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Blackwater's Black Ops

Alabama Tea Partier Ad: "Gather Your Armies"

Probably the most moving, beautiful PSA I've ever seen

MilkmanDan says...

Very late to the party on this one. I always wear a seat belt, by force of habit it is the first thing I do when I get in a car. I've been in 1 car accident in my life so far - the car I was driving got hit directly on the driver's side door by someone at fairly high speed. It totaled the vehicle I was in (an older Ford pickup) and bent the entire driver's side of the vehicle in like a chevron > shape.

Looking at the car afterward one would have assumed that the driver would have been injured, but I walked away with nothing more than a very slight scratch from a flying piece of glass. I can't say that I'm convinced that wearing the seat belt "saved my life", but I can easily say I'd have been in a hell of a lot worse shape without it.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

enoch says...

oh fuck it.
i'll throw in also:
1.grew up with an irrational fear of men and authority due to my father being extremely strict.yet he remains one of the most amazing people i have ever life has been less since his passing. high school i was always the guy who protected the weaker from bullies and got in a lot of trouble doing but i dont regret any of that.
3.did so much blotter acid in high school that i am now strichnine(sp?) sensitive and now it just turns me into one big cramp.
4.did a tour in the navy and had the bright idea to get a free lift to spain upon discharge.couldnt find any work yet still stayed and spent all my money,had to panhandle in the airport to get the money to get back to the states.
5.while i am fantastic at starting projects i rarely finish them.dropped out of college three times and left seminary school after less then a month.though i did get my propulsion engineering degree it was from the navy,dont think that counts and i hate math.
6.while i am not the prettiest man i have always been able to date far above my league.dated 2 porn stars and quite a few you men here may have seen in your favorite nudey mag. my 20's i traveled around DJ'in for titty bars,and yes,i dated many of them also.
8.started writing poetry,bad poetry, when i was 7.i still think my poetry is bad.
9.was raised episcopalian but left the church at 14 when father ryan could not answer my questions in any sunbstansive way. my late 20's i married a beautiful abusive woman who would burn the bottoms of my feet so i would not fall asleep while she was screaming at me in a drunken blackout.i withstood this abuse for 3 years,which was constant,until i decided enough was enough and walked out leaving her everything.until this moment i had never realized just how passive aggressive and fearful i actually was.i actually give her credit for freeing me. my early 30's some friends introduced me to exstasy.while the drug was not something i indulged in for long i fell in love with the whole scene and traveled the raves for about 3 years and every now again i will participate but the things i saw and learned live with me still.
12,took a road trip with some friends from chicago(where i was living at the time)to san diego.after a drug induced crazy weekend they left me in a pool of my own vomit and went back to chicago.needless to say we are no longer friends,but san diego was nice,so i stayed awhile.
13.did a midnight move out when i lived in lauderdale,left everything.on the drive to tampa the rotor arm in my car snapped in alligator alley.i left it and signed the title over to a clerk at a chevron in naples because she said her car was dead.3 dollar part would have fixed my car.
14.hitch-hiked from providence to phillie with my best friend from childhood.think we were 16.the trip took us almost a week and we dropped between us 33 hits of acid.that was fun calling your dad to tell him you are in phillie and not to worry while tripping balls.
15.stole a car in my teens to save my friends girlfriend from her crazy ex boyfriend.we didnt even have our licenses yet. is everything to me.i am not a purist nor an elitist.if it speaks to me and my mood at the time i will love it.
17.i can be argumentative just for the sake of being contrary.i may even agree with your point but will interject a contrary view just to better understand the subject.
18.have no patience for egotistical lazy thinkers and respond accordingly.
19.over the years i have come to realize that the more i think i am understanding something the larger my ignorance seems to grow.this is frustrating as it is exciting.
20.while i do not subscribe to a fact i am vehemently anti-religious.i am a man of faith.closest definition would be gnostic-christian but i also subscribe to kabballah.
21.i consume far too much media and many times do not give a proper alottment of time to process all that information due to my adult a.d.d.
22.i have found teaching to be my hidden passion and hope for an opportunity soon to practice that passion once again.
23.i live by a code of :honesty,open-ness and respect.i am rarely offended because i never let anyone dictate how i should feel about myself.
24.i am most likely the most opinionated person you know but i always listen to what you have to say.
25.i dont regret anything that i have done,seen or experienced because i would not be who i am today.

i find the people on the sift fascinating.

