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CRAZY CHRISTIAN: Heath Ledger Is Going To Hell

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Crazy, Christain, Heath Ledger, Going, Hell, Shirley Phelps, Roper' to 'Crazy, Christian, Heath Ledger, Going, Hell, Shirley Phelps, Roper, WBC' - edited by oohahh

Christain Bale Vs. Bill O'Reilly

Bale vs. O'Reilly

Son of Hamas Leader: Hamas Atrocities Led Me to Convert

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^westy:
.lol what a retard he is now a christain lol so stupid moving from one thing bassed on no evidence to another thing thats bassed on no evidence what a fuckwit

And you have some epistemological view that is supported by pure logic and no assumption? Kant's Critique of Pure Reason pointed out the limitations of the empirical explanations of science, and Quine's Rejection of the analytic-synthetic distinction destroyed logical positivism.

So far any philosophic or religious understanding lacks exhaustive explanation of everything. Every mode of truth has been struck down as incomplete or lacking in the necessity for it to make the claim that it is objective in nature. Surely the person in the video isn't a fuckwit.

Edit: Removing what could be interpreted as a slam. Thanks bluecliff

Son of Hamas Leader: Hamas Atrocities Led Me to Convert

Philadelphia Freethought Society's Tree of Knowledge

Shepard Smith (of Fox News) defends Obama

westy says...

u what lol the usa midea is conservative. lol like no where near libral. what is this guy on. i think the only resoins obama won are

1) mcain is realy shit interms of talking and comunicating snd detailing policy
2) mcain got palin on board and she was so tardish its ubelivable
3) the econimy went poo poo and it made it blatently obvouse that deregulatoin of mony was the root of the problem and yet mcain still wanted to deregulate

4) obama is pritty good publick speeker
5) obma is still quite concervative
6) obama is christain and amercans seem to want that evan though its retarded
7) i also think the obama and clinton fight got obama alot of free publicity and air time.

everyone gets fed up of war especaily when there is no decent war footage coming out of it. abama convayed a message of change from the curent climate. fact is obama probably wont change that mutch but people belive he will non the less.

Video Diary Election Night Grant Park Chicago Barack Obama

westy says...

whoever posted this you reolise that although obama is most difnatly better than mcain and bush he is still pritty mutch more of the same, yah he can talk alot better and will not say as manny retarded redundent things and hopfally be more diplamatic and yes he will probably remove some of the utterly retarded right wing christain legistatoin stoping important research and the religouse crap in schools. however as a whole he will not do that mutch interms of chaning the country he is still very right wing.

maby if he stays in for 8 years a very slow tricle of changes will improve things but the reality is usa would need a compleat reform and demilitrisatoin inorder to be come a country that you could honistly be proud of,

on a seperate note i dont think annyone should be patritic ore proud of there country in a blanket way , its a fact that evan the best countries in the world are still going to and have done huge amounts of shit to people.

i just wish more people could see obama as the better of 2 negatives, infact if amrca was realyon the ball and intrestead in ethics and creating a realy grate socity to live in one of the other less publicised canditates would probably be voted in , you always have to bare in mind that whoever gets voted in in usa thay are still very limited as for the most part large companies controle alot of the policy making evan if its indirectly. for example in the uk the goverment cannot rise tax for super profitable busniss because if thay did the busniss would move to cheeper countries and then that would cuse a net loss.

anny way rant over dont be patreotic and dont belive that mutch positive will happen from abama just a reductoin in possable negatives that would have come from mcain ,

Christianity In A Nutshell

rougy says...

>> ^mauz15o it is incorrect to single out this behavior as a strictly religious case and even worse to further enclose one of those belief systems using that characteristic (dogmatism and fallacious reasoning) as the central core (nutshell) of it.

I don't think that I'm "singling out" Christianity as much as I'm agreeing with the gist of this video that many Christains have a "believe what we believe or else" mentality.

I'm not necessarily saying that they're the only ones who think that way.

Fascists certainly behave in much the same way.

But think about it: how many other belief systems, besides religious ones and fascism, threaten non-believers with the threat of eternal damnation or physical harm?

And when's the last time you saw a bunch of atheists hang a presidential candidate in effigy?

Officials at a US Christian college have launched an investigation after a cardboard effigy of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was hung from a tree, a statement said Wednesday.

George Fox University, in Newberg, Oregon, said in a statement on its website that the cutout of Obama was found hanging from a tree on campus early Tuesday morning before being removed by staff.

The Raw Story

The Creepy Miseducation of Christian Youth

iwastheturkey says...

I personally think this is a pretty tame "brainwashing" video. While this may screw with a kid's view of themselves, their worth, and their world, it didn't tell them to force their decision on others or to judge everyone else's sin, and, most importantly, it didn't tell them that not accepting the "gift" would end in punishment.

Truly creepy christain brainwashing uses "hell" constantly, which just scares kids into conformity and leaves little else for understanding... this one doesn't even mention it.

Really miseducating videos tell kids that science doesn't happen, that homosexuality is evil, that they must "fix" everybody else, and that anybody disagreeing with them (including themselves!) is "of Satan".

Brainwashing is hard to define, in fact a definition has never been agreed upon, but I feel like it involves forcing something, or using shame and disgust to coerce a belief. But, as creepy as it may be, this particular video actually just sums up the theology of Christianity (the religion) in it's simplest terms. It left most of the "christian" (the group of people who use the religion only when it profits them) opinions and brainwashing out.

