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Don't stop in the outer lane!!

rychan says...

Two things:

1) The guy with the camera opened his car door. Looks like they both wanted a fight.
2) In my opinion, the guy with the camera was driving rudely, although it didn't warrant this reckless display from the lead driver. The lead driver was passing the other cars at a reasonable rate. The left lane is not an infinite speed lane, it is a passing lane. If it is being properly used for passing by another driver then too bad. You can't always have a clear road in front of you, so stop tailgating.

Bill Hicks - Tripping on Acid

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Comedian, Car, Door, Ajar, Drugs, Police' to 'Comedian, Car, Door, Ajar, Drugs, Police, Bill Hicks' - edited by lurgee

Crazy neighbors and taking your dog out (Blog Entry by mintbbb)

mintbbb says...

Thanks for your replies, seroius or not I feel better now, after a few days. I have to say the night after the encounter was pretty much sleepless because everything that happened and was said and maybe should have said kept popping in my head.

I should have know that this lady would freak out. She charged after me the last time I walked past her lawn. And back then I explained to her that I ALWAYS pick up after my dog, and she calmed down. I though she understood. But obviously she has issues. And now, I do remmeber that one night not too many months ago, I went to sleep and woke up pretty soon afterwards because I heard lots of car doors being slammed shut. And there were about 6 police cars on the street in front of my house. And 2 or 3 right in front of her house. Obviously nothing was wrong, since I saw the cops just chatting with each other and having a 'block party'. But now I remembered that I saw a few cops come out of her house, with her, and they were all talking. After mebbe 20 minutes of this excitement of nothing happening, but having half the city's police come over, all the cops left. But obviously she had called them and God knows why.

I will not have anything to do with her. I will not take my dog anywhere near her house, I will not try to explain myself more. I did nothing wrong, and she was the one who did all the yelling and overreacting. If I ever talk to this lady again, it is because she realizes she was wrong and comes to apologize (yeah, right). Or she will keep harrassing me for an imaginary dog poop, in which case I will probaby end up suing her for harrassment.

Next house we get, it will be FAR away from all the neighbors!

Ask a cop if he wants a donut and he will choke you.

Lawdeedaw says...

There is a reason for five-on-one besides a lack of skill. One is so the criminal knows that while he is alone, the Law is not... Seriously, it is not a dual. Gangs maintain fear through the same tactics--unity. Second, the least amount of space the subject has, the least amount of force you have to use on him. In other words, block him off on all sides and immobilize him. On a side note, the kneeing itself may look roguish, but the reasoning behind it is sound. Pain compliance is always safer than trauma compliance. (The tazer uses a similar approach but is more prone to abuse. I.e., if I have to force you to let go of your car door, I may just break your elbow on accident, or harm your fingers or such... Kneeing, when not on the spine, does the same job.)

The one thing I will note is the bald douche who is trying to find a spot where he belongs (Which furthers your point about the five on one.) Dude, just realize that your in the way and back off...

>> ^bareboards2:

There may not have been stomping, but it looked like there was some "kneeing" going on.
I actually had a different response -- I was thinking, oh, cool, the one cop subdued the idiot using his training. And then it took five to finish the job (including the kneeing, that was mild or perhaps just my imagination)??? Really?
I'm not complaining. I just thought it was odd.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
This is a perfect example of cops not taking it to the next level. When help arrived, he released the choke. Remember, the man reached for his gun. Cop was tiring out and that alone makes the response reasonable because of the potential to be overpowered. And there was no stomping at the end.

Bikes as Public Transport (Blog Entry by dag)

campionidelmondo says...

I don't wear a helmet, but I have to admit that I come close to getting hit by a car at least once a week. Mostly due to idiot drivers who shouldn't be on the road in the first place. Just the other day someone parked their car right across the bike bath, because I guess it was more convenient than the parking spot another 20 meters away. When I rode around that car the driver decides to open the car door right in front of me. Barely managed to avoid that car door. I still don't bother with a helmet, few people do around here.

Btw. there's a similar bike rental program here. It's supposed to be pretty successful with 75k registered users and each of the 1000 bikes gets rented about 3 times a day (thanks wikipedia).