Hugo Chavez Lambasts Capitalism at COP15

Is Chevron Evil?

Mashiki says...

>> ^Memorare:
catch is, that "guarantee" expires juuust before your payout, at which point the back being climbed over becomes your own.
If you're unwilling to be an opportunist, stay out of the game. Scary thought isn't it? Especially when you're aiming for the top.

The Worst Media Moments in Obama's First 100 Days

enoch says...

/blood pumping...
/chest pounding...
/feels like head is going to explode......
/cant take teh stupit much more....gonna...have..a...coronary..
but then i remember to take a breath,and remember that the hosts of these shows are just paid tools of the NUMBER ONE lobbyist in america!
that,s right kids!..the media!
these political whores have been bought and paid for by the very same people that brought you:
'WMD'S and the "war" on TERROR"
"illegal TORTURE *cough* interrogation procedures"
"sorry about your 401K,i hear burger king is hiring"
"KATRINA:where did grandma's house go"
"we thought he had a gun,so we shot him 17 times..oops..our bad"
"the "free speech" zone is 5 miles THAT way"
"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED..well,sort of..we did get the oil right for chevron and BP though"
"TEABAGGING..wait..what does that mean again?"
and so many more wonderful hits for the whole family to enjoy!

in all seriousness,why would anybody believe an institution that has failed us all on so many levels?
the very institution that relies on the political machine for,not only its money,but access?
would it not be prudent to surmise that the fourth estate,who's job it is to watch the powerful,and keep a free-flow of information,but now is so entrenched in political lobbying(3 times that of big oil)is playing for the other team?.that maybe they no longer for the common man,but those who pass the very laws that benefit big media?
that maybe people like glenn back,sean hannity and rush limbaugh are just doing their jobs?
jobs they were paid to do?...which is simply pure obfuscation.
they dont actually have to win an argument,just muddy the waters enough to make people go.."well..maybe".
sorry for being so wordy,its the preacher in me,but these tools make me ill.
thanks for listening kids..till next time.

2008 presidential candidates who support the New World Order

Constitutional_Patriot says...

>> ^volumptuous:
CFR is nonsense.
People thinking the CFR is going to control the world, are up there with WTC7/Truth Movement-ers, and bigfoot aficionados.
uggh, I wish I could downvote.


Today in the Bush administration, every single appointee is a CFR member. The CFR prohibits its members from disclosing anything that has been said within it's closed meetings to outsiders. A recent breakdown of the 4200+ members today reveals that 31% come from the corporate sector, 25% come from academia, 15% from charities, 13% from government, 8% from law, 6% from the media and 2% from other professions. CFR members are on the boards of the following sample of corporations: Citicorp, J.P.Morgan Chase, Boeing, Conoco, Disney, IBM, Exxon Mobil, Dow Jones, Viacom/CBS, Time Warner, Carlyle Group, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse First Boston, Chevron Texaco, Lockheed Martin, Hailliburton, Washington Post/Newsweek.

A former member of the CFR: Rear-Admiral Chester Ward USN JAG (Ret) exposed the sinister intentions of the council in the Review of the News:
"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common - they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR...comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in control of global government. They would probably prefer that this be an all-powerful United Nations organization; but they are also prepared to deal with and for a one-world government controlled by the Soviet communists if US sovereignty is ever surrendered to them."
Admiral Ward's book: "The Betrayers".

