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Cinematic Table Flips Supercut

DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION Gameplay Trailer - The Inquisitor

artician says...

Nope! Fuck you Bioware. You've always done other peoples properties and related cliches quite well. Don't borrow from Hollywoods shitty, overused tropes to push your own games. It's beneath you, and shows a lack of confidence in the intelligence of your audience.

Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

gorillaman says...


Colonisation of other planets, if it happens, will not ease overpopulation on Earth. Assuming it's actually done with humans rather than, say bacteria which are so much easier to transport; it must involve small seed populations of colonists, not firing billions of people off into space. Where do you imagine the energy required would come from? As it stands in 2014 we can barely move a handful of people into low earth orbit, a few hundred kilometres away.

Think about the logistics of transporting and housing all these billions of colonists in a hostile environment. Making the environment itself habitable is an even greater challenge; we can't even seem to fix the one we have on Earth, the one we spent billions of years evolving to suit.

The expansion of the universe, meanwhile, is always giving us less material to work with and perpetually moving it further away.


Relying on technology to solve overpopulation is like refusing to stop smoking because by the time you get cancer science will have found a cure.

Scientific advancement is not a given. It doesn't progress at a guaranteed rate and it isn't a genie that will automatically offer a salve to every need. Or, to coin a cliche, "Where's my jetpack?"

Luckily however, in the instant case scientists have offered an easy solution to overpopulation: Stop having so many children.


Poverty reduction without population reduction - reduction, not stabilisation - is catastrophic. The current global population of ~7.2 billion is only survivable, never mind sustainable, because most of those billions are impoverished peasants who barely consume any resources at all. Elevating the poor to a rich, westernesque lifestyle multiplies the effects of overpopulation tremendously, even if it slightly slows population growth in absolute terms.

Rosling doesn't seem to understand the actual problem, and his predictions are at any rate, horrifyingly optimistic.

We need to be shooting for a global population in the range of 100 million - 1 billion. Any substantially higher number than that is an apocalypse waiting to happen.

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

bareboards2 says...

@Shepppard, I think you fully understand the issue of why it is offensive to women to be told to smile all the time.

And I still say -- you guys have got to stop arguing with these videos.

I mean, fer pitys sake, it is a cliche already. "You don't listen to me." What percentage of women say that to their male partners?

Listen. Just .... listen. Empathize. Try to understand. And stop arguing with and intellectualizing about something that isn't your experience. Please.

And you get 500 brownie points for understanding exactly why telling a woman you don't know to "smile" gets very very wearing. Make that 5000 brownie points.

Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie

ChaosEngine says...

So we have two possible explanations:

1. A party girl who isn't shown to be particularly intelligent ends up OD'ing on the drugs she was forced to mule. She slips into an elaborate fantasy about having superpowers as a coping mechanism and makes up some bullshit "10% of your brain" as aher uneducated way of rationalising it


2. Meth gives you superpowers (kinda want that on a tshirt now )

And you think 2 is less ridiculous?!

I'm not really serious though. The "it was all a dream" thing was a hack cliche before most of us were 10, so yeah, it's a shitty cop out.

That said, I fully expect to enjoy this movie as a fun popcorn flick. The 5th element had a ridiculous premise too (an evil rock must be stopped by love!) but that still turned out awesome. I don't think this will be that good, but I'm willing to give it a chance.

newtboy said:

I agree, film needs visual cues, but making her vision work like a touch screen is a HORRIBLE device for least to me.
Wait...OTHERWISE it's just ridiculous?!? HA! Either way it's ridiculous!
I just hate movies that give the impression that they thought up some inventive method to make their insanity make sense, then crap out at the end and say "it was a dream, no explanation needed". That's simply poor writing and lack of imagination to me. (I must say it does one positive thing for me, it leaves the end a tragedy after building to a 'win' for the hero....but in an incredibly cheap and unsatisfying way).
Far better for me is how they did it in "Wages of Fear" (my favorite movie, from the 50's) where the hard fought survival and triumph can be ruined by a moment of inattentive joy.

Sin city 2: A dame to kill for

shatterdrose says...


"That's not how any of this works!"


Jokes aside, I can't say I'm excited for it. Doesn't look as "ground breaking" as the first, and frankly, I can only stomach the first one once or twice. Plus, the whole "a dame to kill for" is so cliche and kinda gets on my nerves if they're only fighting over a girl.

mxxcon said:

I'm sitting in a puddle of my own pee..I have not been so excited like this for a sequel of a movie in a very very long time.

