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Joe Biden Shakes Chuck Schumer's Hand, Tries again?

BSR says...

Clearly Biden wanted a second handshake without Chucks' handshake buzzer. Those two are always trying to outdo each other. Behind closed doors Biden calls him "Chuckles". You can clearly see Chuck has that "Gotcha" look on his face when he gets to the podium.

When Taking Down "Anonymous" Goes Wrong

cloudballoon says...

He wasn't taking down Anonymous, nor could he. Nothing "Goes Wrong" really. In fact, EVERYTHING went right splendidly for Anonymous.

Watching the long trail of vulnerabilities he left behind, he likely couldn't even take down an amatuer teen hacker wannabe if he tried without getting his own ass served on a plate.

The title could be "When an incompetent, arrogant & greedy nincompoop gets his just rewards."

"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

luxintenebris says...

Lived near an intersection where one got used to hearing auto crashes. Whenever it sounded like someone dropping a refrigerator off the back of a truck - it was time to call 911.

Know of a house in CA that was hit 7 or 8 times because of the road design. Took years for homeowners to get the officials to improve it.

cut'n'paste link:,+Highland,+CA+92346/@34.1190144,-117.1469675,3a,75y,100.67h,88.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sX-h_b08ZKiuka1

it'd be the home to the right of the 'turnaround' area behind the rock (which might have been the homeowners' first solution to the problem - a few deaths just might get officials to take it seriously). Also if you zoom in on the north side of the house, there is a patio doorway. That's the area where it got hit last. Maybe it was easier than fixing the wall?

the high traffic street use to just slope off into a residential street. some folks didn't know the road ended despite some signage. most just travel not knowing it ended couldn't stop in time or missed the turn at high speed.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

1) not a trial. Sad you just can’t understand or accept that no matter how often it’s pointed out, and telling.

2) only the agents involved denied it, other agents admitted it’s been talked about between agents since Jan 2020. Those two agents, still in Trump’s employ today, and others, are also in big trouble for erasing their text and phone messages and records for the days surrounding the failed coup AFTER being ordered by the courts to preserve them, hardly unbiased or truthful witnesses. Another American institution who’s reputation and trustworthiness have been completely destroyed by Trumpists breaking rules and laws for great great grandad the Ochre ogre.

3) you don’t even know they weren’t called, only not publicly called. They don’t waste time publicly presenting witnesses who can only corroborate non criminal activities. They don’t list the witnesses that testify in secret behind closed doors….for their safety. Rabid Trumpterrorists have made serious death threats against every public witness, some have tried to follow through with them.

Wait….so you want to lap up AOCs bath water? We all know every right wing accusation is an admission….what did you just admit to?

I’m lapping it up, seasoned with con’s tears. So yummy you guys, the tears of unfathomable sadness!

bobknight33 said:

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.
Even the agents involved denied this ever occurred. Why weren't they called to "testify"

Fools like you are lapping it up like AOC's bath water.

Good parenting

newtboy says...

Are they disrespectful? Yes.
Is their behavior acceptable? No.
Will it hurt their future if not corrected? Absolutely.
Is that why I think YOU chose to post this particular video? No, I believe it’s because you think it reinforces your world view that includes sentiments like the one you quoted above….” I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.”…you actually said you just think that MIGHT possibly be racist, it’s “iffy”, but I think you agree with the idea, and the others I listed above that you somehow inexplicably don’t find at all racist too.

There is a similarity in the people you single out as “the problem” vs those you excuse for similar actions…it’s not their behavior, it’s their skin color. It’s too consistent that you use non whites as examples of criminality and excuse whites for similar or worse actions to be coincidental. I think you really believe all non whites are just born criminals, and white criminals are mostly framed. I think you wear blinders that won’t let you see anything else.

Bad parenting….explain. Because their parents may need 3 jobs to pay rent and feed them, and they’re unsupervised?
Sounds like government sponsored daycare might be something you would support….but I bet you don’t.
Sounds like funding a variety of after school programs would save tons of money and stop crime, but I doubt you support them either.
Both together are insanely cheaper than police, prisons, and high crime.

@kir_mokum hit the nail on the head. You vote and advocate to remove all pathways to advancement then blame the needy for falling behind.

bobknight33 said:

I know that they are disrespectful.
You and @newtboy find this acceptable.

They will grow up and end up like this kid. All due to bad parenting.

Apparently you like this kind of behavior .. Your ok with it?

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...

Not what I meant…because it was promised by the British long before WW2…as if it was really theirs to gift. Then they half assed the handoff and just walked away, at least that’s my take. It wasn’t handed to anyone as reparations…I know that.