--- Col. Carroll Quigley (Ret)

"I think there is an elite in this country and they are the ones who run an elitist government (shadow government). They want a government by a handful of people because they don't believe the people themselves can run their lives... Are we going to have an elitist government that makes decisions for people's lives or are we going to believe as we have for so many decades, that the people can make these decisions for themselves?".
--- Ronald Reagan

"We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence; on
infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation
instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which as conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
- John F. Kennedy

And some infamous quotes from when it all began in this era.....

1920-1931 – Louis T. McFadden was Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Curency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes:
"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by International Bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will."
Concerning the Great Depression and the country's acceptance of FDR's New Deal, he asserts: "It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all."

And of course we can't forget:
-- Woodrow Wilson (28th President of the United States) stated:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Joe Biden Another 'Israeli Firster' Zionist.

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Today in the Bush administration, every single appointee is a CFR member. The CFR prohibits its members from disclosing anything that has been said within it's closed meetings to outsiders. A recent breakdown of the 4200+ members today reveals that 31% come from the corporate sector, 25% come from academia, 15% from charities, 13% from government, 8% from law, 6% from the media and 2% from other professions. CFR members are on the boards of the following sample of corporations: Citicorp, J.P.Morgan Chase, Boeing, Conoco, Disney, IBM, Exxon Mobil, Dow Jones, Viacom/CBS, Time Warner, Carlyle Group, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse First Boston, Chevron Texaco, Lockheed Martin, Hailliburton, Washington Post/Newsweek.

A former member of the CFR: Rear-Admiral Chester Ward USN JAG (Ret) exposed the sinister intentions of the council in the Review of the News:
"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common - they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR...comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in control of global government. They would probably prefer that this be an all-powerful United Nations organization; but they are also prepared to deal with and for a one-world government controlled by the Soviet communists if US sovereignty is ever surrendered to them."
Admiral Ward's book: "The Betrayers".

--- Col. Carroll Quigley (Ret)

"I think there is an elite in this country and they are the ones who run an elitist government (shadow government). They want a government by a handful of people because they don't believe the people themselves can run their lives... Are we going to have an elitist government that makes decisions for people's lives or are we going to believe as we have for so many decades, that the people can make these decisions for themselves?".
--- Ronald Reagan

"We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence; on
infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation
instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which as conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
- John F. Kennedy

And some infamous quotes from when it all began in this era.....

1920-1931 – Louis T. McFadden was Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Curency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes:
"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by International Bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will."
Concerning the Great Depression and the country's acceptance of FDR's New Deal, he asserts: "It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all."

And of course we can't forget:
-- Woodrow Wilson (28th President of the United States) stated:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Even Bill Gates thinks Vista sucks !

MINK says...

2 scenarios, (1) a world with no Bill Gates- uncertain, can't say how it would have turned out (2) a world with Bill Gates - personal computers and billions in charity. I'll take option 2.

you actually think bill gates invented the personal computer and nobody else was trying or able? omfg.

anyway here's some more explanation of exactly what "giving to charity" means in this context:

... he admits, Microsoft's image has benefited, "and maybe a few more users come along. There's nothing wrong with that at all." That the foundation shuns quiet altruism in favour of maximum publicity proves the point. It has flown journalists and photographers around the world to spread the word that Microsoft's chairman cares. "It's very important to us that we're not just seen for our great financial results," he says.

The Gates Foundation has poured $218 million into polio and measles immunization and research worldwide, including in the Niger Delta. At the same time that the foundation is funding inoculations to protect health, The Times found, it has invested $423 million in Eni, Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and Total of France — the companies responsible for most of the flares blanketing the delta with pollution, beyond anything permitted in the United States or Europe.


Like most philanthropies, the Gates Foundation gives away at least 5% of its worth every year, to avoid paying most taxes. In 2005, it granted nearly $1.4 billion. It awards grants mainly in support of global health initiatives, for efforts to improve public education in the United States, and for social welfare programs in the Pacific Northwest.

