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Borat - Horse is like Man

Joaquin Phoenix On Letterman 2-11-09

Is Hip Hopper Ryan Leslie really Sacha Baron Cohen? (Mystery Talk Post)

13757 says...

Oooh, Sasha Baron Cohen is just a step ahead of the nowadays Joaquim Phoenix with his recent quest of dubious social experimentation to become a (too biographcally documented) "rap super star." But Baron is going full anonymous personification! wow superb this is.. wow.

Oh wait, one is a drunkard and the other has done this gag before but now it just got even better!

SUPER GREG! Numba One! - Still the Best DJ EVAR

Borat On Fox News

Peter Sellers - White Shoe Scene "The Party"

Sacha Baron Cohen Shocks Sensibilities of Kansas Airport

Sacha Baron Cohen Shocks Sensibilities of Kansas Airport

rottenseed says...

>> ^thinker247:
Apparently the commotion caused by two men gyrating in hot pants disturbed the airport patrons so much that they fled, screaming, into the local church for prayer and guidance. This naturally could have disrupted the Easter play being run, but luckily the fleeing mob was stopped by a roaming televangelist who stole their wallets and ran off, never to be heard from again. And that's the story of Jesus! Amen.

tofumar? is that you? he's ALIVE!!!

Ali G on Women

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'ali g, sacha baron cohen, gender, women' to 'ali g, sacha baron cohen, gender, women, trying feminism' - edited by calvados

Sacha Baron Cohen Shocks Sensibilities of Kansas Airport

thinker247 says...

Exactly. I was just imagining those two men gyrating to the laughter of patrons, then blowing themselves up. Gawd bless America.

>> ^MINK:
"the security staff did nothing because they were told the film crew had permission to be there"
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhht. So now we know how to completely disable airport security.

Sacha Baron Cohen Shocks Sensibilities of Kansas Airport

Sacha Baron Cohen Shocks Sensibilities of Kansas Airport

Krupo says...

>> ^atara:
Wait. The anchor said this "nearly interrupted a play at a local church"...? How?

I know! DId they mix up two stories or something???

>> ^dag:
Looking forward to the new Bruno movie - I'm sure this will be in it.


Libertarian Candidate Bob Barr's Interview With Borat

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bob barr, libertarian, republican, congressman, sasha baron cohen' to 'bob barr, libertarian, republican, congressman, sasha baron cohen, cheese' - edited by Tofumar

Andy Kaufman on the Dating Show

CNN panel discussion slandering atheists!

rickegee says...

Oh, those atheistic European Muslims are the worst. You can't walk three steps in Amsterdam without tripping over someone on a non-prayer mat, not praying to Allah, and undoubtedly spreading Islamofascism and hating my freedom.

I think that the blonde is actually Rachel Drasch from SNL or Carlos Mencia in drag stealing the hot new Sacha Baron Cohen approach to comedy. She can't be serious with the 'atheist Muslims' bit, can she?

It is important to note that this segment followed a story about a family in Mississippi whose daughter was literally removed from her public elementary school because she wasn't down with all of the praying and Bible study. Naturally, if you are a fine journalist like Karen Tucker, I think the first thing that you do is grab Alec Baldwin and go tell the little girl to SHUT UP.

This particular segment is ALWAYS idiotic on the Zahn show. Atheists shouldn't feel uniquely targeted by the Mutt and Jeff show on display courtesy of Cable News Nonsense.

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