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Biggest domino pyramid EVER... almost.

Ron Paul: I Would Not Have Voted For The Civil Rights Act

NetRunner says...

@Lawdeedaw, I didn't mean to offend. I just get tired of the accusations that Obama somehow wants Gitmo to stay open, likes it being open, didn't even try to close it, etc. I think on the topic, he's tried, and has pretty much been defeated. I don't think lack of committment was the issue, and I don't think the politics of it would play out differently for Ron Paul. Also, Obama wasn't President in 2008, that was George Bush, who opened it, liked it being open, and argued that the world would end if someone closed it.

Also as sick as I am about bad intentions being ascribed to Obama, I'm just as sick of hearing noble intentions ascribed to Paul.

You know how everybody likes to trot out things Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. said they'd do, but didn't get done? The same would happen with Paul. All the shit he promised to do, or not do, won't happen. He'd abandon some promises, break others, and sometimes just plain fail to deliver. He's a politician, not the second coming.

Also, the office of the President itself doesn't really have much power. Most of your power comes from your political coalitions, and Paul wouldn't have one at all. Even a proven consensus builder like Obama has found that Congressional partisanship trumps everything anymore. Paul, being a crank and a confrontational ideologue would get absolutely nowhere with either party. He's been in Congress for what, 30+ years? What's he ever accomplished? Even his wikipedia page struggles to find any legislative accomplishments.

Oh, and the media shitstorm that engulfs every President would absolutely eat him alive.

But all this is academic because he can't win the Presidency. He won't win the Republican nomination unless he abandons his principles, and if he doesn't win the nomination he won't run as an independent. If he did run as an independent, he'd just split the Republican vote and Obama would win reelection handily.

Bill Maher New Rules 5/6/11

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^Crosswords:

Part of the problem is often the face of Mexican nationality in the US isn't the successful educated Mexican's, its the day laborers. Hired as skilled labor, but largely unskilled and paid next to nothing, often below legal limits if they're undocumented. They tend to do a shit job, cutting corners and generally not caring about the quality of work they do and trying to communicate with them through the language barrier is frustrating as all get out. Of course this only happens because companies, and it seems people as a whole, prefer cheap labor over quality labor. They only exist because the market for that kind of labor is huge, so large I think its degraded the quality of labor overall. But people don't make that connection, they see bad work being done by low paid unskilled labor who happen to be Mexicans thus Mexicans are dirty and lazy. The real connection should be that builders and contractors are greedy shysters.
>> ^bareboards2:
One pride movement that is starting, quietly, is the idea of Mexican Pride. I have only seen this a couple of places, and I am cheering it on.
Unfortunately, in America, the very word "Mexican" carries with it the echo of the phrase "dirty Mexican" -- one of the reasons we use back away to be "nice" and say Hispanic/Latino/Latina, when someone is clearly Mexican.
"Nice" becomes really ugly, when the word Mexican should be a descriptive word and not pejorative just by itself.
There are some Mexicans out there who are sick of it, and are starting to reclaim their national identity.
I had never thought of it this way, until I heard this famous actor interviewed (do wish I could remember who it was -- Salma Hayek? Someone smart and beautiful, I remember that.)
I have been trying to use the word Mexican ever since, and have screwed up, because it turns out I can't tell Guatamalen from Brazilian, so I end up insulting folks anyway. But I'm trying.
Mexican. Mexican. Mexican.

Maybe that was your experience with day laborers but, it is not representative of all day laborers or people of Mexican nationality (but, Spanish as far as their race). I have worked with and hired transitory day laborers and most of them do a better job and work just as hard (if not harder) than any permanent (usually unionized) worker.
And as for hiring them, they were paid well over the average wage of most American workers. They were paid beforehand and proceeded to work quickly and efficiently. The money they make in the U.S. is worth so much more in their country. THAT'S why they're willing to work for lower wages than most Americans. I currently work with a guy that said the money he makes in 2 hours at his job here in the U.S. would last a week in El Salvador.
The market wouldn't exist if people were unhappy with the end product. So, to say that their work doesn't meet quality standards doesn't make much sense. If they were producing inferior products nobody would be hiring them.

Bill Maher New Rules 5/6/11

Crosswords says...

Part of the problem is often the face of Mexican nationality in the US isn't the successful educated Mexican's, its the day laborers. Hired as skilled labor, but largely unskilled and paid next to nothing, often below legal limits if they're undocumented. They tend to do a shit job, cutting corners and generally not caring about the quality of work they do and trying to communicate with them through the language barrier is frustrating as all get out. Of course this only happens because companies, and it seems people as a whole, prefer cheap labor over quality labor. They only exist because the market for that kind of labor is huge, so large I think its degraded the quality of labor overall. But people don't make that connection, they see bad work being done by low paid unskilled labor who happen to be Mexicans thus Mexicans are dirty and lazy. The real connection should be that builders and contractors are greedy shysters.

