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"Friday Night Smack Ups" With DOA5 Ultimate on XBL

"Friday Night Smack Ups" With DOA5 Ultimate on XBL

CNBC Host Accidentally Outs Apple CEO Tim Cook as Gay

shveddy says...

For what it's worth, I did some digging and the rumors that Tim Cook is gay seem to be at least partially sourced to a speech he made in 2013.

The relevant bit is at about 3:10 when he says that "I have seen, and I have experienced many other types of discrimination, and all of them were rooted in the fear of people that were different from the majority."

The rest of the speech talks about human rights in general, whether from a perspective of disability, race or gender.

Sure, it sounds like he's hinting at discrimination he experienced as a gay man in Alabama, but it could just as easily be sloppy wording on his part. I'm leaning towards sloppy wording just because I don't think he would hint at his sexual orientation so casually. As Apple's CEO, such a move would be a lot more intentional and carefully orchestrated.

So again, the CNBC host doesn't have a clue what he's talking about and he didn't out anyone. He just spread unsubstantiated rumors.

Giant Moth Gets A Surprise!

lucky760 says...

The girl with the camera is super-fucking-cool to be so casual about the fact that she caught it on film. She's my hero.

Most people annoyingly start screaming I GOT IT ON TAPE I GOT IT ON TAPE.

I forgive her for holding the camera the wrong way.


Plausible Deniablity Fail. The Silence is Deafening.

newtboy says...

What floors me is how consistently you robotically bestow comment down-votes, casually and flippantly, as the wishfully 'un-dull', for everything you decide is such sophistic drivel disguised as intelligent chagrin or rather, some profound insight, which is anything that isn't in lock step with your myopic, disturbed, politicized, polarized, and always threatening world view.
It must really suck ass to live as you do, constantly threatened by nearly everything and everyone with absolutely no idea how to effectively change that. It might make me an angry drunkard too. ;-)

chingalera said:

What floors me is how so many robotic comment up-votes are bestowed as casually and flippantly by the wishfully 'un-dull' for such sophistic drivel disguised as intelligent chagrin or rather, some profound insight.

Plausible Deniablity Fail. The Silence is Deafening.

chingalera says...

What floors me is how so many robotic comment up-votes are bestowed as casually and flippantly by the wishfully 'un-dull' for such sophistic drivel disguised as intelligent chagrin or rather, some profound insight.
Oh too, we all simply adore the intentional misspellings so yesterday's meme-ish as you ridicule and scorn others so less 'ill-uminated' than yourself...

Fuck this bishop by-the-way, with a goddamn hot-iron in his ass and drag him through the streets on fire please, ye who are weak and heavy-laden?? It's the only reasonable discourse he deserves and the only time anyone sane should offer him.

Also, wholeheartedly agree with Chaos-E's reasoning and his analogy of bruises and biscuits... fuck the good they do, have, or will disguised as humanitarian, the Catholics in particular are a vile schism and an wholly unorthodox form of anything resembling spirituality.

newtboy said:

It seems somewhat at odds that he doesn't know when (or if) he knew it was wrong for adult priests to have sex with children (including during the entire time when he was an adult priest), but he's absolutely certain about things that "happened" thousands of years ago, like all about the works, lives, and expectations of god and Jebus and about how you must worship them, and about what happens if you don't do it exactly right.

How we give out moderating powers to Sifters (Controversy Talk Post)

robv says...

This is an excellent post in my opinion. I agree with what dag says. I used to frequent this site multiple times a day, enjoying videos while also putting up with favoritism and sanctimonious commenters. Content (videos and comments) from "popular" sifters was seemingly favored. After I received my bronze star (a small rank in comparison to most), my mindset was essentially... "yep I did it". And even though to some that may have been a minor achievement, for me and I think many other casual sifters it was a pain in the ass. And once I received my star the thought of trying for the next rank was unrealistic. Now I only occasionally stop by to check out the top sifts. Other sites like Reddit (*gasp*) don't have these preconditions and I think as a result are more welcoming. Reducing the contribution requirement to be a little more inviting may be a good idea.

Also, one power that always rubbed me the wrong way was that some established video site embeds were only available to higher ranked sifters. That my friends is favoritism. I can't post what I feel is a quality video but other higher ranked sifters can. Who really suffers at that point is the site as a whole - missing out on content that may bring in new visitors and submitters.

American Weed: Mile High Show Down

Jonah Hill and Morgan Freeman Share Awkward Moment

Xaielao says...

One of the reasons I enjoy this show is because of the regular, shoot-the-shit kind of talk between celebs. Same with The Daily Show.

Most of us are used to canned 7 minute 'pre-approved' questions interjected with a not-that-funny story and a 30 second clip that is modern american late night talk shows. I mean the reason John Stewart has won so many concurrent Emmies is because he actually interviews like a real person and not a robot, he gets the meat of the topic, the interesting stuff. It's just so much less 'scripted'. Sure Graham Norton has the 'not-so-funny stories and the one liners but his show often involves a more casual dynamic between the guests. It's something I'd much like to see on US late night.

Muslims Interrogate Comedian

Asmo says...

And in the same breath you could say that rampant military conquest created the modern world and drove scientific advances etc, but while the Muslims were pottering around the the Middle East, Spain/England/France etc were plundering the entire world. Lead by militants and the religious. Oh gee...

