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How To Deep Fry A Steak

Sarzy says...

That's cool, but I think that's one of those "just because you could doesn't mean you should" deals. A big reason why battered and fried things are so tasty is the contrast between the crispy exterior and the tender/soft interior. Crispy and chewy isn't quite as appealing of a contrast.

CNN caught reporting fake news on russian hack

enoch says...

jimmy dore is from the young turks.

while you may disagree with his delivery,you cannot deny that historically the intelligence community has been used as a battering ram to perpetrate some fucked up,and sometimes,illegal shit.

multiple intelligence agencies also swore that saddam hussein had WMD's and was collaborating with al qeada.

multiple intelligence agencies swore that the conflict in vietnam needed to be expanded,and use sect of defense robert mcnamara to sell it to president johnson.

mcnamara later recanted and displayed deep regret for the lies he sold not only the president,but the american people.colin powell ended up doing the very same thing,for the EXACT same reasons.

in my opinion,CNN has slowly become a propaganda arm for the it is NO surprise that they reference these "multiple intelligence sources" as a means to increase tensions between US and russia.

and while i am positive that russia,along with the US and pretty much every advanced nation on this planet engages in cyber spying,until i see actual PROOF that putin directed russian intelligence to actively hack our elections in order to put trump in power...i am going to remain skeptical.

because i have seen "multiple intelligence sources' as an excuse to engage in some pretty despicable activities by my government.

i live by a very simple axiom:
governments lie.

Insane woman assaults legal e-bike rider on public path

newtboy says...

Only one asshole, the idiot that attacked the rider because she's 100% wrong about the law and her rights to enforce it. He could have legally killed that woman. She kidnapped (that's what it is when you illegally detain someone, like she did) and assault and battered him. As I see it, he would have been justified shooting her.
I hope they find and charge that moron, she committed at least 2 felonies on camera.

Edit-keep in mind she had already blocked and attacked him before the video starts, explaining and excusing his attitude in my eyes.

CrushBug said:

I think there is plenty of asshole to go around there.

US Navy SEALs Combat Swim

chicchorea says...

"The combat side stroke is a relaxing and very efficient swim stroke that is an updated version of the traditional sidestroke. The CSS is a mix of sidestroke, freestyle and breaststroke. The combat side stroke allows the swimmer to swim more efficiently and reduce the body's profile in the water in order to be less likely to be seen during combat operations if surface swimming is required. The concept of CSS has been that it can be used with or without wearing swim fins (flippers), the only difference being that when wearing swim fins the swimmer's legs will always be kicking in the regular flutter kick motion without the scissor kick. This stroke is one of the strokes that can be used for prospective SEAL candidates in the SEAL physical screening test (PST), which includes a 500-yard swim in 12 minutes 30 seconds to determine if the candidate is suitable to go to the Basic Underwater Demolitions/SEAL school.


The combat side stroke utilizes the three main fundamentals of swimming:

Balance: There are two things that affect your balance in the water - the head and lungs. Most people when swimming, especially when using breaststroke, will swim with their head up[citation needed] which forces their hips to sink down which is like they are swimming uphill and is a sign of being less comfortable. However, if the body is flat/horizontal or more parallel to the water-line it is far more effective and will allow the swimmer to feel more comfortable in the water.
Length: The taller the person is, the faster the speed through the water. As a result, it is important that the swimmer is fully stretched horizontally in the water, as this will reduce the body's drag through the water and allow a higher speed.
Rotation: In most sports, such as baseball, when the batter swings the baseball bat they will rotate the hips to increase the power of the swing. The same principle is applied to swimming. If the swimmer engages the hips and uses the body's core muscles it will increase power."

You rather nailed it.

SFOGuy said:

Clueless question; this style of swimming because it's really energy efficient? Because it makes less wake and is stealthier? Because it's harder to hit someone swimming like this in the water with gunfire?

Sorry, I'm not sure why they settled on this stroke...He says faster and more efficient---but---any engineers/biomechanics/hydrodynamics folks who tell tell me why?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

John Oliver - Debt Buyers

John Oliver - Debt Buyers

Stephen's Lifestyle Brand Gets Sexy

eric3579 says...

$15,000 dildo sounds totally worth it.

Thor Buckswallow writes:
"This is the kind of toy that only comes around once in a lifetime. When you first insert this gorgeous pleasure rod into your hoo hah, your toes will curl while your left arm goes numb as receptors fly across your body delivering messages that could end world hunger. The first time I unboxed this hedonist pole and rammed it like a battering ram into the door of a third-world immigrant living in Germany into my vaginal cavity, I screamed so loud that my neighbors (who live 3 miles away on their own estate) called the police. I had to pay off the local police chief so he would bury the incident. Not a negative, though, since paying the local authorities off so they wouldn't interfere with the weekend torture rituals was on my to-do list anyways! LOL! Great product, would recommend."

Although I 'll be spending my hard earned money on this special treat.

"Earl", Quite simply the most distinguished gentleman’s plug in the world, is the finest butt plug in the land and for $2590 a bargain.