>> ^bareboards2:

One pride movement that is starting, quietly, is the idea of Mexican Pride. I have only seen this a couple of places, and I am cheering it on.
Unfortunately, in America, the very word "Mexican" carries with it the echo of the phrase "dirty Mexican" -- one of the reasons we use back away to be "nice" and say Hispanic/Latino/Latina, when someone is clearly Mexican.
"Nice" becomes really ugly, when the word Mexican should be a descriptive word and not pejorative just by itself.
There are some Mexicans out there who are sick of it, and are starting to reclaim their national identity.
I had never thought of it this way, until I heard this famous actor interviewed (do wish I could remember who it was -- Salma Hayek? Someone smart and beautiful, I remember that.)
I have been trying to use the word Mexican ever since, and have screwed up, because it turns out I can't tell Guatamalen from Brazilian, so I end up insulting folks anyway. But I'm trying.
Mexican. Mexican. Mexican.

Cenk Uygur discusses Obama's victory on CNN

Some old news...reanimated. (Sift Talk Post)

AdrianBlack says...

Is Videosift a finished "project" that has been completed and is now only on display?

I thought websites evolved, especially one with such active forum members as this. The sift has as always seemed to welcome feedback about improvements. Your downvote really surprises me.
Why did you not downvote each of these ideas as they were posted? Why do I get your downvote even though I simply reposted them?

So, by your thinking...ideas, improvements and upgrades are not to be discussed, tolerated or considered on Videosift...else you get a downvote for even suggesting (or reposting) such a thing?

As for your analogy of a Lego house it is a good one, but in a different way than you meant. Legos are designed to be taken apart, reconstructed, changed, or improved. That's what you as the builder are there to do, or you wouldn't have bought a Lego house in the first place. No Lego house stays in the one design you started with (much like websites, phones, computer games, etc.) or it would be pretty boring, static and unproductive.

As an unemployed engineer, did you feel you completed everything with such perfection that improvements are never needed and therefore suggestions should be hated?

I'm sure Steve Jobs would love to hire you, as he must be exhausted with all of his needless upgrading and improving by now.
>> ^marinara:
As a unemployed engineer, i hate adding features at the end of a project. Consider this a downvote.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

Gutspiller says...

CliffyB is full of douchery and follows the money, not the gamers. This is why the develop mainly for the consoles.

We all know true hardcore gamers play on PCs.

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Deano:
While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.
Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Lucky guy. PC gamers won't be getting a demo. Reportedly because Cliffy B thinks we suck and are, like, super lame.

Where do baby robots come from?

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

Deano says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Deano:
While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.
Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Lucky guy. PC gamers won't be getting a demo. Reportedly because Cliffy B thinks we suck and are, like, super lame.

I don't think you should lose much sleep to be honest It does feel like a console title through and through.

It does remind me of Gears though but it's an FPS and you've got that leash. So no getting stuck to the scenery when you least want it, so that's an improvement. On the other hand it's so OTT I wonder if the ATD crowd who this is aimed at will be able to cope.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

entr0py says...

>> ^Deano:

While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.
Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Lucky guy. PC gamers won't be getting a demo. Reportedly because Cliffy B thinks we suck and are, like, super lame.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

Deano says...

While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.

Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Fifty People One Question

albrite30 says...

>> ^ambassdor:

>> ^albrite30:
Fuck this video for making me cry at 5:53 in the morning. It was awesome.

grow a sack buddy, unless you're a chick. in which case, train yourself to be a female body-builder, then grow a sack. jk.

Grew a sack... now what the hell do I do with 4 fucking balls?

Fifty People One Question

Mitchell and Webb - Kill the Poor

peggedbea says...

i'm amongst that stastitic. i don't vote because its fucking bullshit. not because im not smart enough to grasp the issues, but because the options do not, will not and never have represented me. i can not lend my support to someone who is owned by a moneyed interest. i'm in texas too, it's fairly obvious that all our politicians are owned by oil companies, natural gas companies, home builders, halliburton, lockheed martin and wal mart. it's insulting and it is a waste of time. all the options are false.

oh, i take that back. i do vote in local elections like school board and city council and railroad commissioner and judges, etc. but only when i have reason to believe that at least one of the candidates isnt working for a church or a company. and i do a pretty thorough evaluation.

poor does not equal stupid. i would say poor simply equal unrepresented. but none of you are being represented, unless one of you happens to own lockheed martin, then you probably are very well represented.

anyway, voting is such bullshit.

i do however, enjoy vandalizing campaign signs. like, a lot. i go around and rip them out of the ground during the day, like im the person in charge of them and im supposed to be doing it. then i take them home, deface them with clever graffitti. then drive back around and put them back in the ground. like im supposed to be doing it. sometimes i just strategically relocate them, like in front of strip clubs or "gentlemen's spas". i highly recommend you all adopt this tactic in your own towns.
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Nearly 64% of the lowest 20% income bracket do not vote. Tell me DT, why do you hate poor people?

Career Builder: Monkey ads (yay! monkeys!)

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