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Kenny Glenn the Cat Abuser on local news

rgroom1 says...

>> ^MINK:
fuck this vengeance shit
fucking hate the fuck out of american news.>

It's not just a triumph because the kid was caught for what he was clearly trying to hide, this was vigilante justice at its best. The only reason that this kid was caught was because of the efforts of teh internets. And the internet isn't responding with violence. If you look at any response site, they don't seek violence. At the most, they are harassing him with phone calls, emails to his school/police/mother, and ordering a ton of catalogs to his house. If you know how the american justice system works, then you know he'll be fine, except maybe some surprise buttsex, and he'll get the reformative therapy that he needs.

Wrestler gets mobbed takes on fans

NordlichReiter says...

That's what we call Amygdala reaction. We saw the same issue with the BART transit cop.

Jericho fights, or "fake" fights for a living. Hes conditioned response was to fight back when assaulted from the back.

Take the hypothetical experiment for example.

We have a controlled environment with 50 "fans". 10 separate volunteer "victims" of assault. One or two assailants, mixed in with the crowd of "fans". Only 5 of the volunteer "Victims" are told that they will be pushed from behind or from the side while getting into their "vehicle".

We can guarantee that the other five, who do not know that they will be pushed or accosted from the side or behind, will react violently. Violently, I mean posture or fight in order to deter any threats.

What I gathered from this video, is that the victim was assaulted from behind by the female perpetrator. He reacted how he trains or plays. Turning around and letting her have it. When the camera went haywire, he must have lashed out at every one near him. Seeing a threat in every person there, and wishing to dispatch that threat, while displaying his prowess to ward off any other attacks.

Humans have still not evolved enough to avoid the Amygdala's process.

According to the book Mind Hacks: Human brains are still, at the base level, designed for survival. The ability to reason was the result of society and cultural evolution. However a conscious thought is fallacy. We can prove that a thought happened before our conscious mind ever knew it happened. Hence a person who kills an attacker, only to try to rationalize what just happened.

The Amygdala is powerful, and that is why Human Species has evolved and thrived. No matter how much you reason, this part of your brain will dominate the flight or fight response.

Will Smith solves Rubik's Cube in under a minute

Instruction Manual For Life

HollywoodBob says...

We all know there is but one cupboard design and all others are just lies to push you into the arms of evil!

Wouldn't it be nice if spreading tolerance was as easy as opening an Ikea catalog?

Whose Line is it Anyway - Worst Things to Say on a Date

thinker247 says...

You felt the need to use ad hominem comments, on this particular thread, to state your hatred of his entire comedy catalog?

Why not explain exactly why you think Drew Carey is not funny?

I expect your thesis on my desk by tomorrow at 9.

>> ^dannym3141:
Why does that fat tub of lard have to lumber out from behind his desk and try to get involved?
Useless bastard, that's always been the downfall of the american version for me.

"Let's Go Sunnin'" (Fallout 3 soundtrack)

Liberal Outrage: A Pro-McCain March In Manhattan

quantumushroom says... Is this video attempting to make the claim that you can't be in opposition to someone and progressive at the same time?

Hardly. The "progressive" movement originally thrived on opposition, which morphed into mindless opposition, then...became the Establishment. Now that much of the left's odious moral relativism has becomed Established, it feigns shock that anyone would oppose it.

I really don't understand the point of this video or yours qm. There have been examples of absolutely disgusting behavior exhibited on both sides of this election as well as acts of the opposite.

You wouldn't know there's any balance via sampling the VS catalog. VS is overwhelmingly liberal, something I accept in exchange for "hanging around".

One of my points is that actions have consequences. Liberals cannot afford the luxury of being immune to the effects of their follies. The reason their seemingly innocent causes are opposed is that no one else can afford them either.

Kevlar (Member Profile)

Eklek says...

Hey:) thanks..sounds nice, Sounds From the Ground (similar to Tosca, Fragile State etc.) loungy stuff! Board of Canada is indeed a nice electronica group...
I use, via related artists/neighbours you can find a lot of new music..
We have a small siftrelated group there:
join us!

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
Hi Eklek,
Congrats again on your diamond! No bands comparable to Ulver in my catalog, I'm afraid, or at least none that you probably haven't already heard of. I was introduced to Boards of Canada recently whose work somewhat reminded me of Ulver's - somewhat - and I'd also recommend Sounds From The Ground to you.

Then again, I barely know how to describe any of these bands' styles to begin with, so I might not be good for this conversation. Do you use Pandora at all?

In reply to this comment by Eklek:
Thanks! They also did the soundtrack of this short film:
no subtitles I'm afraid..
Bands in the same style you'd recommend me by chance?

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
Great sift, Eklek. I've been meaning to check out Ulver for a long time.

Eklek (Member Profile)

Kevlar says...

Hi Eklek,
Congrats again on your diamond! No bands comparable to Ulver in my catalog, I'm afraid, or at least none that you probably haven't already heard of. I was introduced to Boards of Canada recently whose work somewhat reminded me of Ulver's - somewhat - and I'd also recommend Sounds From The Ground to you.

Then again, I barely know how to describe any of these bands' styles to begin with, so I might not be good for this conversation. Do you use Pandora at all?

In reply to this comment by Eklek:
Thanks! They also did the soundtrack of this short film:
no subtitles I'm afraid..
Bands in the same style you'd recommend me by chance?

