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Senators Who Urged Voters To Decide - Now What?

newtboy says...

Proof? Evidence? Anything besides empty words from crybaby loser liars to back that up?

Republican led election officials uniformly say there was no significant cheating, less than normal, zero evidence of irregularities, no evidence of electronic vote changing, no dead people voted, and no baby eating lizard people taking votes to Spain so Venezuelans could flip votes, then returning these flipped votes through communist Cuba to be counted.

Show me a scintilla of evidence, since you've repeatedly excused, backed up, and reveled in lying and are completely untrustworthy. So far all cheating has been Republicans getting caught stealing ballots despite what OAN says. 300000 undelivered votes thanks to trump lackey Dejoy ignoring court orders to search for them to mention just one. The thousands of "affidavits" don't count since they've been tossed out of court as unreliable twaddle.

bobknight33 said:

IF Democrats didn't cheat then Trump would not be fighting back.

Senators Who Urged Voters To Decide - Now What?

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies Are a Fundraising Scam

newtboy says...

You are dead wrong.

Many have been recanted, including the one presented as the strongest evidence of cheating...the guy who claimed his boss had him change mailing dates on late ballots....recanted when the people understood they were committing perjury and could face prosecution. None contain factual information. Some are jokes submitted to the hotline, some are even spam they submitted as affidavits. They are accepting any claim made on the hotline as an affidavit, printing them, and submitting them. Few are notarized, and those are the one's being recanted. People are willing to submit false affidavits because they've been promised $1 million if they can be convincing enough, ignorant of the fact that they're committing a serious far none have been convincing under examination.

Even the lawyers submitting them are in deep shit, because they've admitted in court that many if not all are false, as are most charges they've made like not being allowed to watch the count in Philadelphia. That's called suborning perjury. They are in fear for their law licenses, and they should be.

Chaucer said:

nobody is submitting false affidavits as an affidavit is the same as giving sworn testimony before a judge. Its a felony with a 5 - 15 year sentence. These are real affidavits uncovering the ways that the left have rigged the election.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

cloudballoon says...

Since when it's the opposition/challenger that got the means to rig the system and NOT the incumbent in power?

If there's cheating, you can bet your house it's Trump & the Republican that's cheating in this election.

Trump's been saying the system's rigged since 2015. Yeah, in HIS (and the Republican's favor) due to the decades long gerrymandering of the districts. A true leader, when he/she sees something wrong (Covid-19, voting system, etc.) they'll try to fix it. What did Trump do to "fix" this? He only accuses & blames with no basis of proof and he made it harder for people to vote because voter suppression works in the Republicans' and his favor. Duh.

All the vote rigging and they still lost. Sore, sore incompetent loser cry babies.

Jon Rahm hits amazing water shot at Masters practice

cloudballoon says...

Well... anyone with the expectation of getting a golf ball skipping across the pond and get a hole-in-one but NOT be surprised (or at least ACT surprised) of it all must've an ego as large as Trump...albeit NONE of Trump's incompetence and chronic cheating habits.

newtboy said:

To be fair, while I do think it was on purpose, he seemed as surprised as the crowd that it went in.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

Frothing at the mouth and hyperbole? Hardly. Are you miffed I called you out on spreading false accusations designed to invalidate an election result or something? Can you give one example?

More damage than Trump can do in two months?! Now who's hyperbolic? Please.

250000+- of us haven't survived 46 months. Over 1 million more have been utterly devastated physically and financially, many permanently.

Trump threw tradition out the window, not America. We are itching to get back to some traditional civility, rationality, and sanity.

No, there's 4 years of evidence indicating most republicans up to and including Moscow Mitch and Barr will support him until he fires or turns on them no matter what. The best we can hope for there is the system still being stronger than one flailing party, but it's certainly not as strong as it was 4 years ago.

Ok, how about zero chance he'll graciously concede or accept that he lost, he might concede that he's been cheated out of winning, but that's not a concession it's an accusation.

Where have you heard that before? Don't say Gore, he never said that although it was nearly true.

