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Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

Syntaxed says...

The persecution of others to the exclusion of all but the primary religion is a tact shared with many major religions, and yes, Christianity has left its scorching mark upon humanity as a terrifying blot.

However, it is not, on this day, nor in these recent years, the acts of Christians, or Catholics that most burns a hole in our hearts and minds. Indeed, it is the acts of Radical Islamism, which is no more than a literal taking of their Koran brought to life by hate and malice.

And no, Islam is not a religion of peace, neither is Christainity-based religions for that matter. It is a matter of choice, and now, it is the choice of these Muslims, being great in number at this point in the Human Timeline, to continue the exploitation and caging of Women as sex slaves, to behead hundreds of thousands in the name of their God, and to spread their holy war to every corner of the globe until all is ruled by Islam.

That is fact, sir, as they(ISIS) have stated, as they show their brand of religion to state, as they act, and chose to carry forth action.

Sir, yes, all religions have committed to horrible deeds, but, it is always the purview of those of us that realize this to deny the growth of violence-via-religion, and now, in this day and age, that primary religion which we must stop from continuing violence is radicalized Islam.

bareboards2 said:

So you do now see why I thought you were calling him an immigrant? It certainly reads that way. Glad to know you didn't mean it.

As for killing gays in the name of Allah -- turns out not so much, now that reporting and information gathering has had time to happen.

A man who lives in America, being told on all sides that being gay is an abomination and sinful -- by some Christians, Muslims, good lord how many different sources -- who hangs out in gay bars in what pit of self-loathing because of the messages he received during his life....

A perfect case of internalized homophobia. Do a google search to find out how many of the most virulently anti-gay people turn out to actually be gay.

When this first happened, my first thought was to go up those who say gay people are sinners, take them by their lapels, look them in their eyes and say, "The blood of these people is on your hands. Your attacks on the humanity of these people who were made as God made them, have led to this horrific event."

So a hint back at you -- it isn't just sharia law that led to this. It is old fashioned religious bigotry and fear of the "other" -- very few religions are free from this crap. Certainly not Christianity. Westboro Baptist Church ring a bell?

Donald Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. This is a fact.

Bobsledding For God Looks Like Fun

Chad Hovind: Is God a Socialist or a Capitalist?

Evil Proves God's Existence

enoch says...

evil is subjective based on ones perception.
moral relativism.
a fundamentalist struggles with three basics:
1.original sin
2.creation as put forth in genesis
3.the resurrection

the fundamentalist does not struggle in the beliefs of these three things but rather they struggle to defend them,because all three are easily vivisected.
what most free-thinking people have a hard time comprehending (understandably so) is why a fundamentalist will continue to defend these three in particular when the evidence is overwhelmingly the opposite.
put quite simply..they have to.
to accept even the remotest possibility that any of these tenants might be incorrect is tantamount to refuting god because to them the bible is the UN-ERRING word of god.
for example:to accept evolution is to say the book of genesis is wrong and to a fundamentalist these equates to saying god is they are forced to defend a book that is in actuality a metaphorical representation of kabballah.genesis is about creation just not in the literal sense that fundamentalist comprehend it to represent.

christianity can be broken down in to three basic categories:
1.liberal=catholic,episcopalian,methodist etc etc
2.evangelical=pentacostal,baptist (not all baptist btw)
3.fundamentalist=southern baptist,church of the nazerene,7th day adventist

the liberal christian believes in jesus christ and the resurrection.they believe in heaven and hell (abstractly at least).they view such books as genesis as allegorical but not historical and view other biblical books as metaphor and glean what wisdom they can based on their own understandings.they will accept another as christian as long as that person beleieves jesus is christ and he died for their sins.

the evangelical is part fundamentalist and part liberal.they change their view in accord with the situation but the most important part of an evangelical christians life is to spread the word of spread the word of christ to all who will listen.

