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LostTurntable (Member Profile)

ghark says...

In reply to this comment by LostTurntable:
Wow, what a horrible human being. Wait, that's not right, this bitch isn't a human.

Well, whatever the fuck this miserable stain on humanity is she has a webpaage.

She also has a Twitter.

And the worthless piece of shit is also on Facebook.

She has an email address, which is not surprisingly is fucking AOL:

Oh, and she has a public phone number and address:
Marisela Saldana
15357 Key Largo Ct
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-2799

Lets all let her know what a horrible waste of flesh she is.

Lets not forget that the kid was the one who committed the crime, regardless of whether or not you think the punishment was too severe.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

LostTurntable says...

Wow, what a horrible human being. Wait, that's not right, this bitch isn't a human.

Well, whatever the fuck this miserable stain on humanity is she has a webpaage.

She also has a Twitter.

And the worthless piece of shit is also on Facebook.

She has an email address, which is not surprisingly is fucking AOL:

Oh, and she has a public phone number and address:
Marisela Saldana
15357 Key Largo Ct
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-2799

Lets all let her know what a horrible waste of flesh she is.

Texas Accidentally Bans All Marriage

ctrlaltbleach says...

Fails as in how? Not that Im for it or anything but Houston does have the largest port in the country. Or second largest according to wiki not to mention Beaumont and Corpus Christi which are 4th and 5th. Also we have NASA and heres a bit else we have here from wiki.

Rated as a beta world city,[6] Houston's economy has a broad industrial base in the energy, manufacturing, aeronautics, transportation, and health care sectors and is a leading center for building oilfield equipment; only New York City is home to more Fortune 500 headquarters in the city limits.[7] The Port of Houston ranks first in the United States in international waterborne tonnage handled and second in total cargo tonnage handled.[8]

Also I guess we have Dallas.
I actually think we would do well.

>> ^MaxWilder:
Looking forward to the day Texas finally secedes. And then fails.

Rachel Maddow - Christie Faces Python Inquisition

Rachel Maddow - Christie Faces Python Inquisition

volumptuous says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
And Christie won. more taxocrat politicians need to join the unemployment lines. 2010 is coming, btches!



(*oh, and a Dem won the California special election, and NY-23 which hasn't elected a Dem since the 1800's.. but let's not talk about that)


Rachel Maddow - Christie Faces Python Inquisition

Rachel Maddow - Christie Faces Python Inquisition

I want to live with this guy (Wtf Talk Post)

Crake says...

It's like an Agatha Christie character... "a-HA! but the surgeon couldn't have been at the swimming pool during the murder, as 3 frenchmen were there at the time, and he cannot stand to hear the french language"

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

fuck working out. im just gonna shit my brains out.
i have awesome sifts right now. more to come.
vote vote slut.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i love you too bea. dont be afraid. We are on a diet together right? youre working out and im not eating.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
fuck you. grow a dick.
and i dont fuck fat chicks.

wait, unless its tuesday.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i want you inside of me bea. All 830 pounds of you. Our enormous bodies will sweat together and make a delicious fat girl soup... ahhhh.. yeah

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
andrew from six flags and some dude christy tried picking up in a bar during the transient period. fucking hebaphiles.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
wow... i swear ive met this man twice. once at a theme park when i was 16 and once at a random bar somewhere in the american southwest when i was 18. he tried to pee on me both times.

andrew from Six Flags?????

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

fuck you. grow a dick.
and i dont fuck fat chicks.

wait, unless its tuesday.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i want you inside of me bea. All 830 pounds of you. Our enormous bodies will sweat together and make a delicious fat girl soup... ahhhh.. yeah

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
andrew from six flags and some dude christy tried picking up in a bar during the transient period. fucking hebaphiles.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
wow... i swear ive met this man twice. once at a theme park when i was 16 and once at a random bar somewhere in the american southwest when i was 18. he tried to pee on me both times.

andrew from Six Flags?????

'Fire Dave Letterman' Rally Draws Tens of People

'Fire Dave Letterman' Rally Draws Tens of People

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

Between the Bars (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

Hannity: Obama The Elitist Likes.....DIJON!!! Shock! Horror!

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