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Tucker Carlson Calls Canadians Retarded

Fusionaut says...

Yes, the few Canadians you know represent all Canadians. All 2,000 of them right?

>> ^Rotty:
Although Carlson was incorrect and rude in calling all Canadians retarded, he's hit on a valid point about being resentful. My observation go way before Carlson...he was probably wearing a bow tie and knickers in high school during my early encounters. I must say that Canadians are not shy about their attitudes. They'll sit down with you at dinner and bemoan the great American opulence, stupidity and wastefulness. They'll reside (in the US) next door to you and plant a Canadian flag in their front yard. They'll recite all the musical, comedic and media persons from Canada now in the US (Rush!!!, Peter Jennings...yada...yada...yada).
Carlson is right, many Americans really don't care. I don't spend my time worrying about Canada and keeping count on who does what and where. Look, you can have hockey's not our fault that the bulk of teams are American. And yes, the Aneheim (Mighty) Ducks did win the Stanley Cup in 2007 - making Henri Richard turn in his grave, I'm sure. The only time I really consider Canada is when I start hearing the complaints. And then it's "On ,yeah...the Canadian thing...".

Tucker Carlson Calls Canadians Retarded

Rotty says...

Although Carlson was incorrect and rude in calling all Canadians retarded, he's hit on a valid point about being resentful. My observation go way before Carlson...he was probably wearing a bow tie and knickers in high school during my early encounters. I must say that Canadians are not shy about their attitudes. They'll sit down with you at dinner and bemoan the great American opulence, stupidity and wastefulness. They'll reside (in the US) next door to you and plant a Canadian flag in their front yard. They'll recite all the musical, comedic and media persons from Canada now in the US (Rush!!!, Peter Jennings...yada...yada...yada).

Carlson is right, many Americans really don't care. I don't spend my time worrying about Canada and keeping count on who does what and where. Look, you can have hockey's not our fault that the bulk of teams are American. And yes, the Aneheim (Mighty) Ducks did win the Stanley Cup in 2007 - making Henri Richard turn in his grave, I'm sure. The only time I really consider Canada is when I start hearing the complaints. And then it's "On ,yeah...the Canadian thing...".

Tucker Carlson Calls Canadians Retarded

Jon Stewart on Crossfire

KnivesOut says...

It's not that he just ran out of material. He's not and has never been funny. To sit across from John Stewart and try to be funny, in a confrontational manner... he was just asking for it. And Stewart delivered.

Bow tie indeed.

Large Hadron Collider demonstrated with a Small Pie Collider

Bill Nye the Skeptic Guy

Big Train - Evil Hypotist Can Stop You Craving Cigarettes!

LSD: Trip or Trap

bamdrew says...

"Nothing really unusual about Bob and Chuck. Just a couple of guys, in the midst of the normal process of becoming adults. Certainly nothing to forshadow the tragic events in which they were to find themselves."

I love the writing in these. You can just imagine 40-something author frowning over his bow tie while writing this.

DUDE!! Your pants!?! You're an ADULT....really. (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

MaxWilder says...

Did anybody else have a grandfather who wore his pants hitched up to his chest with suspenders? Maybe a bow tie? That was fashionable when he was young, and he never changed his style. Saggers are the same way. The style is from 15 years ago, and they got used to it. They still think it's cool. They're comfortable with it, the same way other people are comfortable with socks and sandles. Nothing you say will change them. Except maybe a young hot girl laughing in their face. Other than that, they're stuck. Be sad for them, as they look like idiots. Then take a hard look at yourself, because you are probably sporting some fashion from your youth as well.

Torture and abuse, From Stanford to Abu Ghraib

Dennis Kucinich on impeachment, MSNBC (Nov 06, 2007)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Isn't that Tucker dude the guy that used to work on CNN - and was fired after Jon Stewart came on the show to ask them to "stop hurting America"? The pain continues I see ...

At least he's lost the bow tie. Seriously, why is this moron still on camera in front of a national audience?

Tucker Carlson: Gay Basher. Literally.

Fletch says...

Wow, haven't seen any coverage of this by the RWM that hasn't evoked Bill Clinton. Pathetic.

And Tucker Carlson not gay? Puh-lease! Tucker, putting the bow-ties away doesn't make the gay go away.

(I smell bullshit too)

Ron Paul on Tucker Carlson

Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart: Willie the Pimp

mlx says...

I'm a little pimp with my hair gassed back
Pair a khaki pants with my shoe shined black

Got a little lady . . . walk the street
Tellin' all the boys that she cain't be beat

Twenny dollah bill (I can set you straight)
Meet me onna corner boy 'n don't be late

Man in a suit with a bow-tie neck
Wanna buy a grunt with a third party check

Standin' onna porch of the Lido Hotel
Floozies in the lobby love the way I sell:


Get rid of those clip-ons! How to tie a tie

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