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Interview with Cyberstalking Suspect goes Pretty Well

LEGO Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History

PC Game Gun

AeroMechanical says...

When I was a kid, they used to send me this toy catalog for horrible spoiled rich brats (think Sharper Image for toys but much more expensive, it might have been FAO but I don't think so). I don't know why they sent it to me, the most expensive toy I ever bought was a Nerf Blast-A-Ball from the discount rack (awesome!), but near the back it had one of those large VR setups, listed for $75,000. It had a bunch of other cool toys too, like electric cars and stuff.

Anyways, I hope all of the kids whose parents bought them that stuff have since died horribly of cocaine overdoses or crashed their Ferraris into power stations.

The point is, I best this guy could sell it to them and charge $1000 for it.

Comodore 64 app for the iPhone

dag says...

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Oh comeon - FUD? Really? I wouldn't say Apple is a FUD producer. Certainly not on the scale of MS.

You could say that Apple is limiting innovation- but you could also say they are enabling it. The API for accessing the different bits of functionality in the iPhone is unprecedented and certainly robust and supportive of external developers. You can't say that Apple hasn't enabled good development on the iPhone. Compare that to how other smartphone vendors are handling external Apps - and Apple comes out smelling pretty good.

Damien Hirst - Diamond Embedded Skull

E3 2009 - The Beatles: Rock Band

Whats the best console? (User Poll by Throbbin)

videosiftbannedme says...

All kidding aside, I'd probably vote PS3. Huge catalog, Blu-ray, proven system (ie. no RRoD), and good hardware (as opposed to the lackluster Wii).

With all that said, the only system I own is a Wii. I prefer my gamin' on the PC.

^But I also have to go with Farhad.

Whats the best console? (User Poll by Throbbin)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

XBOX gets most of my attention, but they are all good systems.

XBOX and its XBL interface has pretty much defined modern console gaming. It has the most titles (both full games and downloadable), the most players and the quickest and easiest interface.

The thing I like best about the PS3 is that they are not afraid to take risks creating interesting and artsy downloadable games like Everyday Shooter and Flower. It also has a Blu ray player and a handful of good exclusives. Playstation Home (a virtual 2nd life style neighborhood) is a good idea, but they need to come up with a more interesting environment than a shopping mall. The worst thing about the PS3 is the system updates, which can take forever. They could also use more high quality exclusives.

Wii waggle is good clean, inexpensive, fun, and the system has a respectable amount of exclusives, not to mention a legendary back catalog. It's got some nice paripherals - guns, balance board, steeling wheel. It's online/multiplayer/friend interface is horrible.

Advantage Xbox

Robot Sheep Shearing.

blahpook (Member Profile)

Chick makes same dumb face in every damn picture

Pirate Bay: Guilty

notarobot says...

>> ^CaveBear
Stealing is still stealing. It's all about intent.

I think you misunderstand the precedent and use of the law in this case. The Pirate Bay, and other torrent sites, neither steal computer files, nor maintain possession of such stolen "goods." They merely act as a catalog for user provided links (torrents) to the user held sequences of zeros and ones (files).

Suing The Pirate Bay for copyright infringement (theft) is like suing the phone book for prostitution because of "escort service" listings.

Just because Google's search engine can be used to find child pornography does not mean that Google is guilty of child pornography.

As such, it is not illegal to advertise "escort services" or catalog ASCII character combinations (words) even if they link to illegal or illicit material. No LAW exists to prohibit such an exchange, so no law could have been broken. If Sweden were to cave into the pressure of American media conglomerates and amend their laws to make cataloging words, and telephone directories, in the country illegal then TPB could be in real trouble, but that juncture is a ways off yet.

Finally upgraded (Videogames Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

^Oh, of course. I've got a back catalog of games that I haven't even played or been able to see in their full glory: Bioshock, COD4 (never played it), UT3 (never played it), L4D (only seen on low settings, no shadows). Just been too busy with school.

And of course school work, surfing, Videosift , etc. I'm actually excited to see what Blu-ray will look like as I have a 47" 1080P TV but have only been using an upconverting DVD player. So it'll be the first time for that too.

But does anyone recommend a good "burning in" software? Is BurnInTest any good?

Feeding time for Polar Bear

If Atheists Ruled the World

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