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ant (Member Profile)

Brotherly love is irreplaceable.

Brotherly love is irreplaceable.

RC Rock Crawler Sumo

cloudballoon says...

I don't remember the model my brothers & I had anymore, as it was like over 3 decades ago, but they were analog Tamiyas. In addition to being analog sticks, there were sliders that I can fine tune acceleration limits on every axis (can control helicopters too). And that was then. Can't imagine entering these competition without these type of advanced controls with if you have a in-it-to-win-it mentality.

newtboy said:

Easy to do with RC. The difference between enough throttle to move and way too much is minuscule…or at least was when I had RC cars.

Star Wars by Wes Anderson Trailer | The Galactic Menagerie

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes….so does the law. 45+ year old Republican men taking underaged girls you supervise to your home late at night to get them drunk for sex….unethical, immoral, and absolutely illegal. A man wearing a dress and makeup to do comedy, not only not criminal but who the fuck cares?
I can’t wait for the next step, making it illegal for women to wear pants. Those transvestite cross dressing women need to be put in their place. 🤦‍♂️

Not a good thing. A cowardly, self denial thing. The reason republicans are so terrified of transexuals is they are uncontrollably attracted to them but know their friends will ridicule and ostracize them if they are discovered. Joseph’s brothers were jealous of his feminine beauty, not afraid he would sexualize their children.

Both are wrong? Sure…one is a non sexual comedy show for children, the other attempted rape of a child using drugs….to you, equally bad and wrong because you are afraid of those sexy sexy trannies. 🤦‍♂️

In case you aren’t aware, the Bible has transvestites that are considered good people in positions of power, like Joseph…that technicolor dream coat was a bridal dress of the time, his appearance described in feminine terms, he was not just a transvestite, but a transsexual who’s sex was changed in the womb…by god. Lots of child rape too, so much that there’s even child rape BY CHILDREN OF ADULTS! Anything you imagine about drag shows is right there in the Bible, but not in drag shows. But do you want it banned? Of course not, because you don’t really care about anything you whine about.
Also, in case you aren’t aware, there are multiple popular television shows about drag shows on basic cable, so I assume all republicans cancelled their cable? Of course not, that would require some sacrifice to get your way, something your ilk can’t fathom. You only act when it hurts the others but not you.

Nice job ignoring the republicans pulling 100% of funding to libraries out of pure spite because information is just for liberals and most republicans today can’t read anyway. That’s why book banning didn’t even register to you. You find banning information you dislike normal and acceptable, just like you support spreading lies you enjoy. Snowflake, stay in your safe space and leave the outside to adults.

99% of drag shows are non sexual.
No real statistics show trans people molesting children at a higher level than average men. In fact I believe the sex assault rate from the trans community is almost certainly lower than the population, but the frequency of trans people being sexually assaulted is 4 times the average. They’re the victims, not perpetrators.

Churches, on the other hand, are factories for child mollestation. Hundreds to thousands of separate victims per parish, tens of thousands to millions of mollestations. There is no group more likely to be molesters and rapists of children than clergy….NONE.

But you don’t even consider pulling children from these mollestation cabals because you know you don’t care about children being molested, you care about labeling your political enemies child molesters and hide and ignore the majority that are your “team” despite the facts.

bobknight33 said:

So you are saying 1 is a crime and the other shouldn't be.

Both are wrong.
banning all-ages drag shows is a good thing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA terrorism- Greg Abbot who has telegraphed his intent to pardon a MAGA man who posted repeatedly about his desire to shoot BLM protesters, posted that he was on his way to do it, then went to Austin and murdered one and was convicted of the murder in Texas.

But Greg Abbot likes his politics and hates BLM so murder is just fine with him.
Death, destruction, and debauchery…yep, that’s you bob.

More deaths than WW2 and Vietnam combined, more destruction of the economy than anything ever, more child sex charges, claims of lemon party orgies BY YOUR OWN MEMBERS (Cawthorn), sex trafficking (Gaetz), worshiping the man who admitted he bought miss teen USA to leer at naked young teenaged girls getting changed (also Epstein’s best friend even after his child rape conviction), years of underage congressional page raping (Mark Foley, covered up by other Republicans until it became public knowledge), pedophilic rapist coach protecting (Gym Jordan), and a daily stream of unethical, immoral, often criminal activity you simply ignore despite having multiple examples of it rubbed in your face daily.

What do you have to support your similar accusation against Democrats? Public health taken seriously, the economy recovered, unemployment almost too low, and maybe one or two instances of Democratic individuals accused (not even convicted) of sex crimes, and nonsense insanity about Illuminati pizza pedophiles and Hunter Biden being a multi billionaire, made up nonsense blaming every MAGA act of terrorism on the victims (Pelosi), etc….one big nothing burger.

Bonus- According to multiple employees Tesla has been accessing private footage from customer cars including in their homes, naked, having sex. For years employees circulated these private videos in the company as jokes and memes while publicly Elon was insisting there were stringent safeguards in place that would make that kind of thing impossible.
In California, that’s 12 separate crimes every single time the car is on private property (it’s ok to record in public without notification). Criminal investigations are underway.
I can’t imagine what China will do. They absolutely won’t allow an American company to put millions of cameras in China that the company can access and record just like we won’t let them sell Chinese cell phones in America for the same reason. This is going to hurt Tesla more than you can imagine…people don’t like being spied on, neither do countries.