Your conclusion that the majority of Muslim's is as factually bankrupt as the assertion that "playing video games makes people violent". Millions of people are Muslims, but extremist attacks are relatively minor on the grand scale of things. Your casual causality is not born out by what actually happens in the real world.

coolhund said:

The vast majority of Muslims are Sunnites. Sunnites are the most militant ones with extreme standpoints. I am not saying that they all run out and blow themselves up, but they are ok with what their extremists do. Alevites and Shiites are much more moderate and what I would call peaceful Muslims, but they are only very few.

So it is factually ok to call Islam unhealthy. There was a time when it was not, for example when the Arabic world was leading in mathematics and medical science, but those times are LONG LONG gone, after the militants took over.

Awesome, Unique Design Makes this Lock Un-Pickable

MilkmanDan says...

Engineering a way to prevent picking (or at least make it VERY hard -- never say never) is cool. But, the fact that it remains weak against all the other ways to circumvent a lock (grinder, bolt cutter, hacksaw, hammer, whatever) would mean that I wouldn't want to pay very much for one even though the design is impressive.

I figure that 95%+ of the purpose of a lock is to prevent "casual" theft/entry. If someone *really* wants in there, it doesn't much matter how good your lock is.

Irish are the niggers of Europe? Reginald D Hunter

ChaosEngine says...

Well, a little context is in order here. I wonder if Reg even knows where this comes from. There was a very popular movie in Ireland called The Commitments, about a working class Dublin band who play soul music. (Great movie btw, I'd recommend anyone checking it out)

There's a scene where one of the musicians asks if they're not "a bit white" to play soul music. The manager responds that "The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once and say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud."

Everyone in Ireland over 20 will have either seen this movie or heard this quote.

Ireland has a really weird relationship with race. If you grew up in Ireland before the 2000s, you literally never saw anyone who wasn't white. Yes, literally. As such, Irish people will say casually racist things all the time. Sometimes, like anywhere, it's malicious, but most of the time, it's genuinely not meant as offensive.

One of the reasons I sifted this is that I actually went to see Reg this weekend. He was freaking hilarious, and in fact his entire message was explicitly stated to be one of unity.

I'm paraphrasing here, but his closing line was something like
"There is no black pain, or gay pain or female pain. There is only human pain, and when people do bad shit to other people, it hurts us all."

newtboy said:

It's racist against both people of color AND Irish in my eyes.
You don't have to be offended for something to be racist. It only requires a differentiation by race (and not even necessarily a negative differentiation as I understand the term). You having the self control to not be upset by other people's racism (or in this case 'nationalism') is a good thing, but does not erase the racism, it only lessens it's effect.
In my opinion, calling anyone a 'nigger' (even yourself) is racist, no matter the intent and no matter the race of the speaker. The word itself is a racial insult.
I feel like calling an entire nationality any derogatory word is technically nationalist, but is intended to be racist as (in this instance) it's intention is to separate all Irish from other Europeans as a separate race in order to degrade the entire 'race' (nation).

Team Fortress 2 (TF2) - Did You Know Gaming?

RedSky says...


I pretty much think it's the perfect casual FPS.

Similar to how nades aren't abusive, I think it's one of the few shooters where snipers are not blatantly overpowered. Most characters need several body shots to kill and some need several headshots when Medic buffed.

The class variety is also tremendous, and there's a significant skill ceiling to playing most characters beyond the usual FPS reactions. Knowing how to decloak and approach as spy, or perfecting rocket jumping is something way beyond what most modern shooters like CoD require.

Hats have never really bothered me. What has slightly is that it's become impossible to get access to most weapons without paying because of the sheer quantity.

Having said that, this really only kicks when you have 60-70% and the odds stack against you of finding the rest. It's not really a balance issue either as while there are definitely 'optimal' choices (say gunboats for soldier), none are anywhere near game breaking. Where they are (say, soldier's equalizer), they're usually rebalanced.

Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

gorillaman says...


Crossing your fingers and waiting for the tooth fairy to fix everything is not a valid response to global crises. That is what passivity amounts to whether your eventual, hoped for remedy is shiny's simple-minded faith or failed economic models that got us into this mess in the first place, or unforeseeable scientific advances that may never come.

You've been using the most preposterously optimistic projections available, okay, let's assume they're correct and we level off at somewhere around nine to eleven billion. You want all of these people to live worthwhile, prosperous lives; well that's at least five times as many high energy consuming, 21st century humans as we've ever actually been able to support.

This coming at the end of an economic and technological bubble of readily available, dense energy supply for which we have no replacement; relative efficiency gains in spending that energy that can never be replicated (because efficiency doesn't go above 100%); casual environmental damage that cannot continue; and diminishing returns in every scientific field, where advancement is always becoming more difficult and more expensive.

This isn't a pessimistic view. Humanity has a bright future, all we have to do to secure it is stop creating more and more people out of nothing for no reason. Barring extra-terrestrial threats like meteorites, solar flares and relativistic missiles launched by hostile alien species; we have the knowledge we need to build a civilisation capable of enduring for millions of years, or burn out in a couple of hundred.

Sydney Sift Up Pics (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

You all look lovely! Cold beers on what looks like a nice day. Livin' the life. Also i appreciate the hottie photo-bombing all casually.

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