He will leave, it might be kicking and screaming like he said he would. It could conceivably be in the back of a cop car.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Frothing at the mouth hyperbole like that will do more damage than Trump can manage in two more months. The country has survived 46 months, it can manage another two. I don't think a single state has certified their election totals. Sure, it's tradition to accelerate the process, but Trump has thrown all tradition out the window, so why make a big deal this time? There is zero evidence to believe anyone with power that matters will support him if the court challenges do not go his way. Calm down and wait a month and this will pretty much be over. I think your notion of "zero chance the president will concede" will be proven wrong by January. He may say the election was stolen for the next four years(Where have I heard that before?) but he will leave the White House on Marine One.

Trump Gets Fired

newtboy says...

Never backs down.....Except when prosecuted for fraud, or redlining (denying black people access to his buildings), or charity fraud, or finally admitting he repeatedly paid for sex while married, or when Mexico refused to build or pay for his wall, or when he promises to fix our infrastructure, or when he claims massive 2016 vote fraud, or when he promises to simplify taxes so they fit on a postcard, or about Covid/masks.... Seems like he often backs down....almost half as often as he's wrong.

The too close to call/recount is bullshit. Georgia, where he claims it's too close, requires the campaign asking for a recount to pay for it, and Trump is flat broke with a zero credit rating and his campaign is deep in massive debt. Good won't change the outcome even if it flips the state, which it won't. Remember, when you donate to the legal defense fund, most of that money goes to pay Trump's bills, some into his pocket, and what's left might pay Rudy to rant in a parking lot. It's not paying for decent lawyers to try a case, they're consistently being laughed out of court for having zero evidence of their baseless accusations, most of which wouldn't change results if found to be credible. Decent lawyers won't touch these frivolous cases.

The cheating and interference was 99.9996% from your team. >300000 missing mail in ballots because Trump's guy ignored court orders, slowed mail to a crawl, and refused to search mail sorting rooms for ballots like he was ordered to by a federal judge. Armed intimidation at polls. Last minute voter purges. One collection box for counties of 4 million. All republican tactics that kept it from being a massive blowout, but couldn't stop the tide. All you have to claim democrats cheated are words from untrustworthy liars, no evidence whatsoever.

It's funny you think your best argument for a second trump term is that he was incapable of presiding over a free and fair election or of accepting the results.

It's ok, Bob. You can admit you're crying in your beer. It must hurt to be forced to realize your world view is a fantasy.....just a dream.

bobknight33 said:


incognito yes, maybe, just sitting idle and watching.

Waiting for results Some states too close to call- recount?

MEGA landslide-- no so -- At least I can dream.

Some cheating/ interference-- yes-- big enough -- don't know.

1 thing for sure is that Trump never backs down.

Trump Gets Fired

Man goes viral for incredible long jumps over cups in China

$55,000 for 5,000 votes

newtboy says...

More veritas *lies that are already *debunked

The woman filmed is a Republican consultant, working for a Republican candidate, allegedly buying/selling votes for the Democratic candidate while being filmed. Nonsense.
Even if it wasn't another in a long line of proven fake project veritas propaganda films, it would only show that Republicans are cheating, but are so stupid they're cheating to help Democrats win Texas?!
So stupid it's brain numbing.

The best golfer, probably ever.

vil says...

From my golfing experience I am pretty sure which golfer type Trump is. The type that uses every obscure local rule to gain an advantage, is willing to ignore any rule to help himself, puts down opponents at any opportunity and is ungracious in defeat. The type you never want to play against. Put down money to play him? Why?

Peyton Manning enjoys being on the winning team. Good for him.

Dana Quigley confirms the POTUS can actually hit a ball which does not surprise me as I wrote in the description. I am not saying Trump cant play, I just believe he has the self-discipline (and education) of a six-year-old.

John Daly says Bill Clinton is worse? How does that make Trump not awful? Vote for Trump, he cheats less than Bill Clinton!

The best golfer, probably ever.

TX 'Ballot Chaser' Illegally Pressures Voters To Change Vote

newtboy says...

Wtf, @bobknight33?!

This fake project veritas video is of a Republican consultant bribing and cajoling people to vote Democrat, breaking the law in every way possible. What is this supposed to show us, Bobby, that Republicans are cheating, breaking nearly all election laws, committing fraud after fraud....and are still losing?

It's project veritas, so blatantly fake. I'll bet you that nice dinner you owe me but welched on that these people, like most people in veritas videos, are being paid to act like this is real....but to what end? To prove republicans are cheating? Derp.

The best golfer, probably ever.

How You Can Stop Trump From Stealing the Election

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