the fundamentalist is an all-together different animal.the bible is the un-erring word of god..end of discussion.while they spread the word of god and the salvation and grace afforded us by the death and resurrection,they will also perceive any questioning in a negative manner of their belief in the infallible bible as a personal attack upon themselves and will respond in kind (wrapped in false humility).they are commanded to save your soul and they will engage in this venture with vigor and gusto but when met with resistance they will become agitated and confused.
to them they are sharing the word...they are offering you salvation and if questioned,mocked or refused they become baffled at first.
why would anybody refuse or question pure love and forgiveness?
refuse peace of mind and a calm,joyful heart?

philosophical musings concerning the nature of morality and good and evil aside,to a fundamentalist there is only black and white.either it came from god or the satan did they may rationalize this in a many number of different ways but in the end it always comes down to that basic equation and for those of you who know religious history you understand the vast number who were slaughtered,maimed,tortured and outright murdered due to that infantile approach.that highly destructive approach is what helped usher in the christian reformation and is why people are no longer forced to accept the churches edicts or christians killing other christains for not being "the right kind of christian".the fundamentalist has no problem pointing to another christian and accusing him/her of being false (isnt that right shiny?)because the fundamentalist need only refer to the bible to exact his/her judgment of another.the fundamentalist will also retreat to the most intellectually ineffective place when faced with constant opposition:satan

so when engaging with a fundamentalist understand that your continued perceived attacks on that fundamentalists biblical understandings and your unwillingness to accept that jesus christ is lord and died for your sins...well..then you are damned and have been deluded by have been tricked by the most indominable trickster and while the fundamentalist may pray for them you are damned to an eternity of punishment and sorrow.because that is the last and only place a fundamentalist can retreat to...satan did it and satan has corrupted you.may the lord have mercy on your soul.the bible is truth incarnate to them and everything else is a lie brought upon this earth by satan.

this is why i do not engage with a fundamentalist.for anything i postulate that may be construed as being in conflict with biblical teachings will immediately be rejected and despised and if i continue then it is ME that will be rejected and an agent of satan.(but they will pray for my soul..thank you for that mr fundamentalist).

this is the reason why we see so many fundamentalist attempting to disprove evolution or prove the truth of the bible being historically accurate.
they have do otherwise would mean reject god.

i am not going to downvote this video but i refuse to upvote either.
good luck shinyblurry in your attempts to educate the masses on the truth.

Atheist Experience ep. 702 - Ray Comfort Interview!

westy says...

TLDNR : Science is not agnostic about specific claims in varoise religouse txts and thats why atheists use science and facts derived from scientific method to dispute religion.

Sceince cannot anser if there is a "god" or not in the brad sense of the word but it has certainly disproven Literal interpretations Christainty ,and many other main stream religions , science and the facts derived from science have also helped us understand that morality certainly does not come from a book claming to be the word of god.

The reasons atheists keep going over the same thing is because Manny people are rleigouse in a way that has a negative impact on other peoples lives , such as helping governments pass legislation to ban gay maradge , or banning stem cell research.

Christains and religoise people in general are very active at spreding what they belive ( chirches in big cities iconography and centries old culture left over from old times) active athiests and sceptics are doing a service to socity helping exsplain scienctific methadoligy and proven things about the world.

You may not convert a christain in a conversation but talking to people who are religouse will help you develop critical thinking skills identify falicies and evan help people listneing understand things better.

>> ^VoodooV:

