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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Caught red handed again.
After getting caught perpetrating the idiotic #walk away fraud in 2018 where Republicans created fake accounts to spread their fake message that Democrats were leaving the Democratic party in droves, complete with multiple fake personal stories and stock photos attached, you're at it again with another walk away campaign, this time targeting black people on Twitter and other social media with fake bot run accounts again using stock photos pretending to be people leaving the Democratic party for Trump. I'm surprised you haven't used them as proof Republicans aren't racist.

When will constant lies and frauds be too much for you? What if I remind you Trump is a pro choice Democrat that embodies the 7 deadly sins in one flabby package, but couldn't get any Democratic votes so switched to Republican, and adopted all the most hateful, xenophobic, and conspiratorial parts of their platform.
Remember how happy he was to have the Clintons at his last wedding? Wasn't Epstein there too?

Stealth vs Action in FPS campaigns - The Final Battle

00Scud00 says...

I'm generally a stealth man myself, but I have to admit that those MG 42's are a top notch German bullet hose. Hmmm, could I attach a silencer to one?

Whats the strongest thing we should build?

BSR says...

The first of the two I picked up was a female doctor in hotel room. Two tanks of party balloon helium with a hose attached to a plastic bag over her head. I never knew there was such a thing.

If you find yourself in heaven, that means you've already made it through hell.

You know you got to go through hell
Before you get to heaven - Steve Miller Band

00Scud00 said:

With the helium that may be because people are afraid of going to hell or heaven in the same condition they left the world in, nobody wants to spend eternity sounding like Mickey Mouse.

Animal Takeover Music Video

StukaFox says...

We're just waiting.
Waiting for the right moment.
The moment when the guys sitting at the Minuteman controls wander off for a snack.
And leave the keys in the launch position
And leave the codes written on a Post-It attached to the underside of their keyboard
And for evolution to turn this damned dewclaw into an opposable thumb
Until then,
We're just waiting...
(in the meantime, if you could just leave the door to the hen-house slightly ajar, we'd appreciate it. Thanks.)

Gundam Robot Yokohama, Japan Walk Testing!

spawnflagger says...

Yeah, there's no way that thing will ever self-balance. Seems like it's attached to that building. So it's a really cool articulating building. Maybe a useful thing to put in a theme park.

Doctor wears six face masks to debunk lack of oxygen myth

cloudballoon says...

For the alt-fact conspiracy believing nincompoops, I'm afraid this video is not good enough to convince them. They'll dispute the heck out of the video as a "fake setup."

I can think of:

1) Need to zoom out more so the sensor is clearly shown to be attached to the monitor at all time

2) no cutting out frames (speed up segments are OK?),

3) show the effect on the indicator's ### by not having the sensor attached to the finger (e.g. drops down to 00 or Error), and,

4) show the number by holding the breath (nostrils pinched & mouth closed) for an extended time to see it drops significantly as verification.

Bollywood Action Jackson

BSR says...

Go frame by frame (comma key - period key) at 2:15. The car barrel rolls with someone seemingly attached to the outside of the vehicle by the foot which makes a full revolution as it comes toward the camera. Barely notice it at normal speed.

Sagemind said:

I was ready to hate but it's so well done! hahahaaaa

Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

newtboy says...

There's no such thing as a casual conversation with a racist pig. Only conversation designed to catch you in what they say is some admission or claim you slurred your words so they can violate you more.
Never answer questions. None. You have no obligation to help them investigate you, and that's what questions are. You have a constitutional right to remain silent, use it.

Another good cop? As good as they get now, only blatantly racist by his actions. There's no such thing as a good cop. They're a myth.
Note after seeing this video they aren't a bit convinced there's something wrong with him giving a written warning for not speeding and before they'll even consider looking at his actions they need an official complaint with his name, address, place of work, car model and color, license, and any other identifying information attached....for ID purposes not retaliation. His entire department backs him in this harassment. I'll bet $20 if he went to the precinct to make an official complaint they'll first spend hours dismissively trying to talk him out of it before claiming they're out of forms, come back next week and try again.

A warning for 5 mph under the limit. Yeah....I'm sure he pulls over every little old white lady he sees driving and arrests them, they go 20+mph under 70. What utter bullshit.

These aren't police, not civil servants, and they aren't there to help or keep the peace, they're violent, power tripping thugs, racists, liars, and are all severely lead deficient. The last two weeks have proven it conclusively.

Perry, please make that official formal complaint, and please record that interaction in full. This was not a valid traffic stop, it was an abuse of power by a disrespectful racist asshole who wanted to harass a black man.


Sen. Bernie Sanders | Real Time,Bill Maher

newtboy says...