The Palestinians have bled for that land at least 10 fold the amount Israeli have….just sayin.

I meant in a practical and ethical sense it would have made more sense for them to take part of Germany as actual reparations.

What I mean is the military equipment and funding we gifted them, and continue to gift them, without which they would have been destroyed in the 50’s.

Yes, in the 50’s through 80’s the Arab world was an obstacle to peace at least as much as Israel, but not so much recently….Iran being the main exception. The fact that the Arab world is at least 3 generations of military equipment behind means they aren’t a serious threat and haven’t been since America started defending them in the 50’s.

When they, as a people, invade a recently sovereign land and take it by force, then brutally subjugate the natives in the name of their safety for decades while expanding into their last remaining holdings constantly, all the while playing the victim, I’m 100% prepared to say the Jewish invaders are the bad guys….that’s anyone not granted refugee status by the Palestinians….likely over 99%. The refugees that didn’t take part in the violent bloody nation grab and subjugation and who went back home I do not blame.

bcglorf said:


And it’s in the origins that I think our disagreement lies. It’s convenient for both the Arab and western worlds to agree that Israel owes it’s existence as a state to Western powers gifting palestine to them as ‘reparations’. That it’s convenient for both parties though is about as far as the truth of it really goes.

As a realist, I don’t see anything going much differently if the west had opposed Jewish settlement in Palestine at the time. The Jewish people were fleeing the anticipated holocaust. In the aftermath of the actual holocaust, it was their own actions of settling in Palestine, and defending themselves once there that made them a state. Nobody gave it to them, they fought and bled for it themselves.

The closest interference of Britain came in trying to wash their hands of Palestine and declaring a 2 state solution, with borders drawn around the territory in Palestine currently occupied by Jewish and Arab populations. I still hold the key to the ongoing problems are not Israel’s declaration of independence accepting that 2 state solution, but instead the entire arab world’s declaration of war on them and intention to drive them “into the sea”. A declaration like that 3 years after the holocaust, towards a population made up largely of holocaust survivors deserves condemnation. I an’t side with the notion that in that conflict, and the immigration leasing up to it, that the European Jewish refugees are the bad guys and aggressors…

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

For my understanding, the general meaning of the word "Zionism" is vastly changed throughout the eras. And there isn't a homogeneous kind of Zionism anyway. What kind of "Zionist agenda" the people/government living in the land of "Israel/Palestine" in the 30-50s to today had in mind and pushing for is totally different. Let's be concerned with today's general definition of Zionism, as mostly defined by the Likud and the other far-right/Nationalist parties in today's Israel shall we?

Also, I can't imagine there are a whole lot of countries that would deny Israel's right-to-exist (like, physically, wholeheartedly want to wipe them of the face of the earth kind, NOT the expedient, political rhetorics for their own domestic consumption kind). And those that could really be crazy enough, like Iran, I constantly (naively?) felt the Ayatollahs would rather opt for silent, staus-quo relations than go to war with Israel (they must see the Ukraine invaison and see Russia/Putin isolation as a lesson, they can't afford to put themselves in the same position as Putin's in a Israel/Iran war. The Ayatollahs don't have even Iranian people standing behind them).

The good is that for Israel vs. the Arab countries, trust building is possible, but incredibly slow -- it only takes one wrong step to negate a mile of trust building -- but still, the past few years have seen some Arab countries opening up bilateral embassies with Israel along wiht increased trades & direct flights, etc.

The no good, very bad news of the statehood issues, daily IvP conflict, land grabs and from low-level militray incursions to the occasional missiles trading military operations, are happening far too often. Thus making hard-core Zionism, support of Hamas, the isolation of the Palestinian people & economy, etc. all the more severe. None of these are paths towards peace and/or creating the conditions for mutually agreeable settlement. All the flashpoints needs to be addressed in an even-handed way. But we just don't see balance in the media and/or the world political arena.

The Shopping Cart Theory

olyar15 says...

This is the problem with generalities: there is almost always an exception. This happened to me a while ago: The grocery store I go to can get busy and has a pretty small parking lot, so it is often full. It is also one-way only so the lanes are narrow. I was loading my groceries into my car, and another car was waiting for my spot. When I finished, I went to return the cart, but the driver of the other car rolled down the window and told me not to bother, and that she will take the cart herself.

Now, I could have ignored her and returned the cart, which according to the video would have been the "correct" thing to do, but that would have simply lengthened the time the other driver had to wait (as well as the cars behind her since they couldn't go around her), for no real benefit other than to return the cart. Instead, I pushed the cart out of the way, got into my car and left. Even though it was technically "wrong" for me to have done this, I feel it was the correct thing to do in that situation.