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

chingalera says...

Ok, I would point-out that everything this puppeteer does so well is based on his stringing-of one cliched phrase to another while using not-so-subtle words to trigger responses. Notice how his carefully-crafted script should he be distracted from it (in this case by a heckler who is not only about to be the brunt of a joke, but probably arrested, detained, bullied, released and followed for weeks and he'll most likely get an IRS audit in his mailbox soon) goes to shit, and he can't improvise a sentence fragment or turn of phrase.

Making the guy the brunt of a joke, then hustling him out of the casino for a work-over. Capone would be proud.

Simple, emotionally-loaded pre-scripted words in every speech, every prepared statement.
He touches his face too much, pretty sure that's a liar's tell, very irritating and one of the most flagrantly insulting heads of state in the history of the office of President.

People, are becoming so overtly programmed to respond to such obvious bullshit....Kill your fucking TV's please people, before Complete Cognitive Warpage occurs...

Honest Trailers - Gravity

LooiXIV says...

Don't worry I totally agree. They tried a bunch of stuff cliche symbolism, character growth, but it didn't really mesh up with the plot of the movie. She was suicidal, but finds the will to go on through a space hallucination/talking with some rando Korean (dafuq)? What I gathered from the movie is that we shouldn't try and explore space since "gravity" will pull us back. We should just stay down on earth (since that's what Sandra Bullock spends the entire movie trying to get back to). But then they had George Clooney ask Sandra Bullock to enjoy the scenery, which she never does, which is a confusing message. I guess he was trying to say all the beauty we know is on Earth. This movie tried so so hard to be a "classic" space movie that dove into humanity, blah blah blah, bs bs bs. If anything this is a very anti space exploration movie.

Compare that to the rich symbolism of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Which juxtaposes the beginnings of humanity with where it is now, and asks what is the limit of humanity? Are we confined to Earth? It was really a movie of rebirth and redefining what humanity is and what we're capable of. Also the main character was a bad ass. Not only did he out smart the homicidal computer (which killed everyone except him). He continued his mission!

2001 and Gravity couldn't be more different.

eric3579 said:

I think they were extremely kind to this movie. Outside of the visual aspect of the movie it was pretty much shit (acting,story,dialogue...). Of course I'm one of the very few that has this opinion. Maybe i'm just getting old and grumpy. GET OFF MY LAWN!

Oppressed Majority

bcglorf says...

I have to agree with the comment of this being cliched and anything but 'everyday' sexism. Every solitary 'sexist' interaction in the entire video is already deemed entirely unacceptable and due cause for a beat down of the sexist bullies. The role reversal bit is just entirely unecessary and makes it feel too heavy handed to take seriously. I'm of course coming from a North American perspective, I'd hoped and understood women's rights in The EU weren't that far behind either for this to open any new eyes.

Oppressed Majority

bluecliff says...

ofcs the cowards who put this up on youtube disabled comments and up/downvoting
this video is disgusting, filled with cliches, and portrays men like they're animals

so f*ck you, you can try to guilt-trip someone else

noam chomsky-christian liberation theology

noam chomsky-christian liberation theology

A10anis says...

Love it when he says;- "keep away from cliches, the world's much more complicated," That, after saying;- "US backed, US trained, US funded, US armed, US favorites who killed thousands of people." All I've ever heard from him is it's the Wests fault but, primarily, the USA's fault. He is right about one thing, Cliches should be avoided, especially his tired, naive, ones. As he says; " The world is MUCH more complicated..."

Batman Recut as a Comedy

MichaelL says...

Agree. This was pretty good... I like the 'main character running down a street/alley/airport concourse' scene to convey desperation/confusion/redemption which is a cliche of every Tom Cruise movie and every rom-com ever...

brycewi19 said:

This feels more like an quirky independent coming-of-age cut instead of a comedy.

Boo Boo Runs Wild

KUNG FURY Official Trailer - AKA Best Movie Trailer Ever

9547bis says...

Yeah. The logo (an 80s cliché), and dinosaurs (another 80s cliché). "Everything" indeed.

Has it occurred to you that two works both based on 80s B-movies, and therefore not original material, will likely share many traits, without having to copy each other (the Kung Fury project was started around a year ago, according to its kickstarter page)?

80s revival did not start 8 months ago. A number of retro music projects, rebooted film franchises, and B-movie parodies have been popping up for the last few years, it was only a matter of time before a mid/maybe-full length movie happened. Who's late-blooming again?

artician said:

Everything from the logo design to riding dinosaurs.

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