I'm about half way through this video and I'm so fed up already because they're just trying to quibble over minutia as if that would convince anyone.
Again this is another tiresome example of people trying to use facts and logic against someone who rejects facts and logic.
This whole thing (so far) can be summed up by the same statement Dillihunty has used over and over again: "I can't think of any other better explanation, therefore, God did it"
What I hate about atheists is that they've fallen into a trap laid by theists. Science and the Scientific method is AGNOSTIC to god and religion. It doesn't care. Let's be real here, there COULD be a creator, this supposed god could just be so beyond us and beyond our comprehension that set life, the universe and everything up and we are just too ignorant to detect it yet.
But, again, that's not what science is. Science is just making observations and recording them. I did X and Y happened. I did R and S happened and so on and so on. Over time, you make enough observations and you eventually learn something about the world around you. You make more observations and eventually you learn enough to make things like cars and computers and rockets and telescopes. A long time ago, theists said they knew something like lightning was a creation of god and indicated whether or not god was angry with you. If you make enough observations, you know that lightning is independent of whether or not you've been a good person or not. Ever since that day. Theists have been afraid of science and have viewed science as the opposition.
Science is not the opposition of the idea of a god. Theists have set science up as the enemy and Atheists fall for it and unwittingly play that role. The public perception is Atheists and Theists are fighting for dominance, but that's not true...or at least it shouldn't be. Right or wrong, the public perception is that Atheism is anti-god and "debates" like this just cement that mentality. Theists make the argument all the time that all morality flows from god and if you're an atheist then that means you're anti-morality. No one is attacking that argument and they should be.
Science is just saying, "I don't know, but I've made the observation that if I do X, then Y happens, and so far, when I have my friend over there also do X, Y happens for him too. Science is AGNOSTIC to god.
It's like Dillihunty said, He supports freedom of religion. It's only an issue when people of religion use religion as the reason they want to dictate what happens to other people...people who probably don't share that faith. The obvious question then gets raised: "Why should that religious view take precedence over another religious view, or a view that comes from no religion."
I'm sorry, but quibbling over bacteria and evolution accomplishes nothing as a means to prove god exists or doesn't exist. Besides, god isn't the problem. It's the people that use god as an excuse that are the problem.

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

westy says...

>> ^criticalthud:
posted above if you took the time.
but happy to repost for you.
i'm just looking at this in a theoretical sense, based on mass ice melt and it's likely repercussions. apparently others have looked at this more thoroughly than i have. If i had known this earlier, it would have saved time pointing out fairly obvious things to rather confrontational people.

>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

"Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools."
Although yes on a quantum level things are bassed on probability and ultimetly u can keep asking why unttill nothing makes anny sense , Its a fact that on our scale of interaction with the world things can be prodicted and understood to a level that alows for us to utilise scence and prodict and understand things to a high level.
I dont evan understand the overall point you are making you are contradicting yourself and going all over the place .
Instead of spewing all this talk out next time you want to make an objective claim why dont you just stick to stating the claim and then backing it up with evidence ?
You saying "It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse." does nothing to help anyone you simply cannot make a claim and then say LOGIC AND REASON GO TO SHOW I AM RIGHT.
lol what u put is like me saying , "LOgic and resoin go to show that the sun is smaller than a bannana you can belive in an invisable sky god-man . this is about phiusics and reality and its only gona get more bananery."

MY issue was not with the ice caps melting thing , as i said that could be true ore false , i was just pointing out all the other stuff you typed in aditoin to that which was superfalouse and made little sense and if anything undermined the intail point u were getting at ,

you posted link to sauces after which is fine , i think if you had just done that on your first post , made objective statement x and posted suces to back it up , then people imideatly would have been able to just debate the sources and progress there knowlage.

Thing is you actually come across as a non native English speaker ( evan more so than me lol although im sure my spelling is worse)

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

criticalthud says...
posted above if you took the time.
but happy to repost for you.
i'm just looking at this in a theoretical sense, based on mass ice melt and it's likely repercussions. apparently others have looked at this more thoroughly than i have. If i had known this earlier, it would have saved time pointing out fairly obvious things to rather confrontational people.

>> ^westy:

>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

"Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools."
Although yes on a quantum level things are bassed on probability and ultimetly u can keep asking why unttill nothing makes anny sense , Its a fact that on our scale of interaction with the world things can be prodicted and understood to a level that alows for us to utilise scence and prodict and understand things to a high level.
I dont evan understand the overall point you are making you are contradicting yourself and going all over the place .
Instead of spewing all this talk out next time you want to make an objective claim why dont you just stick to stating the claim and then backing it up with evidence ?
You saying "It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse." does nothing to help anyone you simply cannot make a claim and then say LOGIC AND REASON GO TO SHOW I AM RIGHT.
lol what u put is like me saying , "LOgic and resoin go to show that the sun is smaller than a bannana you can belive in an invisable sky god-man . this is about phiusics and reality and its only gona get more bananery."

