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The View: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Is Outraged!

choggie says...

That show is a catch-all for has-beens....these broads had their fifteen minutes and can't bow out gracefully....)kinda hard without a lexicon for the meaning of the word)....Bimbos all-but i really can't slight them for the verbal masturbation...if they had something to say, though...
and crist ya'd think BABAWAWA woulda spent some of her coin on taking care of that lisp! Shes a talikin head fer crissakes!


Remember girls, it's up & DOWN ... not up & BACK!!

Why You Shouldn't Make Fun of Nerds... (Hilarious!)

Senator Boxer on Fox News - Fair and Balanced

Trailer for live-action "DOA: Dead or Alive" movie!

swampgirl says...

ok, I hate bimbo movies with a passions and I've never played Dead or Alive for that reason. Being female makes the boobie physics a bit of a bore for me. But this has enough Soul Calibur feel to it to be interesting.

The upvote is for the Wilhelm scream. :-)

Kari Byron (MythBusters) FHM Video

conan says...

Hmmm, remembers me of Duke Nukem, where i came across the word Bimbo (in the context of hot women) the first time. I never really got it, as in Germany it is an extremly racist word for black persons, maybe worse than the N-word...

Kari Byron (MythBusters) FHM Video

Kari Byron-Butt Scan

swampgirl says...

Kari ruins the show. The show was just fine. Just like when G4 bought Tech tv..or ZDTV back when it was about technology and not about bimbos window dressing for gamers.
The original Mythbusters is all the show needed. I quit watching after they revamped it w/ the techie cool kids.

Kari Byron (MythBusters) FHM Video

Ridiculous GameCrazy Employee Training Video

pho3n1x says...

what's with all the urban slang? it was slightly funny at first, but then just got obnoxious.
corporate america needs to realise that some crazy bimbo and two psuedo announcers isn't going to drive a salesman, or successfully drive a company. then again, mcdonalds now relies on the slogan, "I'm lovin' it." so meh...
and the mom situation is so incredibly far off it's not funny. like the kid isn't saying to her every three seconds, "Mom, I want a [insert fav console name here]"

all in all, it's not too bad a strategy, as long as you're helping someone with a need. Accosting someone with the entire thing if someone's already chosen and decided on a product isn't needed at all. The GC guys here are pretty cool though, if they can see you don't want to be bothered.

anti-gay protestor vs. fox news "bimbo"

debate212 says...

I want to thank the news reporter for fighting back to the religous "bimbo". Even though the news reporter may have said things that are unprofessional I feel that she had to do that to stand up against people that beleive in hate. I wish that people will only commend the news person for her great act.

As for the religous "bimbo" her beleifs are appalling and disgusting. Even though she does have the right to freedom of speech it is a terrible thing to protest against gays and lesbians at a funeral. However it is even worse when the the funeral is for a person that did a wonderful and noble thing by serving their country.

I hope the religous "bimbo" will now be shunned upon. And I hope that least one of her 11 children (8 boys and 3 girls) is a homosexual. You know, statistics show that 1 in 10 people is either gay, lesbian, or transgendered.

Thank you fox new reporter for sticking up to people that only damage and hurt our socity.

E3 Wonder Woman Booted

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