While the "you deserve to die" part was a little much, I personally think this video is actually just trying to just encounter a kid with a theology. Whether that itself is a good idea is still debatable, but I at least have to give the creator a little credit for not forcing all the other crap on the kid too. Serisouly, a christain film that doesn't mention the fires of hell? that's rare...

Illinois State Representative Spews Hate at Atheist

choggie says...

supernatural overlord???!!!....I believe in the benevolent omni-being, that overlord fella's got a bad rap, and his friends suck-

oh yeah, I remember all them daze in grade school, (70's) when I was "enticed" into prayer.....schools were fuckin' full of it!!

All cults have their crude beginnings, mine is still in the fermentation stages..

Get all fucking athiesty and see what the fuck I care about what anyone believes, as it relates to keeping their job....


and the title and tags.."Spews Hate at Atheist"....see, even atheists practice the crude art of inflammatory bullshit.....

defending a side??...No. Pointing out the absurdity as it relates to real-time issues much more dire.....
fuck Christains, and Apetheists-In the inimitable words of Lord Worfin, "This ain't my planet, Monkeyboy!"

Christianity and Atheism in the United States (Religion Talk Post)

choggie says...

so, to answer yer question calvados, I am in the buckles of the bible belt, "Praise the lords", sayin' graces, and, evidence of evangelism, though not as hard and heavy as in the seventies and 80s, lotta professed Christains here, shows up on their desks, bumper-stickers, and speech.....gotta get NE of Texas for some Bible bashiers in numbers....we love Gee whiz down Texas way......

Devout Christians beware - Teh GAYZ are coming to your town!

choggie says...

"hate crime" ....inflammatory rhetoric, meaningless phraseology,...newspeak

what you are talking about are a particular monkey's filter, and their ability to process information, and express their damaged imprints, and how this relates to perceived acceptable, societal norms.

People are fucking idiots, if you give them the room-not just Christains, not just gays, everybody's process is defiled. Everyone's opinion, is on equal footing in this thread....only those who chose to find what is laughable in such masturbation, came out ok-

When one is able to understand the motivations behind perspectives, they may then perhaps have a valid opinion based on objective observation-

The I-35 Highway is .. God's Highway?

choggie says...

Living in the biblebelt m'self, these folks they are interviewing, are the worst kinds of zealots-firstly, most of the folks from full-gospel churches (church of god, pentecostal, and offshoots of "where do we put all the bi-polar and developmentally disabled Christains...(as they are, a stubborn tarnish on the good name of Hay-zeus) are whackjobs with issues. If they we're not devout about Jesus, they'd need sports or drugs or some other sort of reprieve from their inner dialog..... fundamentalism, cult of personality, same difference-it is a group activity for burn-outs or imprint-afflicted, be they followers of programming from Kim Jung Il, from some imam, or blows to the head. Any tunnel reality is!! Ya hear that ya rabid stamp collectors and Trekkie freaks???!!! YER SICK!!! Get out more, interact with birds and bugs or something...AAAUAUAAUGAHHH!

met like 3 Christians in my whole life, that's cause' the real ones don't go around doing shit like this-

"Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward....
"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

God says, "Shut the fuck up!"

Conservative Christian pastor vows to take over Microsoft (Religion Talk Post)

choggie says...

"bigotry and hatred by the insane."

Inflammatory rhetoric is common among familiars. Above....why I can't stand WIKI-full of armchair editorializing-a reference for special interest at times at best, tinctured with facts, figures but on subjects like religion, politics, sexuality, or anything controversial, a unilateral, masturbatory back-patting hand, on the end of a stick. Not that the information above is not correct, but in most reference material, editorials, or TRUE journalism, which is what the above is attempting, one leaves their personal position at home.

This is not really the point I was trying to convey, and perhaps you should know how I feel about homosexuality, religion, and atheists. But first......
What was your personal motivation, for starting this thread? Are you an atheist?? Are you a homosexual? Do you think all Christians (i meant to spell it Christ-stains before) are insane, for believing in God??

I think this preacher is an idiot. I also believe, that he is a manifestation of the paradigm, just as black or covert ops and secret government activities are......just as the phenomena of the United State's diseased bodies from eating the shit they are sold and that is readily available, is the reason our health care system is going to shit....just like two generations of children and young adults, obsessed with the internets and video games whose parents who are not really parents at all, are overworked to keep them good cattle breeders, and herders....just as the morality of just 50 years ago is ancient history, to the detriment of those who laud her demise and the replacement thereof, with anything fucking goes....just like turning on the television, to a show like Good Morning America, nets the viewer of a steady stream of the magnificent culture and heritage of Islamic countries, not that it is not so, but this is what we get, to replace information of pertinent to what is meaningful and true.....Lifestyles of the empire builders, puppets, and pawns.

You really don't want to know what I think, do you????

Ok. Homosexuality. Equal rights. Name culture in the history of civilization, who granted wholesale, a checklist of privileges and equal rights to the homosexual minority, because they screamed, whined, and cried in the streets, and compared their plight, to that of slaves, former slaves, descendants of slaves, or other such minorities? None that survived much longer........These are signs of the goddamn times man, like the pathetic back and forth, between atheists and christains, evolution and creation, black or white, this or that.

We have much more important issues to be concerned with, as a world, than homosexual weddings, bi-polar preachers in the news (and their children's pathetic imprinting), or whether or not it was the big bang, or Kwai Chang Kang, started the universe......

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