Double Bonus- The trust fund Crow family, that funded the Ginny Thomas Tea Party political lobbying organization and paid her $125 k per year, paid to build the Thomas library wing, took the Thomases on multi $500000 vacations every year along with people with cases before the court, turns out to be one of the most prolific collectors of Nazi memorabilia in America and his brother is apparently running and funding forced sex parties where sex trafficked women are forced to perform public sex acts for his entertainment. Thomas claims he didn’t have to report the tens of millions in gifts because Crow was his friend….they met years after he was appointed as a Supreme Court justice and became friends by Crow buying his “friendship” for millions in unreported bribes. Your people.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Told you years ago….secret Trump love child revealed.
MIGHT not be true but he paid and fought to kill the story so it likely is.

Just wait, it’s going to come out that Barron really is Ivanka’s child….and her brother….and Melania is due tens of millions for keeping silent (but won’t ever see it).

Guaranteed there are more stories the National Inquirer caught and killed for Trump, many including secret payoffs…and if he pulled the same frauds he did with Daniels, he’s so hosed. The 34 felonies he’s charged with carry a 1 year MINIMUM. That’s 34 years if found guilty….MINIMUM. Oof.

For your bonus, Republicans now advocate weaponizing congress by ACTUALLY defunding the police, meaning cutting budgets so much the police cannot afford to continue their current investigations, in a blatant effort to protect Trump from the law. One more example of every accusation is an admission…

Democratic “defund the police” meant remove parts of the job like mental health care worker and fund existing departments dedicated to those kinds of issues that are better dealt with by professionals without overzealous law enforcement to avoid more near daily unnecessary murders by police and the accompanying multi million dollar lawsuits and freeing police to do the job of policing.

Republican “defund the police” means actually drastically cutting funding from the DOJ, FBI, and any other agency that cooperated in prosecuting Trump, and not caring one whit about the thousands of criminals that will go free, and thousands of preventable crimes that will be committed, with the only benefit being “protect Tangeriney Mousolini”. So much for the lie “party of law and order”, not that anyone outside the cult ever believed it.

PS- Way to go Wisconsin. Rejected the MAGA nutjob. The turnout by the under 30 crowd should have you shitting your pants over ‘24. If they turn out nation wide in anywhere near the same numbers (and they’re PISSED about religious zealots stripping their rights and instating pseudo-Christian Sharia law) its not going to be a blue wave or blue tsunami, it’s going to be blue waterworld.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

If only I knew how on my iPad. I’ll have to bug my brother, he knows. I’m just glad it actually updated.

Lymphoma…she lasted a full year after diagnosis. 7 years ago she was paralyzed in our back yard, but no matter how many times we asked she refused to say what happened. She never let it get her down, though. She was 13+.

ant said:

Clear your web browser's caches? Try another device? What happened to her? SIck? Defect? Accident?

Unique Strategy To Move Crib

Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart

noims says...

Aaah, nostalgia. I was young when this came out and my brother and I penned the classic 'Last Christmas I Did a Big Fart'. Just this year I've passed the torch on to my own 8-year-old who now thinks it's the best song ever.

Photographer takes photo of wave that resembles a face

If Cloud Gaming Was A Person

newtboy says...

Lol. My brother loved cloud gaming…so much he was really pissed he had to buy a disc version ps5 (or keep waiting) ….until some of the games and movies he “bought” disappeared that is. Now he hates cloud gaming, calls it a total rip off scheme, and says I was right all along to want a physical copy of my purchases.

He runs a server farm in Austin, so his internet connection was never an issue.

Thell Barrio - A Toda Madre

BSR says...


A drink to the ground for those who left
Hit one and rola we are in game,
Feel what I shout your rage with the heart
for that it reached me
Mother this life touched us!
We are what we are
Nobody interferes
unless you want
Go out with the geta open
They wanted to shut us up before but they couldn't.
We are more than friends
Come and run into walls!
So take it!
If you feel that you can Atorele!
We are still standing!!
Without fear because there is nothing to lose
brothers we are
Born to multiple mothers
we are not ten
We are a Fist!
We hit hard
Who do you think you are?
do not interfere
because you are going to lose
You have a time to flee before it explodes

A wolf comes to hit them hard...
They show the fury that converge
we come down
To send you to hell
with clenched fists
And hold your head high!
They forge it strong!
This is the fury that converge!
we come down
To send you to hell
with clenched fists
And hold your head high!


shut that snout
because for less than that
They would shovel your cesses
From the cement
the mouth of the wolf
crazy here we belong
Go back to your golden cage
And do not come to this Hell!
We provoke no one
But we fear no one
to be respected
You have to respect first
Here it is not worth your position or your money
Remember it asshole and don't come
To this Helloooooooo!

Hunter Biden Crack song

bobknight33 says...

Just for you @newtboy.
This is the Biden money laundry machine?
A family disgrace.

Kicked out armed forces due to drugs. Even his daddy can help him.

Bangs his brother wife, How low.

Newt I know you see nothing wrong with this. You have no morals.

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