Police Murder Sleeping Couple On A Date

poolcleaner says...

Here's an old ass song by The Offspring, a local socal band, with their not-so hit song titled "LAPD":

When cops are taking care of business I can understand
But the L.A. story's gone way out of hand
Their acts of aggression, they say they're justified
But it seems an obsession has started from the inside
They're shooting anyone who even tries to run
They're shooting little kids with toy guns
Take it to a jury but they don't give a damn
Because the one who tells the truth is always the policeman

Beat all the niggers
Beat whoever you see
Don't need a reason
(We're) L.A.P.D.

The city of L.A. feels like a prison
With helicopters overhead and bullets whizzing by
Martial law ain't no solution
Police brutality's just social pollution

Beat all the white trash
Beat whoever you see
Don't need a reason
(We're) L.A.P.D.

They say they're keeping the peace
But I'm not buying it because a billy club ain't much of a pacifier
"Protecting your freedom"
Now that's just a lie
It's an excuse for power that's more like an alibi
Law and order doesn't really matter
When you're the one getting bruisedand battered
You take it to a jury, they'll throw it in your face
Because justice in L.A. comes in a can of mace

Atlas, The New Generation

AeroMechanical says...

That is goddamn impressive. I can only imagine in 10 years, they'll have one that moves pretty indistinguishably from a human. Of course, the trick will be making the batter last for more than 20 minutes.

All the same. This just way cool stuff.

confrontation at trump rally

newtboy says...

Making America Hate Again-CHUMP! mean TRUMP!

No surprise these people can't stand any whit of dissent, no matter how respectful or calm it might be, and instantly move from anger to battery and destruction of property while being egged on to go farther. Fascists can never stand disagreement, because it tends to point out how wrong or dumb they are.

Also no surprise, but sad that the rent a cop (at least I hope that cop was off duty and being paid by the Trump campaign) ignored the actual crime and opted to eject the victims.

Why aren't Trump supporters ejected this fast and mobbed when they actually interrupt other candidates and assault and batter people at, for instance, Clinton rallies? It seems to me they have decided in their wisdom that the rules are now that it's OK to beat up and threaten to burn alive 'interlopers' at a rally (as if it's a secret meeting and Trump's secret master plan to win might get out and be ruined), so that should mean they think it's the proper response when they go to other's rallies to interrupt others, right? Turnabout's fair play, after all, right?
(To be clear, I'm not advocating beating and/or burning them, I'm saying they should see that since it's not OK to do to them, it's not OK to do to others...but they don't see that)

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Asmo says...

I was thinking more battering ram, just smash it in to stuff until it yields to my manliness... = |

If we're going to get made out to be knuckle dragging Neanderthals, might as well go the whole hog... =)

newtboy said:

Yeah...mine is like a master key. Snaffles latches, locks, and deadbolts...just gotta stuff it in the hole and sesame!

Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

newtboy says...

So, you must also think that battered women 'caused this to happen' by not capitulating to their husbands/boyfriends, huh?
You must think those innocent people released from Guantanamo 'caused this to happen' by not making up some terrorist activities to admit to when being tortured?

Sitting quietly is not a crime that requires violence...EVER. The disruption this has caused is exponentially greater than the disruption caused by not leaving class. The proper thing to do would be 1. talk to her and explain that by not following the officers instructions, she's forcing them to expel her and she won't ever be returning to class after today and 2. if that doesn't work, call backup. This bodybuilder cop, Ben Fields, is well known as "Officer Slam" at the school, this is not the first time he's been sued over excessive force, not even the first time he was caught on camera, but this time he was caught strangling and throwing children across the room by the neck.

There's absolutely no excuse for the violence from that officer. They are now trying to claim she hit the cop so his actions were OK...but want us all to ignore that she was flailing and accidentally touched him only AFTER being lifted by the neck with another hand reaching between her legs. In my opinion, it's fine to stab anyone doing that to you when you were simply sitting. Stab them in the eye with your self defense. I think I might have attacked that douchebag beating up a girl if it had been in my class....and probably paid for it later, but that's better than just sitting by and watching. I couldn't live with myself if I just sat and watched that BS.

Again. I hope she gets paid, and he never has another dime to his name, because she's going to win this lawsuit big time.

artician said:

Yeah seriously, see:
"Did it go too far- yep but the student caused this to happen."

Most Entertaining Baseball At Bat Ever.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

I am forever sorry for those like you Bob. A living breathing human being, regardless of beliefs, sexuality or lot in life, always MATTERS. This should inherently be a 'given' and not an instance of 'change' for cryin' out loud! How anyone doesn't understand that is beyond my comprehension.

Now, if you DIRECTLY and adversely impact the wellbeing of another individual ... bullying, rape, murder yadda, yadda [the possibility of offences is obviously infinite] ... there should be appropriate consequences for one's chosen actions. That's a whole new ballgame ... batter up!

bobknight33 said:

And the next insignificant minority to be placed on the liberal mantel of change--- Transgender Rights. Because the 0.0021% matter.

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