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Baby Pictures (History Talk Post)

jonny says...

My first post didn't make it until saved months later (thanks sg!). My first sifted video was a TDS clip of the guy that gave his Purple Heart to Bush. I really wanted to get rid of that 'P' quickly and TDS was even more popular then than it is now. Sadly it was yanked never to return. In any case, I immediately posted three others that seemed likely to sift -

Dave Chapelle on Charlie Rose
The Adverb Song
A news story about stoners in Canada

What do those say about me? I like to burn the herb while watching longer, interesting videos, and I'm really just a kid at heart - chronology notwithstanding. KidSift was the first collective I joined. (Whatever happend to James??)

Don't Vote

gorillaman says...


Noocracy doesn't require an absolute measure of intelligence. Reasonable indicators are enough, I'm sure we both agree it is possible to distinguish between smart and stupid.

Constitutional republics like the U.S. are a kind of chronologically-removed noocracy; the 'smart people' establish a lasting foundation of law with which they hope to bind the excesses of the mob to whom they surrender government. I respect the idea, but these always degenerate towards democracy, demonstrating the need for an active policy.

"How are things like that EVER going to work without some sort of military might to hold off the non bright and the scared? And then, if you start down that road then you'll be running into the issue that the intellectuals will see that for what it is, which is a form of dictatorship, and not agree with that on humanitarian grounds."

This is the heart of our disagreement. Intellectuals, the best of them at least, will and do recognise that democracy, not noocracy, is oppressive. I've already called it the plural of dictatorship, a more common term is the tyranny of the majority. More fundamentally, democracy is immoral on an individual level; imposing ones will on society, by voting or any other method, without the expertise to make the most correct moral determination possible is violence.

I can point to successful, if limited, quasi-noocratic government systems already in operation. The constitutions of states nominally ruled by law may be transient, but they certainly slow the relentless advance of the mob. The House of Lords in the UK is viewed as baffling and almost miraculous in its ability to identify and oppose the worst legislation of the elected house. If you'd like to know how I'd go about implementing noocracy in my own country, I might start by expanding the authority of that body while rationalising its membership criteria.

I give up. (Politics Talk Post)

jwray says...

The change from the chronological default on the front page to a "hotness" default has caused some reduction in diversity. Whatever isn't on top is even more likely to be ignored now.

Dems Blame McCain for Bailout Deal Breakdown

CBS Edits McCain Gaffe Out of Broadcast (w/original video)

bamdrew says...

nytimes' blog has a mention of this, and a CBS response...

"Also, CBS is facing some criticism for not airing the response in question during the broadcast last night (though they did make a transcript available and post the original interview online). The network showed Ms. Couric’s original question, but the response from Mr. McCain came from a different question. “As all news organizations do with extended interviews, last night’s Obama and McCain interviews were edited to fit the available time and to give viewers a fair expression of the candidates’ major differences,” said a statement from CBS News. “The full transcript and video were and still are available at”"

judson laipply: evolution of dance

Top Gear Checks out the Batmobile

Comment Replying (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

If this were to be done, it would have to be done very, very carefully. They way it works now, you can see the chronology of posts, the youtube way is much more confusing.

Like youtube? No thank you.

Phelps Westboro Cult turns against Mexicans

Handcuffed woman nearly beaten to death by a cop

dannym3141 says...

Someone find us some follow ups.

US police/whatever forces taking a serious ass kicking lately. Over here there'd be some serious kick-off if so many stories happened together (not sure about the chronology of the videos but a few of em at least seem close together). Any major shit happening over there about it?

van Gogh's many faces

Bill O' Reilly, Spin Doctor for his Father, the Devil

omnistegan says...

Now listen up you no good rotten devil hypocrite idiot two faced lying son of the devil involved in a lawsuit where you allegedly did something wrong. STOP SLANDERING ME!

O, and while you're at it, here are some inspiration verses (Read in reverse chronological, because that makes sense) for you to read whilst you are shipped off to hell. Yeah, I said you are going to hell. No the text I quote doesn't say that I shouldn't judge you. In fact, I somehow believe I SHOULD judge you, you and gays, and soldiers, and America, and Canada, and Iraq.

Now I hate to nitpick but on a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 on the left, isn't this 99.9 bitching out 99.8?

And I hate to support BillO, but he's not even as bad as you try to slander him to sound.

