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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Gender Reveal Sparked 47,000 Acre Wildfire cost $8 Million..

luxintenebris jokingly says...


it's all been falsehoods. give in to reality.

the scary black people aren't all out to get you and yours. they just want to be recognized as equal citizens. the "...all men are created equal.." thing?

antifa are more ninja-cos-players than terrorists. even the fbi doesn't recognize them as an organized group. it's more of an amorphous movement.

ever read about William Randolph Hearst? his ghost lives in and on right-wing media. he wasn't good for America. neither is Murdoch.

the same phenomena is happening now as it was then.

truth shall set you free, but fox will slam you in a cell and corn-hole until your full of tears and out of tears.

anger, fear and lies.
don, fox and the g.o.p.

tal vez esto ayude...

Piece of Bread falling over

C-note says...

I met a couple trek legends at the Star Trek Convention in Cleveland back in 1986. It was nothing like the spectacle modern conventions have become. I'm so sad we did not have cell phones with cameras back then. We stood in line just to get autographs.

It would have been hilarious if you did say "Bridge".

BSR said:

My last con was Magnum Opus Con in 1989 when I rode in an elevator with Nichelle Nichols. To my regret, when the elevator doors closed I should have said "Bridge."

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

vil says...

Nice summary, Newt! My thoughts exactly.

The police seems to favour a bunch of (probably armed) hysterical Karens shouting incoherent nonsense over people who actually have reasons to protest and a clear reasonable agenda. Hockey mums shouting at the referee without understanding the rules.

The only slightly face-saving moment was the guy in Pelosis office writing a message and leaving her cell phone on the table instead of dropping his pants and defecating on it. It is possible that these people will yet come through to realize that no, once again, this is not the end of the world that their prophet is calling for.

Trump thinks this is a reality show and anything goes. Theatrical tactics to make it look like he was cheated out of a big win. Also always backs out of everything he says - not his fault this time either?

Security agencies from top to bottom made to look stupid and weak and slow to react. Look at how many police cars are there, how many policemen in fancy dress. It takes hours to control a few hundred Karens who could have been expected from the moment the president called for a march on the Capitol.

What shall you do with a president who calls for a march on the Capitol?

Edit: just found out there had been violent clashes on Tuesday already - what happened yesterday was either incredible incompetence bordering on mental retardation, or a purposeful extension of Trumps narrative. That the police favour Trump so they let the Trump mob storm the building is a nice scenario for some conspiracy theories of our own now :-)

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

wtfcaniuse says...

@bobknight33 So how'd that battery day go? Did you notice Musk's tweet?

"We intend to increase, not reduce battery cell purchases from Panasonic, LG & CATL (possibly other partners too)."

Funny how they're buying cells from some of those companies I mentioned despite being 5years ahead of anyone else huh?

Democrats know Biden will lose

newtboy says...

Newsmax, the wannabe OAN? Lol Bob. They're science denying, far right fake news that rates a 45/180 for honesty who sells snake oil by tricking their readers/viewers into reading fake "scientific discovery" articles that direct you to a sale page for the new snake oil that cures cancer or makes your cells (so you) immortal. Holy Fuck.
I won't watch a second of their dishonesty, recently claiming the RNC turned the tables for Trump and he's winning in all the polls now? Get real, such nonsense. You just love blatant fraudsters, don't you. They love you, they love all their uneducated followers, they're so easy to separate from their money.

bobknight33 said:

Even Democrats know that Biden will loose.

Family's Dash Cam of Derecho 100mph Storm in Grimes, Iowa

SFOGuy says...

She's running a red light, using her cell phone while driving and then she runs in to the building---with the big glass windows?

How come she didn't get alerts on her phone WAY before this?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You moronic brain dead slugs, you're contradicting the Bob that was on duty yesterday. You need to read each other's trolling notes and get on the same page or you just prove you're imbeciles.

