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kulpims (Member Profile)

Skater punched by kid's mom

newtboy says...

To me it's one or the other...either it's justifiable violence or it's crazy to think it's justifiable violence. To me, using violence to answer an obvious accident is just plain crazy.
I watched in full screen and could not see the head touch ground, and never once noticed the child putting it's hands up to it's head, which would be the normal reaction if it's head were hurt. I mentioned it was not bleeding to indicate there didn't seem to be even a superficial skin wound, not to indicate that no blood means no injury.
Well, I indicated race because they were of different races, and sex because they were different sexes, and age because they were different ages, and for some reason it seems you expected different levels of responsibility from them. Perhaps it was not for any of these reasons, but I think they all come into play in your apparent theory that have differing levels of responsibility for their own actions, certainly sex seems to for most people.
Somehow my first post in this thread disappeared, I explained there that I thought they had about a 60/40 split with the larger responsibility going to the adult skater because NEITHER was looking where they were going, perhaps even 70/30. My point is that the child was not looking where it was running either, and was not being supervised by anyone that was watching out either, and it bears SOME responsibility. It could just as easily been hit by a bicycle that likely would have had every right to be there the way it ran diagonally across the open area, and I feel the reaction would have been identical.
I am not surprised that the law is different in many places. In many states, if someone assaults you and you have something in your hands, you may use it to defend yourself. It wouldn't be 'bringing in a weapon' because you had it in hand when attacked. If you pick something up, it would likely be different. In almost every state, if the attacker is still moving towards you (as she was at the end) you may use whatever force needed to stop the attack. In some states, it seems you may arm yourself before being touched and use deadly force to stop the advance if you fear attack. Once the attack/advance is halted, I think that all changes almost everywhere.
On a moral basis, my feeling is if they sucker punch you in the face, you should get one free shot back at them, even if they turn and run. I'm not sexist or ageist and try to not be racist, so none of those things should enter into who hit who.
edit: and you are correct, I just guessed the skater was white based on his appearance, accent, and the fact that he's skating. I may well be wrong about that (and many other things).

Ryjkyj said:

Wow, I hate to even justify your ramblings with a response but I want to make something clear:

I am not advocating violence or trying to justify her action. I never said that lady was in the right for hitting the guy, only that it's not such a crazy reaction to expect. Nor would hitting her back be so crazy... if the guy didn't just run over her child. Sure he might be legally justified but he'd also be a dickhead.

I don't know what video you were watching but the kid's head clearly hit the ground in the one I saw. And I know you're probably not a doctor, but a head injury that doesn't bleed is exactly the kind you don't want.

As for your making the issue about race and sex, I'm not even sure where you're coming from. I'd be really interested to know how you determined this man's race from a grainy youtube video. And for that matter, as a white male, I'd be interested to know why you even think it's important at all.

I'd also be interested to know how you came up with the crazy idea that skateboarding into a toddler who's running around in a park is partly the toddler's fault. And again with the "unwatched toddler" bullshit. Lucky put it pretty eloquently above.

Oh, and while we're on the subject: you might be surprised to know that in many places in the US, if someone assaults you, even if they sucker-punch you, and you escalate the situation by bringing in a weapon, you can get in just as much, if not more trouble than your assailent. I know a lot of people like to believe otherwise but you'd probably surprised at the amount of people who get in trouble for that.

GoPro Footage of Bike Jump into Lake

Shia LaBeouf Likes to Stare at Stoplights

shatterdrose says...

Can I add a speculation too?

Maybe he was looking at the GoPro. I bike (bicycle) and I can't tell you how many times people just stare at me . . . They think the light on my helmet is a camera. They even pose sometimes . . . And I very kindly tell them they're a dumbass, it's just a light.

Physics and Biking

oritteropo says...

He went through the entire vid without mentioning Williams Hybrid Power, the spin-off from the flywheel storage developed for the Williams F1 car in 2008/2009:

Unfortunately it couldn't be scaled up to the increased KERS output required for the 2011 season, at least not in a way that fit in an F1 car, so Williams now run the same electric KERS as everybody else. The flywheels are used in other racing series and in road cars though, as mentioned in their vid.

One very obvious difference between the prototype bicycle system in this vid and the WHP version is that they are using relatively lightweight composite flywheels and then spinning them to speeds that would tear apart the car flywheel from this vid, typically 20,000 to 50,000 rpm. This greatly increases the amount of energy storage available which increases linearly with mass, but with the square of rotational velocity.

The future of cycling is here

spawnflagger says...

For a bicycle, the gyroscopic effect would actually help maintain balance. The added weight isn't a big deal if the place you ride is mostly flat. There are some safety concerns of any appendages contacting the flywheel.

Even with awesome bearings, that flywheel probably loses most of its stored energy overnight. ("serious" energy storage flywheels are floating magnetically in a vacuum at 50,000 rpm)

For cars, batteries can store *many* more joules of energy per kg, so using flywheels instead of batteries would make the vehicle less efficient- since it's heavier.

Would be neat to make a pedal-car with flywheels, rider(s) would pedal constantly to add energy to the flywheels, even when at a red-light. Sell it as exercise equipment for short commutes.

The future of cycling is here

Smart Car Off-Road Capabilities

Monkey Light Pro Pimps Your Bike's Wheels

Persistence of Vision Bike Wheel Video Display System

Cardboard Bike Can Support Riders Up To 485lbs

Cardboard Bike Can Support Riders Up To 485lbs

Cardboard Bike Can Support Riders Up To 485lbs

Cardboard Bike Can Support Riders Up To 485lbs

Engine Start Up Fail.

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