It invests the other 95% of its worth. This endowment is managed by Bill Gates Investments, which handles Gates' personal fortune.,0,6827615.story

Ehren Watada refuses to de deployed to Iraq

Arsenault185 says...

Bear with me as I'm not sure how to accomplish the whole "so and so wrote blah blah blah" in italics to make things look pretty.

Ok.MINK and MG this is for both of you. Mink I have to start with you first, only because you were ranting about the legality of the Constitution and what it grants people.

- MINK, you said "
Law is an argument, it is in a state of constant flux. If you oppose the opposition, you're basically in line with Hitler and Stalin, telling everyone to STFU. That's not constitutional"

What I gather from telling people to STFU. My question for you is, do you mean the Government? Or people? because if it is the latter of the two, thats exactly what the constitution is for. I may not like what you have to say, but i will to the death, defend your right to say it. (yes i jacked that from somewhere, but it is how i feel) Now I, as a person, not a soldier, wish this guy would just STFU, but that is my given right as an American.

Now this next part is for the both of you. You are talking about WMDs. I'm going to choose my words carefully here... WMDs..... hmm. Well, before this shit kicked off, there was a report and inventory of these WMDs... (which was a term coined for the media. WMDs also included conventional ordnance. ) by the UN. The same UN everyone here seem to be talking about the US not having the sanction of to enter Iraq. So unless the is a different UN I'm not familiar with, we can all safely assume that this is the same UN. Well so theres this 500 page report from the UN that this shit was there. Now, the UN did send Hans Blix over with US troops to do inspections, and was repeatedly denied access to certain areas. Well after a while, ,these "WMDs" could not be found. People then took this into a new light and said "hey, bush was wrong! theres no WMDs!" What they forgot was "OH SHIT! What happened to these WMDs?" Hmmm. They were there, now there not.

Ok.. So now onto the oil thing. As much as i don't believe it was about oil, heres why some people (who think things through instead of just trying to come up with something) might say. Well, Bush has Oil interests in the States. Ok, but some of the oil we use if from the middle east. So if we invade the middle east, then that will cause the price of oil to go up, because rigs are shut down over there, embargoes tariffs and what have you are imposed, so more domestic oil will be sold. Therefore Bush make money. Like i said, i don't think that is a reason at all. Maybe its because Bush might not be 'edumacated' enough to scheme something like this up on his own, or maybe its because he might have had a difficult time trying to convince congress "Hey, would you mind sending us to war and spending billions overseas, so i can make a couple Gs?" Yeah I don't think that happened.

Ok so last part is for MINK. (I'm sorry MINK, but you try to justify your points and back them up, so it makes for a good intellectual conversation, unlike most people who just say what comes to mind)

MINK said - "The war is over who sets the price and takes the profit."
Well, i don't think war is necessary to raise the price of a gallon of gas. Seems like the Government is doing a fine job of that already -
Yeah most of it goes to fees and taxes. And then on top of that, I haven't seen any oil rigs with "PROPERTY OF U.S." stamped on the side. EXXON, MOBILE, CHEVRON maybe, so it looks like the oil company's are setting the price. And i can pretty much guarantee you that Saddam was going to take what he could from anything anyway. So to say this war is about who sets the price, then yeah its a pointless war. because if the us wanted to set a low price they failed. If they wanted to set a high price, they would have anyway, so i fail to see your point. And fact is, the majority of oil rigs over there were civilian owned anyway. Even if Saddam wanted get money from it, he would have, and I'm sure he did.

Oh yeah, Up vote only for the Michal Moore-esque talents in creating such a fine piece of propaganda.

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

Constitutional_Patriot says...

By 1970 there were over 1600 CFR members and in 1972 the Trilateral Commission was formed by Rockefeller (Chairman of the CFR). The CFR and the Trilateral Commission are not US Government created entities. The Council's first recruitment of a future president occurred in 1950 with Eisenhower. Since then every president (except Reagan) has been a CFR/Trilateral commission member and these presidents have filled their staff with other CFR members.