Because Trump said it doesn't make it true, in fact it's good evidence that it's false. In this instance, it's 100% pure bullshit, which you would know if you had two brain cells to rub together.
Just yesterday you sent a link to an article about all the mail in votes disqualified through the checks they must pass (checks and balances are a different thing, part of our system Trump has been actively dismantling his entire term, Americans know that, Russian trolls can be forgiven for their ignorance of American political systems).

Vote by mail is as regulated as in person, both at registration before the ballot is sent out and before it's counted.

Jesus Christ, don't you remember? It was YESTERDAY you took the position that far too many votes were disqualified by the regulations when they were checked, today you claim there are no regulations and no checking.
WTF Bob. Get your position straight, don't just spout nonsense, it makes you ripe for ridicule, and you know I'll oblige.


bobknight33 said:

Absentee voting and vote by mail are different.

1 has check and balances and the other doesn't.

Vote by mail is not regulated and hence cheating can occur.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

OMG you moronic can you make so dishonestly imbecilic a claim? Thought I wouldn't check?

First; = The BLM Transportation Group-Safety & Compliance. The person behind the wheel is the key to on time service. Safeco Driver Services provides our drivers with an extensive orientation including updates on safety and compliance, as well accident ...
( = bureau of land management)
( = biglife -SUPPORT DISASTER RELIEF. With people in place across the globe, Biglife is providing hope and resources to those who need it most. Please join our efforts. )

Obviously you didn't go to the site, you're taking someone else's word, cutting and pasting without rubbing two brain cells together and repeating the lie of someone who lies to you constantly.

Second; So obviously the actblue charities bullshit you spouted didn't come from where you cite, and is 100% lies you feculent liar....yep, sho nuff.

Actblue charities doesn't give money donated to Bernie to Warren, just as it doesn't give the money given to BLM to any other charity, campaign, or person. If it's donated to BLM, it goes to BLM. They are a facilitator for progressive candidates and charities, not a fraudulent charity (like the fake charities Trump ran stealing money from veterans, admitted to, and is why his family is banned from running any charities). What you dishonestly claim is like saying because 10 people on eBay used PayPal, you can attribute every penny spent through PayPal to those sellers, or that if you donate to any gofundme it goes to one of 10 projects they chose in secret, not the project you gave to.

So brain numbingly stupid a claim, of course you just bought it the second Inforwars put it out there without a thought.

Again, because I know understanding isn't your strong suit, what you claim is happening when you donate to Black Lives Matter is not happening, but is EXACTLY what Trump did with his charities when he raised money for wounded veterans and pocketed it all, then pleaded guilty and paid $3 million in penalties and was banned from charity work for life. LMFAHS!

Gullible isn't in the dictionary either, Bob. Made you look.
Fuck, you make me so worried for humanity.

Has Beck told you any of these "known" cases of massive democratic voter fraud? I'm still waiting. Why don't you want to tell us about the bad bad liberals, daddy?

bobknight33 said:
Nothing more then a Democrat front fundraiser. No black live matter help, just a fundraiser

Donate tab,
ActBlue Charities is a registered charitable organization formed to democratize charitable giving. and look up ACTBLUE
Act Blue expenditures

Bernie 2020 $186,780,034
2 Biden for President $119,253,857
3 Elizabeth Warren Presidential Exploratory Cmte $93,478,053
4 Pete for America $78,100,960
5 Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $55,684,603
6 Amy for America $43,167,720
7 Friends of Andrew Yang $31,705,527
8 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $31,067,413
9 Democratic National Cmte $29,924,707
10 Amy McGrath for Senate $29,558,536

BLM making white Democrats rich. Just a fraud

Spring Break Surveillance

Cop Caught On Video Planting Drugs

Forbidden Parenting

smr says...

