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Gallowflak (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Indeed. But who the fuck cares. No one.. 'cept you. and that other guy maybe.

In reply to this comment by Gallowflak:
Your sarcasm does you no credit. Anyway, it's not about being forced to do anything, and you know that. It colours the conversation, the discourse, and increases the distribution of shinyblurry's fetid bullshit across the comment threads. That's all.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Yeah, I bet it's really annoying to be FORCED, against your will, to read his and my comments.

Woe is you, and all because of my want of a few lulz. Shame on me.

In reply to this comment by Gallowflak:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since January 21st, 2011" class="profilelink">shinyblurry
So if Humans are Yahweh's greatest creation..
Why do octopuses/octopodes have perfect eyes with no blindspots.. but we don't?

So often, you're shinyblurry's enabler. And it's becoming really annoying.

Why we Have Blind Spots - and How To See Blood Vessels

TheGenk says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

It's more logical if you want them to be blind. The reason it is designed that way is because of UV light..water blocks it out, air doesn't..the blood vessels are in front to block out the UV light..otherwise you would be blind in a few days.
>> ^TheGenk:
Interesting, I always thought the cells were arranged like the cephalopods since it's more logical.
Got to keep that in mind when I create my army of genetically engineered superhumans to take over the world.

Since I'm an intelligent designer, I would just put a UV filter on the cornea, therefor solving this problem and increasing their ability to see in low light situations a little in one go.

Why we Have Blind Spots - and How To See Blood Vessels

shinyblurry says...

It's more logical if you want them to be blind. The reason it is designed that way is because of UV light..water blocks it out, air doesn't..the blood vessels are in front to block out the UV light..otherwise you would be blind in a few days.

>> ^TheGenk:
Interesting, I always thought the cells were arranged like the cephalopods since it's more logical.
Got to keep that in mind when I create my army of genetically engineered superhumans to take over the world.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

It's a dumb solution if you enjoy being blind. The difference between the octopuses environment and ours is that water is good at filtering out UV rays and air is not. The blood vessels are in front of the retina to block out the UV light..if it were reversed you would be blind in a matter of days.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since January 21st, 2011" class="profilelink">shinyblurry

My point was: Why would Yahweh give his most perfect creations an imperfectly designed structure?

Especially when it's such an easy fix:
Membrane THEN photoreceptors = Perfect
Photoreceptors THEN membrane = dumb, more complicated solution.

Was the perfect eye still in research and development when Yahweh created Adam?

Just seems sorta silly that Yahweh would overlook such a simple mistake.

Why we Have Blind Spots - and How To See Blood Vessels

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Sure. Could you post a "complete and utter bullshit/reassuring psychobabble" vid?

Psh, why you and gallowflak gotta hate on my lawlz like that?

>> ^srd:

From amazing home science kids will love to fundamentalist Jesus-Loves-You spew in two comments.
Genji, could you please do your befuddled believer baiting in posts more relevant to the... ahem... discussion... you're trying to initiate?

Why we Have Blind Spots - and How To See Blood Vessels

Jinx says...

Cool video. Knew about the blind spots, didn't know about the blood vessels casting a shadow.

Is this why I see blood vessels in my vision whenever I go to the optician and they shine a bright light in there, or is that something different?

Why we Have Blind Spots - and How To See Blood Vessels

New drug kills fat cells

deathcow says...

True enough -- It is a whacked suggestion when parodying the safety of that other product. I have seen the old and frail go through HCG though and come out with better cardio health, massively less joint pain etc. I guess the same will probably be said of this new drug.

HCG makes you burn the energy in your fat.... not kill the blood vessels which supply the cells.

Colbert - Vodka Tampons

heropsycho says...

Dude, the alcohol just has to get absorbed in the bloodstream. It doesn't have to go through your digestive track necessarily. And there's a crap load of blood vessels in the vagina.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

When I was 13. My friend's mother's boyfriend told us about how he once got shitfaced by imbibing an entire bottle of wine rectally.
He looks exactly like Quagmire from Family Guy so I don't doubt it.
However, since vaginas aren't connected to the digestive tract [normally]..
I think vodka tampons was just a clever idea to give a few dumb highschool girls inflamed, burning, possibly infected vaginas.
>> ^garmachi:
Has anyone on the sift tried this?

Vancouver Riots - Don't Stand on the Porta Potty

bareboards2 says...

Really? I've never been punched or tased -- but doesn't a punch last a lot longer? Might get you a broken nose? Burst a blood vessel in your eye?

That is a real question -- I know that once you get tased, you don't ever want to be tased again.

But given a choice?

Anybody out there can give us an informed opinion? Or is baashar informed? Have you been subjected to both, baashar?

>> ^baashar:

>> ^SDGundamX:
I don't think cops should have the right to close-fisted punch someone in the face, but then again I don't think I've ever seen anyone like this who so clearly deserved a punch in the face for his behavior.

I would rather be punched in the face than tazed

The chemical properties of Viagra

westy says...

