etna, Stromboli, and Yasur, along with allll her numerous and hidden, underwater fissures, pumping out what it takes to balance the odds in her favor, she remains dedicated....and with overdue kegs of life-stealing sulfuric acid like Yellowstone, Fuji, Etna, ready to pop, along with Mr. Shinyhot(the yellow round thing), she insures that long after this current iteration of human planetary activity, that there will be a layer of shit like plastic and tin cans, for the next monkeys to enjoy.
Global Climate Change. Aren't ya glad you can say you were there when self-absorbed putties had reason to suspect they made more than a scratch, in the planet's surface???
Give, to the United Negro College Fund, a mind is a terr....oh wait, wrong outro-

Making iced tea the creepy way

oxdottir says...

ok, this guy is creepy, but from my point of view, he's also giving totally wack advice. Way to tell people how to make stewed tea, dude.

I drink a ton of iced tea every day: it is my beverage of choice. I make a very strong pot of earl grey tea using loose leaves, I don't let it brew more than 5 minutes, and I pour it over a full glass of ice. No boiling. No bags. lot's and lot's of expired tea leaves to feed to my compost worms.

No one will ever read this, I suspect. But I've said it, and that pleased me, and as Craig Ferguson says, that's what's important.

Jamacian Herbs

MINK says...

it means different things to different people.

but normally artificial fertilisers are frowned upon because they come from fossil fuels and they fuck up your soil.
he says they use composted food waste, which he doesn't call "fertilizer".

i should know, i just made a website that sells bat guano

incidentally this video is why marijuana is illegal... can you imagine a world where people just grow stuff, eat it, smoke it, laugh and say "no problem"? What the fuck would the arms industry and mafia do in such a society?

Out of Balance - Trailer

Fedquip says...

Yes, the climate goes in cycles, there have been ice ages before. But we also know climate can kill civilizations...and build civilizations (drought brought remote Africans to the Nile for example.)

If you watch the doc, you can clearly see there is an industry...the richest industry in the world that is using its extreme wealth to not make our planet a better place to live, and democracies should use their power of the people to fight these types of businesses. Maybe I would forgive Exxon for their years of damaging the earth if they started committing cleaner and maybe renewable energies, sure they wont make billions and billions every year, but what the hell are they doing with the billions and billions they already make? Buying yachts? bribing the Media? funding hack scientists.

Global Warming has been chewed up and spit out by the MSM, but its time for people to start thinking for themselves, the actions of these liars who are profiting from the literal destruction of the planet needs to be dealt with. The science is in. Spewing pollution into air is warming up the planet and already making it very unlivable (ever spent a summer in Toronto? Try Bejing!) That warmth is causing climates all over the earth to act wacky...It wont kill our planet, but it could certainly make the world a much less pleasant place for humans and animals to live (although in some places its not really pleasant right now.)

I don't mean to be an alarmist, but I grew up learning about the environment, we learnt about Global Warming in grade school back in the 80s. At that time we were under the impression that "adults" were taking care of it by recycling and composting. Then Canada starts profiting from the oil sands and our Global warming priorities are suddenly lined up with America...Where "The Jury is still out." - Understand our PM is loyal to Bush, but our PM cuts taxes and thats why people like him, don't worry about the 2500 troops euchred in Ghanistan. Once the arctic melts you can trade from Canada to Europe in hours, you almost have to wonder if these guys simply WANT to destroy the planet...apparently it pays. -

So how's the weather in your neck of the woods choggie

Al Gore's Nobel Acceptance Speech

choggie says...

An un-biased view from an info-blog, continually edited by its users.....

Polluting less, is not accomplished by recycling, it's done by not buying the aluminum-emissions by humans are reduced when they stop spouting compilations of minutiae and using the most effective tools they have against the machine.....their will.

But we are well into the spiral, so sit back and relax, vote for next iteration of the same program, make a compost heap from a wiki article, and take a fuel-efficient bus to cattle country....

Symbol addiction, is a disease.

Qruel, my take on folks who use people's symbol addiction in order to shift responsibility, stroke an ego, or explain their own incarnation is that they are confused as to nature of cause and effect and their own process-when someone gets to a place where they understand themselves, there's no reason to become frustrated that the bulk of the other meatbots are not there yet..... that may be the juxtaposition you we're getting at-hell, everything I know is wrong daily-same for you??

When you see church and state issues, think of the Bolsheveki, and the tactics that are time-honored.....fuck, you fancy yerself intelligent, go read a checklist of time-honored fascist tactics, and tell me getting rid of a group of people of like mind is anything new...we're simply letting it happen again-

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