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
Great sift, Eklek. I've been meaning to check out Ulver for a long time.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Wow, what a fantastic word. I didn't notice the definition anywhere, that should be FAQ #1 I think. "Rising water lily" just paints such a nice mental image.

In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
We're hoping it goes well. My wife did a lot of searching for bottles to use for this. She started in North America, but there wasn't anything available that was classified as re-usable glass that we could use. We didn't want to use anything from China because of health concerns. After talking with people here they suggested we try some different manufacturers in Europe, she talked to some different companies and it came down to the bottle we chose from Italy and another one that was very similar from Germany. We liked the Italian bottle better so we decided to go with it.

The Ice Packs are custom made by a company in Delta, BC (very close to us). The recycled bags are custom made in the US (in California if I remember correctly)

My wife came up wit Sesen, it is an Egyptian word translated as a rising water lily.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
That's so great. Good luck with your venture. Let me know how it goes. These types of things are so very fascinating to me.

Btw, how did you find the right bottles, esp. from Italy? I mean were you just searching online or is there a catalog of international bottles...?

Are you having those ice packs and recycled bags custom made?

Does "sesen" have any significance? It's a good name, but I wonder if there's a story behind it.

In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
I was surprised it didn't do better, it cracked me up when I first saw it as well. I guess the title wasn't interesting enough.

We have the web-site mostly done. You can check it out here:

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Zifnab says...

We're hoping it goes well. My wife did a lot of searching for bottles to use for this. She started in North America, but there wasn't anything available that was classified as re-usable glass that we could use. We didn't want to use anything from China because of health concerns. After talking with people here they suggested we try some different manufacturers in Europe, she talked to some different companies and it came down to the bottle we chose from Italy and another one that was very similar from Germany. We liked the Italian bottle better so we decided to go with it.

The Ice Packs are custom made by a company in Delta, BC (very close to us). The recycled bags are custom made in the US (in California if I remember correctly)

My wife came up wit Sesen, it is an Egyptian word translated as a rising water lily.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
That's so great. Good luck with your venture. Let me know how it goes. These types of things are so very fascinating to me.

Btw, how did you find the right bottles, esp. from Italy? I mean were you just searching online or is there a catalog of international bottles...?

Are you having those ice packs and recycled bags custom made?

Does "sesen" have any significance? It's a good name, but I wonder if there's a story behind it.

In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
I was surprised it didn't do better, it cracked me up when I first saw it as well. I guess the title wasn't interesting enough.

We have the web-site mostly done. You can check it out here:

Zifnab (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

That's so great. Good luck with your venture. Let me know how it goes. These types of things are so very fascinating to me.

Btw, how did you find the right bottles, esp. from Italy? I mean were you just searching online or is there a catalog of international bottles...?

Are you having those ice packs and recycled bags custom made?

Does "sesen" have any significance? It's a good name, but I wonder if there's a story behind it.

In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
I was surprised it didn't do better, it cracked me up when I first saw it as well. I guess the title wasn't interesting enough.

We have the web-site mostly done. You can check it out here:

DirecTV Can Go To Hell (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

MarineGunrock says...

Just do what I do:

Ditch the cable TV, get a DVI-HDMI cable, hook your computer to the TV and watch all your tv shows online. like, four commercials to an episode and you can watch them when it's convenient for you.

I picked mine up for 15 or $20, and it works great. Then all you gotta do is pipe your sound through your TV/home theater receiver with a cable like this.

scientology advertisements on videosift? (Cult Talk Post)

Evolution Vs Creation (Check Out The "Amazing" Facts)

12819 says...

Totally bogus. We are promised ten incontrovertible pieces of evidence that evolution is wrong, yet all of them hinge on believing the Bible is something more than a dietary guide.

The first minute is a set of testimonials (from people who don't sound very highly educated). Science isn't really the result of a plebiscite. It isn't like the law, either, where you are right until proven wrong.

The bottom line is that no self-respecting scientist would claim that evolution is the ONLY explanation of how we got here - but as far as the evidence goes, so far it is the BEST explanation. If it turns out to be wrong, then ID still has to be supported by evidence - it isn't automatically correct.

Then the narrator spends four minutes telling us we will hear the facts, and we should judge for ourselves. She claims the Bible is completely trustworthy, based on archaeological a prophetic evidence - except it is not. Sure there is some archaeological evidence, but let's see the evidence for the Garden of Eden. Parts of it are clearly historical, but parts seem to be diet restrictions, more than anything. As for prophecy, go ask the Late Great Hal Lindsey about that.

The film goes on to paint God as a rather horrible person, causing most all the suffering and tragedy on earth. This is an interesting concept in itself. The purpose seems to be to threaten you into believing their line of reasoning (NOT making up your own mind!), or incurring His wrath.

The film uses the long-disproven watch-watchmaker argument, now in terms of a creation-creatOR argument. As for the $250,000 prize that hasn't been claimed, I'll give $1 million to anyone who can offer a shred of evidence that the Bible is the word of God. But _I_ get to be the judge, and you can forget about me accepting your evidence. The fact Dr. Hoven doesn't ACCEPT the evidence doesn't mean it's not there.

When Darwin visited the Galapagos islands 150 years ago, he cataloged seven species of finches there. Now, in just a century and a half, there are thirteen species on the islands, all native - definite PROOF of new species. But, of course this is ignored by the video.

Finally, the very act of referring to the "Myth of Evolution", the film is putting conclusions into our minds, just what the first four minutes said it would NOT do - we were supposed to make up our own minds, remember?

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