>> ^deathcow:

I just think they have a target in mind. For example they probably wont go into pentathol and then demonstrate it by euthanizing an animal.

they don't need to but i'm pretty sure if they covered it they would not shy away from saying "its used to euthanise animals" - not alued to that as its main usage but then skip around saying specifically what its used for by only describing what it does on a cellular level. also for example why bring up Viagra if all you are going to talk about is the raw chemical and how it dilates blood vessels when Viagra is marketed primary as a erectile disfuntion drug?

the word penis/erection or discusoin on the scientific raw facts of sex should not have a age restriction on them. the problem hear is simply that they alluded to something rather than just saying it which is out of character for the videos where they have no problem specifcly saying the use for other chemicals or what they do to things on a practical level.

No one thinks thay should have gone into full graphical detail on how penises and sex work ( although that is lagimitely as interesting as any other thing) its just a case of being mature and not continuing useless cultural hangovers.

The chemical properties of Viagra

westy says...

>> ^deathcow:

I think a lot of kids watch this series of vids and they just dont want to talk about vigorous erections.

Why not ? whats mental is he alludes to the whole erection thing constantly if he had just said about the blood vessel thing and that was it that would be fine , what is weard with this is the effort to allude to what it does to the penis without just staiting it in a nomal scentific way,

in fact this is a grate opertunity to have some basic sex eduction in a non stuffy way where a kid can go oh right thats how an erection works without having it all be conected to Sex all the time.

lol idiot attitudes to sex any me as much as religion its the same sort of retarded culturally passed taken for granted mind set

Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

LarsaruS says...

>> ^AnomalousDatum:

So he apparently didn't get past the first story mission. I don't blame him, 20 hours into the game, I still haven't bothered to get onto the main island which is 3x as large as the first biggish island.
On another note, Magic is a tad overpowered in this game; when you can summon 8 lvl 32 monsters with 160% health and damage at level 20, there's not much point in doing anything else other than summoning a whirling rock barrier so nothing can possibly reach you. Then proceed to instant casting 1000 damage homing fireballs that also stuns everything within 8 meters.

This is the way magic should be. I mean if I got magic powers and somebody fights me I would just use telekinesis to squeeze shut their blood vessels going to and from their heart and brain. Or how about teleporting your enemy into the sun, or your enemies brain, or teleporting a stone inside your enemies head? That'll do the trick...

Magic in most games are way too underpowered in my opinion. Ohh, look you spent 15 years working out and training to be a master swordsman... (One thought later) Now you are 2000 meters under water, hope you can breath water and survive the water pressure... No? Oh, I'm sorry, I know magic so I can...

Cow Loses Face, Literally, Still Lives?!

EMPIRE says...

I don't believe it's fake. Although unlikely, it seems it would be able to survive since the brain was still intact. I would attribute the fact that there isn't any blood squirting from the wound to 2 possible things:

The video is low-res (and thankfully! no need to see such a gruesome thing even clearer) and it would make it hard to notice blood dripping or squirting out.

Or the accident is very very recent, and the blood vessels constricted, and that's why it's still alive.

Poor thing... i hope someone put the cow out of her misery very quickly after the video was shot.

Christopher Hitchens talks about his cancer diagnosis on CNN

Psychologic says...

Cancer is completely misunderstood by most people these days. The general view seems to be that no one has cancer until something "gives" it to them, like a virus giving you a cold. Then, once you have it, there are a few medical interventions that may or may not help.

In reality, everyone has cancer (or at the very least micro-tumors). Whether those tumors are held in check by the immune system or allowed to grow and invade other tissue is largely an effect of the condition of the person's body, which in most cases is very much controlled by that person.

Inflammation drives many of the processes that feed cancer, including the creation of the additional blood vessels around it. Things that significantly increase inflammation include tobacco, alcohol, excess fat (especially abdominal fat), lack of exercise, foods high in omega-6, and any foods that increase insulin levels abruptly (ie- sugar and refined carbs).

So yes, Hitchens' lifestyle is a large part of the problem. Thin people who exercise and eat plenty of vegetables do get cancer, but at much lower rates than those who eat a typical western diet and don't exercise regularly.

If you want to reduce your personal risk of cancer then don't smoke, don't drink, get lots of omega-3, eat lots of veggies (variety is the most important thing), and get plenty of exercise (length of exercise is more important than the intensity).

Eventually we'll have the medical knowledge to prevent and cure virtually all cancer, but currently you are the only one who can control whether you live long enough to see those advances. You can't currently drop your chances of cancer to 0%, but you can get very close.

>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^chilaxe:
Hitchens, as intellectual as he is, basically killed himself. Smoking, drinking, overweight, no exercise, probably terrible diet.
If there were a "next time," he should clean up his act within a rational time frame, and advocate increased science funding above the miniscule current amounts. We'd feel really dumb if we died of a curable disease.
However, there isn't a next time...

Right, because skinny people who exercise, and don't smoke or drink never get cancer.
Give me a fucking break.

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