The Dutch Know How To Party

psycop says...

Is it me or can you see the crowd father away from the stage lagging behind a bit?

If you have a venue sufficiently enormous the sound does take a little longer to travel back. I'd be super excited if that was the case!

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...


I know these are bullshit statistics Bob, because there have been 212 already this year with over 250 deaths in 5 months. Nice try, another easily debunked lie.

Edit: There we’re another 9 killed (and 63 more injured) in 14 mass shootings just this weekend, including 6 kids under 15 in just one.

the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey puts the number of citizens who prevent crimes by using guns much lower than 2.5 million the NRA often claims -- about 67,740 times a year….and in the vast majority of those they never shoot those guns.
Edit: The CDC report you cited said maybe 108,000 times per year guns were used in defense, not 750000- 1.5 million….but noted the statistics they used were incomplete and unreliable….and also noted that accidents and suicides alone vastly outweigh any positive statistic.

the Violence Policy Center statistics showed that in 2012, there were 259 justifiable self-defense homicides in which victims turned the tables, not 2 million.
They also show the theft of about 232,000 guns each year -- about 172,000 of them during burglaries. That’s a ratio of one justifiable homicide for every 896 guns put into the hands of criminals. Is that what you call “successful policy”?

By the end of 2019, there were 417 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which tracks every mass shooting in the country. Thirty-one of those shootings were mass murders. What is your definition of “mass shooting” because it’s clearly not any time 3 or more are shot by one person.

Abortions account for 0% of deaths each year….but it was targeted with outrageously regressive misogynistic laws that make women incubators without any rights including no rights to contraception. A bit more draconian than having to get a background check to buy guns, don’t you think?

On average, more than 360 people in the USA are shot every day and survive – at least long enough to get to a hospital.
In 2017, some 39,773 died from gunshot injuries, an average of nearly 109 people each day. Per capita, this is significantly higher than in other industrialized countries. The rates of gun homicide are much higher in states with higher gun ownership. More guns equate to higher crime and murder rates, not lower. That is consistent over time.

No, bob….that’s according to the NRA, not the CDC….unless you count any crime stopped or caught by police because they all have guns, but that’s not what you claimed.

900 mass shooting fatalities in what timeframe bob?

Where do you get these insane statistics bob? Your behind?

Bob, no country slaughters more of its citizens than the US thanks to guns.

It’s almost 3 times as likely someone in your home will be shot if you have a gun.

In 2020, 54% of gun homicides are suicides. (Pew)

Again, cite your sources. I know you can’t because it would be too embarrassing for you to admit they came from THE NRA, Glen Beck, or some other nut job liar….or straight from your own ass.

bobknight33 said:

*fake statistics*

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

No. It would not, imo. Mass shootings don’t help their positions.
Definitely not helpful to them if it sparked real political change.
It would only be “winning” for them if an armed civilian stopped the attack, but they don’t allow armed civilians at their events where they rally for the rights of any civilians to be armed anywhere but their events.
Edit: also, I don’t mind them “winning” if it means sensible gun laws that bar violent criminals and mentally unstable people from buying or carrying guns. I’m not anti gun, I’m anti unregulated guns.

My hatred is not their goal. If it were, they could save their money and pro-death stances, humanity as a whole did the job for them.

Their goal is to sell more guns. They’re an industry lobbying group, not a civil rights organization.
A little blowback from their own policies is exactly what’s needed to change some political positions. They’re cowards, but so far they’ve been safe behind their security, and the money is good.
Remember, the last meaningful gun control measure, background checks, came directly as a result of an assassination attempt against a pro gun Republican.

BSR said:

That would mean they are still winning.

EDIT: Their goal is to get you to hate. Don't fall for it.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

The proof that these assholes don’t believe their “good guy with a gun” lie is they don’t allow guns at the NRA events.

I wish some nut(s) would attack the NRA event, shooting a few dozen gun proponent politicians that normally hide behind their armed security and bullet proof podiums. I’m sure their tune would change significantly if some of their ilk were silenced permanently. No one deserves it more than Abbot.

Edit: BTW…more unarmed school children have been murdered in school this year than police officers in the line of duty. For all their bravado, their whining about how dangerous it is to be a cop, the necessity for more militarized equipment for their safety, it’s actually more dangerous to be a 10 year old student. I guess those kids should all get vests, rifles, pepper spray, armored vehicles and buildings, etc. ..that’s the solution.

Also, guns are the leading cause of death for children under 19 …have been since 2020.

Fucking worthless cowards and thugs, every single one. They deserve one more bullet each…delivered at high speed.

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