Trump claims the first stimulus package was for up to $6 trillion, not just two....and expects two more will be needed, making the bill for his inaction near $18-19 trillion by his estimates. That means all the outrage over Sanders plans to spend trillions on healthcare and education was utter bullshit (which we knew) or that the problem was we would get something for our money. Trump's just handing it out, largely without strings attached or getting any equity or concessions for it like Obama's bailouts did. Now THAT'S some serious socialism, meaning in just over 3 years his mismanagement would have more than doubled the national debt during an economic expansion (he added >$5 trillion without the pandemic, well over $1 trillion per year deficit before the economic collapse)....Conman Don, Don the Con, that's what they call him, I'm hearing people call him that, Don the Con.

It's all but guaranteed that he's going to just grab the Covid19 funds to build his wall, which is quickly becoming the wall America paid for FOR MEXICO who handled the pandemic infinitely better with only .3% of the cases America has and is stopping Americans from going to Mexico now.
(Side note, with immigrant harvesters staying home and crops rotting in the fields, expect food prices to skyrocket while unemployment also continues to skyrocket.)
@bobknight33 , comments?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No Bob. That's wrong....not surprising because Russia doesn't teach American politics, but that's not how it works.

Your simple illustration from a simple mind is incorrect. Impeachment isn't the same as a bill, if it was McConnell would just refuse to act like he has on almost every bill, killing it in political limbo. He simply cannot do that, because it's not a bill, it's a constitutional duty.

Yes, at this point the articles are legitimate, and the Senate's slimy trail began long ago. The trial can't start until the legitimate articles are submitted to the Senate.

A realistic illustration for a simple mind....this is like having a grand jury indictment that has yet to be put on the courts calendar because the judge is the defendant's best friend and business partner but refuses to recuse himself. The indictment is legitimate, but the trial hasn't yet started because the only prosecutor and the jury pool has stated publicly that they're all working for the defendant and will just exonerate him without a real trial, no evidence, and no testimony.
The Senate has to have a real trial to enforce it....but has already ensured any faux trial is nothing but a politically motivated rubber stamp where jeopardy is never attached.

Funny you ignored the bit about charity fraud and other high crimes, which he undeniably committed and admitted under oath so you have to call him a perjuror to deny it, stealing from veterans and children to pay for his campaign and inauguration, lying to Mueller which you applauded, and making hundreds of millions by renting resort rooms to foreign governments at inflated rates that aren't even used (which is pure bribery). That's impeachable, cause for removal, and should end in prison, he outright stole millions through fraud and admitted it last year in court. I suppose you must agree since you didn't contradict any of that.....and you can't, because he's admitted it all.

bobknight33 said:

..... till given to Senate for the trail.

A simple illustration for a simple mind.

If the House voted for a tax cut is not a tax cut YET. I has to go to the Senate and the Senate has to pass it

The articles have not been given to the Senate. At this point the article are legitimate. and the trail can begin.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No standing? Lol. According to who? Trump? Giuliani?
Technically speaking, once the house votes to impeach, he's impeached.

She's holding them back because Senate Republicans have stated clearly they intend to ignore their constitutional obligation to be impartial and will simply pardon Trump with no examination of the evidence, no witnesses, no trial. It's proper to wait until McConnell publicly retracts his unambiguous public statements that he's not going to have a fair (or any) trial, he's not going to be impartial, and that he's simply going to work for and pardon Trump. If he was on any jury, he would be dismissed for those statements. As it stands, unless he recused himself along with all the others who have said the same thing, the trial is a blatant sham because jeopardy isn't attached, and if that happens it will be relitigated after the Republicans lose control of the Senate, which they will if they follow McConnell's lead.
Perhaps that's why they didn't include the multiple impeachable crimes he's admitted to under oath, they need proven crimes to impeach him a second time in case he's reelected, but this time with a Senate that's not his bitch.

Why is Trump whining about it like a spoiled infant?
Why is he really whining and crying about it?

Because he needs the Senate to quickly rubber stamp his pardon, not be forced into an actual trial, not expose the evidence, and certainly not convict. Funny, until seconds before they knew she was withholding them, they all whined about the process moving way too fast, then instantly flipped and cried that it's going too slow now. *facepalm

Treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy is certainly worthy of impeachment, taking foreign donations in trade for policy that benefits them and not the U.S. is impeachable, so is perjury (which you admit he's done), so is felony fraud (which he admits he's done repeatedly), so is ignoring the emoluments clause of the constitution, just to name a few.

bobknight33 said:

Technically speaking Articles of impeachment have no standing till given to Senate for the trail.

Why is Nancy holding them back?
Why is she really holding them back?

Because there is no crime worthy of impeachment.

Once again Dems have nothing.

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

newtboy says...

Oops....Trump's trade advisor went on Fox and stupidly admitted that as part of his trade talks with China he asked the Chinese to investigate Biden....well before Trump said the same thing on international television. This tanks the moronic Republican lie that Trump was only trolling the press when he publicly said China needs to investigate his political rivals, it was also an official request tied to his trade wars.