Olsen Twins Being Adorably Racist

v1k1n6 says...

I don't know what this has to do with race, but I do know that I go to the um...less savory part of town, which happens to have more concentration of African American members then other parts, to get the best damn fried chicken in the city maybe the world. Goes for BBQ too.

Am I racist? Is it coincidence? Are the restaurants racist for contributing to the stereotype? Or is there something to this?
Here in Kansas City we have the best DAMN BBQ and fried chicken in the nation.

But I always lock my car door while driving there. Objectively speaking.

Crazy Russian Commute - Yamaha R1

Insano Car Chase in Brazil

Insano Car Chase in Brazil

Robots practice crushing puny humans in slo-mo

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

Dignant_Pink says...

>> ^Psychologic:
If you are upset about this setup then you should:
-Keep your house's windows unlocked... if someone has to break the glass to steal your stuff then they might get hurt.
-Make sure your alarm is turned off... loud noises could damage their hearing.
-Keep your house orderly... an intruder could twist an ankle in the darkness.
-Ignore missing property... pressing charges could result in jail time and hurt feelings.

when an uncle of mine was living in philadelphia, he would intentionally leave his car door unlocked, because he knew someone would just steal something from inside it, and this way they didn't break the glass. although, i think that was more about repairs than the thief's safety.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

rottenseed says...

Is my sandwich ready?>> ^peggedbea:
there is no feminist conspiracy, i promise. and its not a matter of "getting off on it" it's a matter of broad generalizations about the way people are enculturated and things that are social occurrences. they just are.
and if you ask, you offer to pay. it's the same rule when i ask my female friends out to lunch; i ask, i offer to pay.
i have a really good friend, we met like 9 years ago and dated briefly. he even did the "open the car door thing" and i thought it was way over the top and he was trying way too hard, but something about it seemed oddly sincere so i didn't bust his balls for it right away. but 9 years later and all romantic interest crushed dead, he still opens my car doors and usually pays when go out, even for my kids, except for the times he's been unemployed and i paid for everything, or in cases where i get to the check first (which i try to do a lot). no one is getting off on it, no one is trying to get laid, it's just the way he shows respect and appreciation and love. i'm glad i never called him out for what i thought was a douchebag move, because he wasn't saying "i want to manipulate you into fucking me" he was actually saying "i respect and appreciate you" (but yeah, in most cases if you go so far as too open my car door, i might think you're trying too hard and be annoyed by it)
the point is these things are cultural symbols. they exist. opening a door for someone doesn't have to mean "i want to fuck you" or "you're a pitiful weak female and can't do this for yourself". it's just body language and it usually means "i acknowledge you're going through this door next and respect you enough as human to not let it slam in your face" and if you're so socially detached and cynical that you don't understand that, then no, i probably don't want to date you. but all things become subjective, of course. i usually like shy nerds, and i am usually friends with them first, and then i usually just tell them. but it's not like i've never been asked out first, and i pay attention to body language and signals and social cues. because they exist and say a lot about a person. and maybe it's because i was raised by men, or raised in the south, but courtesy and respect and general politeness are important. and our culture says these things show respect and courtesy. we don't go along telling people we respect them verbally, we open doors and want to share meals and help our neighbors.
and as far as blankfist's encounter with these bitches, some people are shameful and rude. some women are pampered spoiled bitches who think its okay to let his presence on the sidewalk go ignored. and that's wrong.