One example of how a presidential elect that claims he doesn't want NWO personnel in his administration, however ends up appointing such people to their cabinet is Reagan.

He was neither a CFR or Trilateral Commission member. He was neither a Skull & Bonesman or Bilderberger, however he was a Bohemian Grovesman.

When Reagan was asked who really ran the United States, Reagan admitted: "I think there is an elite in this country and they are the ones who run an elitist government (shadow government). They want a government by a handful of people because they don't believe the people themselves can run their lives... Are we going to have an elitist government that makes decisions for people's lives or are we going to believe as we have for so many decades, that the people can make these decisions for themselves?".

It also seems that Reagan was thinking along similar lines to Jimmy Carter when he gave his pre-election promise to avoid "insiders" when selecting his cabinet. When Reagan was elected, he formed a transitional team that would act as kind of a recruitment agency for the major positions in the new administration. Of the 59 people Reagan appointed for the team, 29 were members of the CFR, ten were Bilderbergers, and astonishingly, ten were from the dreaded Trilateral Commission. With George H.W. Bush as his Vice Presidential running mate, Reagan was not about to make the CFR or the Trilateral Commission or any other secret group into a campaign issue.

When Reagan entered the White House, he appointed 12 members of the Trilateral Commission, six of whom were also CFR members. As a sign of the true state of secret group influence, there were another 64 appointees who were also members of the CFR.

This from a man that stated he would take control and keep the government from being controlled by a shadow government. He appointed the exact people he vowed not to have in his office.

Today in the Bush administration, every single appointee is a CFR member. The CFR prohibits its members from disclosing anything that has been said within it's closed meetings to outsiders. A recent breakdown of the 4200+ members today reveals that 31% come from the corporate sector, 25% come from academia, 15% from charities, 13% from government, 8% from law, 6% from the media and 2% from other professions. CFR members are on the boards of the following sample of corporations: Citicorp, J.P.Morgan Chase, Boeing, Conoco, Disney, IBM, Exxon Mobil, Dow Jones, Viacom/CBS, Time Warner, Carlyle Group, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse First Boston, Chevron Texaco, Lockheed Martin, Hailliburton, Washington Post/Newsweek.

The CFR has been the breeding grounds for future presidents and their administrations for several decades now. Whether Republican or Democrat, the men and women in power will have been schooled in foreign relations by the council. If there is a shadow government at work then you can guarantee the puppet strings pass through the Pratt House (CFR).


If you want to read up on the CFR (and not from the CFR itself), one good source of an examination of the CFR from it's initial creation up to today is a book written by 2 authors.

One is Thom Burnett (One of Britain's leading experts on security and military affairs. He served with UK Special Forces in the 90's and has been undertaking postgraduate research in Conspiracy Theory and Military Intelligence. The other author is Alex Games - Author and journalist for the London Evening Standard, UK's Financial Times, Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph, Guardian and Independent on Sunday).

The book is called: "Who Really Runs the World?: The war between globalization and democracy". Pages 100-120 descibe many details about the CFR's history from inception to today.

Think 9/11 was unthinkable? Think again.

rosspruden says...

Wow, that's creepy. What few don't realize is that if terrorists REALLY wanted to do some damage to New York, they could fly a plane into the Citicorp building (the one with the diagonal rooftop)... its foundation corners were moved to its center points as a snazzy architectural feat from protecting a landmark Church on the block's corner. Using a series of chevrons spreading across multiple floors WITHOUT welding the chevrons to each floors, the shifting of foundation weakened the building and made it terrifyingly susceptible to falling over during hurricane winds. At one point, Citicorp employees masquaraded as first aid employees to do a census of the surrounding buildings -- if the Citicorp building fell, its sheer weight could cause a domino effect that could topple tens of skyscrapers and kill tens of thousands, not to mention the economic ripple effect for years afterward...

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