The Official Roast of karaidl! (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

jeeeeez, I can see why the whole, internet bully thing is an issue for some folks....from the looks of the last 5-7 comments, it's apparent that most of the roasters here, have struggled with self-esteem most of their short, extremely white lives, as well as potty-training in those very early years, until at least the age of 7-And sad to say for your sake karaidl, it seems they have reserved some of the least inspired, sophomoric, and anemic remarks for this 3rd and what let’s hope, final, anal-expulsion, shit, cock, balls puke, and fuck fest.

If you will peruse some of the inspired ejaculations karaidl has graced this site with, you will see that he is not afraid to speak his mind, unlike the bulk of the most outspoken here on the sift, who can’t stop speaking Other People’s Minds, with control “C”, and control “V’, as their only hedge, between themselves, and a career stint in the fast-food industry, animal hospice care, etc. Give most of these cretins an opportunity to pen some creative musings, and it’s straight to the men’s restroom at an interstate rest stop…..what I wrote, who I called, and how much it produced or stunk.

About the only thing bad about having the awareness of a thousand lifetimes, crammed into a plump, chronologically challenged being, is how bitter and disillusioned he is bound to become when at age 30, the witless boobs to follow his generation, will provide constant irritation, and the nagging temptation to, slay, skin, and smoke. He will have left Las Vegas after making sure his Mother is well-cared for, by his harem of whores, professional gamblers and grifters, and of course, his dealers-all wondering what they will do, when Master Teat, moves on, to greener pastures, and hairy bush.
At 20, he will turn down scholarships to various trade schools and mining concerns, and turn all his energies towards entrepreneurship….Celebrity Bobble-Cock Dolls, and skin-care/massage parties.(I can get clients and do scheduling, man)

Humble beginnings will lead to noble effort, and drug and fork abuse.

Your children will start coming to find out who their real daddy is after seeing their mother’s reactions to how many swinger’s blogs have posted user comments and photos, some of which have them standing in front of their mirrors, wondering, “Why is MY mom is so much older than the other kids’ moms?”

Seriously now, waist-down naked, and boyish charm will get you as far as the back door, before you smell the aroma from ma’s kitchen….and before you know it, you’re young again…at 36, with a lot less hair, and a breech at every stitch in yer sweatsuit.
I see a future of service to the community……a neighborhood kid’s bike and sporting goods equipment collection, and monthly garage sales, proceeds going to your favorite cause, ample paper products in all baths and computer/game-station rooms.

Growing up coddled, unparented and sensory-enriched by cathode-ray addiction, subjected to pathetic primary and secondary educations, with a sense of arrogance, entitlement, and privilege, having attended even worse colleges and universities, has afflicted most of the users on this site, but you Karaidl, have the ability and distinction, of being in a similar situation, and actually using it to your advantage, and attempting the unending process of self-awareness…..unlike your some of your elders here, who couldn’t wrangle a stray thought after a blow to the skull, much less work to become more in tune with themselves.

Salute to you Karaidl, we need more like you here, and less like these others, most of which I would not trust to call me a fucking cab, should I ever have the dis-pleasure of meeting them in person. You know who you are, at least if you think you might, the sentiment is appreciated……

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Penn & Teller: Bullshit -- Intelligent Design

9329 says...

People who take the bible literally would do well to read other books concerning ancient history, early religion, and the history of the Christian church. The bible, as we know it today, was assembled by bishops centuries after the time of Christ. It has since been translated and edited by other religious and political figures, always for one agenda or another. And much of the tales and teachings are derivatives of older 'pagan' religions from the Mediteranean and Near East. It is a product of history, and as such possesses great merit as a historical document, just like the works of Homer and Virgil provide insight into Greek and Roman history. But it is essentially myth. Nearly all academic historians would agree with me on this. If taken literally, one would be faced with sorting out the myriad of contradictions contained within it. Oh, and you'd have to learn Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew in order to really understand the text anyway. The relationship between language and thought is such that certain concepts and ideas can never be translated know, "Lost in translation." Anyway, I'm an atheist, but I try to be respectful of all people of faith. Believe what you want, but please, I beg you. Use reason. We are all rational beings, and if you believe in a God, than you must believe that he or she or it gave you a brain for a reason. Use it! Ask questions, don't just listen to what you're told.

Oh, and as for evolution. In this case, the use of "theory" should be restricted to the scientific community. For the non-scientific, the word "fact" would be an excellent supplement. Yes, there is debate in the field of human evolution (paleoanthropology), but by now we have the chronology fairly well figured out. At least enough to guarantee that humans were around long before 6,000 years ago. Unless you can prove that the decay constant of a radioactive isotope is not constant after all (good luck with that).

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