Numerous other Republicans are getting caught in this Giuliani slime web, having accepted massive foreign donations from Giuliani's friends with strings attached to each one.

Now, after pulling our forces from Syria where they were stopping Turkey from invading by their presence....for their safety and to get the U.S. out of the middle east he said, but really it's to protect his interests in the Trump towers in Turkey from state seizure....Today he announced he's sending thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia for their protection. (I guess so they don't have to use those weapons he's so proud they bought?)
These moves not only make it likely ISIS will survive and embed themselves worldwide, but also makes enemies of the Kurds, our staunch allies. It is foreseeable that a new, anti American Kurdish terrorist group will be the result. Who could possibly blame them?

Also this morning Trump lost another appeal trying to hide his taxes.

Will the madness ever end?

World’s Largest Optical Lens

BSR says...

Fun Fact: Menlo Park, NJ (not CA)

In November 1877, one of Edison’s first major inventions at Menlo Park was the phonograph, which was a basic machine that allowed a person to speak into a diaphragm that was attached to a pin that made indentations on a paper wrapped around wood. The first words Edison successfully recorded on the phonograph were “Mary had a Little Lamb”. By 1878, this invention was known all around the world and Edison soon earned the title of “The Wizard of Menlo Park.

Dad was a big fan Edison.

newtboy said:

My first job was next door to SLAC.

Take a Ride - Don Felder, Heavy Metal Soundtrack

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

harlequinn says...

It is relatively easy to get a quite common pre 1986 machine gun.

The whole process is cheap. $200. Fill out a ATF form 4 and attach a passport sized photo. There are only a few questions to answer (that take up about 2.5 pages). This took about 30 seconds on google to find out. It is not more difficult to pass this background audit than that of a federal agent. I've looked into applying to be a federal agent and their process is an order of magnitude more stringent.

"What you, me, or others consider firearms means nothing."

You asked me what I considered a firearm. I answered both my personal opinion, and then specifically said that what the government considers a firearm to be is what it is. I'm surprised you seem to have missed this.

Registries are a step towards being able to confiscate guns en-masse. If you know who has what it is much easier to take it away from them. This sentiment is well documented on pro-gun forums.

"It doesn't take any money to ban certain firearms, certainly not a boatload"

Very true. I was tempted to point this out but I didn't. I believe that this is one of the core reasons they want to do it. It makes you think they are doing something when they aren't, and it costs sweet fuck all compared to say, spending money on anything else that will genuinely improve the average man's lot.

'your off hand assumption that, without your derisive "warning", he would be "dumb" enough to make an assumption'

Now that's the thing about warnings, you aren't assuming the behaviour of anyone. You only know it is a possibility that you don't want to happen. You don't know if it will happen or not. So you put up a warning. That's how warnings work.

But hey, this is your house right? Make no mistake, you've stamped yourself all over videosift like a dog marking its territory. Outsiders who don't comply with your way of thinking basically aren't welcome.

newtboy said:

At best that leaves only the rare pre 1986 automatics already in private hands, only in some states (totally illegal under any circumstances in many other states), only if you can first pass an expensive background check more stringent than the one federal agents must pass. Sounds like some serious regulation to me.

What you, me, or others consider firearms means nothing. I gave you the law as written, it includes those, they are illegal, so there are effective regulations on firearms already....that doesn't mean they're sufficient. Those words are different words, that's why they're spelled and pronounced differently. Speed limits are effective laws, but not sufficient to regulate vehicle use.

Why do so many firearms lovers fear being on a registry? I've always found that insane, like every other purchase you make isn't tracked or something. There's no purchase privacy anymore, for anything.

It doesn't take any money to ban certain firearms, certainly not a boatload, and not the ocean of cash health care costs. That's a red herring. All it takes is for representatives to vote the way their constituents want them to by 98%.
Perhaps in that sense it would take money, because in order to get them to vote as the people want, campaign finance reform is necessary, and that will cost money, but it's the best thing our country could possibly spend money on.

I support a slightly modified second amendment and universal health care. My interpretation allows for regulations, registration, universal background checks even for family transfers, bans of certain types, seizure from violent convicts and mental patients (impossible without a registry, btw), etc. Yes, I understand that's not how the constitution is written today, but the constitution is a living document. In California, we have most of that as state law already, including an outright ban on fully or selectively automatic weapons.

Btw, you suggest....Try to make people feel welcome.
I was responding in kind to your off hand assumption that, without your derisive "warning", he would be "dumb" enough to make an assumption about you. Then you go on to say making assumptions is dumb. Care to rethink? Had you been more thoughtful and less derisive in making that point I likely would have ignored the hypocrisy.

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