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

westy says...

>> ^criticalthud:

>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

"Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools."

Although yes on a quantum level things are bassed on probability and ultimetly u can keep asking why unttill nothing makes anny sense , Its a fact that on our scale of interaction with the world things can be prodicted and understood to a level that alows for us to utilise scence and prodict and understand things to a high level.

I dont evan understand the overall point you are making you are contradicting yourself and going all over the place .

Instead of spewing all this talk out next time you want to make an objective claim why dont you just stick to stating the claim and then backing it up with evidence ?

You saying "It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse." does nothing to help anyone you simply cannot make a claim and then say LOGIC AND REASON GO TO SHOW I AM RIGHT.

lol what u put is like me saying , "LOgic and resoin go to show that the sun is smaller than a bannana you can belive in an invisable sky god-man . this is about phiusics and reality and its only gona get more bananery."

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

criticalthud says...

>> ^westy:

>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

westy says...

>> ^criticalthud:

Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.

Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.

"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.

Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

ant (Member Profile)

Drugs on The Junior Christain Science Bible Lesson Program

shagen454 says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

HOLY SHIT MAN ! do not discard or kill this !!! its gold !!! fuckin gold !!
it just needs the right marketing, and since I used my marketing on your other post, this one might be next. This guy is a flipping loonytoon.

Haha! It's awesome that you liked this - I was trying to get rid of it because my queue was full when I found the DMT doc, so I was trying to replace that with this. Anyway, I still think this is really stupidly funny too and more LA than LA if that makes any sense

Why I am no longer a Christian

westy says...

LOL for those people that dont like this think of it as entertainment .

Yes the music and his voice is kind of cheesy.

but at the same time i think this is more directed at christains who will be mor elikely to pay atention to something that presented like this rather than somthing thats matter of fact ,

if your an athiest that pays atention you will alredy know all the arguments and logical retardation of the bible , so as an athiest you have to enjoy this video for the story and some of the general ideas of the video rather than the specifc content.

for example the realisation that for sumone to understand or believe your position often times they have to feal that you truly understand there position before they will move to yours. this is especaily the case with something like religoin or people that have developed a simular sort of mindset that arizes from a religouse background.

I do agree with people saying that the overall thing is realy long winded and it is , he could have done a summerized video that quicly went over the key pionts , but if he did that there is a risk christains would just do that and totaly miss the piont.

Pundit Hypocrisy: Bill O'Reilly

Lawdeedaw says...

Funny thing is, the founding fathers did support abortion (Or at least they did not objecct to them.) Back in the old days, no Christain groups opposed the practice. It wasn't until doctor/lobbyists conspired to get rid of the competition (midwives) that money and power crafted laws and "morals."

That is a fun fact I learned when I did a research paper for class on American abortion versus Chinese abortion.

Chimp empathy and morality, without religion

raverman says...

The reporting has it's own "pro-religion" spin... just in the way its toned.

- The fact it's pitched as a quirky "You won't believe this" surpising discovery. To any non-creationist, surely this is what you'd expect rather than a surprise.

- (1.27) "Poses a provocative question" Like he's a heretic to argue against. It's not provocative and it's not a question. It's tested evidence. Evidence is evidence - it's not up for opinion.
- (1.47) "If there is no god..." Immediately hostile christain combative phrasing.
- (1:57) "that humans, like primates..." Humans are primates. Unless you're a creationist.
- (2:15) "ONE biologist..." clearly pointing out this is just one guys opinion to be discounted. Rather than the common theory of most social behavioural scientists who are not creationists.

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