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A flying face-full of Bruno

mentality says...

Eminem definitely knew something was up, but I doubt he agreed beforehand to get balls in the face.It's very typical of Sasha Baron Cohen to get someone to agree to an interview/prank willingly and then turn the tables on them.

Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009

spawnflagger says...

Lars kinda sounds like Bruno (Sacha Baron Cohen's character).

I was considering installing MS Sharepoint Server, but this Waves product looks like it will surpass the utility of that, especially being open source.

Hopefully it will perform better than Adobe Connect.

Ron Paul is Even More Out-Of-Touch Than Expected (Bruno Related) (Blog Entry by volumptuous)

Sweeney Todd - Pirelli's Miracle Elixir

Ron Paul is Even More Out-Of-Touch Than Expected (Bruno Related) (Blog Entry by volumptuous)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Alright, you be good too. I hope to see you on messenger once in a while, though.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Thanks for the cookie, much appreciated gwizzy, looks hilarious - much better than I thought it would be. I am indeed taking a holiday from here, no reason in particular, i'd just like to stay away long enough to have something fresh to come back to.

Be good fuckface

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Come back! I miss you. I bring cookies

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Thanks for the cookie, much appreciated gwizzy, looks hilarious - much better than I thought it would be. I am indeed taking a holiday from here, no reason in particular, i'd just like to stay away long enough to have something fresh to come back to.

Be good fuckface

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Come back! I miss you. I bring cookies

berticus (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

berticus (Member Profile)

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

Bruno (new movie from Sacha Baron Cohen) -- redband trailer

Xax says...

>> ^keitholbermann:
Paul ran out of the room yelling, "He's a damn queer!"
I commend Sacha Baron Cohen for taking extreme risks in the name of outing known homophobes in our representative government.

If that's true, it's doesn't change my view that the man should be president. Not because I heart homophobes, but Ron Paul is all about civil liberty. I'd rather have a president who is a homophobe but stands up for equality and gay rights than a president who is "alright with the gays," but doesn't put their money where their mouth is.

Bruno (new movie from Sacha Baron Cohen) -- redband trailer

keitholbermann says...

While the moronic Ron Paul was campaigning for the U.S. presidency, Bruno cleverly tricked him into a dark bedroom during an interview. Bruno made passes at the homophobe Paul, and at one point Bruno dropped his pants in front of the congressman. Paul ran out of the room yelling, "He's a damn queer!"

I commend Sacha Baron Cohen for taking extreme risks in the name of outing known homophobes in our representative government. It's obvious Paul hates gays by that comment alone.

Cohen also cleverly tricked the equally moronic (and equally fringe libertarian) Bob Barr into eating cheese made from human breast milk in the Borat movie. I like to think the breast milk came from the teet of a poor working class single mother without enough welfare to care for her family of eight.

Bruno (new movie from Sacha Baron Cohen) -- redband trailer

Sarzy (Member Profile)

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