>> ^imstellar28:
What else can "getting out of a ladies way" be if not chivalry? Chivalry was killed in the mainstream when feminists started complaining about it. It still exists in small circles where and when it can be used as a tool for sexual conquest (as it always was)..i.e. when a guy is after a girl who gets off on "a guy who opens doors for me or picks up the check or has good manners"
The problem in this situation is these women think all men want to court them at all times...hence the pompous sense of entitlement and selfish attitude they project towards men. I'd put them in the same group as the feminists who complain about guys opening doors for them - the "people I don't want to date" group.
>> ^peggedbea:
what remains of it, for the most part, is part of the courting ritual.
i'm sorry you have bitchy, attractive, spoiled neighbors. but chivalry and feminism aren't the issue.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

there is no feminist conspiracy, i promise. and its not a matter of "getting off on it" it's a matter of broad generalizations about the way people are enculturated and things that are social occurrences. they just are.

and if you ask, you offer to pay. it's the same rule when i ask my female friends out to lunch; i ask, i offer to pay.

i have a really good friend, we met like 9 years ago and dated briefly. he even did the "open the car door thing" and i thought it was way over the top and he was trying way too hard, but something about it seemed oddly sincere so i didn't bust his balls for it right away. but 9 years later and all romantic interest crushed dead, he still opens my car doors and usually pays when go out, even for my kids, except for the times he's been unemployed and i paid for everything, or in cases where i get to the check first (which i try to do a lot). no one is getting off on it, no one is trying to get laid, it's just the way he shows respect and appreciation and love. i'm glad i never called him out for what i thought was a douchebag move, because he wasn't saying "i want to manipulate you into fucking me" he was actually saying "i respect and appreciate you" (but yeah, in most cases if you go so far as too open my car door, i might think you're trying too hard and be annoyed by it)

the point is these things are cultural symbols. they exist. opening a door for someone doesn't have to mean "i want to fuck you" or "you're a pitiful weak female and can't do this for yourself". it's just body language and it usually means "i acknowledge you're going through this door next and respect you enough as human to not let it slam in your face" and if you're so socially detached and cynical that you don't understand that, then no, i probably don't want to date you. but all things become subjective, of course. i usually like shy nerds, and i am usually friends with them first, and then i usually just tell them. but it's not like i've never been asked out first, and i pay attention to body language and signals and social cues. because they exist and say a lot about a person. and maybe it's because i was raised by men, or raised in the south, but courtesy and respect and general politeness are important. and our culture says these things show respect and courtesy. we don't go along telling people we respect them verbally, we open doors and want to share meals and help our neighbors.

and as far as blankfist's encounter with these bitches, some people are shameful and rude. some women are pampered spoiled bitches who think its okay to let his presence on the sidewalk go ignored. and that's wrong.

>> ^imstellar28:
What else can "getting out of a ladies way" be if not chivalry? Chivalry was killed in the mainstream when feminists started complaining about it. It still exists in small circles where and when it can be used as a tool for sexual conquest (as it always was)..i.e. when a guy is after a girl who gets off on "a guy who opens doors for me or picks up the check or has good manners"
The problem in this situation is these women think all men want to court them at all times...hence the pompous sense of entitlement and selfish attitude they project towards men. I'd put them in the same group as the feminists who complain about guys opening doors for them - the "people I don't want to date" group.
>> ^peggedbea:
what remains of it, for the most part, is part of the courting ritual.
i'm sorry you have bitchy, attractive, spoiled neighbors. but chivalry and feminism aren't the issue.

A very, very narrow garage. But this is still awesome

thinker247 says...

And when my house catches on fire, I will simply move the two chairs, open the house door, move my car a bit, open the car door, get inside, move the car a bit more as I close the car door, close my house door as I'm sliding backward through my tiny garage, and it's off to safety!

A very, very narrow garage. But this is still awesome

Uncle_Vinnie says...

ah! For all that are interested I proudly present:

Got to put the bike outside, or else i can't drive inside
My car is 1,49 meters (4 feet and 10.6614173228347 inches )
1,49 is the width of my car
The garage is 1,55 wide
That means I have 6 cm left. 3 cm on each side.
I put up this sponge(?) so I won't crash into the wall
because I have so little space, that is why I did it.
I can't drive against the wall can I?
That is why I put it there, and on the other side
I'm going to put the car inside.
---parking the car---
Now I just have to open this door to open the door of the car.
Now I just drive backwards and I can get out.
Turn off the engine, and get out.
Push the car forwards, and I'm inside.
Close the car door, than the other door.
And then I put two chairs in front of it.
Just put two chairs in front of it and my house is all cleaned up.
Look at it!

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