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Pamela Anderson on Sarah Palin: Suck It

Pamela Anderson on Sarah Palin: Suck It

CaptainPlanet420 says...

Good to know some things never change, Pam is still a horribly stupid blond bimbo with a schoolgirl attitude. I would like very much to throw her in the wilderness and watch her starve to death by virtue of her own naive stubbornness.

Pamela Anderson on Sarah Palin: Suck It

TDS 8/29/08: John McCain Chooses a Running Mate

Girl laughs like a videogame

Dita Von Teese- Striptease Martini Glass Performance

10722 says...

Yes.. she is incredibly sexy.

It's good that she avoided the blonde bimbo look,but it's a shame she still felt the need to enlarge her breasts (or those are the firmest, most widely spaced natural breasts of that size I have ever seen)

Girls rob Girl Scout of cookie money then brag to the news

Krupo says...

My personal favourite is to have the offender fired.

Out of a cannon.

Into the sun.

>> ^Johnald_Chaffinch:
^ i second that.
bu there's a lesson to be learnt for all 9 year old girls waving an envelope around with $150 in it

LOL, seriously. Or parents, take the big bills into your care instead of leaving them lying there on a table ready for some crack-head bimbo-bitch to abscond with.

>> ^Ryjkyj:
How about if we just strapped them down and force fed them twinkies for a few months?

Now *THAT'S* the classy level of punishments we've come to expect at the sift.

Incestual assault? That's so YT-cliched. Bring up to a higher level please.


Start Your Engines! It's The Issy500! (Pets Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^deathcow:
> Yes! More women at the top
I wont say it, but I'm thinking it.

I'm so glad you went there before I did. This last day and a half has been hell for me resisting that urge.

It's only because I respect women so much that I didn't say it. (PM me if you want to hear the latest bimbo jokes.)

Deal or No Deal: Queen of Obliviousness

Payback says...

^ If it were a guy he would have noticed right away. The internal dialog would go something like,

"Whoa, 21 is totally into me, she's always smil... hey... she looks a lot like Brenda... omfg... I have to call Brenda after the show I found some bimbo that totally looks like her."

Find North without a compass (47 sec)

fleetze says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
>> ^BillOreilly:
Now if only there were a simple video to show my ex-wife how to live within her means.
Not that I'm bitter or anything.

But there are sooo many bodacious blonde bimbos at Fox News. Have you not a bounty from which to replenish?

Once you've handled your business while looking at Coulter no other woman can match up.

Find North without a compass (47 sec)

Pathetic Belgrade looters caught on tape

Sarzy says...

Here's the full text of that article:

BELGRADE (Reuters) - A video of two young women looting with gay abandon during rioting in the Serbian capital Belgrade was becoming a Balkan smash hit on the video-sharing Web site YouTube Friday.

Police arrested some looters but public humiliation by YouTube may prove a far more painful punishment for the pair, whose spree Thursday night was also aired on local television stations and was being discussed across the Internet.

A persistent amateur cameraman followed the women as they loaded up with chocolates at a corner shop, came out giggling, then went after designer bags, shoes and clothes at Belgrade's swankiest stores in its vandalized main shopping street.

"Get lost, stop filming," one of them shouted, so laden down with booty that clothes and bags dripped to the ground amid the broken glass below emptied storefronts.

"But you are the heroines of this protest for me," the cameraman replied sarcastically above the din of burglar alarms.

Looters seized their chance as rioters attacked Western embassies during a mass rally to protest at U.S. and European support for Kosovo's independence.

The second woman covered her face with a pair of looted shoes when she saw she was being filmed.

"Have you found your size yet?" asked the cameraman.

YouTube viewers were not amused.

"Shame on you," was the general message of hundreds of comments about the women's behavior, though most used unrepeatable vocabulary.

The video was entitled "Swapping Kosovo for a pair of sneakers" and the person who posted it, "Gvantanamo," gave a description:

"Belgrade bimbos exploit unrest to steal from smashed-up boutiques without the slightest shame. They are so greedy they even have to carry things in their teeth."

The next day text-message jokes about the video and the looting swept around Serbia.

"Swap you 11 left Nikes for 11 left Reeboks," read one.

Finally, Jet Li and Jackie Chan in the Same Movie

9547 says...

"OK, I have this incredible scenario: Jackie Chan and Jet Li in the same movie!"
"That's it. That's the scenario"
"That's short"
"That's OK. They'll just portray some stereotyped characters from their early career. Like, I don't know, a dead serious leader and a funny drunken guy"
"Who will they fight?"
"Whoever...we'll just rip off stuff everyone knows about but no one has seen, and call that 'homages'. They'll just fight East Chamber Qing guards led by, say, a bride with white hair, in never-before-seen places like a Chinese inn or a bamboo forest. And we'll add some tasteless bimbos here and there"
"Good enough"
"Also, Shaolin monks"
"What for?"
"I really don't know, but no stereotyped Hollywood kung-fu movie would be complete without Shaolin monks"
"Deal. But they need to speak English"
"And they all speak English. Wait. Actually, sod Chan and Li, they'll be the sidekicks, and the hero will be an American white male. An American Dragonball kid. It will be directed by the guy who did Stuart Little"

I predict it will suck. Unless you have actually seen Li's and Chan's period pieces, in which case it will suck TERRIBLY.

How will Porn Stars vote on Super Tuesday?

Devout Christians beware - Teh GAYZ are coming to your town!

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