Just a anecdotal based response: Left my 3 year old, who was asleep buckled in his seat (which he cannot undo), in the car on an overcast day, 68 degrees out, doors locked. I left a second cell phone on monitor, so I could hear him if he woke up. Went in to a strip mall store 50 yards away from the car.
I hear him wake up, so I come out to check on him, and there's some man, apparently having banged on the window to wake him up, looking at me like I was trying to kill him. Apparently took my license plat and called child services, who eventually called me, my wife, my parents, and did a full investigation. I had almost the same experience, but I'm white and privileged so did not get arrested or have my children removed. I'm confident it could have been a lot worse if I was near the poverty line. I also received a similar lecture:
"We recognize that temperature and weather were ok, but do you recognize how unsafe it was to leave him unsupervised?"
"No, I don't. What could have happened? He was secure and unable to come out of the chair, the doors were locked, and he was monitored"
"Well some one could have smashed the window and taken him"
"Really? A stranger abduction, from a locked car, in broad daylight?"
"Well, what about if the police were called, and you were arrested in front of him. Wouldn't that be traumatic?"

And there they are right. And there you have it - the real danger is not any ACTUAL danger, it's our own fear. FDR had it right.

geo321 said:

@newtboy I wonder If this is a rampant problem, or is this story being pushed for a larger ideological objective? Mostly I just don't like his 1970s porn mustache

Congress Votes to Limit Trump's War Powers After Iran Lies

Payback says...

I hate to say this, but Trump is responsible for Flight 752. It would have never happened without his bullshit attack.

Someone with a clue or an active brain cell would have known trigger fingers would be made itchy. That's why civilized governments declare wars. It allows the rest of the world to decide if they actually want to be in the area or not.

All rhetoric aside, Trump is officially a thug.

Could Earth's Heat Solve Our Energy Problems?

Spacedog79 says...

Statistically nuclear is by far the safest means of energy production, even when it goes wrong the main impact is people panicking. No one died from radiation in Fukushima and there isn't expected to be any statistically detectable radiation health effect.

The figures that say Chernobyl killed thousands are extrapolations based on the LNT model, which assumes cells are unable to repair DNA damage. In fact the cell DNA repair mechanisms are a well established fact these days. Yet we still use LNT as a model, even though at low doses there has never been any real world data to support it.

Deliberate scaremongering is basically what it is.

newtboy said:

The 1mSv per year is the max the employees at the dump/recycling plant can be exposed to, so leeching more than that into public water systems seems impossible unless I'm missing something. This comes mainly from solid scale deposits removed from the closed loop systems.
Average employees in German plants seemed to get around 3 mSv/yr on their table.

At Fukushima, According to TEPCO records, the average workers’ effective dose over the first 19 months after the accident was about 12 mSv. About 35% of the workforce received total doses of more than 10 mSv over that period, while 0.7% of the workforce received doses of more than 100 mSv.
The 10mSv was the estimated average exposure for those who evacuated immediately, not the area. Because iodine 131 has a half life of 8 days, the local exposure levels dropped rapidly, but because caesium-137 has a half life of 30 years, contaminated areas will be "hot" for quite a while, and are still off limits as I understand it.

Sort of...., most of the area surrounding Chernobyl is just above background levels after major decontamination including removal of all soil, but many areas closer to the plant are still being measured at well above safe levels to this day, and unapproachable, while others may be visited only with monitoring equipment, dose meters, and only for short times. It's not back to background levels everywhere, with measurements up to 336uSv/hr recorded in enclosed areas and abandoned recovery equipment (the claw used to dig at the reactor for instance) where near that low at the plant itself. Places like the nearby cemetery which couldn't have the contamination removed still measure higher than maximum occupational limits for adults working with radioactive material. The radiation levels in the worst-hit areas of the reactor building, including the control room, have been estimated at 300Sv/hr, (300,000mSv/hr) providing a fatal dose in just over a minute.

Don't get me wrong, I support nuclear power. I just don't believe in pretending it's "safe". That's how Chernobyl happened....overconfidence and irresponsibility. If we consider it unacceptably disastrous if it goes wrong, we might design plants that can't go wrong...The tech exists.

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