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Blade Runner - Tears in Rain

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'blade, runner, tears, rain, rutger, hauer' to 'blade runner, tears in the rain, rutger hauer, harrison ford, robot, android' - edited by kronosposeidon

Red Dwarf - The Picture Zoom/Enhance Sketch

"Remember laserdisc?" An AVGN review.

Croccydile says...

Well he got it exactly right, LaserDisc is great for collecting... but hardly a convenient format anymore. I think one of the nerd holy grails is the Star Wars discs because they are the "best quality available" of the original unedited movies. There are a few of my DVDs I remember the commentary track they speak of it as "commentary for this LaserDisc" so I imagine they were borrowed here and there. Or, unique commentary on LaserDisc vs. DVD (Blade Runner?)

Image quality is arguable and there is no real winner between LD and DVD. LD in video is still a composite signal and any LD player with S-Video is just running it through an internal comb filter. Technically its commercial quality VHS on a disc. Some movies remastered for HD and DVD like Ben-Hur there is a significant difference though, like no still image jittering.

But hey, can you really argue how cool it is to pull out a huge disc like that? (As long as its does not suffer from laser rot in the meantime)

Hollywood's favourite meme: Zoom & Enhance

Croccydile says...

Goddamnit Blade Runner, its all your fault for starting this crap!

Although seriously, if I'm watching a movie or TV show these days and they do this crap its an instant WTF GTFO moment for me. Real security cameras are VGA at best (has anyone come across an actual product that uses HDTV grade stuff?) and the definition is laughable to even recognize a face if the person is standing right there in front of it.

The "zoomed out" pictures they show in the clips there are about 4x better definiton than the real thing... I would love it if the stuff here even provided that.

Memorable scene from Kubrick's Paths of Glory

shuac says...

Great flick, one of my faves. That's Joe Turkel in the stretcher who, much later, played the ghostly bartender at the Overlook Hotel in The Shining and Dr. Eldon Tyrell "God of the Replicants" in Blade Runner.

Oh, and Probies can upvote their own vids. No shame involved, trust me.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 says...

I never heard the Alex North's score.

Vangelis is very soothing. I actually found a internet radio station called Bluemars that plays alot of really nice spacey chill music.

Anyway here is the embed, just change the embed src with this i highlighted the change in bold, and it will start from the song.


In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
I don't know how to do that fancy embed stuff. Maybe you could help me? If I spoke Japanese, that intro would be more entertaining..

I love Vangelis' soundtrack for Blade Runner. It's amazing.

Alex North's original soundtrack for 2001--which didn't get used, ultimately--is pretty great, as well.

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
I love having this movie play in the background just for the atmospheric music and dialog. Same thing I do with 2001 and Blade Runner.

Might wanna add a $start=160 or so to kick it off from the music. The introduction is pretty lengthy.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

I don't know how to do that fancy embed stuff. Maybe you could help me? If I spoke Japanese, that intro would be more entertaining..

I love Vangelis' soundtrack for Blade Runner. It's amazing.

Alex North's original soundtrack for 2001--which didn't get used, ultimately--is pretty great, as well.

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
I love having this movie play in the background just for the atmospheric music and dialog. Same thing I do with 2001 and Blade Runner.

Might wanna add a $start=160 or so to kick it off from the music. The introduction is pretty lengthy.

Kenji Kawai - Reincarnation [Ghost in the Shell]

Farhad2000 says...

I love having this movie play in the background just for the atmospheric music and dialog. Same thing I do with 2001 and Blade Runner.

Might wanna add a $start=160 or so to kick it off from the music. The introduction is pretty lengthy.

Philip K. Dick - Rare Interview at French SciFi Con 1977

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Philip Dick, Bladerunner, A Scanner Darkly, CIA' to 'Philip Dick, Blade runner, A Scanner Darkly, CIA, paranoia, france, editors, support, 77' - edited by Eklek

EVE Online: The Butterfly Effect

Farhad2000 says...

Alot of people say EVE is boring, like a second job and so on. I understand that totally.

However it allows you to create your own emergent game play opportunities. I PVP mostly with an alliance based in low sec space. However I also trade components in High sec for the sheer enjoyment of manipulating one of them most largest, most complex virtual economies. It's not always explosions and large capital engagements, sometimes you are simply working out have to fit your ship for combat, or trying to make ISK to buy better modules and ships.

My main investment in the game is high tech research and development components, most of which I find in secluded magnometric sites, that need to be probed out using a triangulation method and a covert ops ship. This takes hours usually in dangerous systems where I could risk my ship. However the process is enjoyable to me, it hits that 2001/Blade Runner sci-fi setting for me. I dig the atmosphere.

But these moments of building up to large battles (heists, production completions, pirating, capital warfare whatever) only makes it that much more interesting, because I have invested time with the game, that ship and it's modules is perhaps weeks of mining, shooting, looting and trading. When I triumph with it I will feel elated. When I lose it I will feel crushed. There is real emotional investment with the assets. The reason so many people quit the game in emo-rage when their shiny new battleship gets jumped by a blob of pirates. The reason so many people play to kill others and see them emo-rage quit when their shiny carrier gets trapped in a large interdiction sphere and can't warp.

Thankfully CCP has reworked and keeps reworking the introduction tutorials to make it easier for new players now outlining career paths that pilots can take.

I still understand its not for everyone. It's not and it's good that way. Because they haven't diluted core elements of the game trying to become WOW.

I've seen Lego things you people wouldn't believe

Any gamers in the crowd? (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Drax says...

^ I just played Halo 2 finally on my PC (I played PC Halo 1 ages ago), there's something very charming about that series.. maybe it's Cortana's purple butt (Now I seriously want a Halo 3 port).

BUT anyways, this just in. Force Unleashed coming to pc's >D

I know it didn't hit it off to well with the critics, but I still want to play it just for the story line sake if nothing else.

And yes, I still have Blade Runner for the PC. Great game for a slow, cold and rainy weekend.

Vintage RCA Videodisc player... or, Video from an 'LP'

I've seen Lego things you people wouldn't believe

Vintage RCA Videodisc player... or, Video from an 'LP'

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